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PARTH1431 & VP3

PARTH1431 & VP3

18 remixing, playing editing sounds .He has emerged to be one of the finest DJs from USA, and is currently the resident DJ of the Bollywood nights at Velvet Underground, Cirque Le Soir and Studio F.
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Sindhi Sanskriti with Tamana and Meena : Sindhi Samaj Podcast

Audio Pitara by Channel176 Productions

एक ऐसी संस्कृति जो दुनिया की सबसे पुरानी संस्कृतियों में से एक है, जो मुअन-जो-दड़ो से शुरू होती है या उससे भी पहले की हो सकती है। सिंधी भाषा प्राचीन और साहित्य की दृष्टि से समृद्ध है। सिंधी साहित्य जगत के साहित्यकारों ने सिंधी साहित्य को बहुत समृद्ध बनाया है। कोण है सिंधीयो के देवता? सिंधी साहित्य में सबसे पहला संदर्भ किस इतिहासकारों के लेखन में मिलता है? इन सारे सवालों के जवाब जानने के लिए सुनिए सिंधी संस्कृति with तमन्ना और मीणा सिर्फ ऑडियो पिटारा पर. आपको ये शो कैसा लगा? ये कमेंट करके जरू ...
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"Kuch Baatein with Aditya Alfaaz" is a one-of-a-kind podcast that brings together a world of topics under one roof. From thought-provoking discussions on current events to inspiring stories of people making a difference in the world, Aditya Alfaaz explores a diverse range of subjects in each episode, leaving no stone unturned. With a unique storytelling style and a passion for sharing knowledge. Youtube: Instagram: ...
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"Raghupati Raghav Raja Ram" ek aisa bhajan jo ki hum sab apne bachpan se hi sunte aa rahe hain. Ek aisa bhajan jo shri Ram ji ki mahima aur pooja ko samarpit hai. Iss bhajan mein bhagwan ke vibhinn naamon ke baare mein bataya gaya hai, aur unke mahima ka gungaan kiya gaya hai. Toh abhi shuru kariye sunana ye powerful bhajan aur paiye har prakar ke dukh aur pareshaniyon se mukti sirf "AudioPitara" par. Audio Credits : - Singer : Ishita Gadariya Music : VSN Tiwari Recored by : Nikul Sabalpara ...
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==== भारतीय प्रचलित भाषा जिनके एक लाख से दस लाख वक्ता (३०-६०) - "खुशखबरी", "जीवन के शब्द", "इँजील गीत" ==== (कुई, गारो, त्रिपुरी (कोक बोरोक), मिजो, हल्बी, कोरकू, मिरी, मुंडारी, कार्बी, कोया, आओ नागा, सावरा, कोन्याक नागा, खड़िया, अंग्रेजी, माल्टो, न्याशी, आदि, थडौ (कुकी), लोथा, कूर्गी, राभा, तंगखुल, मैथिली, अंगामी, फोम नागा, कोलामी, कुवी, दिमासा, लद्दाखी, सुमी) ==== INDIAN POPULAR LANGUAGES THAT HAVE 100,000 TO ONE MILLION SPEAKERS(FROM No.30 TO No.60) - "GOOD NEWS","WORDS OF LIFE" ."GOSPEL S ...
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TC literature is one of the four fundamental pillars of TC crafts. This TC crafts deals with words .. Framing of words to form a Song , scripts , stories , poems , memes and others .. Tanishchavan created this to grow himself as a writer and hone his writing skills .This TC Literature is the last and the biggest mystery box of Tanishchavan which blasts and omits world and no swords .
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Red FM

Bhailu: Bhailu is a character who is a PJ Master, he can connect to anything and everything and he always has a PJish take on any situation or person. Bhailu takes out 2 meanings out of one word or a sentence, though the most decent double meanings.
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I have been living a life that's restricted to the walls of my heart. This podcast of mine is for those who have ever been hurt in love, whether mutual or one sided, and felt a pinch of salt in their heart due to the pain that it caused. I am here for you. दर्द देना वो जानते हैं, बाँटना हम। आईये एक नए ज़रिये से हम एक दूसरे से बात करते हैं। मैं आपको सुनाता हूँ कुछ दिल क जज़्बात ताकि आप बदल सकें अपने दिल के हालात।
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Ek Kahani Aisi Bhi

Red FM

Ek Kahaani Aisi Bhi is an internationally acclaimed series of spine chilling original ghost stories. The stories are so impactful and real that one can visualise the incidents happening in front of their eyes thanks to the extremely powerful narration by RJ Praveen and the sound effects and background score used. List of acclaims- New York Festival award for Best Innovation in 2015 & 2016, New York Festival finalist for Best Narration & ACEF Award for Creativity.
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Sahi Bolta Hai

