Welcome to the podcast of sermon recordings from Grace Community Church - Richmond, MI. Find us online at www.migracechurch.com We exist to GLORIFY God, REACH people for Jesus Christ, CONNECT them with other believers, EQUIP them to Grow in their faith and SERVE Him.
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A show about migrant life in the United Kingdom. Hosts: @HonaAfrica & NyariClaire
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MPI is a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank dedicated to the study of the movement of people worldwide.
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How are climate change and environmental degradation affecting human migration across borders and within countries? We explore with top experts in this Migration Policy Institute podcast.
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Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migration proposent du fact checking sur les enjeux migratoires.
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Migration Conversations is a podcast that invites persons to share their migration stories. Hosted by Professor Jamie Liew, each episode is an in-depth conversation with people who have experienced the Canadian immigration system or other migration regimes up close. We talk to migrants, immigrants, lawyers, policy makers, advocates and experts. We hope that these conversations shed light on the challenges migrants face through their own voices. Please note this podcast is not legal advice.
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Podden om migrän – en av våra största folksjukdomar – och allting runt omkring. Leonora Mujkic och Malin Östblom pratar med varandra och intervjuar experter för att lära sig mer om denna neurologiska sjukdom som drabbar 1,5 miljoner svenskar och deras anhöriga. Alla avsnitt finns även som text på migränpodden.se.
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Unwetter im Kopf ist der erste deutsche Migräne Podcast und er ist nicht nur ein Podcast für Menschen mit Migräne, sondern auch für Menschen, die im Umfeld Migränepatient*innen haben. Ich habe selbst seit Jahren Migräne und war inzwischen bei sehr vielen Ärzt*innen und alternativen Mediziner*innen. Ich habe unglaublich viele Maßnahmen ausprobiert, um meine Migräneattacken weniger werden zu lassen. Über die Jahre habe ich mir ein großes Migräne-Wissen angeeignet und dieses Wissen möchte ich m ...
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This series is specifically aimed at helping to change the current fear-ridden attitude of the wealthy world to migrants, as well as to grant the migrants themselves (be they refugees or economic and climate driven) a voice of self confidence and pride. We'll be talking to extraordinary people who are transforming themselves and their host countries, with courage and ingenuity.- If the title of the podcast is “Migrant Odyssey”, its spirit is certainly “Too big to contain”. Your podcast host ...
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MeltingPod - Migration im Dialog: der Podcast des Nachwuchsnetzwerkes des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Die Corona-Pandemie hat uns auf die Idee gebracht, einen Podcast zu starten, um eine Plattform für Netzwerkarbeit, zur Verbreitung von Forschungsergebnissen und dem Wissenschafts-Praxis-Transfer im Bereich der interdisziplinären Migrationsforschung zu bieten. Wir sprechen hierbei als Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen m ...
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Making Immigrants Great Again
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Are you a nurse or midwife, or even another skilled professional looking to migrate to Australia? Making Australian Migration Easy is your go-to podcast for navigating the complex world of visa pathways, nurse registration, and securing permanent residency. Hosted by Rhea Fawole, a leading Australian immigration lawyer and Founder of SOLVi Migration, this podcast delivers expert insights based on 12 years inside Australia’s Immigration Department. Each episode provides clear, practical guida ...
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O MIGRACAST é o podcast do GTARI, Grupo de Trabalho em Apoio a Refugiados e Imigrantes e a sua fonte de informações e debate sobre a temática migratória.
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Ob Integration, Rassismus oder Willkommenskultur – kaum eine öffentliche Debatte ist so kontrovers und facettenreich wie die zum Thema Migration. Unser Podcast „MigraTon“ will tiefere Einblicke und neue Erkenntnisse an Politikinteressierte – mit und ohne Migrationsgeschichte – vermitteln.
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A podcast sharing information, support, and healing strategies based on the science-backed MindBody Connection and Healing approach to reversing Migraine pain for sustainable relief. The host, Karen Ash, ACC suffered (past tense) from Chronic Migraine for 34 years before finding the work of Dr. John Sarno, Nicole Sachs, LCSW, Dr. Howard Schubiner, Alan Gordon, LCSW, the Curable App, and others educating on the role stress and emotions have in dysregulating our nervous system, sending unsafe ...
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We want to take you on your own sonic migration across continents, filling your ears with immersive audio from across the world whilst telling the stories of the adventures that allowed us to capture them, and how through these recordings we then can create music and art that brings us closer to nature and landscape. A collaboration between Sounding Wild and Soundquake, Sonic Migrations is a place where hosts Axel Drioli and Jake Lee-Savage explore nature, narrative and art whilst travelling ...
