رادیو نبشته به نقد و بررسی ادبیات داستانی می پردازد و می کوشد فضایی برای معرفی نویسندگان فارسی زبان ایجاد کند کاری از دانشجویان ادبیات فارسی در دانشگاه برکلی
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Radio News From The University of Nebraska - Lincoln Extension
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Pointiert. Politisch. Persönlich. Stephanie Gartenmann und Camille Lothe besprechen die Themen der Woche, diskutieren die politischen Fragen unserer Zeit und teilen persönliche Erlebnisse. Schonungslos, aber charmant führen die beiden Redaktorinnen durch ihren neuen Podcast. «Nebelspalterinnen», jeden Dienstag um 06:00 Uhr.
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O hvězdách, planetách a vesmíru, který nás obklopuje. Všechny díly podcastu Jihočeské nebe můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.
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The Nebraska CropWatch Podcast provides the latest research-based information from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on crop production, pest management, and related agricultural information for Nebraska farmers and agribusinesses. CropWatch Podcasts feature researchers, extension educators, and other experts. For more information on these topics, visit www.cropwatch.unl.edu , where new articles are published weekly during the cropping season.
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Audio reports from Nebraska News Service
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Stay up-to-date with daily news and features on a wide variety of topics that affect Lincoln, Omaha, and all of Nebraska.
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A Nebraska football podcast by the Common Fan, for the Common Fan.
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Der Sidepreneur Podcast ist für dich, den/die nebenberufliche Gründer*in. Das Sidepreneur Team liefert dir wertvolle Tipps, Tricks und Strategien, Inspiration und Motivation, offene Einblicke in unternehmerische Experimente sowie Interviews mit erfolgreichen Unternehmern. Es werden verschiedene Themen behandelt rund um den Start einer nebenberuflichen Selbstständigkeit, Geschäftsideen, die ersten Euros verdienen bis hin zum Aufbau und Wachstum eines kleinen Unternehmens inklusive Social Medi ...
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Time-traveling through the history of Nebraska high school sports, exploring the great stories, intriguing personalities, and exciting contests from the Cornhusker state history books.
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Husker247: A Nebraska athletics podcast
247Sports, Nebraska, Nebraska Football, Nebraska Cornhuskers, Nebraska Athletics, College Football
An in-depth look at Nebraska Huskers football and Nebraska football recruiting, Nebraska basketball, Husker baseball and much more with Michael Bruntz, Mike Schaefer and Brian Christopherson of Husker247.
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NebuMine Cloud Mining service with support for all major currencies & wallets. Mine instantly and from anywhere, directly online without complex and expensive hardware purchases! Discover the advantages that our hardware as a service offers you compared to the expensive purchase of individual mining devices for your home and the enormous additional and maintenance costs. Take the easier option and mine with NebuMine!
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Learn more about planting native midwestern plants from Nebraska-based host Stephanie Barelman. If pollinator habitats, conservation, and nature-driven wonder are in your wheelhouse, this is the podcast for you. Come with us as we navigate how to make colorful spaces for humans and wildlife; and talk with experts, aspiring gardeners, and thinkers. You won't want to miss this excellent and helpful content.
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The official home for audio programming from Corn Nation, SB Nation’s community for fans of the University of Nebraska Cornhuskers.
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Die schlimmsten Verbrechen passieren meist nicht in der Großstadt, sondern direkt nebenan: Wenn die nette Nachbarin angeblich im Urlaub ist, in Wirklichkeit aber einbetoniert unter dem Garagenboden liegt oder wenn ein kleines Mädchen plötzlich spurlos vom elterlichen Bauernhof verschwindet, sind das Fälle die man nie vergisst. Der Radiojournalist Philipp Fleiter spricht mit verschiedenen Gästen im Interview über die spektakulärsten Verbrechen und Kriminalfälle der letzten Jahre. Jeden zweite ...
