Popdust producer Jordan Edwards and musician Demi Ramos interview some of today‘s hottest artists and your favorites from back in the day.
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The Demia Avery Show is a dynamic YouTube & Podcast entertainment talk show that gives celebrities and entrepreneurs the spotlight to showcase their hidden passions, talents, and ventures that often go unnoticed. Step beyond the headlines and dive into the personal stories that make these remarkable individuals even more fascinating. Whether it’s a secret hobby, a side business, or a cause close to their heart, The Demia Avery Show reveals the lesser-known pursuits that fuel their success. G ...
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Welcome to the Demiiiiii and yes it’s really happening 😉
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Podcast by Demiwolf
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Welcome to the Demid podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Four storytellers gather around the table and send three adventurers on a mission. Join the awkward beginnings and, hopefully, interesting tales of Trixie, Asher, and Tanzanite.
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The daily thoughts from an unfiltered, educated and stoned mind. Highlighting music, life and enlightenment. Subscribe, Share and Tune In!
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demigods unite to talk.
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All the info u want
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Doing Everything Makes it Complete!
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Tous les mois, La demi-heure fait le point sur l'actualité avec légèreté et mauvaise foi - parce qu'à la fin on meurt, autant en rire - et se penche sur un sujet très chiant pour essayer de comprendre un peu moins mal le monde qui nous entoure. Le tout en trente minutes, soit pile la durée de ton trajet pour aller au boulot, et avec de vrais morceaux de culture pop dedans. Ah oui, et on joue les prolongations en troisième partie d'émission, avec la demi-heure de rab' et un entretien avec une ...
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Tayvan'da yaşayan bir Ankaralının hayatla ilgili hikayeleri.
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Jeden Freitag neu: deMiseres Wochenrückblick! Kurz gehört, was wichtig war. deMisere bringt euch auf den neuesten Stand! Komm mit in eine Welt, in der Fakten und Pointen um deine Aufmerksamkeit konkurrieren!
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En este Episodio Jorge nos cuenta sobre su opinión del libro Demian y quien fue su "Demian"
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Disini aku gamau dibuat buat aku mau jadi diriku sendiri, aku suka cerita aku suka bicara aku suka curhat aku suka aku suka aku suka sendirian
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School podcast
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Welcome to DJ Demi's Podcast! ENJOY THE FEELING!!!
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An interactive podcast dedicated to topical conversations we should be having.......
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Cole's life before realizing he's a Demisexual. Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Ordinary people, extraordinary times in the face of COVID-19 as told to South Fremantle resident, singer Penny Shaw; recorded just before the June 2021 lockdown. ‘Pen-demic’ is a Neighbour to Neighbour initiative and supported by the City of Fremantle. Original music written and performed by Finn Pearson.
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Perspektif jujur dari Ayah @agusrachmanto dan Bapak @masadhinugroho tentang dinamika bertahan hidup demi anak istri. Interaksi dengan kami bisa colek di Twitter & Instagram @demianakistri atau email podcast.demianakistri@gmail.com. p.s. : tidak buka cabang!!
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Uma forma de dar VOZ EQUALIZADA no tempo e espaço no AQUI E AGORA. Somos SERES que busca TRANSFORMAR o que possuímos de melhor. Harmonizar os seres humanos que sejam felizes e MELHORES SEMPRE FOCANDO NA VIDA TURBINADA EÓLICA EM ASCENÇÃO 🌹🌏🇧🇷💯 Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/davi-dramaturgo/support
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Singer-songwriter and actress Demi Lovato discusses her fifth studio album, Confident, and takes questions from the audience.
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Welcome to Podcast Demi Masa, this podcast managed by Aulia Akbar Harahap, where amazing things happen. I would love to receive your feed back, mention me on Twitter @auliakbarh. Thank you for listening!
