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Documenter toutes les expériences de la vie, des cultures et des savoirs. Chaque semaine, un grand thème en quatre épisodes, autonomes et complémentaires. Du lundi au jeudi de 17h à 18h. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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The London School of Economics and Political Science public events podcast series is a platform for thought, ideas and lively debate where you can hear from some of the world's leading thinkers. Listen to more than 200 new episodes every year.
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An award-winning podcast focusing on the science behind public and global health, and solutions to improve health and health equity worldwide. Brought to you from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
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The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is a world-leading university, specialising in social sciences, with a global community of people and ideas that transform the world. Our podcasts focus on the social sciences and the world today.
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LSU interviews, press conferences and more
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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Une variation sur un thème célèbre, qu'il vienne du jazz, de la pop ou de la chanson. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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All items | LSE Public lectures and events | All media types
London School of Economics and Political Science
Audio, video and pdf files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events.
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science in which we ask some of the smartest social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. #LSEIQ
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Join the LSAT Demon team Tuesday through Sunday as they discuss a broad range of topics related to the LSAT and law school admissions. Listen on your way to work and kickstart your daily study routine. Questions? Email daily@lsatdemon.com. Learn more at lsatdemon.com
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LS Community Church is a church located in Lee’s Summit Missouri. We are dedicated to making disciple makers who saturate our community with the Gospel.
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Interviews focus on key moments of discovery, and the songs/artists that have soundtracked the guest's life. Hosted by journalist and radio presenter Jenny Eliscu (@jennylsq), these are laid-back but in-depth discussions about the journey to find their creative voice and process, and how it has evolved over their career. Episodes also occasionally feature clips from Eliscu's extensive archive, which includes 25 years' worth of interview audio.
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Website: https://lsa.church/ Bulletin: https://www.lsa.church/c/bulletin-board/feed?postTypeId=whatsNew Giving: https://www.lsa.church/posts/12282/give Podcast: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1988628 #lsachurch #scripture #thebible #FollowJesusLSA #SermonOnTheMount #LSAChurch #BlessedAreThePoor #KingdomLiving #Beatitudes #FaithInAction #LoveYourNeighbor #SaltAndLight #SeekFirstTheKingdom #Peacemakers #HungerForRighteousness #MeeknessMatters #GoldenRule #TrueDiscipleship #SermonSeries #ChristianL ...
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Podcast by The 7Sage LSAT Podcast
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Ben Olson and Nathan Fox started the Thinking LSAT Podcast to become better LSAT teachers and have some fun. Please 1) subscribe, 2) rate and review, and 3) send us questions: help@thinkinglsat.com. Don't pay for law school! Learn more at lsatdemon.com
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Geaux247: A LSU Tigers athletics podcast
247Sports, LSU, LSU football, LSU Tigers, LSU athletics, Football, College Football
News and analysis from the Geaux247 team featuring insight from Bryce Koon, Glen West, and Sonny Shipp.
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Our church began in 2017 and is located just down the street from Lincoln Center, which is in the Lincoln Square neighborhood of Manhattan. This podcast will primarily feature sermons from our Sunday worship service and the occasional interview or ministry resource. We hope you’ll subscribe.
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LSU Daily is a Podcast hosted by 104.5 ESPN's Matt Musso breaking down all things LSU. Matt is the producer of the critically acclaimed "After Further Review" radio show in Baton Rouge. Musso is also the host of Musso at The Box, a daily LSU Baseball podcast that runs in season.
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All items | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio
London School of Economics and Political Science
Audio files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf RSS feed, or Atom feed.
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Steve Schwartz of LSAT Unplugged created this podcast to help you with the LSAT and law school admission process. He started teaching the LSAT after scoring a 152 and gradually working his way up to a 175 (it took over a year!). Please (1) subscribe, (2) rate + review, and (3) email me your questions: podcast@lsatunplugged.com
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Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | All media types
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 100 audio, video and pdf files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events.
