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DW Deutsch lernen

DW Deutsch lernen

DW's individualized German language learning materials can help you to improve your skills with a host of fun and free materials for all levels. dw.com/germancourses We welcome posts in English and German. However, DW will delete and/or report any content that constitutes hateful, threatening, pornographic or harrassing material. Please respect our netiquette: http://bit.ly/b3Ui11 Legal Notice: http://www.dw.com/dw/article/0,,15718489,00.html
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DW Revista


O DW Revista é o podcast semanal da DW Brasil, a rede internacional de notícias da Alemanha. A cada semana, explicamos e damos contexto a assuntos relevantes do noticiário nacional e internacional. Episódios novos às sextas-feiras.
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DW AfricaLink is packed with news, politics, culture and more — every weekday. From combating health issues and freedom of expression to finances, tolerance and environmental protection, we have it covered.
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Goście Dwójki

Polskie Radio S.A.

Inspirujące rozmowy o aktualnych wydarzeniach artystycznych, najnowszych publikacjach, premierach filmowych i teatralnych, istotnych twórcach oraz wszelkich fenomenach o dużym znaczeniu kulturalnym.
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Dwóch po dwóch

Dwóch po dwóch

Dwóch po dwóch. Dlaczego akurat tak? Wiecie, padł pomysł, by nazwać to tak, jak powinno być nazwane, gdy nie klei się rozmowa. Po prostu, jest nas dwóch i żeby kleiła się rozmowa, musimy obaj być po dwóch. Zawsze będzie kilka tematów, które będą związane z technologią, grami i rozrywką, ale być nie muszą. Newsy, opowieści, dywagacje, nasze opinie i cykle takie jak "No Movie Ci" i "Nostalgią po jajach". Ma być ciekawie, oryginalnie, treściwie, ale też na luzie i to będziemy chcieli uzyskać.
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What the heck with Richard Dweck

richard dweck

Born December 28 1993, I am a self obsessed unintentional/ natural eccentric who is self-aware enough to self-deprecate but never change, somehow very love-able. I sang in high school( decent tenor ), I did improv comedy from 2009 to 2016 and have been doing stand up since July 18 2015. On this podcast I interview mostly comedians but also any creative content making person who piques my interest, on their start in their endeavor and how it is going
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Cave Dweller Music

Cave Dweller Music

A podcast series that hosts interviews with musicians, label owners, artists and more. The show uses a relaxed, free-flowing conversational approach. CDM is a site that promotes and reviews new/up and coming, metal, punk, noise, industrial, dark and experimental music.
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DW Conspiracy Shack

Cryptids of the Corn LLC

We talk everything from JFK, the moon (if it exists or is it hollow!), and ever some ways you can become independent form the government and the grocery store! So, if you like off the wall and random thoughts this is the place for you!To contact please email at,dwconspiracyshack@gmail.com
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Dwell On Truth is the media ministry of Brenten Powers. DWELL stands for Discipleship, Worship, Evangelism, Loving God and Loving people. We believe the Truth of Jesus Christ according to the Bible is the solid foundation that we should dwell on.
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DW World History

David Wainright

DW World History provides the most detailed productions on the ancient civilizations throughout the world. Each series takes viewers through the timeline of World History, one civilization at a time. Together we explore the rise and fall of of the great empires and reveal how men and women shaped the world we know today. Detailed Maps, Study Guides, Publication & Documentary Reviews and Podcasts are available on our website.
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Welcome to our variety podcast, based on our variety channel on YouTube. A variety channel with a little bit of everything for everyone! Shall we roll the d20 to find out where our topic will land today?
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Dwelling Place Church

Dwelling Place Church

Dwelling Place Church exists to gather people to Jesus Christ and lead them to Biblical maturity for the multiplication of believers, leaders, and churches. For us, loving God looks a lot like loving people.
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Dwell Time is a show produced in house by Griffin Armament discussing the business culture and lifestyle of the firearms industry. The show features interviews with a variety of guests, ranging from industry professionals and influencers to business owners and specialists from outside the firearms/outdoor industry.
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Dwell Differently

