Manny सार्वजनिक
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「現代人該如何在高速變動的未來世界中找到自己的定位?」 在新創產業打工多年的 Manny 與 Angela 每天都在資訊爆炸當中面對種種不安,但同時也發現世界正往更好的方向前進。本節目中我們將透過輕鬆、明快的對談,分析當代重要且有趣的科技及商業趨勢,並提供獨到的觀點。 更多深度分析,歡迎至: 商業合作,請來信: Powered by Firstory Hosting
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The Manny Podcast

Welcome to the Manny podcast, where we go on epic adventures and compare notes on what it looks like to seek first the Kingdom of God. Go read our blog over at Feel free to email us your feedback at
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Nick and Manny's Infinite Podcast

Infinite Podcast

Based on the mediocre lives of two friends, Nick and Manny's Infinite Podcast provides an inside look into their week no one asked for. Did they play a game? Watch a movie? Maybe get a new job? Will it be anything you care about? Probably not, but you will find it all here.
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Game Time With Manny


My name is Manny and I like to play video games in my free time. I write a whole bunch on my blog, which is located at You have stumbled upon the place where I host my hot new Podcast, which is aptly named Game Time With Manny. Every two weeks my friend Matt and I get together to talk about the latest gaming news, and the games we've been playing. For the second half of the podcast we normally chat about a specific topic at length.
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Kent & Janet

Janet, a widowed mom of nine, hired small business owner Kent to be her "Manny." Through trial/error & a desire to do what is best, life is improving for everyone!
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Manny Talks

Manny De La Cruz

From college through mid-career. Let's discuss how to make the most out of your time. Listen to others who have been there and learn from their experiences. From time to time getting off-topic is very valuable.
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Midday With Manny

Midday with Manny

A podcast showcasing local talent and artistry otherwise dismissed because we live in a world where no one wants to see someone win unless they too are winning. Support this podcast:
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The Classic Manny Show is a podcast that touches on all things pop culture. Use the hashtag #TCMSHOW to join the conversation. For any enquires, please e-mail
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Starring Jameela Jamil and Manny Jacinto! After crash-landing on a mysterious planet with no memory and a sentient AI implant in his brain keeping him alive, a soldier searches for answers about his past. There are only four things Lucan knows with certainty: his name, his rank, that the droll AI implant speaking to him inside his mind is named Ven, and finally, that she is the only thing keeping him from dying. With no other memories or connection to their pasts, Lucan and Ven must navigate ...
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Just Manny Show

Manuel Alvizo

Welcome everyone to my channel, full disclaimer I will be having shows in Spanish and English and plan to have a show every week or every other week. In this show I will talk about just about anything with many different people and sometines just myself. We will see where this goes. THANKS FOR LISTENING! Support this podcast:
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Ask My Man Manny!

Manny Henson, CFP & Dr. Abbey Durkin

Looking for advice on all things Money related? Look no further than "Ask My Man Manny," the newest podcast show that you won't want to miss. Hosted by the charming and engaging Manny, and the insightful Dr. Abbey Durkin, they will offer practical advice and unique perspectives on the challenges that come with money and relationships. Manny draws from his personal experiences and vast knowledge of money topics to provide insightful commentary, lively discussions, and passionate debates along ...
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The Adventures of Mighty Manny

Manny's Village

Mighty Manny was born at 23 weeks and two days. Faced with tremendous medical issues, doctors did not believe Emmanuel would ever make it home. God is using Emmanuel's life to put to foolishness the wisdom of men and we believe he wants to do the same in the life of your little one. Feel free to play these prayers in your home, car, and study the referenced scriptures to build your faith. 1 Corinthians 1:27, Romans 10:17 Follow: @MannysVillage (Instagram) Give: ...
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Mind of Manny

