Podcast de política, direito, cultura e tudo mais que der na telha
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Chelcie Lynn and Paige Ginn are comedians not therapists, but they have a podcast which is pretty much the same thing.
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Um podcast dedicado à mulher do presente, porém voltamos para a mulher do passado para entender nossa atualidade e possivelmente o futuro. História e antropologia são nossas " armas" principais. Queremos promover discussões saudáveis e não polarizadas. Queremos empatia e respeito acima de tudo. A Gata-Vira- lata é livre, independente e problematizadora. #podcastgataviralata
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Time to heal with Lindsay (@lions141) and Stu (@gooastu). A recovery podcast for fellow warriors living with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, ME and fatigue related conditions, and all the lessons we're learning along the way. We’d love to connect with you so please like, subscribe and follow us @postviralpodcast. Artwork: alexpowell.co.uk Music & production: Stuart Bryan
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Notícias, novidades, entretenimento e muito mais!
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A podcast about infectionprevention and antimicrobial awareness.
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Volleyball from sport court to the sand court-- from the preps to the pros and beyond. Home of College Volleyball Weekly Indoor/Beach. Episodes drop “most weeks.” Follow the pod on Instagram at @viralvolleymedia!
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The Viral Podcast
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The human side behind popular posts on social media. Hosted by Hannah Vaughan Jones and Tim Gatt. Get in touch: search for 'Sorry you went viral' on your socials, or email us at sorryyouwentviral@gmail.com
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Lukáš Kypr hudební bohoslužba je povolána učit Boží Království podle Lukáše 9:2— a poslal je ohlašovat Boží království a uzdravovat nemocné. V Božím Království je hlavní měnou víra. Víra je neviditelná síla, kterou se dá pořídit vše, co potřebujeme. Víru budujeme posloucháním Božího Slova—Římanům 10:17 Víra je tedy ze slyšení zprávy a tou zprávou je slovo Kristovo. Víra funguje pouze v lásce—Galatským 5:6 V Kristu Ježíši přece nezáleží na obřízce nebo neobřízce, ale na víře, která se projevu ...
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Páginas viradas; livros amados
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Introducing Going anti-Viral, the podcast of the IAS–USA, a professional continuing medical education organization focused on HIV and other viral diseases. I’m Dr Michael Saag, professor emeritus of medicine and infectious diseases at the University of Alabama at Birmingham and volunteer member of the IAS–USA Board of Directors. Join us as we interview experts in viral medicine about their area of specialty and current developments in the field. Other episodes are drawn from the IAS-USA vast ...
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Le Podcast du Virage est la déclinaison Audio du Web-Magazine www.virage.paris. Chaque mois, la rédaction de Virage reçoit un invité pour échanger sur le Paris Saint Germain, son histoire, son actualité et son avenir. Allez Paris ! Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Virada de Chave nasceu com o propósito de te inspirar, contribuindo para a expansão da sua consciência e o seu desenvolvimento material e espiritual. Você terá acesso a reflexões fascinantes que permeiam temas como espiritualidade, medicinas da floresta, amor, relacionamentos, abundância, manifestação e muito mais. Conecte-se ainda mais comigo: Instagram: @eunataliawalter Youtube: youtube.com/@eusounataliawalter Email: walternatalia23@gmail.com
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Stay in the loop with Viral Vibes: Trending Tales from the Web, your go-to source for the most captivating and viral stories from across the internet. Each episode, we dive into the trending topics, memes, and conversations that are shaping the online world. From social media sensations to the latest tech buzz, we break down what's hot and why it matters. Join us as we explore the pulse of the internet and uncover the stories behind the clicks.
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O podcast sobre coisas de nerd sem quatchá-quatchá
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O ViraPágina veio para trazer um pouco mais das páginas dos livros para a vida. Sempre focando na literatura feminina/feminista. Aqui você confere: resenhas, dicas e histórias dos autores em um episódio semanal, toda sexta-feira. Apresentado por: Thatiane Silva Produzido por: Ponto MP3
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The podcast dedicated to the Activation of the Human Spirit and to resisting the status quo. Barbarian Noetics tracks the stories, struggles and triumphs that connect us all across the rabbit holes of time and space. Join host Little Raven as we deconstruct divisive mainstream narratives, transcend dualistic thinking and come together in a good way as conscious animals on a shared planet. Deprogram from the matrix and reinvigorate your psyche with Barbarian Noetics, where everyone is invited ...