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Programa de Entrevista a grandes artistas del genero regional mexicano.
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“Migration Unpacked” is a podcast miniseries from the International Organization for Migration in Germany, in celebration of International Migrants Day. We’ll explore the main drivers, impacts and benefits of migration according to IOM experts and Germany-based migration actors.
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Cloud, data and related technologies empower today's businesses. Listen, discuss and find out your path to strategic technology transformation.
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Conversations about the reasons humans migrate & how it effects our identity.
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As principais causas das migrações e as consequências para os migrantes.
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Nahezu die Hälfte aller Menschen, die in Mannheim leben, haben einen Migrationshintergrund. Damit liegt die Stadt deutlich über dem Bundesdurchschnitt. Wir wollen hinter die Statistik blicken: Was haben Menschen mit Migrationserfahrung in Mannheim erlebt? Was bewegt Gastarbeiterkinder und Geflüchtete? In "Migrationsstadt Mannheim" erzählt Joschka Moravek ihre Geschichten. Jeden Donnerstag eine neue Folge.
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This podcast is to describe the cruelty our country is developing
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Migrapreneur stories is an initiative by Catalysr, where we interview world class migrant and refugee entrepreneurs or migrapreneurs to learn about their stories, grit, perseverance and how they have fought against all odds to be incredible at what they do. Catalysr is a startup incubator in Australia, helping exceptional migrants and refugees start their own startups and create Australia 2.0!
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Aquí conocerás un proyecto enfocado en la crítica del fenómeno social de la xenofobia por ello comenzarás a reflexionar sobre cómo llegan los prejuicios en la cognición social del humano.
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Tο SolidarityNow και η Ύπατη Αρμοστία του Ο.Η.Ε σε συνεργασία με το pod.gr, δίνουν τις απαντήσεις που χρειάζονται οι πρόσφυγες & οι μετανάστες που ζουν ανάμεσά μας σε 5 γλώσσες.
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Welcome to the Primeira Onda Migratória Brasileira podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Der Begriff Heimat wird häufig politisch genutzt, auch zum Nachteil jener, die eine Migrationsgeschichte haben. Und das ist in Deutschland jede:r Vierte. Was ist für diese Menschen Heimat, wer oder was prägt ihre Identität?
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Entrevistas íntimas a Migrantes Argentinos Hablamos de su vida, su historia personal, que fue lo que los llevo a migrar y un poco de su país de residencia actual Seguime en IG: @PodcastMigrantes Podcast Migrantes
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Podcast by UBC Migration
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My mother’s migration story. Cover art photo provided by Brett Zeck on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@iambrettzeck
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How the United States has made the Honduran migrants into a marginalize group Cover art photo provided by Edgar Castrejon on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@edgarraw
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Migrant.e. Ce tout petit mot couvre de multiples expériences de migration. Découvrez en six épisodes les parcours de celles et ceux qui quittent leur pays, racontés par des chercheur.ses en devenir. Produit par la Chaire de recherche du Canada sur les dynamiques migratoires mondiales et CKIA
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Migración en Ciudad Juárez
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„Kroniki migrantki” to podcast dla osób mieszkających na emigracji w Niemczech. Pojawiają się w nim takie tematy, jak: życie w Niemczech, życie poza granicami Polski, emigracja, praktyczne porady i fakty o życiu w Niemczech oraz o życiu w Berlinie. W odcinkach podcastu „Kroniki migrantki” znajdziesz rozmowy z ekspert(k)ami, inspirujące pogadanki z emigrantkami i emigrantami oraz luźne wymiany myśli o emigracji i życiu w Niemczech. Chcesz oswoić emigrację i odnaleźć się w życiu zagranicą? Kon ...
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Podcast ภาษาไทย เกี่ยวกับวีซ่าของประเทศออสเตรเลีย
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This podcast is about how we can help monarch during and thought there migration
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Your Guide To Success In A New World
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Discussions, debates and interviews on all aspects of the politics of migration. Supported by the University of Manchester Contact: clara.sandelind@manchester.ac.uk
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Migrant Diaries is a podcast for engagement and conversation about various issues that affect individuals, as migrants, moving across the globe. The intersections of culture, outlooks on life, their experiences and other things that help them to navigate the world of migration. Sit back and listen.
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De podcast over asiel en migratie door Dieke Scheurwater en Dorothé Kalkman, leden van PerspectieF, ChristenUnie-jongeren. Vanuit hun eigen ervaring met vluchtelingenwerk gaan ze in gesprek met diverse gasten over actuele migratiekwesties. Ze delen hun verhalen, leren over wat er speelt, en zoeken hoop op een betere toekomst.
