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Misquoting Jesus with Bart Ehrman

Bart Ehrman

"Misquoting Jesus” is the only show where a six-time New York Times bestselling author and world-renowned Bible scholar uncovers the many fascinating, little known facts about the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and the rise of Christianity. The show features Dr. Bart Ehrman and host, Megan Lewis.
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Je Parle Français


Welcome to "Je Parle Français", the 100% French podcast for intermediate learners. Dive into a world of captivating topics designed to spark real conversations. Here, we prioritize authenticity, ensuring that your learning experience feels engaging and relatable. Whether you're one of my dedicated students or a busy individual craving enriching discussions in your limited free time, this podcast is tailored just for you. Explore fascinating subjects and enjoy free transcripts for each episod ...
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JesusRx Prescription for Life

Eva Popek/Author JesusRx

Tired of being tired? Looking for Whole health? Doctors mean well, but they don’t understand you. Medication doesn’t feel like your answer, but you feel like you have to do something to get your spark back. You want to be able to dream again and shine the light you once had. Make an appointment with the ”Great Physician”. Whole health is His specialty. He cares about you, your mind, body and spirit. You may have tried the rest now come to the best.
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Straight White American Jesus

Bradley Onishi + Daniel Miller

An in-depth examination of the culture and politics of Christian Nationalism and Evangelicalism by two ex-evangelical ministers-turned-religion professors. If you have ever wondered what social and historical forces led white evangelicals to usher Donald Trump into the White House this is the show for you. As former insiders and critical scholars of religion, Dan Miller and Bradley Onishi have a unique perspective on the Religious Right. Guests have included Chrissy Stroop, R. Marie Griffith ...
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AMDG: A Jesuit Podcast

Jesuit Conference

Jesuits and friends come together to look at the world through Ignatian eyes, always striving to live Ad Maiorem Dei Gloriam -- For the Greater Glory of God. Hosted by Mike Jordan Laskey and Eric Clayton. Learn more at A production of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the United States.
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Jesus People Podcast

Ryan Miller

The Jesus People Podcast is where stories of faith, transformation, and personal encounters with Jesus take center stage. Join host Ryan Miller and a diverse array of guests as they dive deep into conversations about life, struggles, and victories in their spiritual journeys. Whether you’re a believer seeking inspiration or someone exploring what it means to follow Jesus, these candid, heartfelt stories will challenge and encourage you to pursue your faith with passion. Tune in for real stor ...
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Here it is, folks. The 5 season series called "The Jesusland Stories" will connect all 5 of the Jesusland books (book 1 available on Amazon. Enjoy and remember to reply with your thoughts, prayers, and questions.
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Geld of je leven

NPO Radio 1 / EO

Geld of je leven is een programma waarin presentator Hans van der Steeg zich afvraagt hoe we ons geld uitgeven, waar we ons geld aan verdienen en welk effect deze stromen van geld hebben op onze medemens en de planeet. De economie achter de actualiteit en de actualiteit van de economie staan centraal. In deze podcast hoor je de beste gesprekken.
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Mens erger je niet

VRT WinWin

Je komt als consument vaak dingen tegen waarvan je denkt: moet dat nu echt? Mensen die de pijlen in de supermarkt niet volgen. Middenvakrijders. Paaseitjes die al met kerst in de winkel liggen… WinWin-host Xavier Taveirne gaat samen met Chaima Saysay en een wekelijkse gast de strijd aan met onze kleine ergernissen van het dagelijkse leven. Omdat een klein beetje ergeren gewéldig kan opluchten.
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America Media

Welcome to Jesuitical, a podcast for young Catholics hosted by two young, lay editors at America—Zac Davis and Ashley McKinless. Each episode features a guest who offers a unique perspective on faith, culture or current events. We also bring you some of the top (and maybe more obscure) Catholic news of the week. And we'll ask: Where do we find God in all this?
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Encounter Jesus

Tim Bright

Listen to sermons from Encounter Jesus Church, a community of passionate believers dedicated to falling greater in love with Jesus and sharing His love with others. Visit our website at
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Jesus Unfollower

Jesus Unfollower

Being an atheist living in the Bible Belt is no easy task. Join Kevin, an ex-Christian located in the Southeastern US, as he talks about the challenges facing nonbelievers in god's country. If you are a former believer or current doubter, this podcast is for you!
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Jesus Changes People