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Dein Nerdherz schlägt für Games, Filme, Serien, Gadgets und nerdige Themen im Allgemeinen? Mit einer Prise Humor und Chaos führen dich Markus und Christian durch die Welt der Nerds. Seit 2021 ist Christian mit an Bord, um den Podcast zu bereichern und gemeinsam mit Markus die Abgründe der nerdigen Niveaulosigkeit zu ergründen. Für Feedback gerne folgenden Link nutzen: http://mindcast-podcast.de/feedback
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First City Church exists to glorify God by making disciples, planting churches, and working for the good of our city.
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Harte Fakten, coole Sprüche und unvergessliche Momente, alles vereint in einem einzigartigen Podcast. Hier sprechen Fabian, Henning und Thomas über alles was in der Welt der Geeks und Nerds wichtig ist. Ihr findet uns auf iTunes, Spotiy und alle weiteren gängigen Plattformen.
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Two longtime fandom dwellers and newly best friends indulge in internet deep dives, their love for online communities, and their poor taste in animated men.Our names are Parks and Nebula, two young women, experienced content creators, and anime dipshits. We host a biweekly podcast all about our expertise in the deep forbidden knowledge of the internet and how it severely shapes how people consume content. Whether it be positive or not, we talk about it all.
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Keeping the Light On is a podcast that shines a light on missing persons cases in Nebraska. Keeping the Light isn't just another true crime podcast, as we dive in Nebraska missing persons cases, to bring in depth conversations from those who loved and knew the missing person the best, bringing their story to light and keeping their cases alive to advocate for bringing them home. Listen to Keeping the Light On wherever you love to listen to your podcasts.
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Welcome to the NebuLUMS podcast where VenutianSun and Azeriel touch of infinite topics and cosmic conversations.
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Miha Šalehar s poslušalci o družbenih fenomenih.
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In jeder Episode spricht Alexander Nebe mit einem Star über dessen ganz persönliche Erfolgsstory, Leidenschaften, Ängste, Lebensphilosophien und Kraftpole. Diese Show bietet inspirierende Einblicke in die Erfolgsstrategien, Tools und Tagesroutinen von Top-Performern aus Musik, Film und TV. Von prägenden Karriere-Meilensteinen, Vorbildern bis hin zu Morgenroutinen oder Trainingstipps. Von Ernährungsgewohnheiten, Ritualen und persönliche Marotten bis hin zum Umgang mit Enttäuschungen – freut E ...
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Podcast by Gelila NEBExIT
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A comedy podcast from recent University graduates Benedict Jones and Lee Wilkinson.
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Established to deliver quality healthcare in the state of Nebraska through local and community-based care, Nebraska Total Care is a Managed Care Organization and subsidiary of Centene Corporation (Centene). Nebraska Total Care exists to improve the health of its beneficiaries through focused, compassionate, and coordinated care. Our approach is based on the core belief that quality healthcare is best delivered locally. We strive to provide top quality Nebraska healthcare through Medicaid, Qu ...
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我们是 NebulaGraph 社区的布道者,专注于开源分布式图数据库的技术分享。这个频道会带你了解到 NebulaGraph 最新的产品的动态以及每一次发版的新增功能和优化点的细节介绍,还有它们的使用场景等相关信息。我们也会不定期的邀请技术爱好者和我们一起讨论图数据库技术领域的实践和探索。我们希望更多图数据库的爱好者参与到我们这个开源的项目里,和我们一起学习讨论关于图数据库的发展和技术,同时分享有趣的人生故事。 如果你有兴趣和我们聊一聊,可以邮件联系:hera.han@vesoft.com
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You have stumbled into a dimension that is neither of this reality or in this reality. Your presence has not gone unnoticed having attracted entities both malevolent and benevolent. Luckily, you have run into me first; a humble story teller of everything strange and sinister. Grab a seat and join me, won't you? Make yourself comfortable while I stimulate your mind because you will be here awhile. Sorry, did I forget to mention that you can never leave? You are the newest victim of the world ...
