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Welcome to Podbytes! Listen to KPMG in Canada leaders and subject matter experts on a vast range of topics including our Audit, Tax, Advisory and Enterprise services. | Bienvenue sur PodBytes! Écoutez les dirigeants et les experts techniques de KPMG au Canada parler d’une vaste gamme de sujets, dont nos services-conseils et nos services aux entreprises, d’audit et de fiscalité.
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Was Entscheider:innen in Banken und Versicherungen bewegt: Im Podcast “KPMG on air Financial Services - Insights für die Finanzbranche” kommen Vordenker:innen und Expert:innen aus der Finanzindustrie zu Wort. Sie sprechen über ihre ganz persönliche Sicht auf die aktuellen Entwicklungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen und diskutieren Wege, die aktuelle Transformation erfolgreich zu gestalten. Ob Technologie, Nachhaltigkeit, Daten oder digitales Geld – ob Steuern, Wirtschaftsprüfung oder Regula ...
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show series
In the third episode of the KPMG Law Canada Estates and Trusts Podcast series, hosts Alaina Spec (Partner, KPMG Law) and Andrew Higdon (Senior Associate, KPMG Law) are joined by Madison Frehlick (Associate, KPMG Law) to provide insights on multiple wills including some of the benefits of preparing more than one will to administer your estate. Frenc…
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In the second episode of the KPMG Law Canada Estates and Trusts Podcast series, hosts Alaina Spec (Partner, KPMG Law) and Andrew Higdon (Senior Associate, KPMG Law) are joined by Daniel Dwyer (Partner, KPMG LLP) and Madison Frehlick (Associate, KPMG Law) to provide insights on the tax implications of joint partner and alter ego trusts. French trans…
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In the first episode of the KPMG Law Canada Estates and Trusts Podcast series, hosts Alaina Spec (Partner, KPMG Law) and Andrew Higdon (Senior Associate, KPMG Law) are joined by Jonathan Warren (Partner, KPMG LLP) to discuss family trusts, highlighting the tax opportunities and other benefits they offer. French transcript available here.…
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The House recently muscled a sprawling budget through that chamber, setting up the possibility of a tax bill via budget reconciliation this year. Meanwhile, the Senate moved a much less ambitious budget that does not contemplate taxes. Are the House and the Senate on the same page, or more importantly can they get there? Listen as John Gimigliano, …
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The European Commission is seeking to simplify the reporting burden for companies. Under its only the largest companies would report under European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). In this podcast, Jan A. Müller (Partner, KPMG in Germany) and Katharina Gädeke (Partner, Regulatory Advisory, KPMG in Germany) discuss the proposals and what t…
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"Om 10 år, så har vi robotter til det grove arbejde" ... Og det er både i hjemmet og på arbejdspladsen. Således siger Henrik Christensen, der er en vaskeægte dansk verdensstjerne inden for Robotics på UC San Diego. Det er jo gode nyheder. I samtale med vores altid skarpe vært, Bent Dalager, udlægger han, hvad robotter og humanoids kan nu, og hvad v…
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Forestil dig en computer, der ikke bare efterligner, men fungerer som en menneskelig hjerne – lynhurtig, ekstremt energieffektiv og i stand til at behandle enorme datamængder i realtid. Det lyder som science fiction, men med neuromorfisk computing og biostorage er vi allerede på vej mod denne revolution. I denne episode af Tech Talk dykker vi ned i…
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Ein Blick auf Erfahrungenmit KI-Agenten in der Landwirtschaftlichen Rentenbank Seit 2022 hat sichdie künstliche Intelligenz (KI) rasant weiterentwickelt. Heute bietet die Technologie Finanzinstituten viele neue Möglichkeiten. Inunserem Podcast berichten Dr. Marc Kaninke, Finanz- undIT-Vorstand der Rentenbank, und Marc Ahrens, ihr Digital Officer, ü…
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The budgetary math for a 4 trillion dollar tax cliff is daunting. But what if the accounting is wrong and the cliff isn't really a cliff at all? It may sound too good to be true, but this is a point many lawmakers on Capitol Hill are making. Listen as Jennifer Gray and Tom Stout join John Gimigliano to discuss the concept of current policy baseline…