Mind of Manny

I've heard it once said that when you speak to someone always assume that they have something to teach you that you need. With that in mind, I wanted to create a space where I can have honest conversations with people who agree or even disagree with the way I see the world. The Mind of Manny podcast will take you deeper into what it means to not only love the people in this world, but to learn to love yourself even more.
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This is a podcast that will address many topics. From politics to simple colloquial every day stuff that just gets on my nerves. Once in a while an important topic might be discussed. I'm not an expert by any means... This is just for fun and should not be taken seriously. Enjoy Support this podcast:
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show series
Phil and Terrel begin the final chapter of The Divine Conspiracy! The dudes discuss how easy it is to adopt a vision for the future that is secular or worldy. Neither of which is rooted in the Trinitarian reality. How do we move forward? You don't want to miss this one!!
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This week we go over some cool announcements like the Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3+4 remakes, and what was shown about Pokemon Legends AZ. Then we turn over to the regular awful news of Monolith being closed and the Wonder Woman game getting cancelled...I regale the podcast with tales of the 50+ hours I spent in Monster Hunter Wilds over the course of a …
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本集節目由【stanCode 標準程式教育機構】贊助播出 為什麼在 AI 都會寫 code 的時代,你還需要學程式?因為你要學的是「程式思維」而不是語言。我自己就是前學生,也認為 stanCode 不只是一般的程式補習班,除了創辦人暨教學老師 Jerry 超級會教以外,完整的助教陪跑機制也帶來極好的體驗。AI 時代你更應該掌握程式思維,超級強烈推薦! 🧠 即將開課! 🎁 市面最低價:在表單第三頁,先勾選折扣碼,再填寫【manny2025】就折 1,500 元! 🔥 還在猶豫嗎?免費參加 3/30 號的說明會: 📱 One More Thing:AI La…
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本集節目由【AI EXPO Taiwan 2025】贊助播出 躺平一年後,我發現 AI 已經進入加速擴展階段,各種模型如雨後春筍般出現,DeepSeek、Grok 3、Manus...無一不在說明 AI 已經很成熟了。然而,就是在這個時候,我們更需要用「生態系」的角度來理解全貌,不只是看哪家模型強,還要了解背後牽動的產業鏈,以及對各垂直產業帶來的衝擊。 DIGITIMES 主辦的「AI EXPO Taiwan 2025」是今年第一個全方位探索 AI 生態系的大型活動: 🔹 重量級講者陣容:AI 大師吳恩達、AWS 台灣暨香港總經理、美國高通副總裁 🔹 完整生態環節:運算單元、通訊環境、資訊安全、垂直場景應用 🔹 展場特色分區:「智慧工廠」與「商業生活」主題區,直擊產業與生活的革命性變化 對 …
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本集節目由【三個字的實用痠痛解方|從生活細節打破痠痛循環】贊助播出 過去兩年來我的身體痠痛都靠「三個字 Sunguts」,但跑診所還是偏麻煩,更想要在家就能做基礎保健。如今三個字終於濃縮多年看診經驗,針對最多人碰到的痠痛問題,新設計了這堂好看、好懂、好應用的痠痛解方線上課。 🔸全身自我檢測:利用六階段檢測量表,自行找出痠痛點 🔸實用放鬆手法:自己也能操作的肌筋膜放鬆技巧,有感有效 🔸七大日常情境:涵蓋多數人日常情境,提供完整解方 🔸無痛空間打造:掌握人體工學原則,不花大錢也能打造零痠痛生活空間 🔸痠痛緩解百科:包含痠痛的各種成因與常見迷思,有效改善痠痛 👉 結帳輸入曼報專屬優惠碼 「mannyli」 可以再折 $300 元 🔎 超早鳥限時募資中:…
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The Oscars are this Sunday, and we're ringing in the occasion by watching one of the possible frontrunners, Conclave! We had a lot of fun revisiting this flick and recounting our favorite Conclave memes along the way. We hope you enjoy watching along with us, and if you're watching the Oscars, we hope you enjoy that too! Find Us Here: Nick: https:/…
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Awards season is coming to a close, and it's time for the most important awards of all: The Nuckies! Nick presents his personal awards for the 4th consecutive year, with awards both new and old. Nick and Manny also discuss new movies Companion and Heart Eyes and the recent news surrounding the James Bond and Avatar: The Last Airbender franchises. T…
