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Velkommen til Markedspladsen. Her vender vores økonomer stort og småt fra økonomien og de finansielle markeder fra ugen der gik, og ugen der kommer. Følg os for direkte opdateringer om nye podcasts. Vi publicerer hver fredag.
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OK COOL ist das unabhängige Magazin über Menschen, Spiele und ihre Geschichten. Sowohl in tiefgründigen Audioreportagen als auch in kurzweiligen Gesprächen lernt Gastgeber und Journalist Dom Schott jede Woche neue Menschen kennen, die mal mehr, mal weniger viel mit Spielen und Medien zu tun haben — von der Entwicklerin bis zum Wissenschaftler. Es geht um Arbeitsrealitäten, Alltagsgeschichten, Spieleentwicklung, Zukunftsängste und vieles, vieles mehr.
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Az Október 38. podcast keretén belül két tróger és nem mellesleg jó barát: Lali és Szilu kötetlenül dumál mindenféle témakörben, leginkább laikusként. Nincs kompromisszum, se cenzúra. Arról beszélgetünk amihez kedvünk van, és ami érdekel minket.
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Økonominyhetene fra Finansavisen oppsummerer Oslo Børs, makroøkonomiske og politiske hendelser - hver dag. Podcasten er ledet av Marius Lorentzen, Stein Ove Haugen og Trygve Hegnar kommenterer markedet, makroøkonomiske og politiske hendelser. I tillegg inviterer vi dagsaktuelle gjester fra næringslivet i studio. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Farm and Ranch Programming
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bto – beyond the obvious – der Ökonomie-Podcast von Dr. Daniel Stelter. Der Ökonom und Strategieberater bringt Wirtschaft und Finanzen auf den Punkt. Unverblümt und unabhängig gibt Stelter pointierte Antworten auf die Wirtschaftsfragen unserer Zeit. Featured by Handelsblatt. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Farm and Ranch Programming
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Oklahoma Sooners Podcast full of shenanigans, deep dive into the numbers and guest experts on the Xs and Os.
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We will talk about everything cycling in Oklahoma. We cover races, athletes, bike industry, local gossip and everything fun that has to do with 2 wheels.
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Oklahoma Historical Society Executive Director Trait Thompson and former Executive Director Dr. Bob Blackburn explore the interesting stories and fascinating personalities that make up Oklahoma’s unique history.
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Discussing the best in college athletics spanning from the SEC and beyond. If you've got an opinion about college sports then this is your place. Keep in mind though, we see the world through Crimson And Cream Glasses.
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Velkommen til Nationalbankens podcast om økonomi. Her fortæller Nationalbankens økonomer om deres arbejde med at analysere økonomien og overvåge den finansielle stabilitet.
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StateImpact Oklahoma reports on education, health, environment, and the intersection of government and everyday Oklahomans. StateImpact Oklahoma is a collaboration of KGOU, KOSU, KWGS and KCCU.
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Podcast Jaroslava Homolky trenéra profesního a osobního rozvoje. Přístup na rozvoji konkrétních dovedností a schopností se za měřením na měřitelné výsledky a funkcionalitu.
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Ben Kissel, Jerii Aquino and Kyle Ploof bring you the top news of the week and let you know that everything's gonna be OK Bud!
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A weekly look inside Oklahoma Politics with KOSU's Michael Cross, civil rights attorney Ryan Kiesel and Republican political consultant Neva Hill.
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This podcast is full of the stories of the people who embody the spirit of Oklahoma.
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With a comedic bent, Boomer and his spastic sidekick Jimmy Ahmahdoofous often converse with people about their unusual professions or job experiences along with episodes that are potpourri in content.
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Podcasts covering University of Oklahoma athletics teams and recruiting
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OK CONSÓRCIO é o podcast oficial da 🆗Consórcio, falamos sobre consórcios e empreendedorismo. Não se esqueça de dar 5 estrelas ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, ativar o sininho 🔔🤛 e nos acompanhe no Instagram: @okconsorcio #empreendedorismo #consorcio #negocios #financas
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Já OK eru skemmtilegir hlaðvarpsþættir með Vilhelm Neto og Fjölni Gíslasyni þar sem þeir skoða alla skrýtnu hlutina sem einu sinni voru aðal málið á Íslandi en hafa síðan horfið. Það man enginn lengur eftir kaffibæti og beta spólum, er það nokkuð?
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Love Jesus, Love Like Jesus.
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Oko is a podcast for collectors and other art lovers. I'm your host, Lisa Cooley. I have 25 years experience in this field, and I want to share it all with you. I made this podcast for veteran collectors, new collectors, and collecting-curious. Oko is for all of you.
