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Amelie Fiedler & Thomas Possler (Corporate Learning + Change GmbH Stuttgart)

Vernetzungsgefährdet ist der Podcast für alle, die im Bereich Corporate Learning, Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung und Training beschäftigt sind. Wir sprechen mit Interviewgästen über spannende Themen aus dem Bildungsbereich und wollen euch Impulse geben. Besuche uns auch auf
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Vernetzt - Der Telekom Podcast

Deutsche Telekom AG

Im Telekom Podcast „Vernetzt“ berichten wir von unserem Netzausbau und geben Einblicke, wie unsere Telekommunikationstechnik funktioniert, in welchen Bereichen sie eingesetzt wird und wofür wir Mobilfunk und Glasfaser im Alltag brauchen. Wir sprechen mit Expertinnen und Fachmännern über aktuelle digitalpolitische Themen. Wir schauen in die Geschäftsbücher der Telekom und geben Einblicke in die strategische Ausrichtung des Konzerns. Außerdem überlassen wir das Mikrofon auch immer wieder unser ...
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Verrne y Wells Ciencia Ficción es un programa de radio, y luego podcast, concebido, dirigido, guionizado y presentado por Alberto García que se emite a través del 102.5 de la FM y también a través de de la emisora de radio La Marina FM en Barcelona los domingos. Verne y Wells Ciencia Ficción pretende dar a conocer, difundir y exponer a los autores, creadores, obras, subgéneros de la ciencia ficción, la fantasía y terror en la literatura, comic, cinematografía, la radio y tel ...
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Sundays @ 5 hosted by Verne Hill

WBFJ Interviews

Informative. Encouraging. Educational. Learning more about individuals and Christian ministries located in the Piedmont Triad of Northwest North Carolina. Sunday @ 5 on WBFJ is hosted by Verne Hill, WBFJ News / Public Affairs Director
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ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben

ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben

Willkommen auf dem Audio-Kanal des Projektes ANNA – Das vernetzte Leben. Künstliche Intelligenz, Algorithmen und weitere digitale Technologien prägen zunehmend unseren Alltag. Doch was bedeutet das für die Einzelne und den Einzelnen? Dieser Frage geht das Projekt "ANNA - das vernetzte Leben" auf unterhaltsame und informative Weise nach; das Projekt wird von iRights e.V. umgesetzt und gefördert vom Bundesministerium der Justiz und für Verbraucherschutz. Neben den Folgen der ANNA-Podcastreihe ...
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Kapitein Nemo, de Nautilus en de mysterieuze diepten van de oceaan: Onvergetelijk.Kom mee op een avontuur langs de pracht van koraal en parels, de dreiging van haaien en reuze inktvissen, de wonderen van biologie en techniek, een reis van Antarctica naar Atlantis. Of we nu meegaan in een verhaal van het fantastische onbekende, een vertelling van het zwartste in de ziel van de mens, of een nieuwe interpretatie van de Odyssee van Homerus, we zullen allen genieten van een fantastische reis. Zee ...
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Miguel Strogoff (Julio Verne)