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Der Podcast, wenn du in einer Affäre feststeckst, unglücklich verliebt bist, Liebeskummer hast und du "Nie mehr Nummer 2" für einen Mann sein willst. Ich unterstütze dich mit Gedanken, Impulsen, Inspirationen und Tipps, um die Nummer 1 für einen Mann zu werden. Inspiriert durch Matthew Hussey, Laura Seiler, Christian Bischoff, Melanie Mittermaier, Esther Perel, Tony Robbins, Lewis Howes, Marie Forleo, Brendon Burchard,
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Perspektif kami yang adil, melihat semua masalah dari dua sisi, menyimpulkan dengan konklusif dan berimbang. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/demikian-juga-sebaliknya/support
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4D with Demi Lovato is a weekly podcast series in which global superstar, actress and activist Demi Lovato shares and explores what’s on their heart and in the corners of their mind - curiosities, experiences, movements, and voices that raise the collective frequency of their community of listeners. Each week, Demi hosts conversations with special guests about identity, creativity, activism, philanthropy, and beyond. 4D with Demi Lovato is a presentation of OBB Sound, SB Projects and Cadence13.
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Are you sick of politics and depressing world news bringing you down? These weird news stories, products and historical events will make you feel better about yourself in the same way Wal-Mart makes you feel hot by comparison. WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT. LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.
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"Camille's Demi-Hour" on Nantucket's NPR 89.5 FM showcases the superb epicurean talents on Nantucket Island
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The Demidov Organic School of Acting. Tune in to "The Demidov Organic School of Acting" with world-renowned expert Professor Andrei Malaev-Babel, Director of the Demidov Association. In each episode, Andrei dives deep into the groundbreaking organic acting techniques pioneered by Nikolai Demidov. Discover practical insights and solutions to the most pressing challenges actors face, and unlock new levels of creativity and authenticity. Whether you're an actor, director, or passionate about th ...
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Sex can be... complicated. Welcome to Hookup Horror Stories, a comedy podcast about horrible hookups and deviant dating disasters! Every week, author Demi Wylde, interviews sex experts, comedians, coaches, writers and more on sex, dating, and their wildest hookup horror stories.
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Is there something underneath your bed? Is there a ghostly spectre in your closet? Is there a witch in the woods? Hi, I'm Tori from Demimonde Paranormal. In this podcast we will delve deep into the unknown. We will discuss ghosts, vampires, witches, werewolves, cryptology, and much much more! So join us, won't you, as we hunt for the things that go bump in the night.
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Ett intervjuprogram där Anis Don Demina & Joey Massa varje vecka bjuder in jääävligt intressanta människor, ställer jääävligt intressanta frågor och tar reda på jääävligt intressanta grejer!
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BLOG: Demimondaine's Debauched Debauchery - Podcasts powered by Odiogo
Silvia-McKenzie Navah aka La Femme Fetiche Fatale
Arquivos ~ Anthology ~ Synopsis Of a Classic Sultry Monegasque Seductress, Demimondaine, Hetairai, Old-World Mistress, Superlative European Courtesan, Euro-Geisha, Escort, Fetishist, Kinkster, Swinger & Sexually Dominant Woman, mature Playboy Italia Playmate Centerfold, Young Widow and Mother, Daughter, Sister and Matriarch to two European Families.
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Building the eternal monument to our own destruction. On WRUW-FM 91.1 Cleveland every Monday, 3:30-4:00p.m.
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This Podcast features a poem about to novel-To Kill a Mockingbird.
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Welcome to SuccessCast - the business program dedicated to helping entrepreneurs, business owners, business leaders, managers, sales people and anyone with the desire to take their company, job or career to the next level. SuccessCast – moving your needle from success…to sustainable success, with proven processes and well-guarded secrets from some of the greatest business minds on the planet. Your SuccessCast host is Scott Deming - international speaker, trainer, consultant, author, and a le ...
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The Demise Podcast is all about the family and planning for the final disposition of our love ones. We will focus on being informative and educational on how to be somewhat prepared for the inevitable. We will discuss ways to address the end of life as we know it and provide expert commentary on the subject matter.
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Our name is a definite work in progress. And our goal is to entertain you by talking about current things going on in nerd culture in gaming, anime, movies, etc. And we will probably skew off topic and talk about random things.
