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Yuki and John's Podcast Buffet

Yuki and John's Patreon Buffet

Hosted by Yuki Nakamura and John Brennan (The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs, Troma Entertainment, The Hallmark Channel). No topic is too lofty or too low-brow. All-you-can-eat subject matter! We appreciate your support. Please share and subscribe. Bon Appétit! Contact: yukiandjohn@gmail.com. Logo by Cody Schibi. Unlock more exclusive shows at Yuki and John's Patreon Buffet: https://www.patreon.com/yukiandjohnspatreonbuffet
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ユカスタポッドキャストは、テックとクリエイティビティがもっと身近になる、トーク番組です。 ニューヨークを拠点に、テック系クリエイターとして活動する大石結花がメインホストとして、テックニュースや、インタビューコンテンツをお届けします。 ・Instagram: instagram.com/by_yukastudio ・YouTube: youtube.com/@yuka ・NEWSLETTER: https://geni.us/yukanewsletter ・Community by YUKA STUDIO (通称:ユカスタ): https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1JMhM9TJT7yMLx8ZtbD08g/join
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Yuki: Space Assassin

Sadistic Dreamer

An Erotic Fiction podcast. The daring (and sexy) adventures of a femme fatale just making her way through a wild Galaxy. Inspired by the feel of ’80s and ’90s sci-fi adult films and comics, and all themes and clichés they entailed. If scantily clad slave girls and the lusty aliens that covet them aren’t your thing. Baby, don’t say we didn’t warn ya. The Galaxy is a wild place, the Human Federation does little to protect its people on the outer edges before treaty space, where Empires build t ...
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My Amazing Yukon Life

Daniel Halen

This podcast shares the incredible stories of Yukon people with the “outside” world. Sit back and fill your gold poke with nuggets of knowledge, as we pan through stories of desperate struggle, wild adventure, love, despair and untold fortune. Recounted by those with the tenacity, determination and grit to survive and thrive amidst the magic and mystery of Canada's Yukon.
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Yukon, North of Ordinary

North of Ordinary Media

From the offbeat to the extraordinary, we document life in and around Canada’s Yukon and offer deeper insights into the content in our award-winning magazine. Hosted by Karen McColl Produced by Karen McColl & Mark Koepke Northofordinary.com
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Good News Church – Yukon, OK

Good News Church

Good News Church is located in the growing suburb of Yukon near the western border of Oklahoma City. We are an interdenominational church welcoming people from a cross section of church backgrounds. Our mission is to reach, to teach, and to equip our generation with God's Word. We offer ministries for all ages to help people to grow in their Christian faith.
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Yuk Time

The Yukkos

The one-and-only highly original perfectly tasteful “comedy” show. Pop culture discussion, movie talk and MUCH much more. We yukkin’ out here.
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Yukbisnis Podcast


Yukbisnis Podcast adalah podcast bisnis yang akan membahas strategi dan taktik untuk mengembangkan bisnis Anda. Podcast ini dipersembahkan oleh Yukbisnis.com - Platform Toko Online terlengkap di Indonesia. Anda dapat mendaftarkan langsung bisnis Anda melalui link ini : http://yuk.bi/DaftarYubi-YukbisnisPodcast
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中目黒の英会話カフェFLATMATEの公式Podcast。 HP→http://www.flat-mate.info/ Facebook→https://www.facebook.com/flatmatephotos 日本人のBobと、フィリピン人のYukkoが、簡単な英会話を配信しています。 2人で会話形式の時もあれば、ソロの時もあり。 英語学習者が聞きやすいように簡単な英語で話します。
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Yuk I'tikaf Yuk!

Febilenia Risma

I’tikaf di bulan Ramadhan itu lebih kuat, terlebih pada sepuluh hari terakhir darinya. Dan disunnahkan bersungguh-sungguh dalam beramal padanya, serta menghidupkan lailatul qadr. Dan dia tidak keluar dari tempat i’tikafnya kecuali karena suatu kebutuhan.
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Ngobrol, Yuk!