Natalie Abbott & Vera Schmitz

If you were our friend, and if we could look you in the eyes and see your struggles and know you fully, and if we could only give you ONE thing—we'd give you God’s Word. There is more power and love and truth in one verse than in a thousand other words. So, let us help you memorize God's words in a simple, easy way. We hope you'll love listening in while we chat about what our verse means, why it matters, and how it intersects with our daily lives.
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Dwelling Place Anaheim

Dwelling Place Anaheim

The story of Dwelling Place Anaheim has always been one of joining with the story of God, following where He leads and pursuing His presence. We are a community with a rich history in renewal and with a destiny to bring life to the city. Listen to our Sunday sermons here.
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Welcome to "The Business of Doing Business" hosted by Dwayne Kerrigan. Dwayne has navigated the business world for over 35 years, owning close to 30 businesses in 12 distinct industries. Today, entrepreneurship often seems more about glitz, glamour, and a celebrity venture. On this podcast, Dwayne collaborates with overlooked but accomplished entrepreneurs, delving into their journeys of forging exceptional enterprises. Join them as they share their personal journeys, lessons learned, and st ...
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show series
Moçambique: Antiga ministra da Justiça, Maria Benvinda Levi, é nova primeira-ministra. Venâncio Mondlane – autoproclamado Presidente de Moçambique - exigiu hoje 25 medidas às autoridades moçambicanas, ameaçando retomar manifestações caso não sejam acatadas. Antigo ministro das Finanças moçambicano, Manuel Chang, condenado a 8,5 anos de prisão.…
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With South Sudan resuming oil production, 90,000 barrels per day are initially expected to be drilled – but many challenges remain, as war rages to the north in Sudan, where pipelines and export facilities are under threat. Independent political and economic analyst Boboya James Edimond and freelance journalist Patrick Oyet join us from South Sudan…
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Depois de outros líderes de ultradireita mundo afora, agora foi a vez de Alice Weidel, candidata a chanceler federal alemã pelo partido AfD, chamar Hitler de comunista e socialista. O DW Revista desta semana discute qual a estratégia por trás dessas afirmações e por que historiadores as consideram um absurdo.…
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Albert Schweitzer: das umstrittene Vorbild – Er ist für viele bis heute ein Vorbild: Albert Schweitzer. Der deutsche Arzt gründete im westafrikanischen Lambarene ein Krankenhaus. Doch aus heutiger Sicht war nicht alles an ihm vorbildlich.द्वारा DW
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Klickt hier, um zum Manuskript zu gelangen: https://bit.ly/Deutschlernen_Langsam-Gesprochene-Nachrichten_17012025 Die Langsam gesprochenen Nachrichten der Deutschen Welle bieten von Montag bis Samstag aktuelle Tagesnachrichten aus aller Welt. Das langsam und verständlich gesprochene Audio trainiert das Hörverstehen. Zusätzlich gibt es den vollständ…
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Daniel and Wilbur are back again to probe the famous line "you are what you eat." Food is energy, our bodies and minds are just a physical manifestation of our energy. We must nourish ourselves with positivity and need to be aware of what are food is and where it is coming from. How was the food treated from its conception to your plate? All of thi…
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Mit Bürgernähe in den SPD-Wahlkampf – Es ist Wahlkampf, und bundesweit hat die SPD keine guten Umfragewerte. Anders in Bochum, wo Jörg Laftsidis vom Ortsverein Bochum-Hamme unterwegs ist. Er kennt die Menschen und ihre Sorgen.द्वारा DW