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Join Demi Wylde and J. Maceo while they dive deep into a black hole in the hit comedy podcast about science and spirituality for Cosmic News stories, Demi's Astrology Forecast, J.'s Cosmic Insights on manifesting, and interstellar interviews with amazing guests, as they try to uncover everything about the universe from the physical... To the metaphysical! Godspeed, Starseeds! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/acosmicjourneypod/support
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Que l’on s’engage pour soi, pour les autres, ou pour une cause qui nous touche, il y a toujours une petite voix à l’origine de notre motivation. Au fil des épisodes de cette nouvelle saison, Alex interroge les petites voix qui animent les Bretonnes et les Bretons engagés qui se sont installés devant son micro. Écoutez-les, découvrez-les, inspirez-vous ! Bienvenue dans DEMI-SEL, le podcast qui révèle la Bretagne ! Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/regionbretagne.bzh/ (https://www.facebook.c ...
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Episode 192 - Julian Lennon and Gregory Darling
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40:35Since his 1984 debut album Valotte, Julian Lennon has maintained his own vision. Sure, he’s the son of John Lennon, but he’s a multidisciplinary artist who’s never pandered to Beatles fans. Lennon recently released his first book of photography, Life’s Fragile Moments, and he’s been making new music. His latest single is a collaboration with longti…
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Bonne année 12.025 ! Dans cet épisode, on revient sur un début d’année bien chargé : entre le départ de figures politiques marquantes, le mépris gouvernemental à Mayotte et les contorsions diplomatiques de la France pour ne pas montrer ses velléités expansionnistes, on ne s’ennuie pas. On parle aussi du réalisateur Yannick Kergoat, venu nous présen…
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Entertainment News! - Will Smith, Vivica A Fox, Johnathon Majors and More!!
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12:54**NEW SEGMENT ON THE SHOW - ENTERTAINMENT NEWS! 👇 Check out the new segment on The Demia Avery Show where I will share with you quick entertainment news of the week! 🥰❤ Please make sure you LIKE, COMMENT, AND SHARE! It's a FREE way to let me know that you love what I do. ❤😍 Also, go to my YOUTUBE Channel and subscribe there at https://www.youtube.c…
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Interview with Pickleball Extraordinaire, Denise Foat! Learn how to play the game!
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16:16Have you ever thought about playing PICKLEBALL? Yes, it is ALL the rage right now! Check out my interview with Pickleball Club owner, Denise Foat of Diverse Dimensions Pickleball Club. Join us as we talk about how exciting the sport is, and how you can get involved! #pickleball #sports #diversedimensions #thedemiaaveryshow…
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16 year old diver, author and trailblazer, Sanaa B. Chege!
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20:33Sanaa B, Chege drops by The Demia Avery Show to talk about her journey as a young African American diver as well as an author. Her new book is entitled "A Diver Like Me". https://chegecorner.com/ #sanaabchege #swimmer #diver #thedemiaaveryshowद्वारा NBG Podcast Network
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Episode 191 - The Lumineers: Jeremiah Fraites on the Band's Sound, Style, and Legacy
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35:38After 20 years as a band, The Lumineers have become a fixture of pop culture. Their 2012 breakout hit "Ho Hey" is a millennial anthem that's been imitated and used in countless shows and commercials. Wesley Schultz and Jeremiah Fraites recently returned with their fifth studio album 'Automatic.' Across 11 songs, the band gives fans familiar sounds …
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Jazz Musician, William Green Interview - Sharing the Vibe! #jazzmusic #jazzartist
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41:43New Episode Alert! Check out my interview with Jazz Musician/Vocalist, William Green! William is an amazing musician, songwriter and producer and we had such a great time chatting it up! William has showcased his charismatic charm and keyboard mastery with audiences around the world (Japan, Europe, Africa), while performing nationally with acclaime…
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One-Shot: A Noble Quest 2 of 2
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1:21:04Four detectives encounter peril while unravelling a mountainous mystery!~. Enjoy our special guests and Larissa's second, second time leading our session as our Storyweaver. Need maps for your campaign? RPG Tabletops has 15,000+ maps available. Support our podcast by using our affiliate link: https://rpgtabletops.com/?ref=probabilityofdemise Offici…
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Gospel Artist, Titus Showers talks his journey AND new SINGLE ”SAVE US”.#titusshowers #gospelmusic
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24:10So exciting! Here is my interview with gospel artist, songwriter, producer, Titus Showers Sr. (2x Stellar Gospel Music Awards nominee) on The Demia Avery Show! During my interview we talk a little bit about everything... starting from the early years singing with his siblings, to collaborating with the legendary Fred Hammond. ❤ Check it out right h…
