JP सार्वजनिक
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show episodes

JPAE Podcast


An original podcast series produced by the Journal of PA Education and the PA Education Association. Join us each month as we meet one-on-one with authors of featured articles from JPAE, or other researchers willing to share their research experience.
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Track Town JPN


ただ走るだけ、ただ飛ぶだけ、ただ投げるだけでない陸上競技の魅力を。日本唯一の陸上『雑談』専門チャンネル『Track Town JPN』 陸上競技を追っ掛け、応援していきます。 2025年東京世界陸上が開催される国立競技場のスタンドを満席に!
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エンジニアが集まるインターネット上のコミュニティvim-jpから生まれた初の音声プログラム。 vim-jpはプログラミングから子育てに至るまで無数のチャンネルを抱えたコミュニティです。 そんなコミュニティの面白さを生かして、各分野の様々なゲストを交えながら楽しく雑談していきます。 vim-jpのSlackへのご参加はこちらから! メッセージはSlackの #vim-jp-radio-messageチャンネルに投稿してください。 AuDeeのメッセージフォームでも受付中です。
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On Air With JP

Justin Pierce

Justin Pierce hosts an afternoon radio show in East Idaho. General topics include country music news, inspiring feel good stories along with random stories and topics.
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ChatGPT Japan

ChatGPT 日本語 - ログインせずに日本語でスマートチャット。 日本語と日本文化を深く理解し、日本人ユーザーが自然かつインテリジェントに対話できる能力。-
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JP & Lauren with Husker Nick

KX 96.9 FM - Lincoln, NE

Join the insanity each weekday morning as JP, Lauren and Husker Nick keep you laughing with their unique brand of social commentary, goofy games and plenty of fun ways to win tickets to your favorite events and concerts. There’s no better way to start your day!
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The JPU Show

Jax Podcasters United

A podcast show with honest and practical advice for full-time podcasters and aspiring podcasters, with the founders of the Jax Podcasters United group, Badr Milligan & Blythe Brumleve. Hear from podcasters who have spent a decade growing their own shows and practical in-the-trenches advice to help yours grow, too.
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Join host JP Newman on Investing On Purpose to explore how you can create wealth beyond the money. On the show, we dive into topics around money, entrepreneurship, impact, and more. We cover inspiring stories of the top Entrepreneurs and thought leaders changing the world, as well as lessons from JP on how to make your money matter.
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The JP Emerson Show

Doug Sandler, JP Emerson, Turnkey Podcast Productions

Nothing says nostalgia like a classic car and no one tells those stories better than the people who lived them. Each episode we ride shotgun through the backroads of our memories talking road trips, music, humor and what may lie ahead for the hobby. We'll meet new folks from across the country, industry insiders and celebrities with amazing tales to tell and a few secrets too! If you're all about horsepower, chrome, reliving the glory days or creating new automotive memories of your own, joi ...
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J'peux Pas J'ai Business par TheBBoost


Faire décoller son business, une stratégie à la fois. Le podcast “J’peux pas j’ai business” est LE podcast pour les entrepreneurs et entrepreneuses qui veulent faire décoller leur activité sans se perdre en chemin. Que vous soyez babypreneur ou entrepreneur confirmé, freelance, prestataire de service, coach, ou dirigeant(e) d’une petite entreprise, ici pas de théorie ennuyeuse ni de rétention d’information : chaque épisode est conçu comme une mini-transformation pour vous aider à devenir le ...
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Japan Top 10 is a podcast show that focuses on the discovery of Japanese music culture. Various hosts provide entertaining, engaging and educational commentary that help instill Japanese music cultural knowledge into its listeners. Japan Top 10 also openly supports indie artists and bands who create Japanese music, or Japanese-inspired music through on-air and online segments. We have a wide variety of featured shows. Please see our website for more details on the formatting and release date ...
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Welcome to Pay It Forward: A Podcast by J.P. Morgan Payments for J.P. Morgan Payments. We are part of a business that powers nearly $10 trillion in transactions every day and processes more than half of all e-commerce in the United States. Whether you're new to our team or a seasoned veteran, this podcast explores the connection between the work we do as a payments team and its impact on both the business and the world around us.
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JP Dinnell Podcast