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DORA, Resilienzund das BCM 2.0: Stefanie Fekonja (KPMG) im Gespräch mit Christian Rings(Münchener Hyp) Die DORA-Verordnung hat den Finanzinstituten inEuropa viele neue Anforderungen gebracht und legt die Messlatte fürIT-Compliance und Sicherheit noch einmal deutlich höher als vorherigeRegulierungen. Das zeigt auch ein KPMG-Benchmark zum Auslaufen d…
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Forsikringsvirksomheden TopDanmark har erfaring med agenter - AI agenter. Et netværk af LLM'er, som arbejder sammen og finder en løsning ved at kommunikere med hinanden. I denne episode har vært Bent Dalager besøg af TopDanmarks CIO, Kasper Tjørntved Davidsen. Personen med det tekniske overblik i virksomheden, som behandler tusindvis af henvendelse…
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As we near the tax cliff of 2025, Republicans have said they intend to use the process of budget reconciliation to prevent expiration of many of 2017's tax cuts. The rules governing reconciliation are infamously Byzantine, even by Washington standards. So how does this process affect the final product? Listen as John Gimigliano, Jennifer Acuna, and…
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The power that automation and technology can bring puts traditional business models and hourly rate fees under pressure. Watch Lisa Cabel, Partner and National Leader, Employment and Labour Law, KPMG Law in Canada, and Isabelle Durand, Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, IA Financial Group, discuss changing businesses models and value propositi…
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The power that automation and technology can bring puts traditional business models and hourly rate fees under pressure. Watch Lisa Cabel, Partner and National Leader, Employment and Labour Law, KPMG Law in Canada, and Isabelle Durand, Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, IA Financial Group, discuss changing businesses models and value propositi…
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Lisa Cabel, Partner and National Leader, Employment and Labour Law, KPMG Law in Canada, and Isabelle Durand, Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, IA Financial Group, discuss shifts in supply and demand, and three dimensions where legal services are expanding, including; in-house lawyers becoming more like business partners, broadening responsibi…
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It seems all of Washington is asking the question - will Republicans push their agenda with one large bill in 2025 or two smaller ones? Listen as John Gimigliano, Jennifer Gray, and Tom Stout kick off 2025 by discussing this question including why it matters for timing, content, and probability of a tax bill.…
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Eines der drei größten Risiken für dieWeltwirtschaft sei der Verlust der Artenvielfalt, stellt dasWeltwirtschaftsforum fest. Deshalb muss Biodiversität auch Banken umtreiben.Sie müssen die Risiken aus der Entwicklung messbar und kalkulierbar machen. Im Gespräch mit Armina Schädle (KPMG) erläutertCarmen Klünder (Leiterin des ESG Risk Centers im Risi…
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AI er den perfekte makker for en revisor, når der skal findes huller i regnskaberne. KPMG har udviklet en AI, der kan levere revisionsbevis. Hvad der tidligere tog 100-vis af trælse timer med at gennemløbe linjer i regnskaber, kan nu klares af en AI, som tjekker samtlige poster i et regnskab, og vurderer risikoen i hver eneste post. Den globale KPM…
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Hosted by Brian O’Donovan, this episode takes as its central theme the need to drive clarity in financial reporting. It delivers insights from KPMG specialists on a range of topics – including climate-related matters, valuation and impairment, changes to presentation and new disclosures and, finally, the growing importance of connectivity between a…
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Let's delve into the fascinating world of cryptocurrency and staking. The conversation covers key topics such as the growing institutional interest in staking and its implications for the crypto landscape, as well as its risks and penalties. We touch on the future trends in staking and how it may evolve as the cryptocurrency market matures. French …