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Nebraska Grows is a bi-weekly podcast for commercial fruit and vegetable producers to get the latest unbiased, research-based information from Nebraska Extension.
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Neben den Menschen auf der Bühne leisten auch zahlreiche andere Akteure im Hintergrund einen unverzichtbaren Beitrag zum Osnabrücker Musikleben. Christian wurde eingeladen um mit ihnen über ihr Wirken zu sprechen.
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Außenpolitik-Podcast: Krieg in Europa, Energietransformation in Südamerika, politisches Erstarken Afrikas. Es ist viel los in der Welt, aber oft verweilt der mediale Blick nur kurz und Informationen fliegen nur so an uns vorbei. Höchste Zeit also, hintergründiger und reflektiert über internationale Politik und Entwicklungen zu sprechen. Ohne den Anspruch von Vollständigkeit, - aber, wie der Name verspricht - mit Blick für randständige internationale Themen und mit Begeisterung für Geschehnis ...
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Léto je za rohem a vy marně přemýšlíte, kam vyrazit na výlet? Už nemusíte, máte tady nás a my pro vás máme tipy na cestování po naší krásné zemi. Každý týden vám na Expres FM nabízíme místa, která stojí za to vidět.
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A weekly podcast that discusses sports, events and life around in the great state of Nebraska
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Did you know that the state of Nebraska possesses immense life-giving and inspiring qualities making it the land of choice? Hello everyone, this is Doreen Greer, and my poems are about Nebraska, the blessed state.
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Podcast by Code Planet
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Welcome to Nerd Nebula with Raz and Jacob. Nerd Nebula is a freeform discussion show about pop culture, comics, movies, music, video games and all things nerdy. We hope you enjoy your stay! Intro Tune - Video Dungeon Boss by Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech.com
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A weekly show about sports, academics and campus life at the University of Nebraska
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A podcast about living as humans in a mind-blowing universe
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Tune in to the NebraskaLand Bank Podcast for local finance, business, sports, community events and maybe even a course or two of great food finds. We're your community minded podcast. Every voice. Every topic. Every time.
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I discuss travel tips, events and locations as I travel across Nebraska.
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To campaign against misinformation in the Media & Politics on Transgender & Non-Binary issues.
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Pastor Brent Kuhlman leads a discussion on various theological issues for the local Nebraska area. Joining him are Pastors Clint Poppe and Adam Moline.
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Join us as we explore different reasons living in Nebraska is considered "The Good Life." From history to landmarks and food destinations; Life in Nebraska will take you on an audio adventure through this great state!
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Professional drummer and host Eddy Barco explores the creative minds of notable musicians and professionals. Each conversation is un-planned, making for a genuine listening experience where we discover who artists are outside of their work. Just two people having genuine conversations about what matters to them.
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Proposed changes to sick leave requirement spur debate
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3:53The Nebraska Legislature on Wednesday resumed debating proposed exclusions to a voter-approved sick leave requirement.द्वारा Nebraska Public Media
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Husker247 Podcast: Spring football and Nebraska's Pro Day
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45:50The Husker247 Podcast gathered on Wednesday to discuss the opening to spring football with Tuesday’s press conference and how things shook out at Pro Day. Discussion started with Matt Rhule and what he had to say about Nebraska’s running backs, it’s offensive scheme, where things are defensively and how they feel about the defensive backs they’ve r…
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Senators advance health care funding despite federal concerns
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4:10Nebraska state senators advanced bills designed to pay for expanded health care, despite concerns about possible federal cuts.द्वारा Nebraska Public Media
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Rising measles cases cause concern for the unvaccinated
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0:59The CDC has counted nearly 400 measles cases in the U.S. since January- a 33% increase from last year's total cases. While there are no cases in Nebraska, there are 10 in Kansas, and state experts warn of a potential spread following the spring break travel season.द्वारा Nebraska Public Media
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A new USDA Organic label could be more accessible
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4:04Certified Naturally Grown offers farmers a cheaper and less time-consuming option to communicate how they produce their food. But terms like “natural” on food labels can be confusing for consumers.द्वारा Nebraska Public Media
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Das Warten hat ein Ende: Das ist die neue Nebelspalterin!