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CTK Talks & Homilies! Give to support CTK's ministry efforts! www.ctklsu.org/give
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Latest 300 | LSE Public lectures and events | Video
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 300 video files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for more recordings and pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf collection.
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The official podcast network of LSU Athletics. The Hey Fightin' Podcast Network takes you inside LSU Sports all year long. From Hey Fightin' Podcast – the official podcast of LSU Football – to Tigers Win, Hearing Voices, Play by Play, and more, the Hey Fightin' Podcast Network brings you episodes covering all things LSU Sports (almost) every week day.
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The LSU Tigers Podcast - The Bengal Tiger is the most in-depth show on LSU Football. Hosted by Shea Dixon, Matthew Brune, and Billy Embody, it's a must-listen for any and every LSU Tigers fan.
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Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | Video
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 100 video files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for more recordings and pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf RSS feed, or Atom feed.
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Welcome to the LSE Middle East Centre's podcast feed. The MEC builds on LSE's long engagement with the Middle East and North Africa and provides a central hub for the wide range of research on the region carried out at LSE. Follow us and keep up to date with our latest event podcasts and interviews!
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La política en Chile y el mundo ya no es sólo izquierda vs. derecha. Cada vez más, es sobre democracia vs. sus amenazas: populismos, autoritarismos y el retorno del fascismo, las que crecen y tienen sus espacios y medios. La defensa, promoción y proyección de la democracia necesita los suyos. Ese es nuestro objetivo. Programa semanal por Ximena Jara y Davor Mimica
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The LSEG Sustainable Growth Podcast tackles important issues which intersect sustainability and finance, hosted by Jane Goodland, LSEG’s Group Head of Sustainability. We talk about some of the biggest issues of our time – from climate transition and investment, green infrastructure to greenwashing, natural capital, carbon markets, financial inclusion, equality and inclusion and more! We hear from leading experts from Microsoft, ISSB, IIGCC, Blackrock, IFAD, Women's World Banking, Climate Imp ...
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Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 100 audio files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events, for more recordings and pdf documents see the corresponding audio & pdf RSS feed, or Atom feed.
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I love music and nature
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LSE IQ is a monthly podcast from the London School of Economics and Political Science. This is the podcast where we ask some of the leading social scientists - and other experts - to answer intelligent questions about economics, politics or society. To subscribe on Apple Podcasts please visit - https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/lse-iq-podcast/id1223817465 Or search for 'LSE IQ' in your favourite podcast app or add our RSS feed -http://www.lse.ac.uk/assets/richmedia/webFeeds/lseiqpodcast_iT ...
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All items | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio and pdf
London School of Economics and Political Science
Audio and pdf files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events.
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A podcast for sharing what has made my life better in hopes it will make your life better
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Latest 100 | LSE Public lectures and events | Audio and pdf
London School of Economics and Political Science
Latest 100 audio and pdf files from LSE's programme of public lectures and events.
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The Legal Services Corporation's Talk Justice podcast explores innovative ways to expand access to justice, bringing together legal experts, technologists, business leaders, community organizers and government officials for thoughtful conversations about ending the access-to-justice crisis.
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Podcast by lsfradio
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Mainly founded on the intent to share and distribute smiles and freedom voice in our school namely Lasal Tech Academy
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LSAT tutors explain every LSAT logical reasoning question from June 1996 (PT 19) onward.
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LSAT tutors explain every reading comprehension passage beginning from PT 19 (June 1996). Season numbers correspond to practice test numbers in LSAC LawHub.
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The Most Interesting Man In The World: Jesus’ Ministry | Mark 2
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43:03LS Community Church live Sunday gathering, March 23rd; teaching by Kevin Hartman. Mark 1:14-15, Mark 2:1-12, Mark 2:17, Luke 4:16-19, John 1:35-42 So many incredible moments mark the beginning of Jesus’ ministry. From His baptism and time of preparation in the wilderness, to calling some of His first disciples. But perhaps the thing that truly sets…
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Satiksmes ministrija plāno apvienot "Latvijas dzelzceļa" (LDz) trīs meitasuzņēmumus – "LDz Cargo", "LDz ritošā sastāva serviss" un "LDz loģistika".
