At Cornerstone Chapel, it is our desire that you see the love of Jesus Christ reflected through the systematic, verse by verse teaching of the Bible and through heart-felt, contemporary worship lifted up to God.
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At Cornerstone Chapel, it is our desire that you see the love of Jesus Christ reflected through the systematic, verse by verse teaching of the Bible and through heart-felt, contemporary worship lifted up to God.
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At Cornerstone Chapel, it is our desire that you see the love of Jesus Christ reflected through the systematic, verse by verse teaching of the Bible and through heart-felt, contemporary worship lifted up to God.
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At Cornerstone Chapel, it is our desire that you see the love of Jesus Christ reflected through the systematic, verse by verse teaching of the Bible and through heart-felt, contemporary worship lifted up to God.
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At Cornerstone Chapel, it is our desire that you see the love of Jesus Christ reflected through the systematic, verse by verse teaching of the Bible and through heart-felt, contemporary worship lifted up to God.
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The last twelve books of the Old Testament are known as "the Minor Prophets." They are "minor" not because they are less important than the other Old Testament prophets, but because their messages are generally shorter and more succinct. The Minor Prophets are filled with exhortations from men, moved by God, who spoke out against the social and cultural sins of their day. They called people to repentance. They challenged people to turn to God. Sometimes their hearers heeded the message, and ...
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The Ten Commandments have been, without a doubt, the most influential document upon human culture, in general, and upon American culture in particular - framing both the social and legal foundations of our American Society. In Colossians 2:16-17 and Mark 7:18-23, we find that the ceremonial and dietary aspects of the Old Testament law are no longer binding; however, the moral code is still intact. The Ten Commandments are the summary of God's moral code and are intended to shape the way we l ...
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Jesus is coming again! There are three times as many prophecies in the Bible concerning the second coming of Jesus than there are prophecies concerning His first coming. In the book of Revelation, God pulls back the curtain and allows us to have a glimpse of things that are to come. He shows us the Judgments, the Antichrist, the False Prophet, the rise and fall of the one-world economic and political system, and the Battle of Armageddon, to name a few scenes. But He also shows us how He resc ...
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China and Bible Prophecy | Isaiah 49:12 | Joel Rosenberg
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46:23Best-selling author Joel Rosenberg talks about the potential pivotal rule China has to play in the life of Israel and the End Times, and later sits down with Pastor Gary Hamrick to discuss important matters in the East.द्वारा Joel Rosenberg
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A Conversation with Jonathan Cahn and Pastor Gary Hamrick
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50:15Jonathan Cahn and Pastor Gary Hamrick delve into Satan's (The Dragon's) relentless schemes to destroy Israel, from its origins to the End Times.
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It’s always important to keep an “eternal perspective” in life. As Christ-followers, we must remember that this life is only temporary. We are only passing through. Our ultimate reward is heaven, where we will trade our earthly bodies for glorified ones, our present sufferings for future glory, and our earthly dwellings for a heavenly home! In toda…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 20.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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There is a lot of metaphorical language in the Bible about “light” and “darkness.” Paul uses that language in 2 Corinthians 4 to describe the Gospel of Christ as light that came to shine in a dark world. Jesus even said about Himself, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life” (John 8:12)…
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A Conversation with Seth Gruber and Pastor Gary Hamrick
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53:19Pastor Gary and Seth Gruber sit down to discuss important issues in the pro-life movement.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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Donald Trump, the Church, and Israel
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27:42From the studio at Cornerstone Chapel, Pastor Gary Hamrick shares a devotional regarding the inauguration of Donald Trump as America’s 47th president and what the impact of that might be for two (1) the role of the Church in America and (2) the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas. Tune in as Pastor Gary shares his views about current events and re…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 19.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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In 2 Corinthians 2:14–17, Paul compares our life in Christ to a Roman victory parade honoring a general after a successful military campaign. Such a parade in the first century A.D. would have included priests carrying censors with burning spices to fill the streets with a wonderful fragrance. In this analogy, Paul says Jesus is our general who lea…