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37:51Pointiert. Politisch. Persönlich. «Nebelspalterinnen», der Podcast mit Stephanie Gartenmann und Camille Lothe. Zu unseren Instagram-Accounts: Instagram Camille Lothe Instagram Stephanie Gartenmann Instagram «Nebelspalterinnen»द्वारा Stephanie Gartenmann und Camille Lothe
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Monday Night Therapy: Exploring CFB's Chaotic 1990's: A Deep Dive with Mark Rogers
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1:27:20This enlightening episode of Monday Night Therapy featuring Mark Rogers from the Voice of College Football. We’ll delve into his compelling book, “Disputed National Champions: College Football’s Historical 1990’s Reset,” which examines the tumultuous and transformative world of college football championships during a decade that redefined the sport…
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Nebraska lawmakers consider a new savings account to boost young homeownership in the state
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2:35The Revenue Committee in the Nebraska legislature listened to a proposal for a new type of savings account that is meant to assist and encourage new homebuyers into buying a home within the state. This proposed savings account can only be used for the purchase and maintaining of a primary residence within the State of Nebraska. It comes with some b…
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Chadron State fined for comments made at softball game
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0:37The Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference has fined Chadron State College for behavior by a student athlete who was attending a softball game against New Mexico Highlands last month.द्वारा Nebraska Public Media
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State organizations react to US Education Department dismantling
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0:59Several state organizations are keeping an eye on the potential impacts from starting to dismantle the U.S. Department of Education. President Donald Trump signed an executive order aiming to dismantle the federal department last week, although it would take an act of Congress to officially eliminate the department.…
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Learn why local businesses and groups have gone away from local custom apparel shops and have rather gone to bigger online companies and how local custom apparel businesses are planning to attack this change in the industry.द्वारा Camden Otto
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Current issues focusing on civil discussions, changes in society and politics were the focus of a new study in rural Nebraska. Poll results help communities navigate common problems and help build solutions. Extension Ag Policy Specialist Brad Lubben discusses poll results and some of the insights gathered about rural Nebraska.…
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Enterotoxemia in calves is a bacterial infection that can come on suddenly and be fatal. On today’s almanac, Nebraska Extension Educator Lyndsay Waechter-Mead talks about symptoms and prevention.द्वारा Nebraska Extension
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Part of every cattle operation is knowing when to keep or cull. Nebraska Extension Associate Educator Jesse Fulton talks about best practices for culling that are beneficial to animal welfare and financial success.द्वारा Nebraska Extension
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Consider Securing Feed Supplies Now for Dry Conditions in 2025
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4:23Dry conditions throughout the winter may mean it’s a good idea to secure feed supplies right now. On Today’s Almanac, Extension Specialist Karla Wilke talks about how ranchers should be stocking up on certain feed supplies if conditions remain dry.द्वारा Nebraska Extension
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Balancing Old Wisdom with New Ideas on the Farm
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4:28Nothing can replace experience and wisdom when it comes to farming, but old traditions are being challenged by new research and technology. When younger family members come back to work the farm, sometimes these ideas clash. Extension Ag Economist Anastasia Meyer talks about how to navigate potential problems when trying to blend the old with the n…
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Five Nebraska Football Players Poised to Break Out in 2025
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50:00As the Nebraska football team begins spring practice, the Common Fans look at five players (plus a few honorable mentions) who are poised for breakout seasons in 2025. Emmett Johnson – finished 2024 on a major high note and set to be THE GUY at running back in 2025. Cortez Mills – the true freshman wide receiver most likely to make an immediate imp…
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مصاحبه آرش دبستانی با امیرحسین خورشیدفر