JP Dinnell, Lucas Pinckard

JP Dinnell is a former U.S. Navy SEAL and now a Leadership Instructor, Speaker and Strategic Advisor with Echelon Front, where he serves as Director of Experiential Leadership Training Programs. J.P. is also a pro team athlete and spokesperson for Origin Maine and Jocko Fuel, an American clothing and supplement company. J.P. has a signature Energy Drink flavor “Sour Apple Sniper” with Jocko Fuel. Jeremiah spent nearly a decade in the SEAL Teams with three combat deployments. Sent to the viol ...
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JPR Live Sessions

JPR Music

JPR Live Sessions is a series of live in-studio music performances and conversations with artists from many different genres. The series is hosted by JPR Open Air hosts Dave Jackson and Danielle Kelly. Recorded in JPR's Steve Nelson Performance Studio, roughly 600 guests have appeared on the series, ranging from Brandi Carlile, Colin Hay and Rosanne Cash to OK Go, Bela Fleck and Jeff Bridges.
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Jaringan Pendidikan Pemilih untuk Rakyat

JPPR adalah lembaga pemantau pemilu yang fokus dalam bidang pendidikan politik untuk pemilih dalam rangka menjadikan pemilih cerdas pemilu berkualitas.
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JP's Podcast

Jaineel Petiwale

I, JPetiwale is well known as JP, I will here share some thoughts from my heart. Plz, listen N share ur suggestions n thoughts with me. (Gmail:
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show series
More from JP Dinnell: Join the conversation on instagram JP Dinnell: Lucas Pinckard: Bruiser Arms: Echelon Front: Little Cattle Co: On The Path Printing: https://ww…
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I loved producing this episode for you about how decades of experience could be your super power. If you like this podcast, could you review it on Apple Podcasts? Get rewards and save money on the Push to Pass Marketplace Signup for my LinkedIn Newsletter: Push to Pass Podcast Newsletter Follow JP Twitter: Facebook: https://www…
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Send us a text 10-year MLB veteran Jason Michaels is now running a training center in Tampa called The Big League Approach. In addition to the usual pitch-hit-field curriculum, Michaels' teachings include the mental side of the game.…
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Injected Nitro Dragster driver Trevor Larkin is a multifaceted second-generation professional racer, a television industry regular and if you are daring…a fashion icon. From his early days as a hired wrench, this all-around good guy is an important to the racing world as he is to your favorite television shows. Connect with Trevor here: https://tre…
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エンジニアコミュニティ「vim-jp」のラジオ版としてスタートした「エンジニアの楽園 vim-jp ラジオ」。 今回は、pixiv・NewsPicksの元CTOのedvakfさんをお迎えします!今回のテーマは「CTOのネクストキャリア」現在は「技術系のマネージャーです」と自身の役職を名乗っているedvakfさん。pixivとNewsPicksでCTOを歴任されるに至った経緯からその仕事について、そしてCTOをしながらも大学生として勉強をしていた時代の話まで伺っています。~~~ エンジニアが集まるインターネット上のコミュニティvim-jpから生まれた初の音声プログラム。 「tomoya」と「ありすえ」がパーソナリティを担当! vim-jpはプログラミングから子育てに至るまで無数のチャンネルを抱…
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Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of J.P. Morgan, its affiliates, or its employees. The information set forth herein has been obtained or derived from sources believed to be reliable. Neither the author nor J.P. Morgan makes any representations or warranties as to th…
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ただ走るだけ、ただ飛ぶだけ、ただ投げるだけでない陸上競技の魅力を。日本唯一の陸上『雑談』専門チャンネル『Track Town JPN』 陸上競技を追っ掛け、応援していきます。 2025年東京世界陸上が開催される国立競技場を超満員の最高の舞台に! 出演者への質問もお待ちしています! <出演者> 西本武司さん(EKIDEN NEWS主宰:OTT理事長) 柏原竜二さん(大学院で心理学を勉強中) <今回の内容> 斬新なアイデアいっぱい詰まったEXPO駅伝を振り返る ・CG、バーチャル映像面白かった ・1度限りの駅伝を斬新なアイデアで乗り切った制作者に賛辞 ・3区太田選手とカメラ持って並走したランナーの陸上愛  EXPO EKIDEN 2025 【公式】 ・動きある1区を…