Huda Shidqie

Podcast seada-adanya tapi nggak mengada-ngada, yok mampir bentar, mampir lama juga ngga papa, kalo laper ke dapur aja, ambil panci dan masak mi! Selamat mendengarkan :)
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Ngobrol Yuk ...


Ngobrol santai bersama Millennials Berprestasi dan menginspirasi, sehingga kita bisa lebih Berdaya untuk Berkarya dengan penuh Makna. Podcast RumahMillennials.com yang dipandu oleh Ninis (@inurcahyanii) mengajak Sobat Millenials untuk "Ngobrol Yuk ..."
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Yuk Sharing!

Yulian yulian

Akan banyak ngebahas mengenai living life in 20s. Dan hal-hal seputar human development and Marketing. Cover art photo provided by Warren Wong on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@wflwong
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Selamlar, Yukarıbahçeye hoşgeldin. Burada çeşitli konular hakkında konuşuyoruz. Bilimden felsefeye tarihten gündelik olaylara kadar geniş bir yelpazemiz var. Rutin olarak yaptığımız muhabbetlerimizi bir podcast kanalı ile dijitalleştirdik. Konuştuğumuz meseleler zaman zaman iddialı olsada çoğu zaman iddialı olmadığımızı bilmelisin. Geriye dönüp baktığımızda şu zamanda bunu konuşmuşuz diyebilmek, en büyük motivasyonlarımızdan biri. Tabii bunun yanında bizi dinleyenlere sesimizi duyurabileceği ...
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Family Church Yukon

Family Church Yukon

Listen to powerful sermons and worship from Family Church Yukon. Family Church meets at 701 N Cemetery Rd, Yukon OK. For more information about Family Church, visit yourfamily.church.
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Red Yukas