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Danmarks første AI Scout er godt i gang og er drømmehybriden, som kobler teknisk forståelse med forståelse for forretningen.Københavns Kommunes Sundhed- og omsorgsforvaltningen (SUF) er på besøg i Tech Talk for at tale om deres nyoprettede stilling: AI Scout. Han hedder Morten Stelling og skal gøre alt hvad han kan for at løfte repetetive opgaver u…
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Klimadatastyrelsen sidder på dansk datas gyldne kilde: Datafordeleren. Her kan alle gratis finde grundlæggende data om det danske landskab, geografi og stort set alt (ikke følsomt) om Danmark.Men Klimadatastyrelsen er ikke kun en datacentral, det er også en progressiv og visionær styrelse, som er med helt i spidsen, når der udvikles løsninger på kl…
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Quantum computing has the potential to tackle humanity's biggest challenges, but it comes with risks. The question is: are we ready? Join KPMG in Canada's Alexander Rau and Pavan Chander, as well as IBM Canada's Sean Wagner as they kick off season 2 of Beyond by exploring a new era of discovery and innovation. French transcript available here.…
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Beyond is a podcast about protecting the future. New technologies and innovations open the door to novel ways of living, conducting business and shaping our reality, but also to new risks. Join us for the second season of our National cybersecurity podcast where we explore what quantum computing is, how it stands to change our lives and what we can…
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AI er også en gamechanger for iværksættere, og det tilbyder muligheder med høj oktan!I denne episode dykker vi ned i, hvordan AI- og tech-startups bliver til og skalerer i dagens konkurrenceprægede marked. Vi har besøg af Jonathan Løw, som har masser erfaring fra startupmiljøet og er lykkes med at lave og skalere en international startup indenfor G…
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Wann kommt er,der digitale Euro? Anne-Sophie Gógl (KPMG) im Gespräch mit Dr. AlexandraHachmeister (Bundesbank) Immer mehr Länder denken über eine eigene digitale Zentralbankwährungnach. Denn weltweit wird immer weniger oft mit Bargeld bezahlt – und das mobileZahlen nimmt zu. Ein digitaler Euro kündigt sich schon seit einigen Jahren an.Dr. Alexandra…
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Kamala Harris' tax plan covers familiar territory, weaving in many Biden-era proposals. But it also seeks new ground, with tax cuts for families and businesses. Listen as John Gimigliano and Dan Winnick revisit Biden Administration Green Book revenue raising proposals and then discuss Harris' proposals for new tax cuts.…
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AI er trådt ind i Økonomistyrelsen, og perspektiverne ser gode ud. I denne episode af Tech Talk kan du høre om disse perspektiver fra Brian Arreborg Hansen, som er Kontorchef i Økonomistyrelsen og Line Nørgaard projektleder fre New Tech i KPMG. Hør også om den grundige analyse, der ligger bag de fem håndfaste og veldefinerede projekter i rapporten …
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Republican nominee Donald Trump has not released a formal tax plan. Still, he has frequently spoken about several tax ideas, some novel. So then, what exactly is the Trump tax plan? Listen as John Gimigliano, Jennifer Gray, and Tom Stout dig into former President Trump's stated tax ideas to understand better what the Trump campaign is proposing and…
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Bliv en helt på kontoret og derhjemme ved at bruge AI rigtigt. Bliv sundere, klogere og bedre til oplæg ved at følge disse råd fra en ekspert i AI.Sæson 5 bliver skudt i gang med en absolut praktisk guide til AI fra de stærkeste AI-kort i KPMG. Vært Bent Dalager har inviteret Casper Guldager i studiet for at samtale om de mange og konkrete erfaring…
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Stephen Charko, KPMG in Canada's Deal Advisory Analytics National Leader, talks with Brian Polsinello, Managing Director at OMERS Private Equity, about the impact and potential of GenAI in the private equity space. The remarks included in this Podcast are for information purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice or a recommenda…
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Seit vielenJahren sind Alice Rettig (TechQuartier) und Philipp Köhler (ALH) alsInnovationsmanager in der Finanzbranche tätig. In unserem Podcast sprechen sieüber die Kraft der Kollaboration, die Technologie-Startups ebenso beflügelt wieBanken oder Versicherungen – und warum die Branche noch mehr davon braucht. Eine starke Wirtschaft braucht starke …