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本集節目由飛利浦【星視界 透視饗宴海星氣炸鍋】贊助 氣炸鍋天花板再進化,這台星視界根本就是一用就回不去的料理神器。 ♦ 96% 加大透視窗:視野全面升級,站著就能掌握料理進度。 ♦ 燈光全程開啟:隨時清楚看到內部,料理掌控感大提升。 ♦ 7.2L 超大容量:比前代足足多 28.5%,根本像是不同世界。 ♦ 超長低溫烹調:最長可至 24 小時,油封、乾燥果乾都沒問題。 ♦ 4D 對流技術:全新底盤設計,效率提升 52%,又快又好吃! 用了兩週,我只有一個結論:這是目前最爽的氣炸鍋,所有該升級的地方都升級了,連不爽的細節都一次解決,完全無腦推。 🔥 限時 6 折預購!加碼送 2.5L 烤鍋 + 馬芬杯(價值近 3,000 元) 📌【星視界 透視饗宴海星氣炸鍋】預購頁面:https://r.zec…
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A bunch of showcases got announced for next week, but we mainly discuss the slew of games announced and shown at the recent PlayStation State of Play. It was actually a pretty good one.We finish off with me talking about the new games I played these past few weeks like Trails Through Daybreak 2, and Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza in Hawaii.…
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本集節目由【智寶國際集團】贊助 如果你是喜歡日本動漫的人,可能都聽過「製作委員會」這個神秘組織。智寶國際集團是目前台灣最具實力的業者之一,致力於連結國際市場與產業資源,並且在台、日兩地已有十家公司。其中,台灣的主要三家公司分別是: 🚀 智寶國際:以國際 IP 內容為核心的娛樂創意事業 🚀 翔英融創:橋接臺灣 ACG IP 躍上國際舞台 🚀 回歸線娛樂:ACG IP 代理、發行、授權 👀 加入智寶國際集團: 👀 追免費的動畫新番: 最後,我超期待的 JUMP 人氣連載漫畫《Witch Watch 魔女守護者》4/6 即將放送!主題曲還是 YOASOBI!跟上新消息:https…
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This is the final episode for Ch. 9 of The Divine Conspiracy! Terrel and Phil end the chapter discussing how one size doesn't fit all when it comes to discipleship. Just start living WITH Jesus. Take your time and live in His grace. You won't want to miss this one!
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本集節目由【克立淨】贊助 你是否正在尋找一款能同時淨化空氣與除濕的全能家電?克立淨推出的【CS101 Max 超能雷神除濕旗艦款】就是市面上最頂的選項之一,而且還提供獨家的終身售後服務,值得每一個追求好空氣的你。 ✨︎ 一機搞定:結合電漿空氣清淨與智能除濕功能,讓室內空氣潔淨乾爽。 ✨︎ 業界最高標準:機身密合+濾網密封技術+層層分工,出風口 PM0.3=0。 ✨︎ 超能電漿滅菌艙:滅絕病菌、分解甲醛等有害氣體。 ✨︎ 雙濾淨風道:清淨除濕強強合一,智慧對應各種環境問題,不妥協任何一邊。 ✨︎ 終身服務:完整的售前/售中/售後服務,且永久到府服務。 創下 4,100 萬集資紀錄後好評再登場,限時 65 折賣場: 結帳輸入專屬優惠碼「…
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Windows is my arch nemesis and changed the volume of my mic, so it sounds super blown out the entire episode. aghhhhhh!Anyways, we talk again about how the entire video games industry is crumbling! At least the Switch 2 joycons can be used as a mouse though!To finish we chat about the games we've been playing and even some like Citizen Sleeper 2 an…
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本集節目由【樂天 Kobo】贊助 每次被問我推薦哪家電子書,都只有一個答案:樂天 Kobo。如果你還不是樂天 Kobo 使用者,每年最適合加入的時候就是現在;如果你已經是使用者,但想換新機、買更多好書,那現在也是你最好的剁手時機!2025 台北國際書展 2/4 - 2/9 期間,用《曼報》專屬連結享優惠: 📍Kobo 官網結帳輸入「BLOOM」,電子書全站 75 折 單筆滿 $2000 再抽樂天點數 2000 點 *詳情見活動辦法 📍電子書閱讀器網路平台優惠 全系列閱讀器 76 折起 ,再送最高 $1200 購書金! *實際優惠價格及購書金登錄請參考各賣場 《曼報》專屬連結: -- (00:00) 開春閒聊與本集由來 (18:15) 2…
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We’re back! Last time we previewed what’s coming in 2025, and this time we go over the best of 2024! We touch on our favorite video games before having a long conversation about the state of the gaming industry in 2025. After that, we each rank our Top 15 Movies of 2024 now that we’ve finally caught up on most of the flicks we wanted to watch. We c…
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We hop into the podcast this week to talk about how the Switch 2 was finally unveiled by Nintendo, Sony cancelled some live service games, and Xbox put on a great Developer Direct.We both played a bunch of games, so we talk about those a while before transitioning into determining what the best exclusive Switch games of all time are!…