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- Jesteśmy zmęczeni i zestresowani. Proces prób był niezwykle intensywny. Pracowaliśmy nad kondensacją siedmiu powieści. Przesuwaliśmy akcenty, szlifowaliśmy teksty. Mamy nadzieję, że uda się nam osiągnąć zamierzony efekt - mówił w Dwójce reżyser Luk Perceval przed sobotnią premierą spektaklu "Seks, hajs i głód" w Narodowym Starym Teatrze w Krakowi…
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- Łączył w sobie kilka tożsamości. Pierwszą była chyba tożsamość pisarska. To bardzo ciekawa twórczość. Był dokumentalistą, ale specyficznym. Niemiecka literatura miała już falę dokumentaryzmu w latach 70. XX wieku, a on pojawił się nagle kilka dekad później ze swoim pisaniem - mówił w Dwójce Andrzej Kopacki, tłumacz książek Martina Pollacka. Austr…
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W kolejną rocznicę urodzin Witolda Lutosławskiego rozpocznie się XXII Festiwal "Łańcuch". Marcin Krajewski z Towarzystwa im. Witolda Lutosławskiego zdradził w Dwójce, że na festiwalu w tym roku będą dominowały symfonie, a centralne miejsce zajmie twórczość patrona wydarzenia.
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W wieku 78 lat odszedł David Lynch – jedna z najwybitniejszych postaci współczesnego kina. Był postacią wielowymiarową, ponieważ nie tylko tworzył znakomite, wielopłaszczyznowe filmy, ale również malował, tworzył instalacje, a nawet zajmował się muzyką. – Mówiło się, że on pracuje na swojej własnej nieświadomości – mówił w Dwójce krytyk filmowy Seb…
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The Church in Rome had dosed off, in a manner of speaking, so the apostle Paul sends a letter and sounds the alarm. Too many Christians today are like the church in Rome - lackadaisical in their walk with God, and not fine tuning their anticipation of the Lord’s return.To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/142…
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Tomada de posse de Daniel Chapo é o final dos protestos pela justiça eleitoral e todo o esforço e sacrifício terão sido em vão? Delegado político do PODEMOS morto a tiros no distrito do Búzi em Sofala. Nos Camarões: Paul Biya poderá concorrer para mais um mandato de sete anos.द्वारा DW
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Was ist ein Liebestöter? Kann man Kabelsalat essen? Und warum gibt es keine Hexen, aber einen Hexenschuss? Oft bedeuten diese Wörter etwas anderes, als man denkt. Viele von ihnen stehen nicht im Wörterbuch. Jede Woche erklären wir hier ein kurioses deutsches Wort zum Beispiel aus der Umgangssprache oder aus Redewendungen – lustig, ernst oder einfac…
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Testet euer Wissen mit interaktiven Übungen: bit.ly/Top-Thema_Albert-Schweitzer-umstrittenes-VorbildMit dem Top-Thema könnt ihr euch gleichzeitig über Neues aus aller Welt informieren und euren Wortschatz erweitern. Wir bieten euch zwei leicht verständliche Berichte mit Vokabelangaben und Fragen zum Text pro Woche. Hier geht's zur Übersichtsseite: …
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- Wyraziście pamiętam doświadczenie pandemii. Właśnie wtedy pierwszy raz skonfrontowałam się z tym, przed czym uciekałam całe życie, z bezsilnością. Ona zawsze wydawała mi się żywiołem, obezwładniającym i nie do pokonania. Nagle niemal wszyscy podlegali tej presji i nie było jeszcze wówczas wiadomo, co dalej... - mówiła w Dwójce Agnieszka Dauksza, …
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I’m thrilled to launch a new trilogy of double episodes: a lecture series by Professor Sarah Paine of the Naval War College, each followed by a deep Q&A. In this first episode, Prof Paine talks about key decisions by Khrushchev, Mao, Nehru, Bhutto, & Lyndon Johnson that shaped the whole dynamic of South Asia today. This is followed by a Q&A. Come f…
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Moçambique: Presidente Chapo participa em "culto inter-religioso de arrependimento e reconciliação". Será para ser levado a sério? Angola: Presidente João Lourenço de visita de Estado de dois dias a França, a convite do seu homólogo francês. Cabinda: Gestão do lixo é um quebra-cabeças para as autoridades e populações.…
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