Brother Joshua सार्वजनिक
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"He That Believes And Is Baptised Shall Be Saved" - Jesus Christ Of Nazareth --- Send in a voice message:
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The mother of the abominations in the earth offers from her golden goblet, frothing sweet red wine to all, in exchange for our souls. She swaps her transient pleasures for our dominion. She trades our favors for our authority in the spiritual where it matters most. Esau and Samson discovered what they had traded off when it was too late. The mother…
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1Jn 3:9(9) Everyone who has been born of God does not commit sin, because His seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he has been born of God. The Apostle wrote that the child of God has the seed of God in Him. And we know that the life that is in God is in His Seed — even in His Son Jesus Christ. And so we do not sin because of the inheren…
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To know The Father and His Son Christ Jesus is to come into an organic union with them. This organic union with The Father and The Son is what our Lord Jesus meant by knowing them both. This is life eternal: union with The Father through The Son. --- Send in a voice message:…
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Dearly beloved brother and sister, if you have failed in one way or another, and the devil, the prolific liar, has been whispering to you saying, The Lord no longer loves you, begin to resist those lies in the light of that which you have seen of our Lord in His recovery of His dear friend, and in His nature revealed in the psalms we just read. ---…
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Beware of Fleshly indulgence. Run in order to WIN the Prize of The HIGH calling IN CHRIST. --- Send in a voice message:
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Today, we will see what is given to you and me to do that we may be sanctified. Our main dish is the words of the Apostle of our Lord Jesus written to us in 2Corinthians 7:1: Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God. The Apostle Paul…
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At a previous gathering at The Table, we had seen that truth is the righteous nature of God embodied in His Word. Therefore, the essence of what our Lord Jesus asked is that His Father should separate us from the world and make us harmonious with Himself by the birthing of His righteous nature in us. How was God to accomplish birthing His truth in …
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1. The Lord of Heaven and earth knows those who are His. 2. Those who are Christ’s should revere The Name of our Lord Jesus with such fear, such awe, which should make us instinctively shrink from evil. This fear of bringing disrepute to The Name of our Heavenly Father is what our Lord Jesus meant in Matthew 6:9 when He said we should hallow His Na…
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The disciples had been arguing as to who was the greatest among them. In His intervention, our Lord Jesus contrasted the leadership profile of the kingdoms of this world with that in the Kingdom of God. He stated that the leaders of the kingdoms of this world lord it over their people, and are called providers for the people. They exalt themselves …
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Today, as we continue on the pathway to effectively exercise the authority delegated to us by our KING, we would see how we walk as our Lord Jesus walked by being subject to higher authority. However, before we proceed, we would come to a mutual understanding of the prerequisite internal configuration of those who would be “subject to higher author…
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There are three organs through which God rules on the earth. These three in order of priority are: 1. The spiritual 2. The family 3. The Civil Our Lord Jesus was subject to God under men who were the custodians of God’s authority in these three branches of The Kingdom of God on the earth. Being subject to higher authority, He could effectively exer…
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Our number one weapon for fighting and overcoming the enemy of our soul is not prayer and fasting but is righteousness. --- Send in a voice message:
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what does the thought of your physical death do to you? Does it bring fear and uncertainty to you? Or, do you have a quiet assurance whenever the thought of your departure crosses your mind? Do you have peace and joy if you are faced with the prospect of dying? --- Send in a voice message:…
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Our first course of the day is the words of our Lord Jesus served from John 18:36: Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world, then My servants would fight so that I might not be delivered to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here. Twice, He states that His Kingdom does not originate in this world. And …
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Today, we will join our Lord Jesus and His friend as they walk by the sea of Tiberias. Let us listen to their conversation written to us in John 21:15 -17:(15) When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon, son of John, do you love me more than these?”He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.”He said to him, “Feed …
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Dearly beloved, you may be but one step away from receiving the mark of the beast.Only two steps are neededThe Apostle John revealed that there are only two steps you or I need to take to receive the beast’s mark of ownership.These two steps are clearly defined for us in Revelation 14:9–11:(9) And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud v…
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At our last gathering at The Table, we saw that our Lord Jesus grew not only physically, but that He also grew spiritually. We saw that we are joint-heirs with our Lord Christ. We also saw that The Kingdom of God is bequeathed to us by our Heavenly Father. We however understood that we cannot possess our inheritance of The Kingdom of God until Chri…
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Today, our main dish is served from two verses that are complementary: The first is Luke 2:40 and it reads: Luk 2:40 And the child grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom: and the grace of God was upon him. And the second is Luke 2:52: Luk 2:52 And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man. In the two verses…
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At our last gathering at The Table, we saw how great our God is when we understood that His Throne is not in Heaven, but that Heaven is His Throne, with the earth as the stool for His feet. Consequently, we saw the infinite scope of The Kingdom of our Father. We saw that all of the greatness and all the authority of The Kingdom of God are vested in…
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Our main dish of the day is served from the words of our Lord Jesus taken from Matthew 5:34 & 35: Mat 5:34–35 (34) But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, (35) or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. Our focal point in this passage is not o…
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For our main dish of the day, we turn to the words of our Lord Jesus written in John 12:25: Joh 12:25 (25) He who loves his life shall lose it. And he who hates his life in this world shall keep it to life eternal. He states categorically that any one of us who delights in his life in this world shall lose his life. And He goes further to reveal th…
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At our last gathering at The Table, we saw that whosoever believes in his heart and proclaims with his mouth that the man, Jesus, is The Christ, The Son of God, is born of God. We saw that the church of God, empowered with the authority of the Kingdom of Heaven, is built by our Lord Jesus upon the foundation of this inspired revelation and proclama…
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At our last gathering at The Table, we saw that the moment we became born again, we were not only delivered from the power of Darkness, and translated into The Kingdom of God, but that The Kingdom of God was also birthed in us simultaneously. We also saw that The Kingdom of God within us is righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. We n…
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Spiritual Death And Darkness Are SUPPLANTED IN YOU, With Eternal Life And Light, By ONLY Believing In The Name Of The Son Of God. --- Send in a voice message:
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