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Episode 190 - Shinedown returns! An Interview with Brent Smith
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41:19More than 20 years into their career, Shinedown show no sign of fading into a nostalgia act. Last month, the band released a pair of singles "Three Six Five" and "Dance, Kid, Dance." They'll hit the road this April for an arena tour with Bush, Beartooth, and Morgan Wade. Jordan and Demi welcome leader singer Brent Smith back to the show for a conve…
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Ce mois-ci on revient sur la chute des ventes de Tesla, la grande messe de l’IA à Paris et les lamentations fiscales des grands patrons. Ensuite Pitoum nous explique la manière dont certains mouvements se réapproprient le féminisme à des fins politiques et identitaires. À travers l’exemple du collectif Némésis et d’autres groupes similaires, nous a…
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Episode 189 - Ryan Cabrera and 20 Years of "On the Way Down"
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37:37Sorry Millenials, but Ryan Cabrera’s “On The Way Down” is two decades old. To celebrate the iconic Y2K hit, Cabrera teamed up with other 2000s stars for a reimagined version. NSYNC’s Joey Fatone, A.J. McLean from the Backstreet Boys, Taylor Hanson, and Drake Bell are joined by WALK THE MOON and Nash Overstreet on the track. Watch Jordan Edwards and…
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One-Shot: A Noble Quest 1 of 2
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2:03:00Four detectives encounter peril while unravelling a mountainous mystery!~. Enjoy our special guests and Larissa's second time leading our session as our Storyweaver. Need maps for your campaign? RPG Tabletops has 15,000+ maps available. Support our podcast by using our affiliate link: https://rpgtabletops.com/?ref=probabilityofdemise Official websi…
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When K.Flay lost the hearing in her right ear in 2022, she could have kept the news private. Instead, she built an entire album around the experience. Released in the spring of 2023, MONO addressed her new reality head on. The opening track “Are You Serious?” details her frustration with the situation. In November, K.Flay dropped I’m Making Friends…
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Kron Moore of Tyler Perry’s ”The Oval” - GET TO KNOW HER!
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32:45On this episode of The Demia Avery Show, we are chatting it up with the lovely actress, Kron Moore of Tyler Perry's "The Oval" and DC Universe "Stargirl". Kron is so much more than watch you see on your television screens each week. Check out my interview and get to know her! #tylerperry #theovalonbet #stargirl #kronmoore #thedemiaaveryshow #entert…
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News Of Our Demise - Ep209 - Rattattapthatass
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1:09:15Hosts: Gary Faucette, Scott David Chase In this episode: - No Drugs Here - Can't Trust Big Meteorology - Chips And Dip - Two Fingers ... and more WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT. LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.द्वारा News Of Our Demise
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Our first show of 2025 features one of last year's breakout stars. Gigi Perez landed a top 40 hit with "Sailor Song," a song that first gained popularity on TikTok. The South Florida singer-songwriter has big plans for this year, including her first headline tour. Jordan and Demi talk to Perez about her recent success, the inspiration behind "Sailo…
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Kelsy Karter is a throwback to when rock 'n' roll was fun. Stylistically, her music is brash and anthemic, somewhere between '70s arena rock and '80s pop metal. Aesthetically, Karter and her band the Heroines fit the part. Long messy hair, tight pants, and black leather help create an experience that feels lifted from the Sunset Strip's heyday. As …
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One-Shot: Bear Ass in the Fae Realm
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2:15:28Five adventurers wake up in a mysterious jungle with no memory of how they got there. To escape, they'll have to work together. Need maps for your campaign? RPG Tabletops has 15,000+ maps available. Support our podcast by using our affiliate link: https://rpgtabletops.com/?ref=probabilityofdemise Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.co…
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Episode 185 - A Calum Scott Christmas
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28:58During the holidays, it’s easy to forget the excitement and anticipation you experienced as a child. With “Kid at Christmas,” Calum Scott captures the magic of that feeling. A duet with Christina Perri, the single is a reminder to slow down and feel the joy of the season. Build around piano and strings, it evokes the classic Christmas pop era of th…
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With Campaign 2 in the rearview mirror, the cast gets together to discuss their experiences. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/probabilityofdemise/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/proba…