El dueño de la nada

Miguel Strogoff, el correo del zar ("Michel Strogoff. De Moscou à Irkoutsk") es el título de una novela del escritor francés Julio Verne. Publicada en la "Magasin d’Education et de Récréation" ("Magazín de ilustración y recreo") desde el 1 de enero (volumen 23, número 265) hasta el 15 de diciembre de 1876 (volumen 24, número 288). Íntegramente, como un volumen doble, el 13 de noviembre del mismo año, e incluía el cuento "Un drama en México". Junto con La vuelta al mundo en 80 días, represent ...
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20.000 Meilen unter dem Meer ist ein Roman des französischen Schriftstellers Jules Verne. Der Roman ist vorgeblich ein Erlebnisbericht des französischen Professors Pierre Aronnax, Autor eines Werkes über „Die Geheimnisse der Meerestiefen“. Auf einer Expedition zur Klärung einer Reihe rätselhafter Schiffsunglücke, die von einem Unterwasserfahrzeug oder Seeungeheuer gekentert worden sein sollen, wird das fragliche Objekt gesichtet. Im Verlauf der anschließenden Verfolgungsjag werden Aronnax, s ...
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Dans ce roman, le scientifique français Pierre Aronnax, son fidèle domestique Conseil et le harponneur canadien Ned Land sont capturés par le capitaine Nemo qui navigue dans les océans du globe à bord du sous-marin Nautilus. L'aventure donne l'occasion de descriptions épiques (dont un enterrement sous-marin, un combat contre des calamars géants, etc.) Œuvre d'anticipation, Vingt mille lieues sous les mers comporte plusieurs épisodes qui témoignent de l'imagination de son auteur : le Nautilus ...
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The Hudson's Bay Company is one of the earliest corporations in the world and the oldest commercial organization in North America. It began as a fur trading company in 1670 and today owns a variety of retail corporations selling a diverse range of goods. In The Fur Country by Jules Verne, the plot describes how a team of Hudson's Bay Company members travel through the Northwest Territory of Canada with the aim of establishing a mission on the Arctic Circle. The members are a mixed bunch. One ...
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"F. L. I. C. K. S." is a podcast by filmmaker and journalist Jason Verney, in collaboration with his production company, (NNP) and his movies & music website, (MMM), and stands for: Films Life Interviews Camera Korea Sounds 'FLICKS' SERIES DESCRIPTION: An Odd Plod, Nod & Pod to "NO-MADe-land"... This podcast can be seen as an apology perhaps, to those who may be awaiting the yet to be completed South Korean documentary by Mr Verney. Jason talks about ...
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Published in 1904, The Master of the World is the penultimate novel in the Voyages Extraordinaires series, by renowned French novelist and pioneer of science fiction, Jules Verne. The novel acts as a sequel to Verne’s novel Robur the Conqueror, and consequently brings back some of its most notable characters, including the brilliant, yet villainous inventor Robur. Set in the summer of 1903, the adventure kicks off when a string of enigmatic events have been reported in the western part of No ...
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First published in 1863, Five Weeks in a Balloon depicts an insightful journey undertaken by a group of intrepid explorers into the partly uncharted African continent, as they aim to explore its exotic wonders. Apart from concentrating on themes including exploration, loyalty, friendship, determination, and honor, the novel also offers an endearing set of jovial characters and vivid imagery. Furthermore, the novel is the first book in Verne’s distinguished Voyages Extraordinaires series. The ...
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A wonderful coming together of two writers who wrote their books more than half a century apart. Neither of them had ever visited the remote islands they were writing about yet they provided inspiration for a couple of exciting adventure tales. In 1838, Edgar Allan Poe published The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. It was the only complete novel published by the American author. It was the story of a young boy who stows away on board a whaling ship and it goes on to relate the ev ...
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show series
Verne y Wells Ciencia Ficción, el programa podcast sobre los géneros de ciencia ficción, fantasía y terror en la literatura, el comic, la cinematografía y la televisión. Un programa ideado, concebido, con guión, dirección y presentación de éste que os habla Alberto García. VWCCFF el programa podcast que tiene como intención haceros picar la curiosi…
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You've made it through the harsh forest and into a peaceful clearing where a little troll and a cranky warrior are working together at a... podcast studio? As you get closer, you can hear them talking about Sony refusing to let Jonah Hill's character even TOUCH a Playstation in Superbad, The horrendous AI-generated trailer for Ark: Aquatica, the hi…
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This week GEN FRICKER is back to tell us about the short film 'Joey Earns Rewards Using the McDonald's Mobile App & Megh and Clev Discuss Their Future Together'. We're recapping everything about this weeks White Lotus including one of the all-time great guest spots and monologues (00:13:28 - 1:05:00) And our thoughts on this seasons penultimate epi…
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I denne episoden treffer du nytilsatt fagsjef i Stiftelsen SOR – Guro Granerud. Guro er Vernepleier, har master i atferdsvitenskap og har en doktorgrad ved OsloMet. Hun er opptatt av tjenestene til personer med utviklingshemming og begynner som fagsjef i Stiftelsen SOR i august 2025. Hør og bli litt mer kjent med Guro. Er du vernepleier eller verne…
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Split Fiction is out which means that we've taken a break from sitting next to each other on a couch and talking about video games at the same time in order to sit next to each other on a couch and talk about video games at the same time. We've played through the first part of Hazelight's new couch co-op platformer and have all manner of thoughts a…
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Die Telekom blickt in dieser Folge auf das Rekordjahr 2024 zurück: Erreicht wurde das höchste operative Ergebnis der 30-jährigen Unternehmensgeschichte, gezahlt werden soll eine Dividende von 90 Cent je Aktie – so hoch wie noch nie. In dieser Folge steigen wir ein in die aktuellen Finanzen und Bilanzen des Konzerns und schauen in die Zukunft: Welch…
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This week on VIDEODRONE it's a Boys Only episode as they lose Gen to illness, and it's a TV Only episode too because there's just too much content for one week. The fellas spend the entire podcast discussing Tim hanging dong in The White Lotus, so strap in! Nah jk, it's a big episode of The White Lotus as the boat party ends up revealing more than …