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This will be the most fun adventure pact podcast you’ll listen too! Feel free to reach out on any platform to get a spot on the podcast! Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/viralvirtually/support
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The Jaden Newman leaked video is taking the internet by storm, captivating viewers across various social media platforms. This viral video has become a hot topic on Twitter and X, making headlines as it trends online. You can find the original Jaden Newman video that has everyone talking. The Jaden Newman leaked video is also gaining traction on Telegram, with many eager to watch and share. This viral video showcases why Jaden Newman is making waves in the online community. Don’t miss out on ...
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Brainstorms, interviews, and advice from people that have built trending and viral brands.
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Somos unos amigos que nos dedicamos a crear contenido para las redes sociales con el enfoque de vacilar con lo que se haga viral en las redes en el momento.
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We are a full service skin and body studio offering a variety of services including facials, permanent makeup, tattoo removal, non-invasive body treatments, and more!
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Featured on CNN, viralmindfulness.com, HIV Plus Magazine, The Gay HotSpot, and the cover of Positively Aware—my work as a mindfulness teacher and artist encourages you to discover your spiritual rhythm. I earned a Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Utah in 2003, and a Bachelor of Science from Brigham Young University (1999). During migration from a basement office (with no windows) at Salt Lake Community College’s Health & Wellness Services, I resigned from the traditional cl ...
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Cuando sea viral es un podcast experimental de @sunne
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Vira página, quinzenalmente um episódio sobre livros e tudo que os cercam
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A one-stop source of Coronavirus information for you and your patients as this rapidly evolving crisis unfolds. We welcome your questions or feedback, which you can send to us at the email address goingviral@healthed.com.au
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Podcast by VIRAGE radio show
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Virallinen podcast on valtioneuvoston podcast-sarja, joka pureutuu päätöksenteon ajankohtaisiin aiheisiin nimestään huolimatta epävirallisesti ja elämänläheisesti. Keskustelijoina on asiantuntijoita niin valtionhallinnon sisältä kuin muualtakin yhteiskunnasta. Syksyn 2020 jaksoissa käsitellään koronan vaikutusta yhteiskunnan eri osa-alueisiin.
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Welcome to Unicooos Talks Viral pocast about things and YouTubers who are popular on YouTube.
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Uma conversa descontraída sobre vários temas e assuntos (nossa opinião), sem a intenção de ofender ninguém. Somos um grupo de amigos miseráveis buscando ser ouvidos na sociedade digital. Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/vira-latas-da-colina/support
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Virago Skin Consultation is here to help you to identify the exact product for your skin, by consulting on your skin type, and quickly you can improve your skin texture.
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the most viral content from Bloomberg
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the most viral new from the BBC
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I'm here to tell you stories i have grown up listening (mostly mythological), and i really think you would enjoy them a lot. Its my small take in making this world a better place to live in by spreading more positive vibes and positive energy. All my episodes will available in Marathi Language. Hope you have a great time listening to these stories.
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The exploration of society by a non-traditional millennial. Discussions include modern world relationships, technology, psychology and most importantly the fear of technology corrupting our culture.
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Terceira temporada da sección de tecnoloxía de Gutier Rolán, no programa Viraventos de Radiofusion.
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The 10 most viral articles from the entire internet, each day.
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Les P'tits Virages sont des productions courtes de Virage Sonore. Les thèmes sont aussi variés que notre curiosité et notre imagination ! Avec chaque P’tit Virage, nous voulons vous transporter dans un univers hors du commun ou bien vous faire vivre autrement des situations communes.
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توی این پادکست درباره تبلیغات و دیجیتال مارکتینگ گپ میزنیم.
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Hey everyone! I'm Christine Marie! I’m a local and travel portrait and wedding photographer! Find me at: Lomonicophotography.com Facebook.com/lomonicophotography Instagram @lomonicophotography
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Two best friends covering pop culture, current events, sharing their rambling anecdotes, stories and more. Like us, share us with your friends, and don't forget to subscribe and follow us across social media and on our website!
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O Podcast da Vira-Lata Clínica Veterinária por Prof. Dr. Edgar Cardoso
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the most viral daily news from pop culture.