Eduardo Herrera

Red Yukas es un podcast que aloja programas de diversas temáticas: Música, con Mamá quiero ser un rockstá!; Cine, con Butaca incómoda; Política, con El Ring; Tiempo de reposición, que abarca deportes, y Friks & giks, que relata la vida de quienes hacen de la tecnología su forma de vida.
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show series
A little seasons greetings from the bounty hunting babe herself. Join the Yuki: Space Assassin Discord. Follow for updates on her adventures on our Twitter. Join our Subscribe Star to unlock more audio and for early access! Cast: Yuki: @KittenVoxद्वारा Sadistic Dreamer
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Meet one of the Yukon's biggest social media stars and learn about his unlikely claim to fame. Perfect listening for your turkey hangover. Full disclosure: this is a blatant "re-gift" of an episode first published in March 2023. Featuring Yukon-bred TikToker Jonathan Ostrander, AKA Sandwich Dad. YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE The Sourdough Mocktail The ice sw…
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Original Air Date: October 21, 1951 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Director: • Fred Flowerday Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK…
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John shares Christmas Music. Happy Holidays! https://www.patreon.com/c/yukiandjohnspatreonbuffet Video Links: Reindeer Makin It Rain - https://youtu.be/uAuRL3Tk38M?si=cAWPJL561TyZHKk5 Merry Christmas (Woo, Feed Africa) - https://youtu.be/eLTzydSvNXo?si=-OZxr94jcHOlNqMM Kabukiman's Yule Log - https://youtu.be/aKkhNi4MeYU?si=22A89Wm-gPtB9qME…
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The Christmas story reveals Jesus as the ultimate gift—one that continues to give beyond the manger. In John 3:16, we’re reminded that God gave His Son out of love for the world, offering us forgiveness, hope, and eternal life. Unlike earthly gifts that fade or lose value, the gift of Jesus grows sweeter and more meaningful with time. His love sust…
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A wild night on the town for the North of Ordinary podcast Christmas party inspires producer Mark Koepke to create a non-alcoholic beverage that will put the Yukon on the map. It's his lovely, lovely gift to all the people of our fine territory. Come for the snow, sample a toe... Whether you're into Sourtoe Cocktails or Sourdough Mocktails, you can…
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Original Air Date: October 11, 1951 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Director: • Fred Flowerday Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK…
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Original Air Date: December 18, 1945 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kKद्वारा Andrew Rhynes
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In Luke 1:39, Mary’s visit to Elizabeth is a beautiful moment of Christmas praise and joy. As Mary carries the Savior in her womb, Elizabeth’s child leaps, and both women are filled with awe and gratitude. This passage reminds us that the arrival of Jesus is cause for celebration, worship, and overflowing praise. True Christmas praise isn’t just ab…
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Original Air Date: December 25, 1951 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Director: • Fred Flowerday Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK…
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「なぜ'David Mayer'の名前がChatGPTをクラッシュさせるのか? OpenAIはプライバシーツールが暴走したと述べる」ChatGPTユーザーが、特定の名前を入力すると chatbotが即座に応答を停止することを発見しました。これらの名前がプライバシーや法的な理由から、AIモデルに特別な扱いを受けていると推測しています。 「Googleの人気NotebookLMのキーメンバーが自社スタートアップを立ち上げるために退社」 Googleの人気AIアシスト機能「NotebookLM」のチームリーダーとデザイナーの3人が、Googleを退社し新しいステルスモードのスタートアップを立ち上げることが明らかになりました。新スタートアップは、最新のAIモデルを活用して一般ユーザーにとって有用なプ…
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Original Air Date: October 09, 1951 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Director: • Fred Flowerday Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK…
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The need for an efficient mode of mass transit in the Yukon was answered by the all mighty tour bus, bringing not only people, but valuable supplies up the 1387 miles of Alaska Highway starting from Mile Zero in Dawson Creek BC to Delta Junction Alaska. This once infrequently driven highway, is considered by many as a bucket list adventure, and the…
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As ambassadors of God’s kingdom, we are called to represent Christ in every aspect of our lives (2 Corinthians 5:20). Just as an ambassador speaks and acts on behalf of their leader, we are entrusted with sharing God’s message of reconciliation and love with the world. This role isn’t optional—it’s our identity as followers of Christ. This message …
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Remember when Premier Jakowsky wasn’t fooling anybody about his plans for the pristine wilderness of the Vista? Or the triumphant return of Dirty Bird to Whitehorse’s dining scene? Maybe, sort of? Former Whitehorse Star reporter Nadine Sander-Green adapted and fictionalized her personal experience in “Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit,” a coming-of-age novel se…
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Original Air Date: October 07, 1951 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Director: • Fred Flowerday Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK…