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Unlocking Creativity - Episode 4: Homework
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57:05In this episode, we uncover the often-overlooked art of actor homework in the Demidov School. Nolan Hennelly, Kimon Fioretos, and their Professor and Mentor Andrei Malaev-Babel explore how Demidov's philosophy emphasizes preparation beyond the rehearsal room, empowering actors to cultivate creativity, freedom, and inspiration through daily practice…
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Episode 184 - Bootsy Collins Keeps The Funk Alive
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41:51It's Bootsy, baby! Jordan and Demi talk to legendary bassist Bootsy Collins about working with James Brown, George Clinton, Kali Uchis and more!द्वारा Popdust
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The Case of the Reality Reset
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1:10:38In our last episode, one of our intrepid investigators made a Wish. Find out how it turned out in the final episode of Campaign 2. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/probabilityofdemise/ Fa…
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What's that sound? It's the angelic voice of Clay Aiken. The 'American Idol' favorite has returned with a new Christmas album. 'Christmas Bells Are Ringing' is a collection of holiday standards inspired by the golden era that gave us classics by Perry Como, Brenda Lee, Andy Williams, and Darlene Love. Jordan and Demi talk to Aiken about recording t…
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Taimak - The Last Dragon Interview - Meet and Greet at 3 Chambers Festival!
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23:42Check out my interview with actor, author, director, martial artist, Taimak! He will be appearing at a Meet and Greet in Wilmington, NC at the www.3Chambers.com festival. #thedemiaaveryshow #thelastdragon #bruceleroy #leroygreen #shonuff #brucelee #cultclassic #taimak #martialartsद्वारा NBG Podcast Network
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The Case of the Riot and the Retreat
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1:06:54As events continue to spiral out of control, our trio of investigators try to figure out if they should fight or flee. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/probabilityofdemise/ Facebook: http…
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News Of Our Demise - Ep208 - Dollar Tree Pollination
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1:21:18Hosts: Gary Faucette, Scott David Chase In this episode: - Baby Craziest - Roll Over Into A New Position - Stripper Not Above Board As It Turns Out ... and more WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT. LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.द्वारा News Of Our Demise
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The Case of the Onslaught at the Orphanage, Part 2
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1:32:04We join our investigators in the middle of combat after they waded into a battle between the Slaadi and Modron in the orphanage last week. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/probabilityofde…
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Black Violin Interview on The Demia Avery Show! Hip Hop and Classical Music Together! Yesss!
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45:14Check out my very special episode of The Demia Avery Show and WHQR Public Media where I interview, Kev Marcus of the Grammy Award nominated duo, Black Violin! This was an unbelievable interview where he chats it up with me about their career, their journey and beyond. Check it out right on YouTube and don't forget to like, share and subscribe! For …
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The Case of the Onslaught in the Orphanage
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1:45:40Our trio of investigators enter the orphanage to look for signs of Slaadi and get way more than they bargained for. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/probabilityofdemise/ Facebook: https:/…
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Demi's Indie Special: re6ce and Max Fry
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28:44This week, Demi talks to two of her favorite indie artists, re6ce and Max Fry. re6ce is a Liverpool-based musician. From a small home studio, re6ce creates trippy pop that meshes chillwave with Stone Roses-style psychedelia. Their latest single "SCREAMING ALONE" follows the EP grey europe from earlier this year. Max Fry is a songwriter and producer…
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Dans cet épisode, spécial Halloween donc avec des sujets qui font peur, Jérémy nous parle de la dette et Rosalie des élections présidentielles américaines. Dans la seconde partie de l'émission, Benjamin Lemoine, sociologue spécialiste du sujet chiant, rejoint la fête pour poursuivre la discussion. Présentation : Jérémy & Rosalie. Réalisation &a…
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The Case of the Necrotic Nightclub
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1:18:29After regrouping and resting up at a party member's idyllic forest abode, the investigators seek advice from one of the city's leaders about what they should do next. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.i…