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本集節目由【百億遊戲營運行銷全攻略|12個遊戲心理學應用X爆款思維全拆解】贊助 ✨早鳥限時低於 5 折 👉課程超過 8 小時、75 單元,越早買越划算! 👉結帳輸入專屬折扣碼「mannygame」可以再折 350 元 🔎課程介紹: 🔥全台第一門遊戲營運行銷解密課,20年實戰心法大公開! ✅爆款思維|剖析熱門遊戲設計與策略,掌握爆品邏輯 ✅深刻洞察|解密12大心理機制,精準洞察用戶需求與行為 ✅數據賦能|看懂關鍵數據,優化用戶留存與付費策略 ✅跨界應用|靈活運用遊戲思維,解決多產業需求,提升競爭力 ✅市場營運|掌握產品生命週期,拆解爆品口碑操作邏輯 ✅趨勢案例|超過20個實戰案例,涵蓋中美日韓領先市場趨勢 -- (00:00) 掌聲歡迎「飛鳥涼…
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本集節目由【實現 AI 自動化的第一步: 超高效 AI 實戰指南】贊助 ❮ 實現 AI 自動化的第一步: 超高效 AI 實戰指南 ❯ 🚀 0 基礎、0 程式也能輕鬆無痛應用,實現工作效率最大化! ♦ 工作整合與串連|帶你分析現有工作流程,精準改善關鍵繁冗環節 ♦ 打造高效工作模式|融合自動化+ AI 應用,真正達到省時增效 ♦ 7 大工作核心能力|真實情境拆解步驟示範,解放每日30%瑣事時間 即日起至 1/26 早鳥限時優惠低於 45 折,了解更多: 結帳輸入專屬優惠碼 「mannyai」 可以再折 $350 元! -- (00:00) 比 AI 工具更重要的事 (05:30) 重大宣布:2025 年全新訂閱計畫 (14:34) 幕後花絮:曼…
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We're back for the first podcast of 2025! We talk a bit about the insane amount of Switch 2 leaks recently, How Assassin's Creed Shadows is delayed again, and how Stardew Valley sold a bazillion copies.I didn't play anything new so Matt tells us about the myriad of games he's been getting into before we transition into a fun game for part 3. True f…
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Happy New Year folks! We’re back after a couple months away to ring in the new year. In this episode, we review some of the biggest stuff to release in December, including Sonic The Hedgehog 3 and Indiana Jones And The Great Circle. We also preview the big movie and video game releases coming up in 2025. Next time, we will bring you our rankings fo…
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Well, better late than never, right? It's a little after Christmas, but this year we FINALLY watched Die Hard to get into the Christmas spirit and we had a blast. Nick and Manny were joined by their friend (and Die Hard expert) German for this one. If you're still wanting to rewatch this bad boy, we hope you enjoy watching it along with us. Happy h…
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The year is ending, so that means it's time for Matt, Noukeo and I to regale you with our top ten video games of the year. For those unfamiliar we start with our number ten and then go around the horn counting down until we reach our number one games of the year.This year it's even more surprising than usual because you have no idea what year the g…
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Matt and I discuss the highlights of the game awards and how he became totally Balatro pilled before moving into our yearly game of the year categories.This year is a bit different and he played mostly old games, so we hear about those from him but I stick to 2024 and let you know all about what was HOT.…
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本集節目由【山霧-富士山雲海香氛機】贊助 曾經創下 1,400 萬群眾募資紀錄的「山霧」回來了,這次不只有升級版的機構,還有全新的山形意象:富士山。 ✔️ 超細緻霧氣 ➡️ 還原雲海之美 ✔️ 水氣零凝結技術 ➡️ 桌面不再潮濕 ✔️ 濕度自動感測 ➡️ 皮膚涼爽不粘膩 ✔️ 零件快拆設計 ➡️ 清潔超快速 ✔️ 客廳級擴香空間 ➡️ 香氛隨心所欲 ✔️ 富士夜燈御來光 ➡️ 帶給你滿滿好運 ✔️ 富士山複方香氛 ➡️ 3 款季節香氣 一起把富士山的最美風景帶回家🗻 《曼報》專屬賣場: 結帳輸入「manny」,現折150元 -- (00:00) 終於想到關懷台灣土地 (08:48) 幹!在蝦皮買到盜版公仔 (12:45) Angela 的大阪遊記 …
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We're back to continue our trek through Michael Bay's Transformers films! This time, we're watching the third entry, 2011's Dark Of The Moon. We can both say, for a certainty, that this is better than Revenge Of The Fallen, but we may disagree on whether we like it more than the original film. We hope you join us for the ride this time as we say go…
