Lulu सार्वजनिक
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「Lulu不在家」是一個為你展示100種生活方式的podcast節目。我是經常不在家的主持人Lu,跳脫體制後的我體認到追求一種職業不該是我所努力的目標,追求一種生活方式才是。除了經營此音頻,目前也是一名遠距英文教師與業餘戶外咖。 在這裡,你能找到那些專訪凹豆人、自由工作者或職場人的獨特故事,我們將一同探索關於「人生」這個難解的方程式,希望透過這些故事,能帶給也在尋找理想生活的你,滿滿的靈感與動力。 ☁️ 喜歡節目的你,請記得到Apple Podcast打5星評分並留下你的想法 :) 🌿 Lulu經常不在家,音頻不固定更新,follow Lu最新動態請到IG和我聊聊天 🔖 贊助Lu喝咖啡,支持我持續推出優質的好節目,Lu非常感謝你 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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A place where things can be shared, no hate, no problems. [Disclaimer] Things said in the Podcast are only personal opinions not things to be used against others in subjects. Support this podcast:
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Lulu Cast

Lulu Cast

Sempre quis ter um podcast, então to aqui. Espero que não desista nos primeiros 3 minutos e tire pelo menos UMA risada disso aqui (nem que seja da minha cara).
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This podcast looks to reach the wider range of young adult, we can talk about anything and everything, from school , work, friendships, relationships and all the ships , life, love and everything in between, To issues that are bothering us. A seasonal program with at least seven episodes in every season.
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Politics, deception or ambition? This podcast takes you on the road of success, with practical tactics that help you build unbeatable confidence in your office and your life. Talk to me on LuluFromMars on Instagram and Facebook.
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Join me for podcasting fun! Want to know what I'm watching, listen to my Midnight Binges segment where I watch the newest shows. Looking for something new, look no further than our Under the Radar segment. Spotlight Artist places a light on artists regardless of the art they're into. Flashback Friday is just that, some nostalgia goodness. Is reading more your speed, we have a segment for that too. Our Currently Reading podcast might be your thing. Utter Randomness is just that, a segment abo ...
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Dear Lulu xx | Improve your English with Lulu Have you wondered how to improve your English? Have you ever struggled to explain yourself clearly? Do you have the confidence to communicate your thoughts without fear? Have you ever needed help with your English but did not know where to go? Then this PODCAST is for you. I will share tips and strategies on how to improve your English daily, and how to grow in confidence as you speak, listen, read and write in English! Buy resources here | https ...
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Selbstverliebt mit Lulu