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Interviewing an migrant
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Människor & Migration är en podcast om människor på flykt och deras rättigheter. Podden har fram till och med 14 mars 2019 (avsnitt 58) ägts av Arena Idé, men drivs nu av Asylrättscentrum.
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I hope to create an oral history of migrants, and achieve a greater understanding of people are on the move or who have moved in search for adventure or a better life.
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Welcome to Sarah Narvaez, where amazing things happen.
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February 9, 2025 — Five Distinctives at Grace What does John want us to believe about the Word? The Word is God. Grace Community Church - Richmond, MIद्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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Baisse des franchissements irréguliers d'après Frontex
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2:45Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migrations proposent du fact-checking sur les enjeux migratoires.द्वारा Le réseau Désinfox Migrations
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Reaching Irregular Migrants in Europe: Harnessing the Value of Counselling
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1:07:48Connecting with and providing counselling to irregular migrants, especially those living on the streets or in transit, is crucial for addressing irregular migration. Yet it remains a challenging and underexplored area, due in part to the difficulty engaging with a population often living in precarity and avoiding contact with authorities due to fea…
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The Power of One // Acts 3:1-12
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1:00:31February 2, 2025 Guest Speaker: Harrison Banda Grace Community Church - Richmond, MIद्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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The Truth About Employer-Sponsored Permanent Residency for Nurses: What You Need to Know
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7:56Are you a nurse dreaming of moving to Australia and thinking employer sponsorship is the golden ticket to permanent residency? Spoiler alert: it’s not that simple! Join host Rhea Fawole, CEO and Founder of SOLVi Migration, as she breaks down what employer-sponsored permanent residency really means and the essential steps you need to take before you…
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Join this intimate conversation between Adelle Blackett, Canada Research Chair in Transnational Labour Law at the Faculty of Law, McGill University and Canisia Lubrin, award winning poet and writer who teaches at the University of Guelph Creative Writing MFA program. They talk about Canisia's debut fiction Code Noir and the enduring legacies of the…
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Changing Climate, Changing Migration: Stories of Climate Change and Migration to the U.S.-Mexico Border
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24:52Natural disasters and other impacts of climate change are already affecting migration, but often in complex ways. This episode, we speak with Julia Neusner, a lawyer and researcher with the International Refugee Assistance Project. She has conducted surveys and interviews with migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border about whether, where, and how they ha…
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Stories of Climate Change and Migration to the U.S.-Mexico Border
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24:52Natural disasters and other impacts of climate change are already affecting migration, but often in complex ways. This episode, we speak with Julia Neusner, a lawyer and researcher with the International Refugee Assistance Project. She has conducted surveys and interviews with migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border about whether, where, and how they ha…
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This is the story of Hajar - a young woman with Palestinian and Lebanese parents - who understands that her people are woven together - not just by ideologies or politics or even the yearning for a safe homeland but by their stories. The stories of their humanity, eccentricities, intimacy and tenderness. Stories that are embroidered into every part…
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The Dreadful Dream Part II // Daniel 2:24-29
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55:13January 26, 2025 — Daniel: God is in Control Four scenes of God's goodness, grace, and sovereignty. Part II Grace Community Church - Richmond, MIद्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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Folge 191 - Schnelle Frage - Schnelle Antwort - Wie stärke ich meine Resilienz?