Red FM

Every evening Red FM Pune’s RJ Shrikant dons the role of a rapper and expresses his opinion on things that matter, through one of the greatest weapons that has ever been created – The Microphone.Be it a city specific issue or a news regarding water on Mars any occurrence that falls under purview of sarcasm or rage, is not spared. . The cross-line that goes, “Tu sahi bolta, tu sahi bolta Shrikant!!” has become a part of the common lingo of the city. Every single evening, Punekars await their ...
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Grihdah by Sarat Chandra Chattopadhyay

Audio Pitara by Channel176 Productions

This story is about three young men and their love triangle, where two friends fall in love with the same girl. How do they choose that girl? Who will have to sacrifice their love? It is as confusing as it sounds, but it is more interesting, and it is serious about one such love triangle story inspired by a famous novel, “Gridah”, written by a famous writer and novel “Sarat Chandra Ji”. So what are you waiting for? Start Listening and Learn about this interesting love triangle only on “Audio ...
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Red Murga

Red FM

Red Murga is one of the most sought after humour segment on radio where Praveen takes ‘supari’ from listeners and make a murga out of people. He irritates and nags the victim of the day till they get fed-up and are about to bang their heads. This segment takes entertainment to a different level as Praveen is known to be a prankster.
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मार्ग सत्य जीवन | Marg Satya Jeevan

मार्ग सत्य जीवन

मार्ग सत्य जीवन सत्य वचन कलीसिया की सेवकाई है। यह उत्तरी भारत में कलीसिया के आध्यात्मिक विकास के लिए मुफ्त संसाधन उपलब्ध कराती है। मा.स.जी. पर पाए जाने वाले सन्देश सत्य वचन कलीसिया के अगुवों द्वारा प्रचार किए गए हैं। आप इन संसाधनों का उपयोग कर सकते हैं, और स्पष्ट करें कि आप मा.स.जी. के संसाधनों का उपयाग कर रहे हैं। Marg Satya Jeevan (MSJ) is a ministry of (SVC). It provides free Hindi resources for the spiritual growth of the church in North India. The sermons on the MSJ website are preached ...
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Red FM

Shendi is the greatest equalizer! From Bollywood superstars to their Jabra fans, from business tycoons to their drivers, from doctors to their patients no matter who you are and where you come from; If you have a phone, you are a prospective target of Red FM’s Kaan Phaad ‘Abhilash’! One of the most versatile voices of all time, effortlessly gets into the skin of a plethora of characters, while he pranks unsuspecting innocent mortals and pushes them to the limit of believing that their world ...
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Fever Stories

रामायण - भारतीय संस्कृति का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा, एक अद्वितीय कथा जो हमें धर्म, नैतिकता, और प्रेम की महत्वपूर्ण सीखें देती है। अब, इस महाकाव्य को नए अंदाज़ में देखने का समय आ गया है। नितीश भारद्वाज की आवाज़ में, हम लेकर आए हैं एक नए और उत्कृष्ट रूप में "रामायण"। यह नया फॉर्मेट हमें एक अद्वितीय अनुभव प्रदान करेगा, जहां हम इस प्राचीन कथा को नए तरीके से अनुभव करेंगे। "रामायण" या राम कथा भारतीय जानमानस की भावनाओं से गहरे जुडी कहानी है; जिसके बिना भारत की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती। तो आइये इसे सु ...
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‘राह – एक करियर पॉडकास्ट ‘, सुनो इंडिया की एक हिंदी पॉडकास्ट श्रृंखला है, जिसके माध्यम से हम हमारे देश में उपलब्ध उन् करियर विकल्पों के बारे में अवगत करवाते हे जिनके बारे में शहरी और ग्रामीण क्षेत्रों के स्टूडेंट्स को शायद जानकारी नहीं हे। वैसे भी 120 करोड़ आबादी वाले देश में, जंहा इतनी विविधता है, वहां हम एक ही तरह के विकल्पों से सभी को रोज़गार नहीं उपलब्ध करवा सकते और हमे अन्य विकल्पों की तलाश करने की आवश्यकता है। इस पॉडकास्ट के माध्यम से, हम उन करियर विकल्पों पर जागरूकता बढ़ाने की उम्मीद कर ...
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आप सब को नमस्कार, मेरा नाम कविता खत्री है । मैं पहाड़ों की रहने वाली हूं तो मैंने सोचा क्यों न पहाड़ों के बारे में कहानियों की श्रृंखला शुरू की जाए । इसलिए मैं आप सब के बीच में लेके आ रही हू एक पहाड़ी लड़की । एक पहाड़ी लड़की पॉडकास्ट में आपको पहाड़ों से जुड़े किस्से, कहानी और कविताएं सुनने को मिलेंगी । कैसी कहानी और कविताएं आप सुनने वाले है उसके लिए आपको एक पहाड़ी लड़की का ट्रेलर सुनना होगा । इस पॉडकास्ट में आपको हर हफ्ते एक कविता और कहानी सुनने को मिलेगी । चलिए मिलते है "एक पहाड़ी लड़की" पर ...
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Money Konnect

