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Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin

Shayn Jones & Orin Felix (Open Minds Media)

Join Shayn & Orin as we dissect the bizarre one encounter at a time. From deep dives to interviews we've got you covered on any and all of your fascinations into the bizarre and anomalous. . . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters . . CONTACT US / REPORT AN ENCOUNTER bizarreencounters@outlook.com . . Open Minds Media (OMM) https://linktr.ee/open_minds_media . . Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/bizarre-encounters-with-sh ...
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Podcast ini dibuat oleh 3 sekawan yang sifatnya random dan bacotan nya ga guna. Tapi ya lumayan lah buat didengar, siapa tau kalian enjoy dengerin podcast ini semoga terhibur
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Richard Oring and Josh Levitus discuss financial matters at New Century Financial Group, located in Princeton, New Jersey. Richard's expertise in taxes and accounting provides him with a distinct viewpoint on financial planning and how taxes interplay with it. Meanwhile, Josh offers his experience in working with younger investors to the discussion.
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show series
Join Shayn & Orin with guest Tom Thompson (Strange Brew Podcast/The Raptilian) as we dig into conspiracies and theories, Ouija board experiences, Shadow People encounters, & uncovering the truth. All this and more on the 110th episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . . Tom…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Nomar Slevik (Author/Researcher) as we dive into strange local tales from Maine, the UFO phenomenon, The 2004 Dogman Encounter Story, & The Frog People of Maine. All this and more on the 109th episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . . Nomar Sl…
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WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/H-WZu_JfZ0I . Join Shayn & Orin as we discuss Cartoon Conspiracies, Vatican Doors, & The Florida Man Games. Thanks for checking out the 20th episode of "Bizarre Inquiries". Don't forget to submit your own bizarre inquiry, clip, or article for us to discuss on the show! Do us a favor and like, follow, share, & leav…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dig into Operation Highjump & Admiral Byrd's Diary! Along with a plethora other Antarctica conspiracies & theories. Thanks for tuning in to the 108th episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee…
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Une heure pour résumer, en deux mots et deux couleurs, les différents clivages politiques dans les pays ou le bipartisme est à l'honneur. Il est difficile de trouver une définition précise du clivage Gauche - Droite, qui puisse fonctionner quels que soient le lieu et l'époque, celui-ci changeant avec le temps. Lire la suite…
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WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/CVvFx5pXjuE . Join Shayn & Orin as we discuss 2025 prophecies from Baba Vanga, The DC Crash, & The Viking Poop Discovery. Thanks for checking out the 19th episode of "Bizarre Inquiries". Don't forget to submit your own bizarre inquiry, clip, or article for us to discuss on the show! Do us a favor and like, follow,…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dig into The Lost Colony of Roanoke! Thanks for tuning in to the 107th episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters . . REPORT AN ENCOUNTER Hotline: (313) 364-1551 bizarreencou…
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Une heure pour rendre hommage à un homme et un artiste engagé. Résumer sa vie en quelques mots serait: engagement, amour, simplicité et humilité. Une courte rétrospective de sa vie et des témoignages amicaux, vous permettront de le découvrir ou de vous remémorer l'ami ou le proche qu'il était. Lire la suite…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Ryley Watson (Midwest Mythos) as we dive into the strange stories & legends based around The Lake Michigan Triangle. Thanks for tuning in to the 106th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . . Ryley Watson (Midwest Mythos) https://linktr.ee/midwestmythospodcast…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Eli Watson (Small Town Monsters) as we dig into his experiences being a filmmaker, a fascinating encounter of a hunter shooting 2 Sasquatch, The Aztec UFO Crash, & of course theories and ideas on it all. Thanks for tuning in to the 105th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We …
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Wes Coons (VB Healer) as we dig into Wes's traumatic experiences of battling dark entities in his home, exorcism experiences, and how he came into his abilities and overcame trauma to help others.. Thanks for tuning in to the 104th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We apprec…
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Une rétrospective sur 20 années d'un programme qui nous conduisit du Venezuela à Paris, en passant par le brésil, l'argentine et d'autres continents. Les dernières années furent consacrées aux questions sociétales qui nous traversent: La sécurité, le conformisme, le travail des enfants, les révoltes et bien d'autres sujets. Lire la suite…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dig into The Cryptid Grab Bag #3! This time around we cover The Mongolian Death Worm, Batsquatch, & The Snallygaster! Thanks for tuning in to the 103rd episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee…
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WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/21uQAFVhWbQ Join Shayn & Orin as we discuss "Did some dude in Michigan get knocked out by a Sasquatch?" thanks to an article found by one of Shayn's family members this week. Thanks for checking out the 18th episode of "Bizarre Inquiries". Don't forget to submit your own bizarre inquiry, clip, or article for us to…