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Vi er alle opslugt af fremtidens mange muligheder inden for teknologi, men hvordan udvikler man dem? Hvem er de kreative folk bag, og hvordan stimulerer man et miljø, hvor ideerne blomstrer. Ideer, som skal forme morgendagen inden for tech. Hør hvordan GN og KPMG balancerer den kreative frihed med en struktureret 8-16-indsats for at drive projekter…
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Sie sind dieersten, die von Kindesbeinen an mit dem Smartphone aufgewachsen sind – und dasprägt ihren Konsum und ihre Einstellungen: Laura Wagner (DZ Bank) und Lukas Wolf(KPMG) sprechen über die Gen Z und wie Finanzdienstleister mit ihr im Gesprächbleiben. Laura Wagner ist ein Glücksfall für einen Podcastüber die Gen Z in der Finanzindustrie. 1999 …
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Etik er en uundgåelig del af AI, og vi har her en del 2 af 2 af netop den diskussion. Denne episode taler om det juridiske aspekt og indeholder en masse etiske overvejelser, og om lovgivningen fremmer eller hæmmer brugen af AI. Regler er noget vi alle efterlever, og reglens berettigelse i samfundet er dens legitimitet, men samtidig er der en pointe…
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Our host Ilario Melia is joined by GTA leaders Janelle Dixon & Kareem Sadek, where the group candidly and authentically share what mental health means to them and their personal journeys. They delve into what is in their own mental health toolkit, sharing genuine narratives about challenges, support systems, setbacks, and the way they utilize tools…
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Mental Health Week kicks off May each year. With that in mind, get ready for a brand new episode "Tools to Thrive" in our podcast series Come As You Are. This year’s podcast is hosted by Ilario Melia, GTA Audit Partner, Wellness Champion and GTA Mental Health Network Co-Chair.द्वारा KPMG Canada
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Dieneue Anti-Geldwäschebehörde der EU wird in Frankfurt aufgebaut. Mitte 2025 sollsie ihren Betrieb aufnehmen – doch mit den Vorbereitungen auf ein neuesharmonisiertes Rahmenwerk sollten die Banken jetzt schon beginnen. Seiteinigen Wochen steht es fest: Die neue EU-Behörde für Geldwäschebekämpfung(Anti-Money-Laundering Authority, AMLA) wird in Fran…
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I denne episode får du highlights fra tre spændende episoder, som på hver deres måde omhandler AI.01:50: Fra episode 6 i sæson 3 får du, via Radiometer, indsigt i, hvordan man implementerer et AI-projekt med succes.10:40: Sammen med Anja Monrad og Sune Holm, vil du også høre om, hvordan AI og etik spiller en rolle i et forretningsperspektiv. Et vig…
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The #Bitcoin #halving is a core part of the Bitcoin protocol which occurs every four years and reduces the amount of new bitcoin supply by half. Ahead of the halving event next week, Amanda Fabiano (Founder, Fabiano Consulting) joins KPMG's George Djuric, Kaan Farahani and host Adam Rodricks to discuss the current Bitcoin mining industry, opportuni…
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Marc Low, head of KPMG Ignition in Vancouver, invites Alex Tapscott, VC and author of "Web3 Charting the Internet's Next Economic and Cultural Frontier." They discuss entrepreneurship and what it means to get ahead as a business leader in the next internet age.द्वारा KPMG Canada
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Chainalysis CMO, Ian Andrews, joins Sue Ling Yip (Partner, Risk Services, Financial Crimes, KPMG in Canada) and Kunal Bhasin (Partner & Co-Leader, Digital Assets Center of Excellence, Advisory Services, KPMG in Canada) to discuss financial crimes involving cryptoassets and findings from the latest Chainalysis Crypto Crime Report. Please note that t…
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Nachhaltigkeitund Diversität sind nicht leicht zu erzielen im Unternehmen. Wie könnenmittelständische Versicherer sie authentisch leben? DieVolkswohl Bund Versicherungen blicken bereits auf eine lange Tradition inSachen ESG zurück. Die Nachhaltigkeitsbeauftragte Maike Pohl schildert imGespräch, wie ihr Unternehmen als mittelständischer Versicherer …
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