a quick bite for your soul....
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And with this final mash up we are done! Woah! Praise God. He has been faithful once again. Remember folks, I got this hair brained idea at the end of November! He does indeed move mountains, birthdays, Christmases, new years celebrations, visitors....to make a way! If you want to hear the original : https://soundcloud.com/varghese2go/mothers-day-p…
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This song probably incapsulates the purpose and meaning of the whole project. From any direction, from any place, from the bottom of the bottom, from the highest place, you can call on Jesus name. Thanks for joining me on the You/r/re Coming of Age journey. Peace out. (Tomorrow's song is a remix of one I did A LONG time ago).…
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Thanks so much for sticking with me throughout this project, it has truly been exhilarating, also exhausting. Wowsa. I like the robot visual for this concept. Just like if a piece was missing or a program was messed up with a robot, the whole thing would go off the rails, so it is with our lives the more we try to live apart from our creator.…
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Are you poor in spirit? Proverbs that the poor in soul do not understand justice. I would argue that as we draw nearer to the Lord will see more opportunities to stand for justice....not less.
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Do you know what fake is? The Bible tells us. We all maybe have our idea of what fake is....maybe it was that one girl in H.S. that could only talk about boys, or the one you could never tell a secret to in college. Or the kid in class that was always putting on airs. Fake is "open love, secret disdain." It's the "friend" that would never tell you …
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Here's the one with no chorus, but the point is all the more clearer, I believe. I think that is the urge of hymns, as if they are crying out "get this one thing", "'tis so sweet to trust in Jesus," for example. The point of this one? Let's stop fooling ourselves and lean into the Lord.
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Hands up if you're done with war....lots o peeps out there ignoring the "turning the other cheek" thing and justifying it. Or even loving our neighbor as ourselves. We've adopted a theology that props our countries exploitive exploits. That's called Christian nationalism....idolatry. Ain't no one ever been bombed into freedom, friends. Make the Bib…
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This is my testimony. God revealed how weak I was when problems came. I retreated like a poodle next to a bear. Ultimately all the pain that comes with growth was leading me to one thing, a boldness for the gospel. Eee oh. You/r/re Coming of Age.
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Much like partaking in poisonous food we can buy into what the world is selling us and not realised that we are filled with the ways of the world. This is You/r/re Coming of Age. Music by Ezra S.
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This sounds a little Jennifer Knapp---y so I am sorry in advance if there is a copyright issue (promise I had no song in mind, and am certainly NOT trying to raise myself to her level). I will say this, I have listened to Kansas probably 100 times. That aside our first step in the right direction is the realisation we are capable of going the wrong…
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I have said it before, with a lot of people misunderstanding me, that there is no marriage plan, sexual identity plan, tax plan, hormone plan, holiday house rental, Walmart employee rules that should cause us to fear anything. "None o it" will overcome God's Word, and there is no army of God that will rise up without the Holy Spirit (I do not care …
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How many times have we tried to run away from the Lord who knows us inside and out. We try to hide behind trees like Adam and Eve and it don work. We are His, His dealing with us are good, and it's time to uncover that shame before Him. This is You/r/re Coming of Age.
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We would do well to keep the main things the main things. Care for the poor, obey His leading, keep a pure heart.
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Oh how we need the church! I would be in Nowheresville without it. It's my testimony. My little church in the mountains prayed for me when I fell away from the Lord and welcomed me back when I returned. Get yourself a family like that.
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How long can we go before it gets "political" with Sara? Read: real life. God's Word has so much to say about what we should be on the look out for, and it ain't the red or blue mascot running around on the field distracting us from truth. ;) Nothing but love for ya! Let His word win.
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I hope that you are enjoying these so far! Whew! I have learned a lot...all around. Just like this song, we can trust a lot of things, like ourselves, but it is so much better to trust His word and live by it. I want that for everyone, how about you?
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His yoke is easy, His burden light! Doesn't the path of life lead upward right on through the night? Its not around the problem, it's not avoidance ("surely God doesn't want me to face this," we might say to ourselves) the path is often THROUGH the hardship with our faithful God at our side. Follow me through. This is You/r/re Coming of Age.…
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This was the first time I sampled a beat off the web (Virginia Soft). The dynamics were perfect. Anyway, it's really easy for me to point out hypocrisy in others, but not so easy, looking in the mirror. I do know this, having made a very difficult journey, I talk less about my theological ideas, and hope these pipe dreams have made their way someho…
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This one is one of my favs. It's about delighting in God's word. What a joy to pass the threshold of fear (of what God might take away or keep us from) to truly finding EVERYTHING we need in Him. Continue with me through the book of Proverbs. This is You/r/re Coming of Age.
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If there was an overall prayer I am praying over us, in this day, is that the Lord would untwist our minds. My testimony, if it could be summed up, is that Sara believed whole heartedly in stuff that was just no so, and I am not talking about blatantly believing un-theological stuff. I had all those ducks in a row, in the main points were underline…
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Don't let your last refrain be, "get me out of here!" Make the hard, also easy (there is a tension here. It is difficult to put the pride down, but the way was paved for us through Christ) decision to give your life to the Lord. Continue with me through Proverbs, this is You/r/re Coming of Age.
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There will be no sorrow with God's blessing. However, everything the world seems to have to offer, comes with a price tag. This is You/r/re Coming of Age.
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Wait on the Lord! You who are discouraged, YOU who have been knocked down again. The Lord is on your side. Continue with me through the book of Proverbs, this is You/r/re Coming of Age.