Selbstverliebt mit Lulu

Wenn du auf der Suche nach der Liebe zu dir SELBST bist und du dich glücklicher und wohler in deiner Haut fühlen möchtest bist du hier genau richtig. Lass uns zusammen an deiner Selbstliebe, Selbstakzeptanz, deinem Selbstbewusstsein und der Liebe zum Leben quatschen. ❤️ Mit tollen Gästen, meinen Tipps und Tricks und inspirierenden Videos hoffe ich dir etwas mehr Freude im Leben zu schenken und dir einen Funken zu geben, den du mit deiner Kraft zu Licht werden lässt.
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Suicide is second only to accidents as the leading cause of death in our youth. With this podcast, Dr. Lulu is spreading awareness for, and educating the public on suicide. She is interviewing guests who have been touched personally or otherwise by suicide. If you are a suicide loss survivor, have suicidal ideation, attempted suicide or know anyone who has, this podcast is for you. Listen and be encouraged knowing you are not alone, there is help out there. Call 1-800-SUICIDE or 1-800-273-TA ...
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show series
September is National Sickle Cell Awareness Month. Welcome back to another episode, where we speak with our first guest, Bianca Griffin, President and Spokeswoman of the Jack and Jill Erie Shores Chapter. On September 8th, the Erie Shores Chapter and the American Sickle Cell Anemia Association will be holding a 5K Run/Walk, Running the Shores, wher…
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In episode 2 of “Delulu with Lulu,' Lulu sits down with Crisis to talk his background, growing up in Akron, family, and how he became the best Host in Ohio. Get some of the background between the two, while they discuss the entertainment scene, networking and grinding toward career goals.द्वारा Lulu
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In this introductory episode Lulu and BKA Watts talk artistic pursuits, personal healing journeys, and the gritty truths of life changes. From launching networks and evading traditional art paths to facing down divorces and embracing the raw edges of podcasting. We get real about overcoming challenges, parenting and personal growth. It's all here o…
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En este episodio, Lulu y Mimi le brindan formas de ayudar a su hijo a pasar de simplemente recitar las palabras numéricas mientras cuenta a comprender realmente la cantidad que representan las palabras para que pueda contar objetos y decirle cuántos hay.द्वारा consejosdeLuluyMimi
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Welcome back to another episode! Join Lucy as we talk discuss myths and misconceptions surrounding Sickle Cell Anemia, Rare Disease Day, and how you can support Sickle Cell Programs within your region, or even the American Sickle Cell Anemia Association.Creative and have sickle cell anemia? Send in your artwork, photographs, stories, and more to si…
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Se espera que los niños en los Estados Unidos lleguen al kindergarten conociendo ya los números y las letras. Pero los padres pueden enseñarles de maneras divertidas. Este episodio habla de enseñarles a decir los números del uno al veinte.द्वारा consejosdeLuluyMimi
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A huge shift in content ALERT! I've been with the American Sickle Cell Anemia Association for the better part of 5-ish months. They are a 501(c)(3) non-profit that offers supportive services, counseling, testing, education, and more to individuals, families, and the population at risk for sickle cell anemia. Sickle Talk is back! After a hiatus, Sic…
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And, Season 3 comes to an end . If you live in the Hamptons, you can catch this season on your television box on channel 20 (Southampton) and channel 22 (East Hampton). Show Notes: Introduction and Guest Presentation Nancy's Experience Working with Renowned Brands Nancy's Journey from Peru to America Nancy's Immigration Story Nancy's Passion for Se…
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April is an artist and community activist who has worked on various projects in Sag Harbor, New York, including the restoration of the Sag Harbor Cinema and the promotion of affordable housing. During the interview, April discusses her background, her passion for art, and her commitment to preserving her community whilst driving change. The convers…
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Episode highlights 00:00-03:18 Intro 1:31 Patricia's story of origin 2:36 The Birth of Matriarch 3:24 Choosing Sag Harbor 4:16 Family Life and School Choices 4:41 The Meaning Behind 'Matriark’ 2:36 Women Empowerment and Challenges 6:38 The Process of Handpicking Brands for Matriarch 8:36 The Role of Social Media in Business 10:00 Approaching Brands…
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8 weeks until Christmas- are you ready and how are you preparing? Share your tips here @teachingmums Buy your books here Get in touch here
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YouTube: Episode highlights 00:00-00:56 Intro 1:16 Employee’s well-being 7:54 Entrepreneurship, career change, personal growth 10:35 Breakfast Connoisseur 16:49 Sustainable farming practices 18:59 Definition of Winner vs. Loser 19:25 Pride vs. Vanity 24:19 Why Mexican? 28:42 Family Background 30:00 Ruben Bravo 35:33 Car…
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Apple Podcasts: LuLu Romano:Instagram:
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I’m telling the story of how a 50 year old bird lady accidentally became an online stalker… I’m very sorry for the stress I have caused and I’m also quite angry at big social media for enabling me. I should not have been able to be so mean and now I’m really sad about it
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Hello, and welcome to another episode of Winners Only Club: the podcast born in the Hamptons, NY. Today we welcome Dan Gasby. Dan Gasby was the guy who sold TV shows like Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, and the Oprah Winfrey show- arguably three of the most successful shows in television syndication history. Yet he's probably best known for building th…
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Deep feels but not too much i hope plus some singing which is probably okay but maybe terrible coz I’m rushing this episode. Reach out to me. Also takes you to my art and it’s also a mess but you may like some of it. Okay the bird is oissed so peace out
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What’s to know? I bet there’s a heaps of kids on a crazy chocolate high right now it being Easter Sunday 9am LuLu Island Time. This recording comes from my sister Island and co-opted backyard otherwise known as Bindi Hill. Zoe and I are hanging out having a good time but I just realised that’s not when I made the recording so I guess I better go ba…
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VIDEO! Temur Zamani, owner of Zamani House of Heritage joins us on another episode of Winners Only Club. House of Heritage has served Serena Williams, the Sarkozys, and Tim Howard. Zamani House of Heritage 64 Main St, Sag Harbor, NY 11963
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VIDEO! You can watch George and I chat on Spotify and YouTube or listen to the conversation wherever you listen to podcasts. “What’s the likelihood that you go back to prison?” George’s story is incredible- after 10 years of incarceration because he was outed by his own mother, George made a film now streaming on HBO and had his art displayed at th…
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I managed to squeeze in a quick episode before Zoe the bird expresses her extreme discontent. Mainly I needed a way to express some feelings about an episode of 3 minute review which I absolutely love and recommend but got triggered by today
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Heute spreche ich mit Caspar über ADHS und deren Erfahrungen mit der Diagnose von ADHS, die Vorteile und Hilfestellen. :) Außerdem sprechen wir über Selbstwert erkennen und unseren Erfahrungen auf dem Weg. Hier kommt ihr zu Caspar: 📚 MEIN SELBSTLIEBE BUCH 📚 📚 MEIN ZWEITES SELBSTLIEBE B…
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Heute spreche ich mit Cloudy June über ihre Geschichte, wie sie mit der Musik angefangen hat, durch Tiktok ihre Songs z.B. FU in my head, Pretty pills for broken hearts und Unthinkable viral gegangen sind und ihre ersten queeren Erfahrungen. Hört gerne bei ihr vorbei :)…
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Heute sprechen Staci und ich offen über das Thema Sex. Staci erzählt von ihrer Erfahrung mit Slutshaming, wie man sich wohl mit seiner Sexualität fühlt und wie man gut kommuniziert im Bett. Außerdem sprechen wir über Weißen Feminismus und warum Intersektionalität wichtig ist. Schaut bei Staci vorbei: 📚 MEIN SEL…
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WELCOME (BACK) TO HAWKINS SPOILER WARNING! Continue into the Upside Down at your own risk. It’s been eight months since The Battle of Starcourt, which brought terror and destruction to Hawkins. Struggling with the aftermath, the protagonists are separated for the first time–and navigating high school hasn’t made things easier. In this vulnerable ti…
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Heute spreche ich mit Kati über die Krankheit Lipödem, welche Behandlungsmethoden es gibt, auf welche Symptome man achten soll aber auch darüber, wie sie gelernt hat ihrem Körper Liebe zu schenken. Zum Buch: Zu Kati: Zur Petition:…
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