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Send us a text Uncover the secrets to protecting your finances with insights from John Juzbasich, AFSP, now sharing his wisdom as part of National Tax Security Awareness Week. Each year, billions of dollars are lost to tax scams, a grim reality that affects countless individuals, especially vulnerable groups like the elderly. In this episode, John …
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We go over the few news stories and then transition into why I have been watching TV instead of playing games. Don't worry though because as usual Matt has been going absolutely ham and playing a bunch.To finish we bring back a rare part 3 as we figure out what our collective favorite game of 2023 was!…
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本集節目由【AWS】贊助播出 這集是人生第一次在國外錄音,而且還是在全球最大的科技論壇之一、AWS 的主場 re:Invent 的現場錄音。另一個令人興奮的是本集還邀請到 AWS 解決方案架構師經理 Jayson Hsieh 與社群英雄 Ernest Chiang 一起暢談今年覺得最重要的發表資訊。 不論你是不是 AWS 的用戶,或甚至熟不熟悉 AWS 的產品服務,這集應該都能帶給你一些啟發,因為我們三人都專注在解釋各項新發表究竟帶來了哪些商業價值,而不只是單純的更新。 — 搶先報名 AWS 雲端科技發表會 - 台灣站 及 觀看AWS re:Invent 精彩重播: -- (01:…
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Send us a text Join us on a transformative journey through the evolving world of retirement planning with Ricky Taylor, Director of Retirement Planning at CEP Consultants. From his beginnings at Prudential to mastering the art of employer-sponsored retirement plans, Ricky shares the pivotal shifts from generic solutions to sophisticated strategies …
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Phil and Terrel continue their discussion of Ch. 9 of The Divine Conspiracy. They begin talking about the spiritual disciplines as means to disrupt our bad habits. These disciplines help our entire self to begin to transform into whole and holy people. You don't want to miss this one!
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本集節目由【ZENLET 掛繩二刀流】贊助 你是不是常覺得手機和識別證總是不好收納?Zenlet 掛繩二刀流,幫你一次搞定!這款結合手機掛繩與識別證夾的創新神器,讓行動派的你隨時隨地輕鬆切換工作與休閒模式,效率加倍,空間解放! 掛繩二刀流特色: 📱 單手俐落:德國專利磁吸扣件,單手裝/拆手機 📏 隨心調節:拉一下變斜背,滑一下回頸掛 🔬 衛生舒適:圓繩添加抗菌銀離子,防止細菌孳生 🖇 模組化證件夾:橫直式自由切換,還能升級鈔票名片夾 ⏳ 限時 95 折優惠進行中,快透過專屬網址了解更多: -- (00:00) AI 解決不了的鳥事 (12:45) 前言與致謝 (16:42) 糖尿病與 CG…
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Phil and Terrel continue their discussion of Ch. 9 of The Divine Conspiracy. Bodily habits and the social context can have a momentum for evil in your life if you do not invite Jesus into it. Learning to live your life WITH Him is the only way to inherit eternal life, today. Religion won't help. You need HIS power to be applied to your bodily habit…
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It's been a long time coming, folks. After four years, Nick and Manny FINALLY met in person on a recent trip to Los Angeles. We go over our time together on this trip in detail, including discussing Universal Studios, NFL RedZone, Wangers Karaoke and The Academy Museum. It was an absolute blast finally meeting and we can't wait to do it again. Than…
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Episode Overview: In this episode of Manny Talks, we dive into the complexities of discussing politics at work. With today’s polarized climate, political conversations seem inevitable, but in a professional setting, they come with challenges. When is it appropriate to talk politics, and when is it best to steer clear? Join us as we explore when and…