Edelweiss Mutual Fund Podcast

Stories – our first school. Come, lets learn all about investments through stories and conversations. कहानियाँ : हम सबकी पहली पाठशाला। आइए सीखे इन्वेस्टमेंट की बातें कहानियों के द्वारा।
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कहानी सभी की है. जो हम छुपाए घूमते है सारा जहां , उनसे कहो उन्हें कलम और तूलिका दे ,फिर वो जिंदा रहेंगी जब तक जग रहेगा, सोनम. Cover art photo provided by Zane Lee on Unsplash:
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Sominath Avhad

नमस्कार दोस्तों , आपका बहुत बहुत स्वागत है हमारे चैनल " iTECH - iNDIA KA TECH PODCAST " में , मैंने यह चैनल मेरे उन सभी दोस्तों के लिए बनाया है जो टेक्नोलॉजी के बारे में अपनी भाषा में जानना चाहते है , " iTECH - iNDIA KA TECH PODCAST " इस चैनल में आपको रोज़ाना कम से कम 3 और जादा से जादा 10 नयी special ऑडिओ मिलेगी जहा मैं कोशिश करूँगा आपको मोबाइल, कंप्यूटर और नयी Technology की दुनिया के बारे में कुछ जरुरी बातें बताने की....
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Hindu Podcast