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Revisamos las definiciones presidenciales pendientes en el oficialismo y luego exploramos por qué hay unas 150 personas buscando firmas para montar candidaturas presidenciales. -- Programa grabado en vivo a las 21:30 del miércoles 26 de marzo del 2025, cada uno desde su casa, por Ximena Jara y Davor Mimica. Si deseas hacer un aporte mensual (lo que…
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Lietuvā ceturtdien notiek mēģinājumi no ūdenstilpes izcelt militāro transportlīdzekli, ar kuru četri amerikāņu karavīri otrdien pazuda bez vēsts mācībās Pabrades poligonā, taču karavīru liktenis joprojām nav zināms.
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Amerikas Savienoto Valstu (ASV) ietekmes mazināšanās pasaulē un ASV prezidenta Donalda Trampa nedraudzīgā attieksme pret NATO sabiedrotajiem ir veicinājusi Eiropas un Turcijas tuvināšanos. Turcija ir izteikusi gatavību iesaistīties miera nodrošināšanā Ukrainā pēc Krievijas kara beigām, kā arī stiprināt Eiropas drošību. Apmaiņā pret to Ankara vēlas …
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Eiropas Savienības (ES) un ASV interesēs ir nepieļaut nestabilu situāciju Gruzijā. Šādu pārliecību intervijā Latvijas Radio pauda Gruzijas 5. prezidente Salome Zurabišvili, kura trešdien bija ieradusies Latvijā. Intervijā viņa uzsvēra, ka gruzīni joprojām ir apņēmības pilni protestēt un panākt, ka valstī sarīko brīvas un godīgas vēlēšanas. Viņasprā…
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The Fastest Way to Improve Your LSAT Score
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8:39📘 FREE LSAT Cheat Sheet: Proven strategies to skyrocket your score—instantly! → https://bit.ly/easylsat 📞 FREE Strategy Call: Unlock your custom LSAT game plan today! Spots are limited → https://www.unpluggedprep.com/start/ 🔔 Subscribe for Daily LSAT Mastery: Ace your LSAT with daily expert tips → https://www.youtube.com/@UnpluggedPrep?sub_confirma…
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It's a good thing ANOHNI and I decided to leave the cameras turned off for the interview included in episode 118 of the LSQ podcast, because there were moments when she was talking --about her creative process, about using her voice and her music as a survival strategy, about what it felt like to grow up as a trans femme amidst the violence of patr…
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Ziņas vieglajā valodā 26. martā.
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Saeimas komisijā dod zaļo gaismu Valsts kontroles padomes locekļu Ilzes Bāderes un Maijas Āboliņas pilnvaru pagarināšanai uz vēl vienu termiņu, tā trešdien, 26. martā, bez balsojuma lēma Saeimas Publisko izdevumu un revīzijas komisijā. Galavārds vēl jāsaka Saeimai. Pirms šī lēmuma Āboliņai nācās skaidroties par lietām, kas nav saistītas ar profesio…
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A listener wants to leave her Teaching For America contract to work as a paralegal before going to law school. Ben and Nathan encourage her to get experience in law to confirm that is what she wants to do before investing time and money in law school. Read more on our website. Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode…
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Joe Sloan Press Conference - March 25, 2025
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21:13LSU Offensive Coordinator Joe Sloan addresses the media following Tuesday's spring practice session.
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Latvijas uzbrucējs Rodrigo Ābols otrdien izdarīja vienu rezultatīvu piespēli Nacionālās hokeja līgas (NHL) mačā, kurā viņa pārstāvētā Filadelfijas "Flyers" komanda piedzīvoja zaudējumu. "Flyers" viesos ar rezultātu 2:7 piekāpās Toronto "Maple Leafs" komandai, zaudējot sestajā mačā pēc kārtas.