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We go over the tidbits of news like the Nintendo Music App, and Sony closing Firewalk Studios. Then we get into all the hot games we've been playing. I have gone hard into Dragon Age: The Veilguard and Matt hit up titles like Prodeus and Dicey Dungeons.द्वारा Manny
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Phil and Terrel continue their discussion of chapter 9 of The Divine Conspiracy. The discussion has arrived to the place where we must deal with the habitual patterns of wrongdoing and sin in our lives. Discipleship to Jesus means nothing if His power isn't applied to the 'sin in our members.' You don't want to miss this one!!…
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本集節目由【SpeakAI】贊助 我曾自信英文不錯,但發現日常用英語生活其實超有挑戰。用了 SpeakAI 後,覺得真是一款適合 I 人、可以隨時隨地練口語的好產品。 除了可以自訂 AI 角色、針對自己想加強的情境來練習,每句話還都有即時的建議,甚至能根據建議內容生成後續的客製化課程,逐步練習重點句型及用詞。 🗣 I 人專屬:隨時開始、隨時結束 🗣 無限對話:自訂主題、無限練習 🗣 AI 建議:精準回饋、自我提升 🗣 客製課程:循序漸進、對症下藥 🔎 現在下載 Speak app,App新註冊會員享七天免費試用: -- (00:00) I 人的學英文神器 (03:05) T1 五冠爽啦!(瘋狂情緒輸出) (22:10) 為什麼要聊 Chi…
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Happy Halloween! Nick brought Arcadio back one more time to round out the David Gordon Green Halloween trilogy with its final entry, Halloween Ends! We had a more fun time with this one than Halloween Kills, all due of course to our good pal Corey Cunningham. We hope you have a safe spooky day and we hope you enjoy watching this one along with us! …
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Spooky season continues! Nick brought Arcadio back to continue the new Halloween trilogy with its less-than-stellar middle chapter, Halloween Kills! Neither of us like this movie much, but we still had a lot of fun watching this one together with a couple drinks. Look out for another commentary on October 31st as we complete this trilogy! Find Us H…
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本集節目由【跨界業務思維|教你掌握市場、聰明應對、取得好機會】贊助 我經常在心中更新一份「導師清單」,像是「○○○這件事就該像他一樣」。認識七、八年來,講到「業務」,我第一時間就會想到 Yuki;講到「面對挫折」,我也是第一時間就會想到 Yuki。 所以,很高興 Yuki 在邁入自己的「第二人生」之後,也把他在第一人生階段的業務經驗凝聚成一堂 6 小時的線上課程。我一直以為「業務力」是教不來的,但 Yuki 說其實很簡單,只要把握好幾個做人的原則,搭配各種情境來練習,人人都能養成業務力。總之,我一定會上這堂課,也邀請有興趣的人參考看看。 👉 #1201前 #募資低於4折 👉 結帳輸入專屬優惠碼「mannypod」可以再折 $300元 🔎 課程介紹:…
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We return with a wildly barebones news week. While we do discuss the disbanding of the studio behind Prince of Persia the lost crown I fill the rest of the time letting you know how I feel about my Alarmo.As for what we have been playing I finished Metaphor and Good Boy Galaxy while diving back into Hades II. Matt finished Saint's Row 2 and moved o…
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It's spooky month! With that in mind, it's time for some spookies. Last year, Nick enlisted Arcadio from 4th & Infinity, the spookiest spooky fan he knows, to watch the original Halloween film. This month, they're watching its OFFICIAL sequels, beginning with the 2018 film, ALSO called Halloween. It gets complicated, huh? We hope you enjoy this com…
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In this episode of Manny Talks, we dive deep into the world of performance reviews—an often nerve-wracking but essential part of professional life. We explore how to make the most of your review process, from setting clear, SMART goals to proactively seeking feedback and documenting your achievements. We also discuss the importance of understanding…
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