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I denne episoden prater Oliver med det nyvalgte styret i Vernepleierforbundet i Delta. Du treffer gjenvalgt leder Bjørn Harald Iversen, gjenvalgt nestleder Stian Tønnessen og de nye styremedlemmene Wenche Emblem og Stine Rob. Desnakker om det å bli valgt og hva de er opptatt av når de nå er i det nye styret. Er du vernepleier eller vernepleierstude…
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We thought we were going to be doing this weeks episode in a world where a remake of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 & 4 hadn't been announced but we were DEAD WRONG! Tommy's stayed up until 1am to watch the Pokemon Presents which gave us our first look at Pokemon Legends A-Z. How do we feel about the shift into a more modern setting? Who cares, because w…
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We've got that post Oscars clarity this week as GEN FRICKER joins us for a brief wrap up of the big night! We've also hit the Vega strip for the razzle dazzle of The Last Showgirl, and we're going deep on the symbolism and theories for The White Lotus S03E03 and losing our minds trying to work out what's going on in Severance S02E07! WHITE LOTUS SP…
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Ahoy, landlubbers! Filthy bilge rats Tommy and Ben have been sailing the high seas of the Steam Next Fest, making some WB executives walk the plank after their recent studio closures and also some other pirate metaphor used to connote that they've been playing Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza In Hawaii. It may be a spin-off of the main series but have …
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„Digitalisierung muss den Menschen dienen.“ Ein klarer Grundsatz, den Prof. Dr. Kristina Sinemus konsequent verfolgt. Gemeinsam mit Claudia Nemat, Vorstand für Technologie und Innovation der Deutschen Telekom, spricht die Hessische Digitalministerin über die Chancen und Herausforderungen der Digitalisierung in Deutschland und welche Leitplanken die…
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This week, GEN FRICKER joins us once again as we discuss: The Brutalist (Spoiler-Free), MAFS and Airline Hacks (00:01:25 - 00:25:00) The White Lotus Season 3, Episode 2 (00:25:00 - 01:01:00) Severance Season 2, Episode 6 (01:01:00 - ) Two horny episodes of television in two very different ways! Hosted on Acast. See for more inform…
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Last week we visited a shady figure on the outskirts of town and re-specced ourselves as podcasters and so here we are: two fellas on the mics talking about the forty thousand dollar Switch 2 that's on sale on the dark web, the massive failure of whatever that Funko Pop game was, the Donkey Kong Nike Air Max, and reviews of Obsidian's new fantasy a…
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The White Lotus is back this week and so we've gone full recap mode for this episode. It's a new resort, a new locale and a whole new batch of freaky rich people to discuss. What's going on with the Ratliff family? What's The Gogg up to? Will we see Tommy in the background of any shots? Meanwhile, on Severance, we're dealing with the aftermath of t…
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I denne episoden prater Wenche Emblem og Bjørn HaraldIversen om det som skjer fremover i vår. Det blir både VernepleierSnikkSnakk i Oslo (Melde deg på her), vernepleierkonferansen (Meld deg på her), Det blir eltagelse på SOR og kanskje en SnikkSnakk i Bergen. Vernepleierforbundet er med på NAFO på Storefjell med stand, podkast og SnikkSnakk. Vernep…
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I denne episoden treffer Karl Haakon Sævold. Du har kanskje hørt han tidligere i Vernepleierpodden, men da stort sett på SOR-spesial. Karl Haakon er styreleder i Stiftelsen SOR. Her før du høre litt mer om Karl Haakon, og du blir kjent med litt av engasjementet han har. Saken Karl Haakon snakker om har også i det sistevært innom riksdekkende media …
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Verne y Wells Ciencia Ficción, el programa podcast sobre los géneros de ciencia ficción, fantasía y terror en la literatura, el comic, la cinematografía y la televisión. Un programa ideado, concebido, con guión, dirección y presentación de éste que os habla Alberto García. VWCCFF el programa podcast que tiene como intención haceros picar la curiosi…
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Willkommen zur 19. Episode von Vernetzungsgefährdet! Bleibst du auch in stressigen Zeiten fokussiert? Kennst du deine Grenzen, stellst deine Bedürfnisse nicht zurück und gibst trotzdem dein Bestes? Glückwunsch – dann lebst du Achtsamkeit! Falls nicht, keine Sorge. Unser Gast in dieser Episode ist Dinah Vetter, erfahrene Learning Consultant und Bild…
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There's nothing quite like waking up, making a fresh pot of java and jumping straight onto Youtube in order to watch fifty minutes worth of trailers for WWE and Five Nights At Freddies, and that's exactly what we've done this week. We're breaking down all of the announcements from today's Sony State of Play, including our first look at the new game…
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Wenn extreme Wetterbedingungen ganze Regionen lahmlegen, kann auch das Netz der Telekom in Gefahr geraten. In der neuen Folge von „Vernetzt“ geht es um Hochwasserschutz, Krisenmanagement und digitale Lösungen für den Katastrophenfall. Wir sprechen mit Notfallteams der Telekom und Experten des Deutschen Roten Kreuzes über Schutzmaßnahmen für die Net…
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This week we're loaded up on wings and cans of Pabst Blue Ribbon with GEN FRICKER, ready to bring you our extensive Super Bowl coverage! Or at the very least, a bit of chat about Kendrick Lamar's half-time show. We're also reviewing the filme Nickel Boys, the continuing saga of Emilia Perez and the surreal goings-on of Severance season 2, episode 4…
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Verne y Wells Ciencia Ficción, el programa podcast sobre los géneros de ciencia ficción, fantasía y terror en la literatura, el comic, la cinematografía y la televisión. Un programa ideado, concebido, con guión, dirección y presentación de éste que os habla Alberto García. VWCCFF el programa podcast que tiene como intención haceros picar la curiosi…
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Woolworths? Coles? IGA? Aldi? NO THANKS. At Filthy Casuals, we choose to do all of our grocery shopping at the Costa Rican Super Mario supermarket chain, which this week has had a landmark victory against the famously litigious Big N. We also chat about Dragon Age: The Veilguard not living up to certain expectations, the pressures on smaller studio…
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