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The gospel is a mystery and stepping inside of it is scary to some. I know someone very close to me fighting the Spirit of God and trying his best not to surrender to the God who made him. He thinks God will take things from him, his image, his clout, his vices. The truth is, God has good plan for those who follow Him and He pushes things out of ou…
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Oh walk with wisdom. She's a friend. This is You/r/re Coming of Age
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Choosing remorse. It's no small task, and our flesh, devil, and what not, HAVE all the other (none peace giving options) readily available continuously, so we push the real problem further back on the burner. But it will destroy us soon or later, Satan isn't picky, and also patient, evil patient, but patient nevertheless. A man recently confessed s…
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Continue with me in Proverbs, seeking wisdom and steering clear of deadly entanglements.
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We will outlast this, friends! Righteousness shines brighter until the full day. Be patient.
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Bent on our own destruction, how arrogant must we appear to God, who gave us EVERYTHING in Son to redeem us. Continue with me in Proverbs 3, this is You/r/re Coming of Age.
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You/r/re Coming of Age continues. We are in desperate need of wisdom and confused, in this time, as to what it means to fear God. I hope you join me reading Proverbs (31 chapters for 31 days).
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Time to get in the word! Join me this month of January 2023 and pray God gives us His wisdom in this crazy world.
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Episode 522: Look 13 (Life of Abraham)
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20:22The pattern when we want to take the proverbial reigns from is to first blame Him for our circumstances, project results if we did our own thing, and lose all discernment. Ask me how I know? Sara from High School would have avoided key missteps. Join me today!
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Episode 521: Look 12 (Life of Abraham)
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23:24God makes a covenant with Abram who is consumed with the here and now and reminds him of His eternal plan that far outweighs his little ambitions. Ours too. Do we hold on to what we want so tightly that we forget about His kingdom coming? Join me. Video up tomorrow.
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Episode 520: Look Part 11 (Life of Abraham)
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23:56We are continuing on here, watching Abraham come forward to God, and honestly telling Him what is bothering him. Nothing heals without being uncovered. Listen today and find out how this is dialogue between Abraham and the Lord is similar to the Lord's words to Job. Join me! Video up tomorrow.
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Episode 519: Look Part 10 (Life of Abraham)
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23:16We are continuing on today with the beginning of chapter 15 of the book of Genesis. Have we done a recent check in? are we carrying around trauma, are we learning to be open with God? These are all things we discuss today in this podcast. Join me!
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Psalm 123
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Episode 517: Look Part 9 (Life of Abraham)
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23:56We bust through the whole chapter of Genesis 14 in this one and talk about the overwhelming war that we are up against. "But if God had not been on our side...." Psalm 124
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Episode 516: Look Part 8 (Life of Abraham)
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24:54We are all guilty of trying to define God by our circumstances and our wins and loses. We will get into that today, finishing up Genesis chapter 14. Join me!
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Episode 515: Look (Part 7) Life of Abraham
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21:10We are continuing with the Life of Abraham this week and make it all the was through chapter 13 of Genesis to verse 14. Some key details we need to focus in on. Is there some weeding God is doing in your life? It's not a bad thing.
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Episode 513: Look Part 6 (Life of Abraham)
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21:30We talked today about Abraham's belief, and God's work on him, much like every new believer. For me, it was great to identify with him like that. Proverbs 3:5-6 Matthew 8:11 Genesis 12- 13:3 Join me!
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Episode 512: Look Part 5 (Life of Abraham)
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20:38We talk about our propensity for disconnect in this day and age. We also talk about how Satan will attacks God's promises with reasonable lies, not impossibilities. Are we prepared to believe God when it doesn't make sense?
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Episode 511: Look Part 4 (Life of Abraham)
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26:44We get a little farther in Genesis 12, but not much. Just enough to camp out on our trauma based insecurities a little bit. Do we let our graduate degree from the school of trauma inform our future relationships? or God? Join me!
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Episode 510: Look Part 3 (Life of Abraham)
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19:30We get to Genesis 12:14 today a make a discovery about Abraham's character (all of our characters, actually) and what it looks like when God gets to teaching in the holiness classroom. Join us!
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Episode 509: Look Part 2 (Life of Abraham)
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19:56We get a little farther today into chapter 12 of Genesis and discuss a little bit about the way God teaches us. Sometimes the biggest indicator that we are in class, as it were, is not His talking to us, but His silence. Join me today. Abraham is about to rabbit trail like a boss! But don't we all?
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Episode 508: Look Part 1 (Life of Abraham)
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22:12First verse of Genesis 12, boi! We find, possibly (not in the Bible), a man looking for something more. Regardless of whether or not that was Abram's state of mind, we can position ourselves opposed to the world's system, eager for what God might do in our lives. I learned a great lesson in Norway that I share today int he podcast! Also, we touch o…
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Episode 507: Organic Christianity Part 3
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15:06This is Paul's song at the end of Acts 20. Notice how he peels off the layers for the people he ministered to. We discuss what it means in the podcast to be transparent. For the next two weeks I'll be in Norway, Lord willing. See you in September! Also, keep praying for me with that whole concert thingy....it's a tad overwhelming.…
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Episode 506: Organic Christianity Part 2
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28:28Follow along with me. We are continuing in Acts 20, and a few verses in Psalm 32. Our value system should not come from the majority vote, or the highest bidder, we have a value system that comes from God.
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Episode 505: Organic Christianity Part 1
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46:04Trying to check out early? Don't worry, we have so many vices these days from scrolling phones to coffee buzzes, but we aren't called out yet to the new kingdom that Christ is bringing with Him? Are we a part of it? Definitely, but we got some work to do still. Join me in studying Acts 20:17-24 today.…
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