Topics; Health Center, Special one, I wish you above all that you may win, be safe and successful! We have ideas and gusto guests for our betterment. God and AA Rocks, sobriety on fire, good happens in recovery. Laughter is devine. Speaker meetings. Daily Reflections. 24hr. To do list. 12 steps. Interesting.
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Everybody really knows what to do to have their life filled with joy. What is it? quit hating people, start loving them. Quit being mad at people, start liking them. Quit doing wrong, quit being filled with fear, quit thinking about yourself and go out and do something for other people. Everybody knows what you have to do to be happy. But the wisdo…
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AA Rocks! Our Higher Power is AAs Rock! Fully focus on His wonders and miracles at work in the program. I was dull of paying attention when i first came in to AA, the humor and heart and compassion of the member’s then got my heart open.
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Reading from the AA Big book starting at page 24 and jumping around to a page 68 and 88 thank you
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We are talking about that page 63 of the big book where it says outside books are helpful. The outside book that I read, of course proverbs the book of proverbs the Bible the outside book I read was the step we took by Joel McHugh outside book with I read was Drop The Rock countless of outside books the Al-Anon books, the NA books all our good sour…
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Greetings Welcome today’s reading of AA literature, the words in the program makes for a good life, we can see it in the fellowship and the gathering, and the results in the peoples lives and their testimonies they have been brought out of hell into a heaven on earth. Join us join us. There are no big deals, this too shall pass, first things first,…
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Incredible teachings about the power and the love of God. As we have more of God, we have morrow his love and more of his love means more success favor, enthusiasm, joy, and laughter. You can get the book at
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May the day greet you as joyful as you tend to be, may the Lord run after you and give you blessings and reward you and forgive you of all your hiccups. And mine too, if I wished for you, I pray that I may have the very same blessing. Sobriety rocks, AA is the bomb, this too shall pass, please keep it simple, no big deals, first things first, live,…
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What a treasure chest Good happens with paying attention
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Good news Praise News letter
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Shall we praise the Lord for all things? How beneficial is it? Why does God bosses around and who made all these rules anyway are there any good for our benefits?
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The Lord establishesU! Talking about our experiences with people and being kind and not judgmental but take a step back to say I love you God bless you, give them heaven
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Laughter Makes for one successful, it is Solution to everyday problems. I thank God I’m a misfit, I thank God I could’ve had a V8.
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No battle for us as followers of Christ is in our thoughts, putting a rubber band in our wrist reminds us to acknowledge the Lord in all our ways and he shall direct our steps. Putting a rubber band in our wrist and Thanking God! when we messed up sounds Ludacris and we snap it on our wrist on the tender part when we mess up and say thank you God I…
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Thank you for coming on here today and working on your life. I love you God bless you. You’re my favorite and God!’s favorite too. That’s why you’re my favorite.
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La inteligencia del programa! Nos protecta!
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I’d like to ask you to get out there and walk as much as you can till you start to love it to till it becomes easy and then we continue to count our blessings and talk to God and thank him for our irritation, small and great. The obedience is the exercise we must do to obtain the love of God, and then the love of God becomes our treasurewhat God is…
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Let us pray for the firefighters that are out in the front so many firefighters electricians So Far get killed on a yearly basis that would be safe during the deal amen. I know some friends that got electrocuted in powerlines and so forth they live to tell thank you for Recovery. Thank you God for our life just the way it is enjoy today’s reading o…
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Walking and praying and reading scriptures we are praying for the fire victims. May the Lord restore them help him heal him. We pray for the families that have lost loved ones all the members that have gotten them and perished in the fire we pray for their family the membersLord bless him, holding them in your hands and restore him in Jesus name am…
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Is Thanking God! for a problem scripture, or is it the dumbest thing we have ever heard of? There’s only one way to find out to give thanks for our lives in a third step fashion. I have turned my will in my life over to the care of God, as I understand him, I understand that as I thank him-great results happen.…
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Writings from Mr. and Mrs. Carothers, their monthly newsletter reprint from years gone by you can get your own letter at foundationof
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Reading a chapter 15 God secret weapon where are thoughts coming from ? Thanking God! for our thoughts it automatically eliminates the bad ones and if they’re of God, it amplify them. Amen
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We grow in fate by listening and listening to the word of God we create belief and essential ingredient for pleasing God.