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9:05Diese Podcastfolge ist wieder eine Folge aus dem Format "Schnelle Frage - Schnelle Antwort". In dieser Folge geht es um das Thema Resilienz und wie du deine psychische Widerstandskraft stärken kannst. Viel Freude beim Zuhören : ) Alle Links zur Folge: Bei Orthoexpert sparst du mit meinem Code "Sabrina15" bis zum 28.02.2025 noch 15% auf Migravent: h…
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Wing vs winglet. Uncle Beri joins @HonaAfrica & @NyariClaire to gripe about scams related to migrants. Please listen to the end and tell others about this show. Thank Share your experiences via Instagram @20YearsAMigrant
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Ep 12. Now What? 4 Tips to Begin Healing Chronic Pain & Symptoms Through the Mindbody Connection
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16:34Send us a text In this episode, I take you one step further, using what you already know from the previous episodes on mindbody connection, and giving practical steps and insights to get you started on the healing journey to alleviate chronic pain. Drawing from my personal healing journey, I share what I would do differently if I started over, emph…
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The Dreadful Dream Part I // Daniel 2:1-23
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1:02:05January 19, 2025 — Daniel: God is in Control Four scenes of God's goodness, grace, and sovereignty. Part I https://migracechurch.com/द्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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Movement Lawyering with Reakash Walters
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35:21We speak with Reakash Walters as she provides an analytical toolkit for those who want to work with and not merely represent marginalized peoples and communities. She shares her research co-conducted with a former prisoner and how her friendship with him brings to light how Black friendship is criminalized in Canada. An important conversation about…
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Dr. Jessica Schwittek über transnationale Familien aus Kinderperspektive
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43:45In dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Dr. Jessica Schwittek (Universität Duisburg-Essen) über transnationale Familien aus Kinderperspektive. Wir erfahren dabei, warum der Begriff 'Stayer-children' wichtig ist um die Situation von Kindern in transnationalen Familien zu beschreiben und wie Kinder diese Familienform bewerten und mitgestalten. Außerdem bean…
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The Resolution // Daniel 1:8-21
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1:06:56January 12, 2025 — Daniel: God is in Control What is required for God's people to stand boldly? Grace Community Church - Richmond, MIद्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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Ep 11b. Understanding the Mind-Body Connection: How Thoughts & Emotions Affect Physical Health & Vice Versa (Part 2 of 2)
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36:52Send us a text Welcome to Part Two! Today, we’re diving deeper into the fascinating topic of the mindbody connection. In this episode, we explore how the mindbody connection contributes to symptoms and what cutting-edge fMRI technology reveals about how the brain processes acute (short-term) versus chronic (long-term) pain. Discover a third classif…
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Social Justice Interventions
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1:00:15We speak with four lawyers who intervene in the courts on behalf of community organizations. What is an intervention and why is it an important entry point for community organizations to converse with the courts. With Sandra Ka Hon Chu, Rosel Kim, Annamaria Enenajor and Naseem Mithoowani, we talk about four case studies they worked on, the importan…
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Folge 190 - Wie du entspannter und gelassener durch das Jahr gehst
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9:42In dieser Podcastfolge teile ich 3 Tipps mit dir, wie du entspannter und gelassener durch das Jahr 2025 gehen kannst. Ich wünsche dir viel Freude beim Zuhören : ) Jetzt mein Buch auf Amazon vorbestellen: https://amzn.to/3DOm5OC (Empfehlungslink) Meine Links: Instagram: @unwetterimkopf Facebook-Gruppe: Unwetter im Kopf - der Migräne Austausch YouTub…
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Sounds Across Continents: How The Dance Floor Can Heal Us
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1:23:39Join us as to bid farewell to Sierra Leone (at least for now) as Axel, special guest Bamie from WAYout and I catch up, chatting about Axel's close calls with death so far on this trip, the music he has been making, as well as the serious issues that the youth of Sierra Leone face and how organisations like WAYout are creating opportunities through …
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Where is Our God? // Daniel 1:1-7
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1:03:36January 5th, 2025 — Daniel: God is in Control God was in complete control when Judah failed. Grace Community Church - Richmond, MIद्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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The Church Victorious // Matthew 16:13-21
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59:51December 29, 2024 — New Year's Eve Sunday 2024 Four truths the church must proclaim boldly. Grace Community Church - Richmond, MIद्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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It's cold 🥶 Join @HonaAfrica & NyariClaire as they freeze in the U.K. Make sure to tell others about this show. Yeah? Please share your experiences via Instagram @20YearsAMigrant
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Ep 11a. Understanding the Mind-Body Connection: How Thoughts & Emotions Affect Physical Health & Vice Versa (Part 1 of 2)
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19:31Send us a text Welcome to Content Series 1! Today, I'll delve into the fascinating topic of the Mindbody Connection. In Part 1, discover how mental states like worry, sadness, and anger manifest in physical symptoms. I'll explain the intertwined nature of our thoughts, emotions, and bodily sensations and why recognizing this connection is crucial f…
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Samtal med professor Lars Edvinsson – om politikernas ansvar
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44:21I avsnitt 27 av Migränpodden fortsätter samtalet med professor Lars Edvinsson. Vi talar om hormonpusslet och konstaterar att det nu är upp till politikerna att se till att vi migränpatienter får den vård vi behöver. Musik: Sharing Silence med KORALL. Från albumet Psychedelic Sunblock. Alla avsnitt finns även som text på migränpodden.se.…
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Das Jahr 2024 war für mich das wohl anstrengendste Jahr. Es war vor allem privat emotional sehr herausfordernd. In dieser Podcastfolge blicke ich zurück auf das Jahr - in Zahlen, was den Podcast angeht, persönlich und im Hinblick auf meine Migräne. Hier kannst du mein Buch "Unwetter im Kopf" bei Amazon vorbestellen: https://amzn.to/40co3RE (Empfehl…
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The Biden Legacy on Immigration: A Complex Picture
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59:06Immigration has been a central issue for the Biden presidency, with the administration challenged by record levels of arrivals of asylum seekers and other migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border while also seeking to modernize the bureaucracy that manages the U.S. immigration system and rebuild a refugee resettlement system that had plunged to a record …
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Emerging and Established Efforts by States to Expand Language Access
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1:00:48For the more than 25 million U.S. residents who have limited proficiency in English, language barriers can prevent or hinder access to critical public services such as education, health care, emergency response, and the legal system. Federal, state, and local government agencies also regularly need to communicate with linguistically diverse communi…
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Zachariah: Your Prayer has been Heard // Luke 1
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48:08December 22, 2024 — Advent 2024 Seven moments of faith from Zachariah's life. https://migracechurch.com/द्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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Abraham: God Will Provide // Hebrews 11
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54:53December 15, 2024 — Advent 2024 Three timeless lessons from Abraham https://migracechurch.com/द्वारा migracechurch - Richmond, MI.
