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As we start our journey through the last section of the gospel of Luke, we find Jesus entering Jerusalem. This triumphal entry as a King is also mixed with Jesus weeping over Jerusalem because His own people will reject Him and have Him crucified.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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In our passage (Malachi 2:17-3:5) the people of God, while suffering from half-heartedness and lax worship, are accusing God of approving of evil! They cry out to God and demand that justice be done. God’s response is that justice and judgment are coming…not only for the evil doer but for the people of God.…
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In Malachi’s day, the people of God were not only disrespecting God’s commands regarding worship but they also were disregarding His instructions regarding marriage. In our passage today, God calls His people to respect and keep their marriage vows.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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Description: In Malachi’s day, the people and priests of God had grown lax and half-hearted in their worship and walk with God. What is worship that is acceptable to God? What is at the heart of it? Our study this week will point us to the answer.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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In the Book of Malachi, God calls His people back to Himself. They were questioning God's love for them because of their circumstances. Their worship had grown cold and they were going through the motions. In the opening verses God reminds His people how He has loved them.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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In John chapter ten Jesus describes Himself as the good shepherd. How is Jesus the good shepherd? What does that mean for us here and now? Join us this Sunday @ 10:30am ET as we continue our Unwrapping the Names of Jesus message series!द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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In the Book of Revelation, Jesus says He is the Alpha and Omega. What does this mean and how does it relate to us? Join us Sunday at 10:30a as we continue unwrapping the names of Jesus and learn more about what it means to walk in relationship with Him each day.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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This Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent and the first of our new message series "Unwrapping the Names of Jesus". Each Sunday during Advent we will look at Bible passages that point us to one of the names used to describe Jesus our Savior. This week we will examine passages that tells us that Jesus is the light of the world.…
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Our final metaphor we will explore for the church of God is the church as the family of God. When we are born again, we are adopted into the family of God. What does this mean for us as a local church? What does this mean for us as individuals in this diverse group of believers? We will explore what God’s Word has to say about this and more related…
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Our scripture passage for this week is Ephesians 2:19-22. Here Paul describes the church as a temple that has a foundation, a cornerstone, and that believers are being joined together to make this temple of God.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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In 1 Corinthians, the Apostle Paul describes the church as the body of Christ. He uses this metaphor for a specific purpose in addressing some of the issues that the church was facing. In our study this week on Metaphors for the Church, we will examine Paul's use of this metaphor and how it applies to us today.…
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Join us for our new message series where we will cover some of the biblical metaphors used for the church. We are starting off with the church as the bride of Christ. What does this mean and how should it impact our view of the church and our own lives as members of the church?द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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If you are running in a 5K race, you need to watch out for obstacles in the road along the way so that they won’t hinder you from finishing well. The same is true in the race each Christian runs. There are common obstacles the enemy throws in our path that we must be aware of and guard against. Join us in the second message in our series “Finishing…
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As Jesus was approaching Jerusalem, He told a story to communicate to His followers that the Kingdom of God would be coming in its fullness at a later time and that He expected them to do Kingdom work until He returns.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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Jesus tells His disciples once again that He must suffer and die. They don’t understand why the Messiah must first suffer. Yet, Jesus continues to preach the Kingdom and heal a man who cries out to Him for mercy.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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When Jesus interacted with the Rich Young Ruler in Luke chapter 18, He knew exactly what was holding him back from receiving eternal life. Jesus knows our hearts. He is intimately acquainted with every aspect of our lives. He is aware of the idols we hold onto that are preventing us from entering the Kingdom of God.…
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Have you wondered when the Kingdom of God will come? The Jews in Jesus’ day thought about this often. Join us this Sunday as we will see how Jesus responds to the question, “When will the Kingdom of God come?”द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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Our passage of Scripture this week brings us to an incredible healing story with a twist! Why did only one leper return when ten were healed? What’s the significance of this? Join us this Sunday and find out importance of this passage.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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This week has been our VBS (Vacation Bible School) week at Darby Creek Church. Our theme this year was "The Great Jungle Journey". This week's Sunday worship service will incorporate some songs from VBS and a message from Nick Higgins that focuses on Bible truths learned at our VBS. There will be something for adults and kids to take away from this…
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Jesus continues His series of teachings that relate to wealth and how we ought to view money. This particular parable reminds us that there is a final judgment coming. We also learn that if we truly love God and have a relationship with Him, then we will love our neighbor.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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The Pharisees heard Jesus' teaching about using our earthly wealth for the purpose of storing up rewards in heaven. Because they loved money, the Pharisees mocked Jesus. In these five verses (Luke 16:14-18), Jesus responds to their scoffing. There is a message here not only for the Pharisees but also us as well.…
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Luke chapter 15 is a series of three parables about God's search for lost people and how He loves to find them. Our text today (Luke 15:11-32) is the third of those parables. We will once again see God's seeking heart for the lost and also that this parable is not just about the overtly rebellious younger son but also about the self-righteous older…
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Luke 15 contains a series of 3 parables that are all linked to the idea that God is seeking those who are lost. This message focuses on the first two parables. These parables tell us something about ourselves, something about God, and also something about the Church.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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In Luke 14:25-35, Jesus sets forth the demands of discipleship that He has for His followers. This message is a continuation of the previous Sunday's message and focuses on counting the cost and not losing our "saltiness" as disciples of Jesus.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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Who doesn’t like a good meal? We’ll be back in the Gospel of Luke this week, and this time we’ll see how Jesus uses a banquet He attends to point His listeners to the Kingdom. “Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb.”द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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Will only a few people be saved and make it to heaven? This is the question posed to Jesus in our passage in Luke 13 this week (Luke 13:22-35). In responding to the question Jesus explains that the way is narrow and also that the way will soon be shut.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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In Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians, he urges the believers to stay persistent in prayer. In our last message in this mini-series on prayer we will learn how we can carry forward the spirit of prayer we have had during this 21 Days of Prayer so we will be a people who pray without ceasing.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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Over sixty Psalms in the Bible are really prayers of lament. These types of prayers are God's people calling out to Him in their pain and grief. We don't often hear many sermons that talk about expressing our prayers to God in our deep and painful seasons of life. This message will take us into Psalm 13 to point to how we can pray to God when we ex…
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Nehemiah was a man of God and because of that he was a man of prayer. This week in our Pray Boldly series we are examining Nehemiah's prayer (Nehemiah 1:5-11). There are some things we can learn from him to become men and women of God who pray boldly.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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Darby Creek Church is having a prayer emphasis the month of April. To coincide with this, Pastor Greg is doing a miniseries titled "Pray Boldly". The first message in this series will examine Isaiah's bold prayer "Send Me" in Isaiah 6:1-8. May God help us to boldly come before His throne of grace because of Jesus. May He help us to trust Him as we …
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The first century church was known to be a church that was devoted to prayer. What does that mean? What might that look like now in the life of our church. Join us for our fourth and final message of this “Devoted” series that connects with our church theme for the year.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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Join us for a time of worship and Bible teaching. We will be studying why the believers were devoted to the breaking of bread. The apostle Paul also offers us some insight into the importance of this time of remembrance in the life of the church.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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The church in Acts chapter 2 was devoted to the fellowship. What does that mean? What does that look like for us now? Join us and learn about one of the pillars of the early church that is still critical for the church today.द्वारा Darby Creek Church
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