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Using wisdom and understanding With Gods Word
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“Happiness comes from the capacity to feel deeply, to enjoy simply, to think freely, to risk life, to be needed.” - Storm Jameson Good Day!
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Learning to believe by reading, praising and worshiping going to church, singing songs into the Lord making ourselves fall in love with Jesus amen. That’s how we believe.
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Gods good program for complicated people.
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I am a grateful member of the Al-Anon movement as secretary a class weekly. Best thing that ever happened to me.
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Junta de AA Reflexiones
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God! has full control of what I say, either God is or he is not when I thank him for the wrong stupid stuff that comes out of my mouth he can work with it. He is gone. I’m stuck in this loop and cycle. How do I get out first it was the loop of anger, resentment, then drinking and problems And now losing Faith! but how do I retain fate by thanking G…
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Welcome to today’s podcast thank you so much for coming down and walking with me. Get out there and walk and make a difference and pray and thank God for our existence thank God for our tolls thank God and praise him gratitude. Count your blessings how many benefits that Lord provided for us so manyoutstanding miracles as he provided for us over an…
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24 hour little Book and combination AA reflections gives us idea ideas to ponder and BENEFITS. Don’t forget your journal your values just like Benjamin Franklin have 13 values and all you gotta do is look at them or rewrite them till you hypnotize yourself and you start doing it for instance I am avoiding eating too many pastries…
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God’s secret weapon in chapter 13 is about staying believing which is one of the hardest things to do. To have hope and believe so we can trust and restored confidence. That’s a double trust.
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Out walking around today I picked up about 16 books at the library Hutch him home no Bag all 16 books in my arms was able to get a little basket and one of the Alley‘s coming home and here’s the first book. It’s an introduction of mindfulness I found it to be very interesting. I did the section on gratitude.…
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Reading the Meditation side of the 24 Hour little book.
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Men at work, AA, workshops, questions and answers topics of interest interesting life situations. We are doing a deal and handling our lives through the AA literature program and of course through our help from our higher power which we call God.
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Father knows exactly what we need. All we need is to turn everything over by thanking him waiting upon him slowing down and repenting and waiting repenting cause we’ve been running too fast too long and we’re all wound up. Amen. Let’s neutralize ourselves. Let us ground ourselves. must sit down and wait on Jesus amen And amen…
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Para la salud espiritual
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From the little black book 24 hour living, one day at a time Patrick C and Fernando M bring you today’s reading. Thank you you.
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Reading from the book limitless love by Can and Gloria Copland. Reading the word of God on a daily basis will give us the love of Jesus faith work by love. Fate roll by reading the word of God. Right now we are acting on our society on our parents on our love, but there’s more but there’s more thank you for coming out here today. God bless you.…
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Gods grace on the members writing in. Interesting article of 1993 Grapevine, the issue of April .
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Articles; from the 1993 April Grapevine, letters and articles sent in by AA members for AA members. Sobriety rocks we ask God to keep us sober every day and to help us to get through another day.
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Greetings family I encourage you to get out there and walk and do a daily walk. Stretch your arms your feet count your blessings count your toes you remember each toe is corresponded with a different blessing for the day. See if we can find 10 different things to be grateful for on a daily basis as you get out there and walk and enjoy the Earth God…
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All is well we thank the Lord Jesus Christ that God is working for our good. We count our blessings gratitude opens the door to blessings. We keep on believing more and more that God is working for a good, no matter what happens. Praise him thank him love him. God is working for a good look how good we have it so far Look how much we try to mess th…
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La palabra de Dios.
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La palabra de Dios
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Señor gracias por tu ayuda gracias señor gracias.
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Palabra de Dios.
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Joaquin episode of scripture end of revelation that we should always have our tambourine blasting the heavens with songs, spiritual melodies, singing and humming in our hearts and rejoicing in the Lord for we have gone through Jesus Christ. We have overcome the world we are we all Overcomers through Christ Jesus, amen…
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Jesus is the way to the father first John chapter 3 and four. May the Lord bless you and keep you hold you establish you smile on you, heal your heart. Your emotions put some money in your pocket and humor. You all through the rest of your life. We wanna hear some belly laughs joy, and the Holy Spirit drunk and the spirit living life as we shouldas…
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Welcome to Jesus the way to the father readings and thought patterns are taken from first John chapter 5 new living Testament NLT. This is part a I’m gonna ask the Holy Spirit to speak to me on part B I hope within a couple of days thank you.
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