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Join us for a special midweek Q&A night where Pastor Gary will do his best to answer your bible questions!द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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If you have ever felt so discouraged that you despaired even of life, you are not alone. That’s exactly what Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1. Hardships had taken a toll on Paul, and he felt despondent. Yet he revealed his secret to “suffering well” and wrote about God’s comfort in the midst of his afflictions. If you are going through some difficult …
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Join us for our annual Question and Answer Service where Pastor Gary and sons (Pastor Tyler and Pastor Austin) do their best to answer your Bible questions!द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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God brought forth His Son, Jesus Christ, “in the fullness of time” the Bible says in Galatians 4:4-5. That means that everything about the first Christmas was planned and executed by God at just the right time. God orchestrates times and seasons to bring forth His perfect plan—even in our lives too. Perhaps God is calling you into a personal relati…
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For Christians, everything about our lives should be submitted under the lordship of Jesus Christ, including our money and material possessions. All that we have comes from the hand of God, so everything we gain and everything we give should be done to honor the Lord. In today’s study, Pastor Gary teaches from the last chapter of 1 Corinthians, whe…
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God gives Believers spiritual gifts for the purpose of edifying the Church and glorifying God. But over the years, there has been great debate within God’s Church about whether or not the gifts are still operational today. In today’s teaching from 1 Corinthians 12–14, Pastor Gary briefly addresses this topic as he speaks about the PURPOSE, PROOF, a…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 17 & 18.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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A day of thanking God for what He has accomplished through the generosity of His church.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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Thanksgiving Eve Celebration Service
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1:02:01A special Wednesday night service celebrating what God has done in the lives of people from Cornerstone Chapel.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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God’s View of Smoking (and Other Debates)
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36:57What does God think of smoking, vaping, tattooing, drinking, and piercings? And what about movies and music? There are plenty of issues today that are not clearly spelled out in the Bible for which God gives us liberty according to one’s personal conscience. Pastor Gary tackles these topics today to help us understand how to navigate the “disputabl…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 15 & 16.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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The average divorce rates for Americans are 42 percent for first marriages, 60 percent for second marriages, and 73 percent for third marriages. Since this affects so many people (the couple, the children, the extended family and friends, etc.), it is important to understand God’s view of divorce. What does the Bible say about this subject? And wha…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 14.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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God's View of Singleness & Marriage
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34:10Whether you are single or married, God has something to say to you through the Bible. There are certain guidelines and parameters for us, no matter what our marital status, concerning how we are to conduct ourselves in relationships. In 1 Corinthians 7, Paul begins by addressing single adults and then moves on to discuss marriage and sex. In today’…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 13.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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While the culture shouts, “My body, my choice”, the Bible contradicts that for Believers. For Christians, Paul says that our bodies belong to the Lord, and we need to honor God with our bodies. Since our bodies include our sexuality, the question becomes—what does God expect of us in the area of sexuality? Paul gives us guidance about this in 1 Cor…
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Night of Prayer for the 2024 Elections
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1:00:04Cornerstone's pastors lead in a night of prayer for the election and the future of the nation.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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If someone begins a question with the phrase, “Do you not know?” this usually implies that either you did know, or should have known, but you failed to act. Paul begins six questions like this in 1 Corinthians 6 to correct some things that the Corinthian church was doing wrong. In today’s study, Pastor Gary tackles three of those questions to help …
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In today’s study from 1 Corinthians 5, Pastor Gary explains the rare, but sometimes necessary, need to exercise “church discipline”—the process by which church leadership confronts a person living in open, unrepentant sin, encourages the person to repent of that sin, but then removes the person from fellowship if he/she does not repent. And what if…
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Matthew Maher walks us through the enemy's playbook of how they deceived and perverted the truth in the past and how they still are at work today.द्वारा Matthew Maher