Ken Hensley and Mike Roncaglia

A weekly podcast that seeks to uncover the real Jesus and what it means to be a modern-day follower of him. Our goal is to help you know Jesus better and to become more like him.
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Pastor Joseph Clark

In its fifth year with over three hundred episodes, JESUS SAVES features short sermons, interviews, experiences, and inspirations, about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and how our eternal freedom from sin and torment is in Christ alone.
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Jesus Collective Podcast

Jesus Collective

Hear engaging conversations with leaders from across the Jesus-centred movement, as we equip one another for Jesus-centred life and leadership, and give shape to this new relational network called Jesus Collective.
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Walk with Jesus

Nicole Stephens

Devotional style podcast where you are invited to walk with Jesus as we look at what the Bible says and how it applies to our everyday lives. Hosted by Nicole Stephens.
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show series
Em entrevista ao Jornal Económico, Nuno Brás, gestor com larga experiência em posições de liderança em multinacionais da indústria farmacêutica, considera que existem oportunidades que Portugal pode explorar no processo de reindustrialização.
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De btw-verhoging op op sport en cultuur is na stevige protesten van tafel. Goed nieuws misschien, maar daardoor moet het kabinet wel ergens anders 1,2 miljard euro aan belastingen vandaan zien te halen. Achter de schermen praten de coalitie en oppositie daarover. Volgens het AD wordt er gesproken over één vast btw-tarief op alles. Is dat een goed i…
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Maarten Vangramberen, Xavier en Chaima ergeren zich aan laatkomers, slechte sketches en speeches op huwelijksfeesten en hoge prijzen in ondergrondse parkings. Gelukkig kom je te weten dat niet iedereen even goed is in het inschatten van tijd. Wedding professional Tine kent de do’s en de don’ts op een huwelijksfeest. En betalen per minuut in ondergr…
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Send us a text Dans cet épisode, je pars à la découverte des années 80 avec ma mère comme guide ! Mode audacieuse, musique culte, objets emblématiques et ambiance unique… C’est un véritable saut dans le temps pour revivre cette époque incroyable en France. Préparez-vous à une dose de bonne humeur et de nostalgie ! 🕺🏻🪩 By Leah…
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Oba slovenska predstavnika sta se prebila med najboljših 24 v konferenčni ligi. Celjani so se v zadnjem krogu v izločilnih bojih pridružili Olimpiji po novi kaotični domači evropski tekmi. Na treh je bilo povprečno doseženih skoraj šest golov, peti zadetek pa je proti ekipi TNS določil zmagovalca, potem ko so Celjani ves drugi polčas pletli mrežo o…
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Keywords: Zechariah,Book of Zechariah,Revival, Character Of God,Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, Sermon Index, What Is The Truth, kjv bible, Audio Bible, Bible, God, God's Love, Scriptures, Holy Bible, Prophets, Apostles, KJV, Jesus,Christ, audiobook, book, holy life, love, bible verses, king james bible audio, audio b…
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Palabras clave: Zacarías, Libro de Zacarías, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el evangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Apóstoles, KJV, Jesús, Cristo, audiolibro, libro, vida santa, am…
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"Wash me more and more of my guilt, and cleanse me of my sins, O Lord. Amen." Reflect: When was the time you felt isolated from God and others? How did He bring you back in His presence? Bible readings of the day: Thank you and God bless.द्वारा Mattex
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Galatians 2:16 16 know that a person is not justified by the works of the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we, too, have put our faith in Christ Jesus that we may be justified by faith in[a] Christ and not by the works of the law, because by the works of the law no one will be justified.
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Hard times. Join Skeptic Circle: a community for nonbelievers, doubters, and skeptics. By becoming a member, you're not just gaining access to an incredible network of likeminded individuals, you’re also supporting my work and helping me create more and better content that will reach more people! Learn more at Weekly Newsletter: …
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Het idee is nieuw en tegelijk duizenden jaren oud: scheld schulden elke zeven jaar kwijt. Dat stelt ondernemer Martin Schuurman voor. De schulden zijn wereldwijd groter zijn dan ooit in de geschiedenis. Ook is in Nederland het aantal huishoudens met problematische schulden de afgelopen jaren fors toegenomen. Volgens Schuurman zitten we gevangen in …