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Tune in daily as we chat with brands, influencers, and creators about how their recent work went viral. THEN LEARN FROM IT AND IMPLEMENT IT!
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Ahoj Česká Republiko, následuje poslední, čtvrtá epizoda z videa 41, které je v celosti na www.lkmm.org Pokračujeme na téma Víry, jak ji použít, jak rozpoznat tu správnou alternativu, když máme na výběr—to je Koloským 3:15 a ke konci vás vyzvu přijmout Boží Království, pokud ještě nejste spaseni. Pojďme...…
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Estamos de volta com o último episódio da nossa quinta temporada. Stela se despede, mas não antes de fazer um balanço dos ganhos materiais e subjetivos nesses 5 anos do podcast Gata Vira-Lata. Natalia também apresenta seu balanço e se despede de Stela e dos momentos que ambas vivenciaram neste podcast. Neste episódio, falamos sobre o passado, mas t…
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Send us a text love doves and luck lions, I crafted an affirmation as a countervailing force to the trepidations many of us feel during this time. It begins as follows: i am a sovereign free citizen of planet earth. i worship the ball of glowing light in the heavens, from which all life is ultimately derived. i am not owned by any single group of o…
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RT Comentado 29 - Sobre Emus, CIA e outras histórias
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Olá, pessoas! Hoje Caio Almendra volta ao RT Comentado para contar algumas histórias ao Abal, vem ouvir algumas bizarrices envolvendo Emus, a CIA e outras histórias. Fazendo um pedido que não custa nada: siga a gente no Bluesky, no Instagram e no YouTube, vai? E lembre de comprar aquela camiseta legal para usar o Vira no peito. Loja do Vira: umapen…
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Episode 30 - Update on Mpox - a Public Health Emergency - Dr Jason Zucker
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In this episode of Going anti-Viral, Dr Michael Saag speaks with Dr Jason Zucker of Columbia University and the New York City STD Prevention Training Center about mpox and the mpox outbreak. Dr Saag and Dr Zucker discuss the 2 clades of mpox, how it is transmitted, and which clade is associated with the most recent mpox outbreak. They also discuss …
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Things got wild! From Steaks gone wrong to mayo-Basted Turkeys! Ever heard of pubes on a steak? Yeah, you read that right! In today's broadcast, we dive into a bizarre tale of a guy who took "seasoning" a little too far. 442-777-3331 (Advice/Confess/Anything) Want Viral Merch!- https://theviralpodcast.co/ Thank you so much for listening! ----------…
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#404 "Error not found" - com Samir Salim Jr.
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Saudações pessoas! Aqui é nosso programa 404, mas jamais é error: estamos com toda corda com um convidado mais do que especial, que sempre chega colocando o papo de política - real - na veia: Samir Salim Jr. Qual é a 'base' para a qual teríamos que 'voltar'? Qual o tamanho de nosso contingente atual, em uma disputa evidentemente justa? Há realmente…
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Porque todos réus do caso do assassinato de Marielle e Anderson não foram levados a júri no RJ essa semana? Por conta do "Foro por Prerrogativa de Função", também conhecido por "Foro Privilegiado", que parecia ter se estabilizado no Direito brasileiro e nos últimos anos sofreu algumas 'mexidas' meio problemáticas pela jurisprudência! Venha aprender…
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Ideas are the Hardest Form of Currency | Thoughtful Audio
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Send us a text love doves and attention argonauts, Currency is electricity. We are electro-chemical miracle machines. Our bodies are vehicles for consciousness, and consciousness thrives in the ideational sphere. It's my humble opinion that good things emerge when we embrace a vibrant biodiversity of thoughts and ideas. Something I've learned: you …
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Ahoj Česká Republiko, samozřejmě tento pozdrav je míněn pro všechny ty, kdo jsou Češi, Moraváci, Slezané, a pro všichny ty, kteří mluví Českým jazykem. Pokračujeme třetí epizodou z videa 41, Vírou k výsledkům. Video a PDF poznámky jsou na www.lkmm.org O čem učím v této epizodě? Židům 10:38—Můj spravedlivý bude žít z víry, odpadlík je mi však z duše…
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Neurodiversity and ME/CFS/ Long COVID
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Today's episode is on Neurodiversity and healing from Long COVID/ME/CFS with Alanna Carlson, @theparasympatheticpig who is a neurodivergent consultant and mentor. Alanna shares her Long COVID recovery journey, what neurodiversity is, and how neurotypes like ADHD and Autism can interact with ME/CFS. We also discuss why neurodiversity may be common i…
