Politikai vitaműsor
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Podcast a hadihajók és haditengerészeti technológiák fejlődéséről és azok történelemre gyakorolt hatásáról Trafalgartól Jütlandig
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Presentación de EOIRADIO_CS Participantes Alumnos de la escuela de varios idiomas y niveles
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Projekt svobodného internetového rádia české alternativy
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Discussing his works chapter-by-chapter and interviewing Lewis experts.
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Projekt svobodného internetového rádia české alternativy
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Pszichológia, testkép, táplálkozás, sport, közélet, technológia, önismeret, egészség... tudományosan, közérthetően, emberien... de csak ha érdekel - Leindler Milán
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Mozgóképes beszéd hangos filmesekkel. Forgács W András Laska Pál Mester Ákos
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MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) Alliances serves as a gateway into the lab for industry and governmental institutions seeking a closer connection to the work, researchers, and students of CSAIL. Our podcast aims to provide inside access to topics covered by CSAIL and other leaders advancing computer science and AI research.
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Hosted by Dr. Kristin Stephens-Martinez. This is a podcast where we talk with educators about teaching and equity in computer science.
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Discover today's entrepreneurs' trials and errors as they face obstacles and challenges on their journey to success. Bringing strategies and tips that you can implement in your business today.
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Csakugyan: Körbejárjuk azt, ami csakugyan számít - Bendl Verával. A Józsefváros Újság podcastja - - - - - - - - - 8 és fél óra: Kulturális, közéleti, társadalmi félóra hetente a Józsefváros Újság munkatársaitól és vendégeiktől. Fókuszban Józsefváros, de nyitunk az egész világ felé.
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Két csaj kéthetente osztja meg a világgal, az irodalommal, filmekkel, sorozatokkal, mindenféle csodálatos brit dologgal és általánosságban a popkultúrával kapcsolatos gondolatait.
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Discover your personality type free: https://www.udja.app/ Get the How to Type yourself course free here! http://www.udja.app/products/precision-psychology Test, Blog, YouTube, Coaching, Member, and Discord links: https://linktr.ee/csjoseph
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Your go-to podcast for demystifying the complex world of cybersecurity. Join Shawn Waldman and Chad Robinson as we delve into the latest trends, threats, and innovations in the cyber realm.
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Ez itt a Vezess Csapatrádió, Magyarország legolvasottabb autós lapjának Forma-1-es beszélgetős műsora. A Forma-1-es futamokat követően a Vezess szakértői beszélgetnek a hétvégi eseményekről, a legfrissebb hírekről, érdekességekről. Követheted élőben vagy visszahallgathatod.
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A series of conversations between researchers and collaborators about projects taking place at the Centre for the Study of African Economies at the University of Oxford.
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A weekly podcast from Premier Unbelievable? with Professor Alister McGrath exploring C.S. Lewis’ thought, theology and teaching. C.S. Lewis is one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. The 20th Century British writer and lay theologian has profoundly impacted Christians around the world and brought many atheists and agnostics to faith in Jesus. One person whose faith was greatly encouraged by the writings of C.S. Lewis is Professor Alister McGrath. Both men were raised in No ...
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The C.S. Café is a virtual café for those wanting a good drama filled story or captivating poetry. Tap into your emotions with us and let us SEDUCE YOUR MIND!!! Join our Patreon membership for exclusive behind the scenes, merch, first dips on podcast, and more. https://www.patreon.com/TheCSCafe You don't want to miss out when we let our emotions strip!
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Nem mindenki lehet szabvány. Megyünk, jövünk, látunk, utazunk; bentrõl néztünk kifelé, most meg kintrõl befelé. Magunkat nem vesztettük el, csak néha kiülünk a szamárpadba. Ha tetszik a tartalom illetve kíváncsi vagy az interjúkból kimaradt extra tartalmakra, és a vágatlan változatokra, kérünk támogasd munkánkat patreonon. https://www.patreon.com/SzamarpadCsatorna
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Hosted by K.P. Wee, The C's Baseball Podcast brings you coverage of the Vancouver Canadians (the High-A affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays and Canada's only affiliated professional minor-league baseball club) through observations and interviews of players striving to make it to the big leagues. (Note that this podcast is not directly affiliated with the Vancouver Canadians baseball club.)
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Forček – Oficiální podcast NHL.com/cs a Livesportu
Forček – Oficiální podcast NHL.com/cs a Livesportu
Forček - Podcast http://NHL.com/cs a Livesportu pro všechny fanoušky National Hockey League. Moderátoři Roman Jedlička, Martin Tomaides a/nebo Lukáš Hron společně s hostem z řad bývalých hráčů či dalších zajímavých osobností rozebírají každé druhé pondělí aktuální dění v NHL.