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No episódio de hoje nós recebemos o Michel Simplício. Ele que é marido, pai, ex-jogador de futebol, pastor e autor do livro: “Priorize Deus”. Através dessa obra, o autor visa ajudar você a conhecer os planos e a vontade de Deus para a sua vida. São 366 reflexões bíblicas profundamente transformadoras, que causarão enorme impacto na nossa rotina diá…
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Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus content most Mondays, bonus episodes every month, ad-free listening, access to the entire 750-episode archive, Discord access, and more: Can there be a “sex positive” version of the high-control religious sex and gender ideologies we’ve explored in recent episodes? What about…
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Mensagem do culto de domingo (12/01), da Família Jesuscopy, ministrada por Ícaro Santos da Comunidade do Rei.Nos siga no instagram: nosso app na Play Store ( ou App Store ( : Família JesuscopyPARA OFERTAR -…
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Fabiola Mello em segunda participação no podcast JesusCopy. Ela aborda temas como cura emocional, traumas pastorais, perdas e o milagre da chegada do pequeno Efraim. Entre testemunhos e reflexões, exploram a confiança em Deus mesmo nos momentos difíceis. Aprenda sobre superação, propósito e como Deus age em todas as coisas. Não perca essa conversa …
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Keywords: Zechariah,Book of Zechariah,Revival, Character Of God,Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, Sermon Index, What Is The Truth, kjv bible, Audio Bible, Bible, God, God's Love, Scriptures, Holy Bible, Prophets, Apostles, KJV, Jesus,Christ, audiobook, book, holy life, love, bible verses, king james bible audio, audio b…
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Palabras clave: Zacarías, Libro de Zacarías, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el evangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Apóstoles, KJV, Jesús, Cristo, audiolibro, libro, vida santa, am…
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If you look out at the world today, you might notice a growing trend in global politics: Again and again, voters are putting into power leaders that favor nationalistic or isolationist rhetoric and policies. Issues that require global cooperation — and sacrifice — like the climate crisis, nonproliferation of nuclear arms and the care of refugees ar…
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"Lord, I carry my cross, for through that cross, I may cross over to Your Kingdom. Amen." Reflect: What way of life has the Lord called you to live: Marriage? Religious life? Or single blessedness? How do you serve Him and His people through your calling? Bible readings of the day: Thank you and God bless.…
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Honderdduizenden Nederlanders maken er al gebruik van, maar de bedoeling is dat de komende 25 jaar nog heel veel huizen op een warmtenet worden aangesloten. Er is alleen een kink in de kabel: het blijkt in de praktijk véél te duur - en dus zijn energiebedrijven gestopt met de aanleg van nieuwe warmtenetten. Om die impasse te doorbreken is de Warmte…
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Het is het lot van de moderne kantoorwerker: op maandagochtend vol goede moed beginnen aan een nieuwe week, de laptop openslaan en... eerst die propvolle inbox wegwerken voor de échte arbeid kan beginnen. E-mail zou ons werkende leven makkelijker moeten maken, maar doet het dat ook? Hoe kun je het beste omgaan met een volle inbox? En is het mogelij…
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Keywords: Zechariah,Book of Zechariah,Revival, Character Of God,Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, Sermon Index, What Is The Truth, kjv bible, Audio Bible, Bible, God, God's Love, Scriptures, Holy Bible, Prophets, Apostles, KJV, Jesus,Christ, audiobook, book, holy life, love, bible verses, king james bible audio, audio b…
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⚠️ Apoye nuestro ministerio: ❓️¿Cómo es tu caminar cristiano? 📖 Bienvenido a Jesús Responde las Oraciónes. #Jesus #HistoriadelaSagradaPasiónsacadadeloscuatroevangelios #PadreLuisdelaPalma 📖 Acerca del libro: Luis de la Palma (Toledo 1560 - Madrid 1641) fue un jesuita español y uno de los grandes maestros espiri…
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Palabras clave: Hageo, Libro de Hageo, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el evangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Apóstoles, KJV, Jesús, Cristo, audiolibro, libro, vida santa, amor, ve…