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Origines et significations d'anciennes expressions françaises expliquées dans ce programme : Nom d’un chien ! Donner sa langue au chat. Chercher midi à quatorze heures. Poser un lapin. Un froid de canard. Être dans de beaux draps.Mon petit doigt m’a dit. Faire un pied de nez. Se mettre au pieu. A tire larigot. etc.. Lire la suite…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we uncover the truth behind Bohemian Grove & The Jackyll Island Club! Thanks for tuning in to the 102nd episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters . . . REPORT AN ENCOUNTER Hotlin…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into The Kentucky Cave Dwellers & our theory of their possible origin involving The Moon Eyed People! Thanks for tuning in to the 101st episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee/bizarreenc…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Larry "Beans" Baxter (Alasquatch) as we get into the sasquatch research today, the dogman phenomenon, personal squatching experiences, police stories, & bigfoot in Alaska. Thanks for tuning in to the 100th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media/Em…
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Join Shayn & Orin for this LIVE PODCAST from Snarly Yow's Cryptid Halloween 3 as we dig into Cryptids of West Virginia! We of course have to hit all the heavy hitters such as The Snarly Yow, The Snallygaster, The Monthman, & The Flatwoods Monster. Thanks for tuning in to this bonus episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to …
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Récit d'une période de l'histoire américaine, de cette première démocratie de notre époque moderne. Et si Tocqueville a su montrer en quoi la démocratie américaine était exceptionnelle, à bien des égards, et qu’elle pouvait aisément faire figure d’idéal, nous verrons de quoi, ce grand pays des libertés est capable, au nom de ses convictions. Lire l…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into The Chester Bennington Conspiracy! Thanks for tuning in to the 99th episode of "Bizarre Encounters with Shayn & Orin". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters . . . REPORT AN ENCOUNTER Hotline: (313) 364-1551 ommen…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Ron Morehead (The Sierra Sounds) as we get into his expereinces at Sierra Camp, The Quantum Bigfoot Theory, The Tree Connection, the posssible origins Sasquatch, & reaching a higher dimension. Thanks for tuning in to the 98th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate i…
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WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/C49aQHNyQfI . Join Shayn & Orin as we discuss "What's up with all the hurricane conspiracies?" thanks to an article found by Orin this week. Thanks for checking out the 17th episode of "Bizarre Inquiries". Don't forget to submit your own bizarre inquiry, clip, or article for us to discuss on the show! Do us a favo…
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Join Shayn & Orin for this Halloween themed "The Cryptid Grab Bag #2" as we dig into the legends of The Jersey Devil, The Goatman, & The Bunny Man. Thanks for tuning in to the 97th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee/bizarreencou…
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WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/QbjPXc2XwIA . Join Shayn & Orin as we discuss "What's going on with CERN's film Symmetry?”. Thanks for checking out the 16th episode of "Bizarre Inquiries". Don't forget to submit your own bizarre inquiry, clip, or article for us to discuss on the show! Do us a favor and like, follow, share, & leave a review! We a…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Jason Tapp (SpookyCLT) as we start of spooky season off with the spooky history of Charlotte, Cryptids of North Carolina, Tales of Elmwood Cemetery, & other haunted locations. Thanks for tuning in to the 96th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Lyle Blackburn (Cryptozoologist/Rockstar) as we dive into cryptozoology research, reptilian/lizard-like humanoids. The Lake Worth Monster, personal thoughts on sightings, & the music of Ghoultown. Thanks for tuning in to the 95th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We apprecia…
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Une balade d'une heure dans les EHPAD pour collecter les témoignages de quelques résidents souhaitant partager leur histoire. Récits et anecdotes de personnes âgées et dépendantes, heureuses de servir d’archives vivantes, pour informer et renseigner les plus jeunes, sur ce que fut leur enfance, adolescence et vie de jeunes adultes. Lire la suite…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into The Skull & Bones Society! Thanks for tuning in to the 94th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters . . . CHECK OUT THE OMM MERCH STORE & PATREON! . Use code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Brian King-Sharp (Sasquatch Odyssey) as we dive into Sasquatch experiences on his property, Bigfoot casts/tracks, researching, investigating, & thoughts on the phenomenon. Thanks for tuning in to the 93rd episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it! . Social Media/Ema…
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Des révolutions de grande importance touchent les dimensions fondamentales de nos existences individuelles et collectives. Ces révolutions concernent notre rapport à la Terre, au développement de la technologie, aux nouveaux moyens d’information et de communication, à la reconfiguration complète du système due à la mondialisation. Lire la suite…
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WATCH ON YOUTUBE: https://youtu.be/ZNzsha1XJwE.Join Shayn & Orin as we discuss what conspiracy theories are circulating the 2024 election. Thanks for checking out the 14th episode of "Bizarre Inquiries". Don't forget to submit your own bizarre inquiry, clip, or article for us to discuss on the show!Do us a favor and like, follow, share, & leave a r…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into The Loveland Frogmen, The Coleman Frog, The Kappa, & The Beast of Busco! Thanks for tuning in to the 92nd episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon*4 NEW MERCH DESIGNS AVAILABLE NOW!*Use code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the …