Sanjit Mahapatra

This channel is for a “Sanatana-Hindu-Vedic-Arya”. This is providing education and awareness; not entertainment. This talks about views from tradition and lineage. It will cover different Acharayas talks on Spirituality, Scriptures, Nationalism, Philosophy, and Rituals. These collections are not recorded in professional studios using high-end equipment, it is from traditional teachings environment. We are having the objective to spread the right things to the right people for the Sanatana Hi ...
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In this podcast we are talking about soul reflection by sister shivani with suresh oberoi . We are going to do 83 episodes in this podcast. You can listen day by day इस पॉडकास्ट में हम सुरेश ओबेरॉय के साथ बहन शिवानी द्वारा आत्मा प्रतिबिंब के बारे में बात कर रहे हैं। हम इस पॉडकास्ट में 83 एपिसोड करने जा रहे हैं। आप हर दिन नए एपिसोड को सुनें सकते हैं
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show series
The BAPS Swaminarayan organisation has unveiled Tapomurti, a 49-feet metal statue of Neelkanth Varni, at its Sydney precinct. Featuring 14 epigraphs promoting universal values, the installation was consecrated by Mahant Swami Maharaj. The site aims to foster cultural connection and inclusivity within Australia’s multicultural landscape.…
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As the firstborn of her generation in a large Hindi-Urdu-speaking family, Aimen Jafri grew up balancing love, expectations, and a desire to push boundaries. She is the former chair of the Multicultural Council of Tasmania and now serves on the board member of Australian Multicultural Council. She shares her journey as a woman in one of Australia’s …
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The NSW Parliament hosted Holi celebrations, organised by the Consulate General of India in Sydney in partnership with the Australia India Business Council (AIBC) and the NSW Parliamentary Friends of India. The event, which brought together parliamentarians and business leaders, discussed how cultural understanding is crucial in addressing communit…
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Ramadan is a special month for Muslims. The members of Muslim communities come together at mosques for prayers and gather with family and friends for Iftar meals to break the fast. Speaking with SBS Hindi, Melbourne-based Wasif Hafeez and Sydney-based Farida Alvi share their thoughts on whether there has been any shift in traditions and practices o…
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बनारस के घाट पर लोग गंगा स्नान करने के लिए आते हैं। लेकिन वो एक गलती भी कर देते हैं। वे अपने पुराने कपड़े अक्सर वहीं छोड़ कर चले जाते हैं और ये फेंके हुए कपड़े प्रदुषण का कारण भी बनते हैं। पहले इन पुराने कपड़ों का कोई उपयोग नहीं होता था, लेकिन अब बनारस में इनकी रीसाइक्लिंग शुरू कर दी गयी है। इन कपड़ों को साफ़ करके, अब झोले बनाये जाते हैं। ये झोले लोगों क…
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Donald Trump's US-centric approach and recent tariff decisions have raised concerns about the AUKUS agreement. Some are calling for the deal to be reconsidered. Dalbir Ahlawat, a senior lecturer at Macquarie University specialising in Indo-Pacific security, analyses the implications of this situation.…
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In this SBS Hindi podcast episode, we discuss the significance of the 'Department of Government Efficiency (Doge)' and its impact on the Australian political scene. What are the implications of billionaires shaping the public sector? Dr Pradeep Taneja, a Political Science Lecturer at the University of Melbourne, provides an analysis of this emergin…
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Neena Sinha has been awarded the NSW Premier’s Interpreters and Translators Medal 2025 for her outstanding contribution to language services. With over 50 years of bridging communication gaps, she has empowered migrant communities across Australia. Hear her inspiring journey, the challenges she overcame, and her vision for the future of translation…
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Kamala (Nayni) Sharma-Wing has been appointed as the first full-time Hindu chaplain at HMAS Harman within the Royal Australian Navy and the Australian Defence Force. In an interview with SBS Hindi, she expressed her enthusiasm for this challenging yet rewarding role.
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Sydney-based singer Rachna Bhatnagar, with over three decades of experience in folk, classical, and Bollywood music, reflects on the diminishing role of folk music in Holi celebrations. She emphasises the importance of artists educating audiences and reinventing folk traditions by blending them with contemporary compositions. Through her renditions…
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Balesh Dhankhar, a former community leader, has been sentenced to 40 years imprisonment for sexually assaulting five women through deception and drugging. The case has sparked widespread condemnation, with community organisations responding to the verdict.
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The Mardi Gras, a festival celebrating the lesbian and gay community, recently wrapped up in Sydney. In a podcast with Itee Dewan, Kashif Harrison, a member of the LGBTQIA+ community with South Asian roots, opens up about his journey of balancing his cultural heritage with his identity.
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India’s Poorna Malavath, now 24, made history in 2014 as the youngest person to scale Mt Everest. Through her mountaineering achievements, she continues to challenge traditional expectations for girls. Tune in to this podcast as Poorna, currently in Australia to climb the country’s highest peak, Mount Kosciuszko, joins SBS Hindi for an inspiring co…
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SBS Hindi recently interviewed the cast and crew of 'Arranged Love', screened at the National Indian Film Festival of Australia. Actor Atharva Anand and director Sanjane Koneshamoorthy discuss how the film explores arranged marriage in South Asian households.
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Dr. Manish Pandit is a physician who lives in the United Kingdom. He arrived in England in the mid 1990’s and trained as a surgeon (FRCS General Surgery and FRCS ENT) before switching career streams to Nuclear Medicine and obtaining a Masters with a Merit from Kings College in the process. He is an alumnus of BJ Medical College in Pune. He has publ…
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Experts say AI could have significant impacts on democracy and trust. - विशेषज्ञों का कहना है कि एआई (AI) का लोकतंत्र और हमारे विश्वास पर महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव हो सकता है।
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Every year, shark attacks occur in Australian waters. However, a free shark warning app, 'SharkSmart,' designed by Indian migrant Mrudul Vasavada, is now helping to keep people safe from such attacks. Listen to this podcast featuring Vasavada for insights on the app.
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Tropical Cyclone Alfred has been downgraded to a tropical low after making landfall between Maroochydore and Brisbane this morning. Severe weather warnings remain in place across southeast Queensland and northern New South Wales. In this podcast Dr Tanya Unni shares her firsthand account of the cyclone's landfall and the conditions around her place…
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A recent report by the reveals that gender pay gap continues to narrow but slowly, with women on average earning 78 cents for every dollar a man makes. While this gap remains prominent in some male-dominated industries including finance, we spoke to finance expert Paridhi Jain on how women can navigate pay disparities while searching for a job on t…
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आस्था का महापर्व, महाकुम्भ प्रयागराज में संपन्न हो चूका है लेकिन यहाँ पहुंचे बहुत से लोग आज सोशल मीडिया पर वायरल हो गए हैं। ऐसी ही एक घटना तब हुई जब बिहार से कुछ युवक नाव के माध्यम से सीधे प्रयागराज पहुंचे। ये लोग बिहार में बक्सर के एक गाँव के रहने वाले हैं और जब इन्होंने बसों और ट्रैन में भीड़ देखी तब जलमार्ग के द्वारा प्रयागराज पहुंचने का प्लान बन…
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From "Communist Kamala" to Bollywood endorsements, artificial intelligence and disinformation played a big role in some of the biggest democratic elections last year. - "कम्युनिस्ट कमला" से लेकर बॉलीवुड विज्ञापनों तक, कृत्रिम बुद्धिमत्ता और गलत सूचना ने पिछले वर्ष के कुछ सबसे बड़े लोकतांत्रिक चुनावों में बड़ी भूमिका निभाई।…
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त्वरित संदर्भ मार्गदर्शिका

अन्वेषण करते समय इस शो को सुनें