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Karim Istanboulian shares from 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 on learning to be thankful in all circumstances and never grumbling as this is God's will for us.يشارك كريم اسطنبوليان من ١ تسالونيكي ٥: ١٦-١٨ عن تعلّم أن نكون شاكرين في كل ظرفٍ ولا نتذمّر أبدًا لأن هذه هي ارادة الله لناद्वारा Valiant Sheep
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#DateEmOrDumpEm The One with the Too Much Gaming Gamer(s) + JP Makes Us Guess: Cafeteria Lunches, The Most Awkward Moment Bracket, Collecting Animals & Hats, Tasty Tuesdays w/ KFC Mash Potato Poppers, Fiestada vs Pizza & More!द्वारा KX 96.9 FM - Lincoln, NE
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Attirer des clients avec votre contenu : les stratégies qui marchent vraiment ! Publier ne suffit plus : en 2025, se démarquer et capter l’attention est devenu un vrai challenge. Entre IA, algorithmes et concurrence accrue, il est essentiel d’adopter des stratégies impactantes. Dans cet épisode, je vous dévoile 6 concepts clés pour maximiser votre …
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EPISODE 77 – DETACH, LEAD, AND WIN: MASTERING LEADERSHIP UNDER PRESSURE In this episode of The JP Dinnell Podcast, JP dives into one of the most powerful yet underrated leadership skills: detachment. Whether you’re leading a business, a team, or your family, the ability to step back, assess the situation, and make clear, unemotional decisions is th…
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ただ走るだけ、ただ飛ぶだけ、ただ投げるだけでない陸上競技の魅力を。日本唯一の陸上『雑談』専門チャンネル『Track Town JPN』 陸上競技を追っ掛け、応援していきます。 2025年東京世界陸上が開催される国立競技場を超満員の最高の舞台に! 出演者への質問もお待ちしています! <出演者> 西本武司さん(EKIDEN NEWS主宰:OTT理事長) 加納由理さん(2009ベルリン世界陸上マラソン7位入賞:ランニングアドバイザー) 横田真人さん(TWOLAPS TC代表) 柏原竜二さん(大学院で心理学を勉強中) <今回の内容> 西本さんのお詫びから名古屋ウィメンズマラソン振り返り ・新谷さんが居ないレース ・注目が加世田選手、五島選手に集中 ・練習出来てたのを表に…
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Send us a text I made this episode of me talking about myself because I don't want to have to talk about myself. I will be the LEAST interesting person on any of these shows, so any time spent talking about myself will be time wasted. This will be the most you ever hear of my voice. I filed this as a "Bonus Feature."…
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Are you stuck and not making more money? Well, how many of your projects are laser focused on revenue generation. How much time is spent on meetings or activities that don't move dollars? Financial reports, balance sheets, and budgets are boring, right? Yes, for most of us. However, once I had fundamental financial awareness, my business operations…
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Vous scrollez, voyez cet entrepreneur qui annonce son mois à 5 chiffres et boum... cette boule de culpabilité qui vous donne envie de tout plaquer ? Dans cet épisode bottage de fesses, je vous montre comment votre cerveau essaie de vous arnaquer avec des systèmes de pensées obsolètes et comment le recadrer avec une question très simple. Fini de con…
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Send us a text Ever Magallanes' advice for active professional baseball players is to "Play until you can't play anymore." He lived that advice. After 8 years playing affiliated professional baseball in the US, he played 12 more years in Mexico. That alone is an interesting story. He also tells us about his 11 days in the big leagues with Cleveland…
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Send us a text Bronswell Patrick pitched professionally for 18 years. In addition to throwing baseballs well, he's also an excellent storyteller. In this episode, we discuss making his MLB debut after a decade in the minor leagues, playing in Korea, Taiwan, and Mexico, and giving up Sammy Sosa's 61st home run in 1998. And many other fun and educati…
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Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Japan Top 10 Countdown! We are so excited to share some of the hottest songs around Japan with you. Please sit back, relax, and enjoy as we kick off this episode of Japan Top 10. Scripted & Quality Assured by: Hayley Hosted by: Connor & Shanna Audio Edited & Uploaded by: Tadamichi Support this podcast a…