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In John 8:29, Jesus declares, “I always do what pleases Him,” revealing His unwavering commitment to honoring the Father in every aspect of His life. This verse highlights the profound truth that our highest calling is to live in a way that brings joy and glory to God. Pleasing God isn’t about seeking approval through performance but about cultivat…
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Original Air Date: December 23, 1949 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kKद्वारा Andrew Rhynes
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In 2 Timothy 2:19-21, the Apostle Paul uses the imagery of vessels in a great house to illustrate the importance of living a life set apart for God. Just as some vessels are made for honorable purposes and others for common use, God calls His people to be pure and useful for His work. This passage reminds us that cleansing ourselves from sin and wo…
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「iOS 19、会話型Siriが導入される予定」 ブルームバーグのマーク・ガーマン氏によると、iOS 19には「より高度な大規模言語モデル」を搭載した「会話型Siri」が導入されるそうです。このアップデートにより、SiriはOpenAIのChatGPTのように「より高度なリクエスト処理」が可能になります。 「Apple、(PRODUCT)REDの取り組み縮小か」 Appleが現在販売している(PRODUCT)RED製品はiPhone SE 3のみで、このモデルも3月に販売終了する予定です。他に(PRODUCT)REDで提供されているのは、iPhone 14と一部の古いiPhoneケースだけとなっています。 「OpenAIのSora漏洩」 先日、あるグループがOpenAIの二重性と「アートウォ…
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Sergeant Preston and King try to rest by the fire on Thanksgiving after eating a huge meal. Sergeant Preston tells a story of the last Thanksgiving he ate dinner with a Priest and saved a mutt with his head stuck in a trash can. Original Air Date: November 28, 1946 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Star…
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Original Air Date: October 04, 1951 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Director: • Fred Flowerday Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK…
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Friendship with God is one of the most profound invitations found in John 15:13-16. In this passage, Jesus reveals the depth of His love by declaring that true friendship is marked by sacrifice, even to the point of laying down one’s life. He goes further, calling His followers friends rather than servants, emphasizing a relationship built on love,…
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「iPhone 17 Air、最も薄いiPhoneになる可能性」 Appleは、現行のPlusシリーズを廃止し、6.6インチディスプレイ、ProMotionテクノロジー、シングルリアカメラを搭載した新モデル「iPhone 17 Slim」に置き換える計画が報じられています。この新モデルの筐体は、現行のiPhone 16 Plus(厚さ7.8mm)よりもさらに薄い6mmになるとされています。 「Appleの6インチ『AIウォールタブレット』」 Appleが開発中とされるスマートホームディスプレイについて、Bloombergのマーク・ガーマン氏は、同デバイスが壁掛け型で、AmazonのEcho Hubのようにスマートホーム機器のコントロールやビデオ通話が可能であると報じています。 「Substa…
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In March 2024, a gang of tough female characters set off on a seven-day ski trip from Log Cabin to Atlin, B.C., following the historic Fantail route. Along the way, the forest revealed traces of its storied past. Now, host Karen McColl and her pulk-slingin' trip-mates reunite to reflect on a trip that tested their limits, challenged their gear, and…
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Original Air Date: September 27, 1951 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Director: • Fred Flowerday Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK…
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This sermon explores the powerful message found in James 2:14-26, where the Bible teaches that faith without works is dead. True faith, as described in this passage, goes beyond mere belief or words—it is demonstrated through action. Just as a body without spirit is lifeless, so is faith without corresponding deeds. This sermon will unpack the rela…
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As a pastor, the number one prayer request I get is people seeking direction. The Bible is given to us to help guide us by communicating what God's will is. As you get closer to the Word of God, you get closer to God. It is amazing to me how in prayer I am constantly brought back to a verse in the Bible to communicate an insight. My hope in this me…
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今週のエピソードでは、クリエイターの大川優介さんをゲストにお迎えし、2年間取り組んできたカメラプロダクト「kyu camera」に込めた思いや、クリエイターとしてのバランスの取り方についてお話を伺います。 大川優介さん https://yusukeokawa.jp/ https://www.youtube.com/c/yusukeokawa kyu transe-inc.com/kyu = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = 【ユカスタポッドキャスト // Podcast by Yuka Studio】 ユカスタポッドキャストは、テックとクリエイティビティがもっと身近になる、トーク番組です。 ニューヨークを拠点に、テック系クリエイタ…
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At the mere hint that the iconic gold panner should make an exit, stage left, from the Yukon’s license plate, a lot of Yukoners seemed to go stark raven mad on the North of Ordinary Facebook page. We stuck our beak—trickster-like—into this non-issue… and suddenly turned it into a minor controversy. To clear the air, podcast co-producer Mark Koepke …
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Original Air Date: September 23, 1951 Host: Andrew Rhynes Show: Challenge of the Yukon Phone: (707) 98 OTRDW (6-8739) Stars: • Paul Sutton (Sgt. Preston) Writer: • Fran Striker Producer: • George W. Trendle Director: • Fred Flowerday Exit music from: Roundup on the Prairie by Aaron Kenny https://bit.ly/3kTj0kK…
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