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Start talking about the Gospels, and most people will have a rough idea of what you’re talking about - a narrative account of Jesus’ life. Today, however, we throw all of that familiarity out of the window and talk about one of the most non-Gospel Gospels I’ve ever read, the enigmatic apocryphal Gospel of Thomas!…
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In this episode you are asked to take notice of how you feel and how your body reacts when in a state of peace and when it is not. We all do things when we are not at peace that we may not normally do when we are at peace. To have faith is to have peace. It's hard to have peace when you don't know "what's next" or when a loved one has bad news. Cha…
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Subscribe for $5.99 a month to get bonus content most Mondays, bonus episodes every month, ad-free listening, access to the entire 700-episode archive, Discord access, and more: Brad discusses the implications of Donald Trump's rhetoric on Greenland, NATO, and the potential repeal of 20th-century policies. He dissec…
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25 jaar geleden begon Frank van Gool met niks, maar inmiddels is OTTO Work Force een heus uitzend-imperium. Het bedrijf heeft een omzet van 1 miljard euro en er werken meer dan 25.000 arbeidsmigranten. Dankzij de verkoop van Otto Work Force werd hij multimiljonair en staat hij nu in de Quote 500. Over twee maanden neemt hij afscheid als CEO en hij …
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TRACKLIST: 1 ARTY & Stadiumx feat. Jason Walker Thousand Lives (Scorz Extended Remix) ARMADA 2 John Grand Round & Round (Extended Mix) Euphonic 3 Motorcycle As The Rush Comes (Cristoph Extended Remix) Positiva 4 Armin van Buuren, Ferry Corsten, Rank 1, Ruben de Ronde Destination […]द्वारा JES
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⚠️ Apoye nuestro ministerio: ❓️¿Cómo es tu caminar cristiano? 📖 Bienvenido a Jesús Responde las Oraciónes. #Jesus #HistoriadelaSagradaPasiónsacadadeloscuatroevangelios #PadreLuisdelaPalma 📖 Acerca del libro: Luis de la Palma (Toledo 1560 - Madrid 1641) fue un jesuita español y uno de los grandes maestros espiri…
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Keywords: Zechariah,Book of Zechariah,Revival, Character Of God,Free Sermons, Video Sermons, Jesus Christ, What Is The Gospel, Sermon Index, What Is The Truth, kjv bible, Audio Bible, Bible, God, God's Love, Scriptures, Holy Bible, Prophets, Apostles, KJV, Jesus,Christ, audiobook, book, holy life, love, bible verses, king james bible audio, audio b…
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Palabras clave: Hageo, Libro de Hageo, Avivamiento, Carácter de Dios, Sermones gratuitos, Sermones en video, Jesucristo, ¿Qué es el evangelio?, Índice de sermones, ¿Cuál es la verdad?, Biblia kjv, Biblia en audio, Biblia, Dios, Amor de Dios, Escrituras. , Santa Biblia, Profetas, Apóstoles, KJV, Jesús, Cristo, audiolibro, libro, vida santa, amor, ve…
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The guys are spending a couple of their holiday season episodes with a New Year’s focus on the power of yes, no, and maybe. In this episode, Ken and Mike conclude their holiday season with the power of maybe. They discuss waiting on God, who God is to us in the waiting, the anxiety in waiting and how we handle it, waiting with pain and hardship, an…
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"Send me, O Lord, to Christify the world. Amen." Reflect: When did you receive the call of Jesus to follow Him? Describe the circumstances that led to your response to His call. Bible readings of the day: Thank you and God bless.द्वारा Mattex
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Our Sozo Leader, Becca Kirschmann, discusses the vision of the Encounter Jesus Sozo Ministry. We believe inner healing is important for having a whole relationship with Jesus and walking in total freedom. The Holy Spirit leads this ministry, impacting our local area in Ohio, as well as the nations. Encounter Jesus exists for everyone to experience …
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Predigt von Stephan Scheele, am Sonntag, 12.01.2025.Liebe die alles kostet: Im zweiten Teil unserer Predigt Serie "Liebst du schon oder hast du noch Recht?" wollen wir näher auf die Frucht des Baum des Lebens eingehen: Die Liebe. Was ist ihre Natur? Wie verändert sie Leben? Und was ist der Preis für ein Leben in Liebe?…
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Jesus Quintana (John Turturro), der seine Zeit im Sing Sing Gefängnis abgesessen hat, wird von seinem Kumpel Petey (Bobby Cannavale) am Gefängnistor abgeholt. Die beiden sind bereit, die neu gewonnene Freiheit zu geniessen, indem sie alten Gewohnheiten frönen. Mit dem vom Friseurs Paul (Jon Hamm) geklauten Auto macht das Duo zunächst Halt, um Pauls…
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