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Stacii Adams Interview - Talks about Anthony Hamilton, Jadakiss, and more on The Demia Avery Show
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36:30This week we have my interview with r&b, blues, southern soul singer Stacii Adams. We also have Battle of the Old School Soundtracks! #soundtracks #90smusic #90ssoundtracks #whitneyhouston #tlc #babyface #newjackcity #newjackswing #boomerang #boomerangsoundtrack #tonibraxton #anthonyhamilton #jadakiss #thedemiaaveryshow…
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Emi Grace can shred! The guitarist, producer, and songwriter has built a huge social media following thanks to her "Trashy Tone Thursday" videos. Inspired by rock legends from the '70s and '80s, she mixes complex guitar work with modern beats. She's always pushing the boundaries of what a guitar can sound like. Jordan Edwards and Demi Ramos talk to…
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The Case of the Remote Respite
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1:25:37Our trio of investigators collect Seraphina's family and retreat to Gus's home in the woods to rest, recover, and regroup. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/probabilityofdemise/ Facebook: …
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Midasın Kulakları Podcasti'nin bu bölümünde, iş işte mi öğrenilir yoksa okulda mı öğrenilir sorusuna parmak basıyoruz. İşte iş öğrenilir tabi de, işe gitmeden işi bilsek daha iyi değil mi, bir öğretim üyesi olarak öğrencilerimi ne kadar hazırlayabiliyorum hayata gibi sorular canlanıyor bu bölümde. https://serhandemirci.com…
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The Case of the Fraudulent Flatmate, Part 2
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1:17:51Our trio of investigators attend the meeting with the Slaad posing as Oksana, ready to spring its trap and get some revenge. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/probabilityofdemise/ Facebook…
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The Case of the Fraudulent Flatmate, Part 1
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1:06:11After confirming that one of the group’s close friends is not who they seem, the group set out to confront her (and distract themselves along the way). Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pr…
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The megahit "Sail," made Aaron Bruno famous, but he spent more than a decade performing in different bands before creating AWOLNATION. Since then, his music has become the soundtrack for countless commercials, TV Shows, and sporting events. Bruno continues to try different sounds and instruments as AWOLNATION evolves. In this episode, Bruno talks t…
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Çok gezen mi çok okuyan mı bilir tartışmasına son nokta
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15:20Ne çok gezen ne çok okuyan, en çok gezdikçe gördüklerini, yaşadıklarını yazan, çizen, videyosunu paylaşan bilir. Bu bölümde yurtdışında yaşayan bir podcastçi olarak neden içerik paylaşmanın önemli olduğunu tartışıyoruz.
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Episode 179 - Chloe Chaidez and Sugar Pit
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29:24We're back with two of our good friends from the LA music scene! Chloe Chaidez is known to for fronting the band Kitten. Recently she's focused on PSY Sound, a record label, production studio, and artist development company. One of Chaidez's frequent collaborators is Kian Stevens-Winston AKA Sugar Pit. The viral musician/producer, known for his hig…
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Dans cet épisode, Pitoum revient sur la situation en Kanaky-Nouvelle-Calédonie, l'extrême centre, l'autoritarisme et le barrage républicain. Dans la seconde partie de l'émission, Nicolas Lambert nous rejoint pour parler de son spectacle La France, Empire au Théâtre de Belleville. Présentation : Jérémy & Pitoum Réalisation : Gabrielle Production…
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The Case of the Research and the Rascals
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1:27:00As Ulua and Gus try to learn more about the Slaadi, Seraphina splits the party and accidentally has her own unexpected adventure. Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social media: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/probabilityofdemise/ Fac…
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News Of Our Demise - Ep207 - Hell Mans Smells Weird
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57:51Hosts: Gary Faucette, Scott David Chase In this episode: - Less Is More - The Day The Music Got Regulated - Punched In Then All The Way Out ... and more WARNING: EXPLICIT CONTENT. LISTENER DISCRETION IS ADVISED.द्वारा News Of Our Demise
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The Case of the Matriarch in Mourning
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1:00:55As our intrepid investigators find themselves with unfettered access to the crime scene where Overton’s greatest merchant and benefactor was killed, can the victim’s widow help them crack the case? Official website: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com Get t-shirts, coffee cups, jewelry, and more at: https://www.probabilityofdemise.com/store Social …
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