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War crimes talk: does it help or hinder peace?
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1:27:51Contributor(s): Professor Denisa Kostovicova | In her inaugural lecture, Denisa Kostovicova discusses how former opponents engage with the legacy of mass atrocity.War crimes need to be addressed, if peace is to be built. But, in divided societies polarised by violence, war crimes talk can deepen the divisions. Kostovicova draws on her study of post…
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War crimes talk: does it help or hinder peace?
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1:27:51Contributor(s): Professor Denisa Kostovicova | In her inaugural lecture, Denisa Kostovicova discusses how former opponents engage with the legacy of mass atrocity.War crimes need to be addressed, if peace is to be built. But, in divided societies polarised by violence, war crimes talk can deepen the divisions. Kostovicova draws on her study of post…
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War crimes talk: does it help or hinder peace?
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1:27:51Contributor(s): Professor Denisa Kostovicova | In her inaugural lecture, Denisa Kostovicova discusses how former opponents engage with the legacy of mass atrocity.War crimes need to be addressed, if peace is to be built. But, in divided societies polarised by violence, war crimes talk can deepen the divisions. Kostovicova draws on her study of post…
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War crimes talk: does it help or hinder peace?
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1:27:51Contributor(s): Professor Denisa Kostovicova | In her inaugural lecture, Denisa Kostovicova discusses how former opponents engage with the legacy of mass atrocity.War crimes need to be addressed, if peace is to be built. But, in divided societies polarised by violence, war crimes talk can deepen the divisions. Kostovicova draws on her study of post…
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Expect Coach Johnson to use Zac Cowan like he used Griffin Herring in 2024
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12:18Mikie Mahtook, a former LSU outfielder and current host of "Mik'd Up" on YouTube, joined Sports Talk to recap the Tigers' weekend series loss to Texas. Mahtook praised Jay Johnson's job leading LSU's baseball program. He also evaluated freshman OF Derek Curiel and projected Zac Cowan's role in the bullpen.…
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How I’d Score a 175 on the New LSAT (Step-by-Step Game Plan)
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7:50📘 FREE LSAT Cheat Sheet: Proven strategies to skyrocket your score—instantly! → https://bit.ly/easylsat 📞 FREE Strategy Call: Unlock your custom LSAT game plan today! Spots are limited → https://www.unpluggedprep.com/start/ 🔔 Subscribe for Daily LSAT Mastery: Ace your LSAT with daily expert tips → https://www.youtube.com/@UnpluggedPrep?sub_confirma…
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Latvijas Sporta federāciju padomē (LSFP) otrdien, 25. martā, par organizācijas prezidentu ievēlēja bijušo Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas Sporta departamenta vadītāju Vladimiru Šteinbergu.
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LSU's Joe Sloan And Blake Baker Face Year Two | Baseball Hosts ULL
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24:15Matt Musso details what to expect from LSU's coordinators in year two for each. Why should the results be different? Next, Musso recaps the LSU Women's Basketball team's 101-71 victory over Florida State to advance to the Sweet 16. Is Kim Mulkey's squad clicking at the right time? Finally, we preview LSU's matchup with ULL at The Box.…
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Empowering Individuals with Legal Tune Up
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28:56Guests from a Wisconsin program creating web platforms that help users solve legal problems discuss their Legal Tune Up tools on Talk Justice. LIFT, or Legal Interventions for Transforming Wisconsin, was formed by lawyers and nonprofit leaders who wanted to create resources to address the access to justice crisis in their state. Leveraging the stat…
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Norovirus Uncovered: Why This Year is Worse
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20:54Ever had a sudden, gut-wrenching bout of vomiting and diarrhoea? You’re not alone—norovirus, the infamous ‘winter vomiting bug,’ has been wreaking havoc across the UK. But why are cases so high this year? And how can you protect yourself? In this special episode, Karl speaks to LSHTM expert Dr Damien Tully to break down the science behind norovirus…
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Taking easy classes to boost your GPA is a savvy move that can increase your scholarship chances. Read more on our website. Email daily@lsatdemon.com with questions or comments. Watch this episode on Youtube!