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Join Trenton Honda, PhD, MMS, PA-C, editor-in-chief for the Journal of PA Education, and co-host Carey Barry, MHS, PA-C, chair and associate clinical professor in the Department of Medical Sciences at Northeastern University, as they chat with Ryan White, PhD,  assistant professor and director of clinical site development and practice in the Depart…
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Réussir en business : les 12 clés des entrepreneurs qui cartonnent 🚀 Pourquoi certains entrepreneurs réussissent là où d’autres peinent à décoller ? Après avoir accompagné plus de 12 000 entrepreneurs, j’ai identifié 12 éléments communs qui augmentent considérablement les chances de succès. Dans cet épisode, on parle mindset, stratégie et posture e…
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エンジニアコミュニティ「vim-jp」のラジオ版としてスタートした「エンジニアの楽園 vim-jp ラジオ」。 前回に引き続き、バイセル取締役CTOのkyunsさんをお迎えします!今回のテーマは「エンジニアリングと料理」kyunsさんがCTOをつとめる「バイセル」についてやCTOという役職について、そしてkyunsさんがハマっている「料理」について伺います! ~~~ エンジニアが集まるインターネット上のコミュニティvim-jpから生まれた初の音声プログラム。 「tomoya」と「ありすえ」がパーソナリティを担当! vim-jpはプログラミングから子育てに至るまで無数のチャンネルを抱えたコミュニティです。 そんなコミュニティの面白さを生かして、各分野の様々なゲストを交えながら楽しく雑談していき…
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Send us a text Australian Glenn Williams signed with the Atlanta Braves in 1993 with an attention-grabbing $950 signing bonus. He spent 10 years in the minor leagues before making his Major League debut in June 2005 with the Minnesota Twins. He's also represented his country in many international competitions as both a player and a coach. He was na…
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Pastor Fouad Kahwagi shares from Romans 5:1-8 on the purpose of trials and why it's important for us to embrace them to get closer to God instead of wasting our time asking why we are going through them.يشارك القس فؤاد قهوجي من رومية ٥: ١-٨ عن هدف الضيقات ولماذا هو مهم لنا ان نعتنقها لنقترب من الله بدل ان نضيّع وقتنا في السؤال عن سبب مرورنا بها…
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Send us a text The man's story needed to be told and there was no one better to do it than himself. So Jim Rushford wrote "The Pizza Guy Delivers." Undrafted out of college, to delivering pizzas, to indy ball, to Milwaukee. Fascinating story. The book is available on Amazon.द्वारा Jeff
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Send us a text Dan Otero pitched eight years in the Major Leagues. He is now the Senior Director of On-Field Operations for Major League Baseball. What does that even mean? I worked with Dan in 2008. I was the clubhouse manager, he was the closer until he got promoted to San Jose. It had been 17 years since we spoke. It was great to catch up. I'm h…
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Send us a text Here it is, the PREMIERE EPISODE of Catch Up with JP. Former White Sox and Phillies outfielder Jordan Danks. Jordan and I talk about his playing career, playing on the White Sox with his brother, and life after baseball, including how he became a firefighter. This conversation was supposed to just be a casual catch up for an article …
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EPISODE 76 – LEADERSHIP, DISCIPLINE & PUSHING THROUGH ADVERSITY In this episode of The JP Dinnell Podcast, JP dives deep into the hard lessons of leadership, discipline, and overcoming setbacks. From suffering a concussion in Jiu-Jitsu to identifying the true qualities of effective leaders, this episode is packed with no-nonsense, hard-hitting trut…
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ただ走るだけ、ただ飛ぶだけ、ただ投げるだけでない陸上競技の魅力を。日本唯一の陸上『雑談』専門チャンネル『Track Town JPN』 陸上競技を追っ掛け、応援していきます。 2025年東京世界陸上が開催される国立競技場を超満員の最高の舞台に! 出演者への質問もお待ちしています! <出演者> 西本武司さん(EKIDEN NEWS主宰:OTT理事長) 横田真人さん(TWOLAPS TC) 加納由理さん(2009ベルリン世界陸上マラソン7位入賞:ランニングアドバイザー) 柏原竜二さん(大学院で心理学を勉強中) <今回の内容> 瞬発系の人がフルマラソンにチャレンジすると ・棒高跳び澤野大地さんが体絞ってフルマラソン挑戦してサブ4達成 ・瞬発系アスリートのフルマラソン挑…
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