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Sounds Across Continents: The Arrival
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51:02Axel has finally arrived back in Africa, kicking off Sounding Wild's second expedition, Sound Across Continents, in Sierra Leone. We catch up about what it's like to be back, and how he has found settling back into life out there, whilst also reflecting on how whilst we as humans are limited by the lines we draw across the globe, nature has no bord…
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The Future of Complementary Pathways: Paving the Way for Growth
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1:01:43Successive displacement crises over the past decade, combined with limited growth in traditional resettlement, have highlighted the urgent need for alternative legal pathways for people in need of international protection. Civil-society organizations across Europe, often in collaboration with governments and other stakeholders, have launched variou…
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To Stay or Go: Factors Shaping Ukrainian Refugees’ Intentions Whether to Return to Ukraine
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57:28Despite the ongoing war and heavy destruction across Ukraine, some of the more than 6 million Ukrainians who fled after Russia’s invasion in February 2022 are already returning to Ukraine. As of August 2024, an estimated 1 million Ukrainians had returned to their country from abroad, according to the International Organization for Migration (IOM). …
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Charting a Smart Agenda for Managing Climate Migration
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59:22A growing body of evidence links climate events such as sea-level rise or droughts to migration—both within and across borders. As climate change amplifies the risks and severity of disasters, policymakers should better understand their options for managing how environmental change interacts with mobility. Held ahead of the COP29 United Nations Cli…
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Dr. Cihan Sinanoğlu über Ereignisse aus 2024 - ein Jahresrückblick
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1:05:30In dieser Folge sprechen wir mit Dr. Cihan Sinanoğlu (DeZIM-Institut) und blicken auf ausgewählte Ereignisse des Jahres 2024, die im Zusammenhang mit der deutschen Integrations- und Migrationspolitik stehen und welche Dynamiken wir in der wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung damit beobachten. Dabei blicken wir zurück auf die Mobilisierung Anfang d…
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Sounds Across Continents: The Beginning
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52:51This is the start of a very long journey, that will take you across continents and oceans, bringing to your ears sounds that you are guaranteed not to have ever heard. Welcome to the very first episode of Sonic Migrations, a place where hosts Axel Drioli and Jake Lee-Savage meet to talk audio, nature and art. To kick our first season off we will be…
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Changing Climate, Changing Migration: The World Is Going Greener. What Role Can Immigrants Play?
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23:21Many countries need more workers to fill jobs in clean energy and other sectors that are critical in the fight against a warming planet. Immigrants may be one part of the solution to the challenges posed by climate change. But governments have been slow to ramp up responses to recruit, train, or accredit foreign-born workers necessary for the green…
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The World Is Going Greener. What Role Can Immigrants Play?
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23:21Many countries need more workers to fill jobs in clean energy and other sectors that are critical in the fight against a warming planet. Immigrants may be one part of the solution to the challenges posed by climate change. But governments have been slow to ramp up responses to recruit, train, or accredit foreign-born workers necessary for the green…
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Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migrations proposent du fact-checking sur les enjeux migratoires.द्वारा Le réseau Désinfox Migrations
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Chaque semaine sur euradio, les membres du réseau Désinfox Migrations proposent du fact-checking sur les enjeux migratoires.द्वारा Le réseau Désinfox Migrations
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Trailer • Migration Unpacked: Why do people migrate?
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0:32Welcome to “Migration Unpacked”, a podcast by the International Organization for Migration in Germany. In this podcast, we explore the main drivers, impacts and benefits of migration and hear from IOM experts and Germany-based migration actors.द्वारा IOM Germany
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