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Stream, listen, and subscribe on your favorite platform to find a rich catalog of Catholic content all in one place. Presented by the Diocese of Tulsa and Eastern Oklahoma
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The Oklahoma Drill podcast is a New York Jets and NFL debate podcast hosted by Andrew Golden, Matt Mauro and Vitor Paiva, presented by Jets X-Factor.
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Sermon Audio from Services and Bible Studies at Emmanuel Enid (Enid, OK)
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Ok, Bet is the podcast for casual humans who want the news without the noise. We keep people in the know with bite-sized takes on trending topics—served with a side of humor and good vibes
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Das transatlantische Bündnis steckt in der Krise. Donald Trumps Präsidentschaft hat Spuren hinterlassen, außen- und innenpolitisch. Die Demokraten und Republikaner sind zerstritten wie noch nie. Nachdem US-Präsident Joe Biden seine erneute Kandidatur zurückgezogen hat, tritt nun Vizepräsidentin Kamala Harris gegen Trump an. Klaus Brinkbäumer und Rieke Havertz lieben die USA, obwohl sie manchmal an ihnen verzweifeln. In diesem Podcast sprechen sie über den Präsidentschaftswahlkampf 2024 und a ...
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Sovereign Grace Bible Church of Ada, OK
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Jesse Crittenden and Bryan Clinton of OU Insider and the Network bring you The Oklahoma Drill podcast, a weekly podcast featuring the latest and greatest news from within the Oklahoma Sooners football program!
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Dave Hunziker, The Voice of the Cowboys, gives you an in depth look at Oklahoma State Sports. Interviews, guest analysis and more each week focused on your Oklahoma State Cowboys.
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Focus: Black Oklahoma is a news and public affairs program covering topics relevant to the African American and BIPOC communities statewide. The show seeks to inform the public through stories and interviews, engage the community through lively discussion, and spotlight local artists and creators.
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Three guys yakking about things they find funny or interesting.
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With a comedic bent, Boomer and his spastic sidekick Jimmy Ahmuhdoofous interview people with unusual vocations such as female truck drivers, casino table workers, professional psychics, horse whisperers, locomotive engineers, and much more.
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Live worship recordings and messages from - Ron Woods, Lead Pastor - Broken Arrow, OK
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Seadanya Cover art photo provided by Nahil Naseer on Unsplash:
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Hey ya, I'm a newbie beatboxer. Hope u guys enjoy my beat
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Voices of is dedicated to the preservation of the oral history of Oklahoma. Voices and stories of famous Oklahomans and ordinary citizens are captured forever in their own words. Oil and gas, ranching, politics, education and more are all visited in these far-ranging interviews. Students researching any of these areas can listen to first-person accounts of the way life was and draw from knowledge that may guide and shape their future. In addition to students, any visitor will fe ...
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Ok, Guess What? We're spilling the tea! With over 30 years of marriage, parenting, and running a small business. Expect laughs, relatable moments, and maybe even some helpful marriage and health tips. We're just a couple sharing our journey, and we'd love for you to join us!
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Welcome to the podcast of Cornerstone Baptist Church of Moore, Oklahoma. This podcast features the preaching from Pastor Eric Johnson. For more information, please visit our website at
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An Oklo inc. podcast
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Aktuelles und Grundsätzliches, Kontroverse und Klartext, Mikro und Makro: Die führenden Ökonomen Prof. Dr. Dr. Lars Feld (Universität Freiburg) und Prof. Dr. Justus Haucap (Universität Düsseldorf) analysieren und kommentieren jede Woche aktuelle Themen aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Finanzen. Ein ThePioneer Original-Podcast.
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Over the past six weeks, we've been in a mental health sermon series that has had a profound impact on our church family, leading many to seek help and healing. As emphasized in the series, true and lasting healing comes only through a relationship with the God who created us and calls us to cast all our anxieties on Him. Without pursuing this divi…
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285: Weather, Oddities, Special Cheetos and Stupid Criminals!
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1:07:40Oddities, Special Cheetos and Stupid Criminals! Please remember to review, rate, and share the podcast and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
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Sovereign Grace Bible Church of Ada, OKद्वारा Pastor Justin Wright
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Der neue Redaktionsleiter der PC Games über Pläne, Sorgen & die Liebe zur Kamera: OK COOL trifft Tobias Meyer
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53:25Ein Gespräch über die Arbeit und das Leben drumrum Seit Januar 2025 trägt Tobias Meyer einen der wichtigsten Hüte, die die PC Games anzubieten hat: den des Redaktionsleiters. In dieser neuen Rolle gestaltet der ehemalige Videoredakteur die strategische Ausrichtung des Traditionsmagazins mit, schwingt sich von Meeting zu Meeting und macht sich Gedan…
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Episode 36: Is That a Mermaiby or Just Another Fyre Festival Scam?