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Ahoj Česká Reubliko, následuje druhá epizoda z videa 41, které je k shlédnutí v celosti na www.lkmm.org Dnes se ponoříme do téma Víry—Co je Víra, definice Víry, Víra je pokrm, Víru třeba budovat a příklad jak ji použít. Poznámky k tomuto videu jsou nad videem, prosím stáhněte si je a studujte se mnou. Pojďme...…
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Halloween movies, spicy scents, and Disney obsessions? We've got it all in this episode! 🎃 442-777-3331 (Advice/Confess/Anything) Thank you so much for listening! Want Viral Merch!- https://theviralpodcast.co/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TVP Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/thevir…
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#403 "É LÁ E CÁ" - com Fabrício Pontin
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Saudações pessoas! Hoje, após um domingo de voto, na prática, para muitos brasileiros, vamos falar de voto em teoria - e o que é melhor do que falar a partir do pessoal lá de cima...sim, porque "acontece no Brasil, acontece nos EUA" (era ao contrário?) como disse um, aí, certa vez. Assim, para falar de gráficos, prospecções, cenários e chances, a p…
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Ahoj Česká Republiko, Víra je podstata věcí... To je v Židům 11:1. Můj spravedlivý bude žít z Víry... To je v Židům 10:38. Dnes se budeme zabývat Vírou. Co je Víra, jak Víru použít, jak ji budovat, na co dávat pozor, jak se správně modlit a vypustit slova naplněná Vírou, ...prostě všechno důležité o Víře. Následuje první epizoda z videa 41, k nalez…
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NEW X*} Daisy Melamine Knack 7 Boys and the Six Viral Full Video Original On TikTok
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NEW X*} Daisy Melamine Knack 7 Boys and the Six Viral Full Video Original On TikTok https://aeppeva.org/?=new-x-daisy-melamine-knack-7-boys-and-the-six-viral-full-video-original-on-tik-tokद्वारा francisco22vandiver
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NEW Malik *Nazeba* **Minahil** Malik Viral Full Video Original On TikTokr
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NEW Malik *Nazeba* **Minahil** Malik Viral Full Video Original On TikTokr https://aeppeva.org/?=new-sophie-rain-spiderman-video-tutorial-leaked-viral-on-social-media-x-twitterद्वारा francisco22vandiver
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Link*} Lovepriv.com Tiktok Ara y Fer Video Original Twitter
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Link*} Lovepriv.com Tiktok Ara y Fer Video Original Twitter https://aeppeva.org/?=lovepriv-com-tiktok-ara-y-fer-video-original-twitterद्वारा francisco22vandiver
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RT Comentado 28 - Como destruir o Twitter - Parte 2
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Olá,pessoas! Hoje vamos para a segunda parte da história sobre como Elon Musk destruiu o twitter. Novamente, todo o crédito é do livro “Limite de Caracteres”, vou deixar o link para vocês. Fazendo um pedido que não custa nada: siga a gente no Bluesky, no Instagram e no YouTube, vai? E lembre de comprar aquela camiseta legal para usar o Vira no peit…
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Riding the Mystery | Beneficial Stress | Energy Audio
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Send us a text love doves y pájaros preciosos, comin at ya on a sleepy autumnal woden's day eve delivering some thoughts and vibes about that thing we call *stress,* and how best to harness this dangerous but potentially beneficial steed. as a Taoist i have to engage meaningfully with all of Nature's offerings, and we can all agree that stress is a…
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How to Use an Instagram Videos Downloader in 2024: Easy Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Use an Instagram Videos Downloader in 2024: Easy Step-by-Step Guide https://www.google.com/द्वारा francisco22vandiver
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Episode 29 - Comparing and Contrasting Health Care Policies from different sides of the Aisle - Dr Jennifer Kates
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In this episode of Going anti-Viral, Dr Michael Saag speaks with Dr Jennifer Kates of KFF to compare and contrast health care policies from different sides of the aisle. Dr Kates provides an update on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and efforts to repeal the healthcare program in the United States. Dr Saag and Dr Kates also dis…
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Join us as we dive into a hilarious and revealing chat with a Spiret Airlines worker! Plus, we reveal our secret sandwich techniques. What did I just catch my BF doing!!! 442-777-3331 (Advice/Confess/Anything) Thank you so much for listening! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TVP Instagram - https://www.i…
