Gathered by Christ, living in grace, serving in love. Our vision is to be an inclusive community of faith that responds to God’s grace in our lives through worship and service to our neighbors.
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6.2.24 The Main Thing by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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5.26.24 The Trinity by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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5.19.24 Dry Bones by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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5.12.24 Jesus Prays for Us by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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5.5.24 Love by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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4.28.24 The Bible by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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4.21.24 Good Shepherd by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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4.14.24 Power by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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3.31.24 Practice Resurrection by Pastor Charlane Linesद्वारा Pastor Charlane Lines
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