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45:01Send us a text A macabre mermaid has washed ashore on a UK beach, leaving locals utterly baffled. The skeleton-like creature with fins prompted one witness to declare, "No one's going to believe what we saw" – and they weren't wrong. We dive into this mysterious discovery that drew crowds of bewildered beachgoers who couldn't determine whether they…
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EP3: Ayati's Book Release/Diddy Update/Southern University Hazing Reaction/Skims Nike Collab Reaction/PopThe Ballon or Find Love Recap/Coulda Been Love Recap/Being Black Outside Is Wild
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1:07:15Ayati and The Black Thumb are back in episode 2 where they will give reactions to trending news, entertainment, music, sports, politics, and so much more. In episode 3, Ayati & The Black Thumb Celebrate Ayati’s debut book release (see link below for book details), discuss the latest Diddy news, give their thoughts on the hazing tragedy at Southern …
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Donald Trump hat mit Wladimir Putin telefoniert – und die Erwartungshaltungen an dieses Gespräch, die er im Vorfeld aufgebaut hatte, nicht erfüllt. Stattdessen dem russischen Präsidenten für mögliche Verhandlungen über eine dauerhafte Waffenruhe in der Ukraine noch eine weitere Karte zugespielt. Im US-Podcast reden wir über das Gespräch und wie es …
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5:23No episódio de hoje, falamos sobre como o planejamento financeiro e o consórcio são opções interessantes para quem busca alternativas de poupança. Sabemos que economizar dinheiro de forma inteligente é fundamental para alcançar objetivos de curto, médio e longo prazo. O planejamento financeiro é a chave para isso, pois ajuda a organizar as finanças…
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From the earliest days after the 1889 Land Run to the modern era, leaders in Oklahoma City have prioritized the sequestration of green space for recreation and rest. In this episode, Trait Thompson and Dr. Bob Blackburn discuss the push to create Oklahoma City's parks by people such as Daniel Stiles, G.G. "Gristmill" Jones, and Anton Classen. They …
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2025-3-16 PM- "Investing in Missions"- Pastor Eric Johnson
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49:34Sunday Evening Service, March 16, 2025 2025 Missions Conference Message: Investing In Missions Passage: Philippians 4:10-20 Speaker: Pastor Eric Johnson
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March 16, 2025 - "Upon This Rock" - Pastor Lindsay Hill
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38:55CONNECT, GROW, GIVE atद्वारा The Assembly
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Animal Stories: Bullet Proof Cow vs. Parrot Fed to Grandmother
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38:04Remember Animal Stories that captured the attention of middle school morons like myself back in the early 70s? It was quite a popular segment for WLS-AM radio that featured Uncle Lar’ and Snot-Nosed Lil’ Tommy. This episode will pit WLS animal stories against the adventures of two guests who have long animal medicine backgrounds. Jimmy Ahmuhdoofous…
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Stefán Ingvar kíkti í heimsókn. Hann er með uppistand í Sykursalnum - Stefán Ingvar sigrar atvinnulífið. Hann átti líka að skrifa lýsingu en fór heim áður en hann gerði það því hann er svo kvöldsvæfur.द्वारा Fjölnir Gísla & Vilhelm Neto
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OK BREAK #40 Spolehlivost je nejsilnější nástroj v komunikaci
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26:54Mít vliv s sebou nenese jen pozitiva. Abyste se vůbec do pozice, kdy máte vliv dostali, musíte být 100% spolehliví, převzít odpovědnost a mít i cit pro situaci. V tomto díle OK BREAKu jsme se o vlivu rozpovídali a zahrnuli do něj: * z neverbální komunikace zjištíš, kde si lidé berou feedback* spolehlivost je nejsilnější nástroj v komunikaci* co je …
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03/09/25 / The Cradle, The Cross, and The Crown/ Week 15/ The Prelude to Easter
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26:4403/09/25 / The Cradle, The Cross, and The Crown/ Week 15/ The Prelude to Easterद्वारा Dr. Shonn Keels, Lead Pastor
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We started Ok, Guess What in 2024 and took some time off to reevaluate the podcast and whether or not we wanted to keep it going. Enjoy some episodes that started us out and stay tuned for new episodes to come in 2025.द्वारा Mike & Laura
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