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We’ve all heard of the 4 Cs – collaboration, creativity, critical thinking, communication –, but what if there were other key skills and qualities? What about the power of curiosity, the value of empathy and the need for grit? Join me – and my guests – as we delve into these core skills in this podcast series and work out just what their importance is for students of English.
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Join our dynamic discussion with professional Artivists (an artist + an activist) in the midst of the creative process. Learn how they determine targets, tactics, and principles; how they deal with surprise roadblocks, criticism and burnout; how their visions are ever evolving. Each episode culminates in a mission for you, to seek and share knowledge on how to creatively transform society.
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Welcome to CS RevSpeak, the podcast dedicated to Customer Success Leaders who are at the forefront of driving revenue growth. Hosted by Angeline, an experienced CS leader and founder of CS RevSpeak, this podcast is your go-to resource for actionable strategies, practical tips, and expert insights for confidently leading revenue-driven CS teams. Join us as we explore the evolving role of Customer Success in today’s business landscape, with a focus on commercial conversations, data-driven deci ...
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Homemade dance mixes
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Victory World Outreach is a fellowship of churches stretched throughout the world. Our vision is to Reach, Teach, and Send. The home church is located in Colorado Springs, CO. Please enjoy the sermons uploaded to this podcast.
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Podcast Final
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Építkezőknek és ingatlant vásárlóknak tanácsadás tervezésben, kivitelezésben, jogszabály értelmezésben, beszélgetés szakmabeliekkel. Vásárlás előtti házszemlékről beszámolók, monológok.
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Cole interviews John Hancock. Cover art photo by https://www.instagram.com/omgitstiffyc/
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Csapatot vezetsz, vagy csapatban dolgozol? Szeretnéd tudni, hogy mitől lesz szuper érzés a csapatmunka és mi a jó csapat képlete? A KolLab podcast a jó csapat kémiáját kutatja, úgyhogy köpenyt fel, gyújtsuk be együtt a bunsen égőt, ragadj meg te is egy kémcsövet és kutasd velünk, a Streamnet csapatával, meghívott vendégeikkel a megoldást. Az összetevőket mind ismerjük, fedezzük fel együtt, mi az az extra, ami a tökéletes csapatot hozza létre. Kísérletre, kutatásra fel!
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Instant Access to Comprehensive CSE Guides
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Control System Cyber Security Association International, or (CS)²AI, is the premier global non-profit workforce development organization supporting professionals of all levels charged with securing control systems. With over 34,000 members worldwide, we provide the platform for members to help members, foster meaningful peer-to-peer exchange, continue professional education, and directly support OT and ICS cyber security professional development in every way. Our founder, Derek Harp, intervi ...
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Climate change Cover art photo provided by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@ripato
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Vi släpper snart det första avsnittet! Stay tuned!
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Java topics for students
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CS Radio - The Official Podcast of University of Pennsylvania Career Services
University of Pennsylvania Career Services
The official podcast of University of Pennsylvania Career Services. Every Monday during the school year, your hosts Natty Leach and J. Michael DeAngelis discuss a different topic from the world of career services.
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CSE Podcasts is a series of podcasts hosted by CSE (Club Scientifique d’ESI). 🇩🇿 Where we will discuss different topics (tech, design, gaming...) In the company of quality guests and experts in the field! Make sure to tune in every two weeks on Friday at 8:00 PM.
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Not an actual podcast Cover art photo provided by Vanessa Ives on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@vanessaives
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házi és jósörügyi podcast. erősen Balkezes-közeli. #sör #házisör #sörfőzés #kraft #craft #kisüzemi
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Just 5 Guys talking about stuff.
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Investigating incidents involving AI and automation failures from around the world. Brought to you by Rusen Aktas and John Reid from Blue Prism AI Labs. Views our own. E-mail: csaipodcast@gmail.com Twitter: twitter.com/CSAIpodcast
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A show about computer science and computer science education by Charlie Harrington and Oz Nova.
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Chez Voxaly, nous sommes convaincus qu’une élection réussie est une élection bien préparée ! Aussi, afin de vous accompagner et guider au travers de toutes les étapes d’une élection CSE, avec les équipes de Voxaly, nous avons préparé une série de 10 épisodes sonores qui s’intitule “ Process vote électronique pour les élections CSE ”.