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 11:22-12.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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On the anniversary of October 7th, Pastor Gary and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann sit down to discuss Middle East events and to pray for Israel. Some of the current events happening in Israel are paralleled in Psalm 83, written 1,000 years before Christ. In today’s teaching from Psalm 83, Pastor Gary explains the reasons why many Arab Muslim…
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Representing Christ in the Cultural Crisis
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26:33Pastor James Ward shares how to represent Christ in the cultural crises we face today.द्वारा James Ward
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Since the beginning of time, God has had a plan to rescue the world through the cross of Jesus Christ. And then He says, “Anyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (Acts 2:21). Paul describes this wonderful gift in 1 Corinthians 2, and Pastor Gary shares how a person can receive this gift through faith in Jesus Christ.…
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What hinders people from going on to maturity in their faith? That was the question concerning the church in Corinth. Paul writes his first epistle to them in response to questions they had had, and to correct them about what they were doing wrong. They were guilty of idolizing their leaders and of allowing a worldly “wisdom” to creep into the chur…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 10:1-11:21.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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Dr. Erwin Lutzer explores the meaning of truth in a world filled with lies and deception. He reflects on how truth is often distorted or "constructed" by those in power, and how concepts like "truthiness" have emerged in modern culture. Through biblical insights and examples from history, he explores the importance of standing firm in objective tru…
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Join Pastor Gary and our pastors as we pray for the soul of America in the first of two special prayer meetings for this election season.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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Church, Unite for the Soul of America!
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50:25Christians need to be engaged in the 2024 presidential election. The freedoms we enjoy and the country that we love are in jeopardy. But Christians must unite if we are to make a difference. If our voices are not heard, and our votes are not counted, then every evil, demonic philosophy will fill the vacuum. But what if you don’t particularly like e…
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An in-depth study of 1 Thessalonians 4.द्वारा Pastor Austin Hamrick
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The Bible tells us that there are “spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms,” meaning that there is an unseen battle being waged over us and around us. The evil forces are led by Satan, also known as the Devil, the Dragon, the Serpent (and other titles). Satan, also called Lucifer, was once a beautiful angel in heaven who recruited a third o…
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In Paul’s closing comments to the Church in Rome, he warns about the sin of divisiveness that can destroy a church, a family, or an organization. God hates divisiveness for two reasons—(1) because it is inconsistent with His nature, and (2) because the source of divisiveness is Satan. God is about reconciliation; Satan is about division. God brings…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 8:54-9:28.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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Since life can be so challenging at times, all of us could use some extra patience, comfort, hope and peace. The good news is that God is all of those things and more! Paul writes in Romans 15 that God is the God of patience, the God of comfort, the God of hope, and the God of peace. In today’s study, Pastor Gary unpacks those titles for God and re…
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 8.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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The churches of Pergamum and Thyatira were really no different than the Church currently. The words Jesus spoke to these two churches are the same words He speaks to us today. By His help, may we overcome sin rather than overlook.द्वारा Pastor Tyler Hamrick
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An in-depth study of 1 Kings 7.द्वारा Pastor Gary Hamrick
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Where there are differences among people, there is the potential for division. That is true in a business, a family, and certainly a church. Satan loves to take advantage of people’s differences to incite division, discord, and judgmentalism. This was the problem facing the church in Rome. So, Paul encourages them to accept one another as it relate…
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Paul tells us that we are living in the “last hour”. The Return of Christ is near. So how should we live while we are waiting in the constant expectancy of His Second Coming? Pastor Gary summarizes Paul’s instruction with five exhortations: (1) Wake up, (2) Cast off, (3) Put on, (4) Walk right, and (5) Think not about how to gratify sinful desires.…
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An in-depth study of Luke 10:38-42.द्वारा Pastor Tyler Hamrick
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It’s been said that love for God will get you to church but the fear of God will get you to Heaven. You see, many people say that they love God, but few people actually fear Him. But what does it even mean to fear the Lord? Should we be scared of God? In today’s message, Pastor Austin answers this question and touches on eight different benefits th…
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