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Iraq’s Economy between the US and Iran: Perceptions and Realities
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1:02:44This event disseminated the findings of a series of papers produced for the LSE Middle East Centre by Ahmed Tabaqchali exploring the economic and financial interactions of the Iraqi economy with the outside world, particularly the use of the dollar in relation to Iran and the US. While the US’ Iraq policy is still fluid, there have been signs that …
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Third Sunday of LentReading I: Exodus 3:1-8a, 13-15Reading II: 1 Corinthians 10:1-6, 10-12Gospel: Luke 13:1-9Support CTK at LSU: www.ctklsu.org/giveद्वारा Christ the King at LSU
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Contributor(s): Professor James A Robinson | Join us for this special lecture by LSE alumnus and co-recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in economics James A Robinson.During his talk, Professor Robinson will propose a new interpretation of African society, history and political and economic trajectories based on the notion of wealth in people and its …
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Who were the bright spots in LSU baseball's series loss to Texas?
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9:22Mike and Charlie interviewed former MLB pitcher Scott Sanders about LSU baseball's series loss to Texas. Sanders praised Tiger pitchers Kade Anderson, Zac Cowan, and Casan Evans.
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LSU's new-look edge rusher room has been outstanding during the Spring
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11:43Mike and Charlie interviewed Zack Nagy, the publisher of LSU Tigers on Sports Illustrated, for an update on LSU's Spring football practice sessions. Nagy praised the Tigers' edge rusher room, OL Josh Thompson, TE Bauer Sharp, and LB West Weeks.
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LSU Defense SHINES In Practice No. 8! | Tigers, Brian Kelly Land 4-Star WR | Baseball Drops Texas Series
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22:54Matt Musso gives his thoughts on LSU spring football practice at the halfway point. Two players standing out on defense and what to make of the offense to this point. Next, we react to the Tigers landing a commitment from four star wide receiver Jabari Mack. Finally, Musso gives his thoughts on the baseball Tigers dropping the weekend at Texas.…
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The Real Deal: Kailyn Gilbert on Coming Off the Bench, Hitting Game Winners & More
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19:15Kailyn Gilbert, one of the most dynamic guards in NCAAW, has been a big spark coming off the bench for LSU women's basketball. Tiger fans: with March Madness in full swing, get to know "KG" on the latest edition of The Real Deal podcast. And when you're finished, make sure to watch No. 3 LSU face No. 6 FSU tonight at the PMAC at 5 p.m. CT on ESPN!…
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Gare de l'Est, allers et retours 4/4 : Mémoires de réfugiés
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57:11durée : 00:57:11 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Christine Lecerf - Février 2022, la Russie envahit l’Ukraine. Les réfugiés de guerre ukrainiens arrivent à la Gare de l’Est. Ivan et Marina sont parmi eux. Tatiana et Olga, bénévoles russes, les accueillent. Une nouvelle page de la mémoire européenne s'écrit. - réalisation : Franck Lilin…
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Gare de l'Est, allers et retours 3/4 : A travers le rideau de fer
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57:47durée : 00:57:47 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Christine Lecerf - 1946, un rideau de fer coupe l'Europe en deux. En provenance de Hongrie, de Tchécoslovaquie ou de Pologne, des vagues successives d’exilés affluent à la gare de l'Est. Samizdats et rêves d’une “autre Europe” vont et viennent. - réalisation : Franck Lilin…
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Gare de l'Est, allers et retours 2/4 : La gare des guerres
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57:14durée : 00:57:14 - LSD, la série documentaire - par : Christine Lecerf - Réquisitionnée à chaque conflit, gare de départ des soldats pour le front et gare d’arrivée des blessés, déportés et rescapés, la Gare de l’Est devient dans l'imaginaire collectif la “Gare des guerres”. - réalisation : Franck Lilin…
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