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2025-03-22 O spolecnosti lidstvi XXXVIIIStáhnout Kam nás hudba dovedla a kam nás může dovést? Host: Yanni Slánská Kami Esméé Laíí Svatý František z Assisi řekl: “To, co hledáte, je na místě, z něhož se díváte.” A Rúmí říká: “Dlouho jsem klepal na Boží dveře, a když se otevřely, zjistil jsem, že na ně klepu zevnitř.” Oba výroky jsou klíčem k pravdě …
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You feeling this episode? Send us a text! Pt 1. In this episode, we start a news series of parental alienation. This episode goes out to all of those who have been adopted and tried to reconnect with your biological parents but it didn't go as you thought it would in your head. Tune in now. Support the show…
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EgoHacking Love Primer | What's Next | CS Joseph
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35:53CS Joseph addresses what's next and an EgoHacking Love Primer! Get yours at csjoseph.life/ehl Become Part of our Community or Take our Free Personality Test!: https://linktr.ee/csjoseph
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2025-03-21-Tapin-radio-Sefredaktor-Aeronet-news-pan-VKStáhnoutद्वारा Tapin - Radio
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Physical Security | Guide To NIST 800-171 C.S. Cyber EP. 38
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7:36Welcome to episode eleven of our NIST 800-171 series ✅ Want to join our newsletter and receive real-time alerts and cybersecurity news in your inbox? https://securecyberdefense.com/alerts/ to subscribe. ✅ Like and Subscribe to our YouTube channel to spread critical cybersecurity news and insights. / @securecyberdefense ✅ Follow us on Twitter @secde…
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Pray and Expect or Doubt and Don't
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30:39Josh Collins
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Bonus Episode: Marshall Garvey, author of "Interstate '85"
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33:23The baseball season is around the corner, so we've published a bonus episode here from The K.P. Wee Podcast. Enjoy! Marshall Garvey stops by for a second conversation on The K.P. Wee Podcast about his upcoming book, Interstate '85: The Royals, The Cardinals, and the Show-Me World Series, which is scheduled to be released in late March. Marshall cha…
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Ep #184: It is time for me to move on...
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21:11Send us a text In this heartfelt episode, I’m pulling back the curtain on a major shift—one that’s been brewing since my last episode on December 31, 2024. After stepping away to reflect on my journey—from juggling a 9-to-5 to launching my virtual assistant business and managing podcasts—I’ve finally found my true calling. It’s time to step into so…
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#201 Holly Ordway: Tolkien, suffering and the problem of evil
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31:08Ahead of Tolkien Reading Day on 25th March, Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith, explores the contrasting spiritual journeys of J.R.R. Tolkien and CS Lewis—both of whom experienced the profound early loss of their mothers. While Tolkien’s faith deepened through suffering, Lewis famously declared that even amid the horrors of World War I, he …
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FORČEK. 6. díl: Pastrňák by měl být kapitánem Bruins
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47:55V 6. díle podcastu NHL.com/cs a Livesportu, tentokrát hlavně o trade deadlinu, vystoupili edmontonský skaut Milan Tichý a šampion Radek Dvořák z Floridy.द्वारा Forček – Oficiální podcast NHL.com/cs a Livesportu
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With spring break over, we're in the "unofficial end of the semester" - but that it doesn't mean it's too late to find a great opportunity for the summer or post-graduation. In a wide ranging conversation, Michael and Natty help you navigate being on the job hunt as the school year winds down and it feels like the clock is ticking. Mentioned in thi…
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S8E19 – Perelandra – Chapter 16: "I have seen Ares and Aphrodite"
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57:09Ransom speaks to the ruling angels of Mars and Venus. [Show Notes]
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Becoming a CCO: A Journey Through Leadership and Revenue Ownership
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42:33Angeline Gavino sits down with Alexandra Sagaydak, Chief Customer Officer at PeopleForce, to dive into the realities of CS leadership and the journey to becoming a CCO in a revenue-driven world. Alexandra shares her insights on: The evolving role of a CCO: What it really takes to lead Customer Success at the executive level. Owning revenue as a CS …
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The Transmuting Artificial Intelligence Collection: Part Three
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1:03:33In Part Three of the Transmuting Artificial Intelligence Collection, Chris Van Loan Sr. joins us to further ponder upon Artificial Intelligence and its social and cultural impact. In the comments, share how you feel about artists using AI and AI using artist works. We’d like to remind our listeners that this podcast is funded by the two of us and y…
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Entrevista als alumnes que van poder gaudir d'una beca Erasmus+ durant el curs 2023/2024.
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S4xE9: Academic Mentoring with Valerie Taylor
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48:50See the transcript on the website (https://csedpodcast.org/blog/s4e9_academic_mentoring/)द्वारा Kristin Stephens-Martinez
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Episode 39: Using AI: Let’s not outsource our thinking!
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14:26Whether at the BETT show or the International Day of Education, AI is a hot topic right now. It’s no longer coming, it’s here and changing how we teach and learn. Listen in to find out how we can help students navigate AI without losing their critical thinking skills or agency, why AI literacy and search literacy are essential, the importance of un…
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