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58:54امیرحسین خورشیدفر، نویسنده، روزنامهنگار ادبی و مترجم، فعالیت ادبی خود را از دههی هشتاد آغاز کرد و با انتشار مجموعه داستان تحسینشدهی «زندگی مطابق خواسته تو پیش میرود» به یکی از چهرههای برجستهی ادبیات معاصر ایران تبدیل شد. این اثر جوایز معتبر گلشیری، مهرگان و گام اول را برای او به همراه داشت. خورشیدفر علاوه بر داستاننویسی، در حوزهی ترجمه نیز…
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Luke 2:1-21द्वारा Matt Quanbeck
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Částečné zatmění Slunce nastane 29. března. V Českých Budějovicích začne v 11.35 hodin
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4:40V sobotu 29. března 2025 nastane částečné zatmění Slunce. K astronomickému úkazu dochází, když se Země, Měsíc a Slunce octnou v přímce, takže Měsíc zakryje pozorovatelům ze Země část slunečního kotouče. Všechny díly podcastu Jihočeské nebe můžete pohodlně poslouchat v mobilní aplikaci mujRozhlas pro Android a iOS nebo na webu mujRozhlas.cz.…
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Habt ihr schon den DARK-Podcast von Markus gehört? --> HIER LANG
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Searching for the greatest athletes from every Webster County high school.द्वारा Greg Mays
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Who are the greatest athletes to play for the high schools of Blaine and Thomas Counties?द्वारा Greg Mays
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183. Weekly Weather Outlook and Update: March 21, 2025
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14:39द्वारा University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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Husker247 Nebraska Baseball Podcast: Husker offensive trends and Savannah Bananas pitcher Kyle Perry joins the podcast
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40:05In this week’s episode of the Husker247 Nebraska Baseball Podcast, the Huskers continue their stay on the West Coast. Nebraska was swept by UCLA last weekend before showing a few promising signs at the plate in a midweek sweep of Pepperdine. Can Nebraska carry that trend into this weekend’s conference matchup with USC? In the second segment, we’re …
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As Nebraska farmland values increased in 2024 so did cash rents across the state. Nebraska Extension Ag Economist Jim Jansen talks about the USDA cash rent sruvey results for different cropland.द्वारा Nebraska Extension
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The Five Heart Podcast: Nebraska’s Sophomore QB Dylan Raiola: Will He Thrive or Fail?
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2:02:57Join us for an exciting episode of the Five Heart Podcast as we dive deep into the topic, “Nebraska’s QB Dylan Raiola: Will He Thrive or Fail in His Sophomore Year?” Engaging with our passionate chat group, “The Holgormaniacs,” we’ll analyze the lessons Dylan learned during his freshman year. With a revamped receiving room for 2025, the pressure is…
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Proposed scaling-back of sick leave requirement draws opposition
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5:13A proposal to scale back who would be covered by a paid sick leave requirement approved by voters drew opposition in the Legislature Thursday.द्वारा Nebraska Public Media
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Wintering Growing Calves Using Corn Residue
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4:16Corn residue is an outstanding forage resource for wintering cows, but is also an option for backgrounding calves or growing heifers. Nebraska Extension Beef Systems Specialist Mary Drewnoski says winter grazing corn residue and providing supplemental distillers may be a and economic system to consider.…
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Nebraska’s sandhill cranes stronger than ever, despite bird flu
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4:37Nebraska’s sandhill crane migration is stronger than ever, despite the worries about bird flu. Hear what the experts are saying about this year's migration and the effects that it has on south central Nebraska.द्वारा Nebraska Public Media
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All Nebraska counties could hold all mail elections under bill
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1:12A legislative proposal to give all Nebraska counties the option to conduct elections entirely by mail was discussed Wednesday/this afternoon. Currently, only counties with populations under 10,000 can apply to the Secretary of State to mail ballots to all registered voters. In the last general election, 11 of the state’s 67 eligible counties did ju…
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Nicotine taxes, housing help advance in Legislature
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4:46The Nebraska Legislature advanced bills Wednesday taxing alternative nicotine products and offering housing help to survivors of domestic violence.द्वारा Nebraska Public Media
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