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into Shayn's Continued Experiment Theory! Could there possibly be a human factor to the abduction phenomenon? Well, there seems to be enough connections dating back to WW2. Thanks for tuning in to the 91st episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Emai…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Alex Shae (Ashae_Photography) as we dive into bizarre encounters on a Missouri hiking trail, the underground limestone quarry strangeness, capturing a flying creature on camera, & cryptid theories. Thanks for tuning in to the 90th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreci…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into The Freemasons: Part 2! Thanks for tuning in to the 89th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/Patreon*4 NEW MERCH DESIGNS AVAILABLE NOW!*Use code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the OMM Merch Store!*NEW PATREON TIERS WITH 7 DAY FRE…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into The Freemasons: Part 1! Thanks for tuning in to the 88th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/PatreonUse code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the OMM Merch Store!*NEW PATREON TIERS WITH 7 DAY FREE TRIALS*(SPONSORSHIP TIER NOW AVAIL…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we take you to the Isle of Wight to dive into one of England's most bizarre encounter, Sam the Sandown Clown! Thanks for tuning in to the 87th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/PatreonUse code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the OMM Merch St…
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Join Shayn & Orin for The Cryptid Grab Bag #1 as we dive into The Dover Demon, The Puerto Rican Chupacabra, The Enfield Horror, & The Mantis Man! Thanks for tuning in to the 86th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/PatreonUse code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off t…
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Nancy Thames (Contactee) as we dive into life as a contactee, extraterrestrial experiences, raising consciousness, alien disclosure, alien technology, consciousness of nature, the future of mankind, & cryptids. Thanks for tuning in to the 85th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & revie…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we take a trip to Scandinavia to dive into Scandinavian Troll Folklore! Thanks for tuning in to the 84th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/PatreonUse code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the OMM Merch Store!http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters…
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Louise Michel est née en 1830 en haute Marne et décédée en 1905 à Marseille. Institutrice, écrivaine, militante anarchiste, franc-maçonne française aux idées féministes, figures majeures de la Commune de Paris et connue sous le nom de la vierge rouge, Louise Michel fut une icône de la Commune de Paris. Incarcérée puis déportée au bagne de Cayenne, …
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into Mokele-Mbembe & Other Living Dinosaurs! Thanks for tuning in to the 83rd episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/PatreonUse code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the OMM Merch Store!http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters..REPORT AN ENCOUNT…
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*WATCH ON YOUTUBE*https://youtu.be/QDlblBDC76g.Join Shayn & Orin as we address and discuss the inquiry "What cryptids do you think are most likely to actually exist?" (Part 2) submitted by the show's own Shayn. Thanks for checking out the 12th episode of "Bizarre Inquiries". Don't forget to submit your own bizarre inquiries for us to discuss and li…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we take a trip to Canada to dive into The Lake Thetis Monster! Thanks for tuning in to the 82nd episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/PatreonUse code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the OMM Merch Store!http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters..REPORT …
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Join Shayn & Orin with guest Joe Shortridge (222 Paranormal Podcast) as we dive into a shared death experience, the paranormal, ghostly investigations, the giant mounds, giants, The Newark Holy Stones, theories, & ancient technology. Thanks for tuning in to the 81st episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We …
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*WATCH ON YOUTUBE*https://youtu.be/zK9wuouX0So.Join Shayn & Orin as we address and discuss the inquiry "What cryptids do you think are most likely to actually exist?" submitted by the show's own Shayn. Thanks for checking out the 11th episode of "Bizarre Inquiries". Don't forget to submit your own bizarre inquiries for us to discuss and like, follo…
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into Cryptids of North Carolina: Normie, Knobby, & The Boojum! Thanks for tuning in to the 80th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/PatreonUse code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the OMM Merch Store!http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters.…
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160 millions d'enfants, dans le monde, sont privés de leur enfance et de leur dignité. travaux forcés nuisant gravement à leur développement physique et mental, les privant de la possibilité d'aller à l'école ou les obligeant à quitter l'école prématurément. Lire la suiteद्वारा Gilles Beg
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Join Shayn & Orin as we dive into The Boo Hag! Thanks for tuning in to the 79th episode of "Bizarre Encounters". Don't forget to like, follow, share, & review. We appreciate it!.Social Media/Email/Donate/Merch/PatreonUse code "CRYPTID10" for 10% off the OMM Merch Store!http://linktr.ee/bizarreencounters..REPORT AN ENCOUNTERommencounterreports@outlo…
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