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New} Jaden Newman video leak Twitter https://aeppeva.org/?=new-jaden-newman-video-leak-twitterद्वारा francisco22vandiver
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#402 "Revolução é coisa de vilão(?)" - com PJ Brandão
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Saudações, pessoas! PJ Brandão - educador, comunicador, pesquisador e idealizador do HQ sem Roteiro - vem para o Vira para debater essa gama incrível da cultura que já esteve envolta em muitas possibilidades de emancipação e criatividade, mas que também evoca ultimamente uma aura de pano de fundo para as manifestações ideológicas mais bizarras. A p…
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The big David Attenbowski | Zaniest Audio | Worldwide
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Send us a text love doves. i be prayin in the Barrio. diggin deep. this here tidbit i'm about to unfold has emerged, lotus-like and self-possessed, from amongst a vast, pregnant, mystic space of deep depth introspection and porpoiseful pondering. best thing is: the Fount of all this delicious nectar is Open Source and Free for All. Gracias a Dia ~~…
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APARTE 070 - "Pena do Feminicídio: demagogia ou estratégia"
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O Código Penal passou a prever algumas modificações na configuração do Feminicídio, aumentando a pena para aquela que é a maior prevista na lei, em abstrato, para um crime, no país. Pode ser uma tentativa marqueteira ineficaz, mas pode também ser a ponte para manter a discussão entre vários tipos de discursos progressistas, dando 'tilt' na direita …
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Unidentified Drones Swarm Langley Air Force Base in Virginia
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Send us a text Newsweek has published an article detailing the recent discovery of unidentified drone swarms flying over Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, a sensitive U.S. military site. The drones have been seen operating in a pattern and using a frequency band not associated with commercially available drones, leading officials to rule out hobb…
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Send us a text A new mother, Hannah, posted a TikTok video showing 17 dirty diapers scattered throughout her house after a day of solo parenting. The video sparked a debate online about the realities of postpartum life and the importance of supporting new parents. While some viewers criticized Hannah for not immediately discarding the diapers, othe…
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Episode 28: Special Episode - Latest Update on Urgent Virus Outbreaks: October 2024
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This episode of Going anti-Viral features an IAS–USA Dialogue titled "Latest Update on Urgent Viral Outbreaks," a panel discussion held on October 4, 2024. Dr Carlos del Rio from Emory University serves as moderator and welcomes 3 distinguished panelists: Dr Yvonne Maldonado from Stanford University, Dr Peter Chin-Hong from the University of Califo…
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The love of radio, each other's PhDs and Twitter flirting
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Sorry we've been away for so long! But we're back! On this week's show: In What's Gone Viral: How a game of charades on a train platform showed there is love in London John Lindo and Victoria Henk, the West Coast Swing dancing duo that blew TikTok away in a random partner, random song competition Jacob Fukn Jones, the popular cigarette content crea…
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Money Is Energy | Energy Evolves
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Send us a text love doves and whispy wicks, Organic Intelligence here, hunkered down in the Lair delivering some art, thoughts and ideas. Thoughtful Audio Tidbit kicks things off. What follows is a grounded and grown up discussion about money. Currency, people. Electricity. We are electric beings. We have the capacity to heal ourselves and each oth…
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Chelcie Lynn & Paige Ginn are back with an installment. How many fingers? Waitress at a strip club has a juicy story to tell. Halloween FMK 442-777-3331 (Advice/Confess/Anything) TOUR TICKETS 🎟️ theviralpodcast.co Thank you so much for listening! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TVP Instagram - https://ww…
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Saudações pessoas! Voltou o Twitter...ou não. Chamamos de Twitter uma coisa que só existe hoje em nossas memórias e corações. O 'X' se acadelou, pagou multas, cumpriu a cartilha. E agora? O 'engajamento' (para quem vive disso...) botou muita gente em uma encruzilhada, o algoritmo faz o que quer com nossa paciência, o favorecimento às ideias e às po…
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