Message from the pastors of Liberty Corner Church
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What is the greatest love--the strongest, most powerful, most life-changing love--that a person can have? Romance? Self-love? Love of God? What does Jesus say?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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There is nothing wrong with desiring something God wants to give you. The problem is coveting something that is not for you. That kind of coveting focuses your attention and your will on what you do not have, instead of focusing on what you do have.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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What’s the difference between reaching out to friends for support and gossip? Because reaching out for support is healthy, and gossip is unhealthy, and a lot of people honestly don’t know the difference.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Something in us believes "what I have is not enough" -- not enough money, not enough security, not enough comfort, not enough status, not enough success. There is a fear that we do not have or will not have enough. Jesus speaks directly to this fear in the Sermon on the Mount.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Our bodies matter and what we do with our bodies matter. We are called to glorify God in our bodies.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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The Dimensions of Murder and God's Love
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Jesus challenges the interpretation of the 6th commandment--you shall not murder--calling us to expand our interpretation to include the spirit of the law. Jesus calls us to move beyond religiosity into right relationship with God and our neighbors.द्वारा Dr. Charlene Friedman
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Family shapes our values, perceptions, and worldview. Family shapes our emotional world, our experience of love or shame, trust or fear, confidence or guilt. But family can be messy, can’t it? How can we honor our messy families?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Special guest two-time Lee Rouson offers a message as part of our VBS Sports Camp Celebration
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Sabbath is God's gift to us-- a groundwork for our relationship with God. Let's look at sabbath from God's perspective.द्वारा Rev. Christian Hong
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In the Sabbath commandment we learn that God wants to spend time with us. Sabbath is practice for eternity. What is the Sabbath for?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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omg...It is a common phrase when something is great, or terrible, or just mildly amusing. Some people say it so often they think nothing of it.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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The second commandment shows that God wants more than our obedience; God wants our hearts.
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The 10 Commandments are an invitation to covenant. That’s what God and the people were doing at Sinai: confirming a covenant. God has proven God's faithfulness and invites us to be faithful.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Rules somehow feel different when they are religious, don’t they? The words “thou shalt not” just have such weight. Religious rules can induce fear, and guilt, and judgment. Why did God choose to give us rules?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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द्वारा Rev. Joseph Kang
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Empathy and Victory Over Trials and Temptations
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If God allowed Jesus to experience trials and temptations, what does that mean for us?द्वारा Dr. Charlene Friedman
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AI creates new ethical questions at a time when people do not agree on basic ethics. When people do not agree on right and wrong, how can we agree on what’s right and wrong for AI?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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What is truth? That’s the question of our age. Modernism says truth is objective, factual, separate from the observer. Postmodernism says truth is subjective, relative, in the eye of the beholder. Israeli philosopher Yuval Harari claims that many truths are intersubjective: we decide together what’s true. Now we have AI to tell us what’s true. Have…
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Artificial Intelligence is poised to transform society. What might this mean for our lives, and our faith? Come to consider how our ancient faith is not only relevant but essential in an AI world.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Guest Rev. Martin Boardman reminds us that there is hope, there is renewal, and there are times of refreshing through Jesus Christ.द्वारा Rev. Martin Boardman
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X-rays of the Heart: Forgiven to Forgiveness
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What do we do when we experience heartbreak? How can we seek healing?द्वारा Rev. Christian Hong
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Have you ever had a moment in time that transformed how you see life from then on? Sharing the stories of what we have actually experienced in our faith journey is a very scriptural thing to do! Eye witness accounts are of great importance in our human story; and also, in history of God’s people.द्वारा Dr. Jim Owen
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What do we do with the weird parts of the Bible?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Have you ever had a moment in your life when you declared, “This is not how the story was supposed to end!”? We think life is supposed to be comfortable, but we all know that’s not how life really works. There are hurts, trauma, broken relationships, illness, and death. But that's not the end of the story.…
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Can we live in a way that honors Jesus, points people to Jesus, and glorifies Jesus, instead of us? Is Jesus worth it?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Sometimes it feels like our lives or our history are a train going off the rails. Jesus reminds us that we are in God’s hands! God has a plan, God has a future for us, therefore we have hope.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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These were the three main worldviews or perspectives during Jesus' lifetime, and Jesus did not fit any of them. In today's scripture passage, we are going to see Jesus go toe to toe with some great minds of his age and turns out: Jesus makes sense.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Life has all kinds of questions. What is the big question in your life right now? Are you seeking a true answer or an answer that you want to be true? How might God answer the question of your life?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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People look at Jesus and ask, "Is he judging us?"द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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This Lent, we will walk through Jesus’ final week as written in the Gospel of Mark. Let me invite you to place yourself in the Jerusalem crowd and ask: who is that guy? Who is Jesus? What might we learn about him, and what might that mean for us?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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We live in a world in transition with tons of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity. We have two political movements promising that they will lead us to peace, and the other will lead us to disaster and this year, an election year, the stakes feel higher for both sides. Jesus has a prescient word for us today: “Watch out!…
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So many people live their lives for themselves, They focus on their own problems, put energy toward their own success and relationships, and advance their own agenda. We were made for something greater than ourselves. We were made to push back the darkness.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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What does that mean, exactly, to follow Jesus? Let’s look at his followers and see what we discover.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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What is our greatest need?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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If we are family of faith, how do we relate to people who are not part of the family? That might include neighbors, coworkers, friends and it might include people who don’t like us. How do we relate to them?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Your best life is lived for what you are made for. You were not made for the grind. You were not made for loneliness or meaninglessness, for addictions or compulsions, for fears or worries. You were made for a purpose. You were made by the Creator of the universe for a purpose larger than yourself. Do you know what you are made for?…
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As we begin a new year, take a moment to consider Mary, Martha, and one necessary thing.द्वारा Rev. Christian Hong, Jennifer Hong
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Do you feel ready for Christmas? Sometimes it feels like it sneaks up on us, but Christmas truly snuck up on Mary. How does Mary respond?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Sometimes there's more to see, and sometimes our expectation of what we see limits us from seeing the bigger story.द्वारा Rev. Christian Hong
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This Advent, we are considering Christmas from the perspective of the angels. Angels appear throughout the Christmas story. What must the angels have thought?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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We need Thanksgiving because when we watch the news, we could be tempted to despair. As Christians, we are called to a different mindset -- hope.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Can we live with a faith in God that is so strong that God is simply part of our reality? Faith is not an opinion; it’s a foundation.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Love means truly wanting the best for others, even as God wants the best for us. Can we be so inspired by God’s love that we live with inspiring love?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Who is Jesus in your life? What does it mean to deny ourselves and take up a cross daily?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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The word “holy” means different, distinctive, set apart for God. The first step toward everyday holiness is to realize that to be holy, even to be healthy, we need God.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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We all need hope. A big part of everyday faith is living with hope, a real hope, every day.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Life is defined by moments. Faith happens in moments. If all of your moments led up to one moment, what would you want that moment to be? What is the best use of our time?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Words are so everyday that we forget how amazing they are. Words can hurt or heal. Words create worlds. How present are God's words in our everyday words?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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We're part of this world, but we're also part of a spiritual reality. We are called to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, so our thoughts reflect God’s thoughts, our ways reflect God’s ways, our seeing reflect God’s truth, and our responses reflect God’s love.द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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Worship is not just attending church on Sundays; worship is living our faith every day, in our everyday life. What does that look like?द्वारा Rev. Dr. Barnabas Sprinkle
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