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De Universiteit van Nederland Podcast

Universiteit van Nederland

De beste wetenschappers geven antwoord op spraakmakende vragen. Zo leer je binnen 15 minuten waarom muggen altijd jou moeten hebben en hoe robots ons leven redden. Van donkere materie tot verliefdheid bij dieren: alles komt voorbij! Deze podcast heeft een Creative Commons-licentie (CC BY). Deel onze podcast dus zo veel als je wil, maar vergeet onze naam zeker niet te vermelden.
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Mysterious Universe

8th Kind

Always interesting and often hilarious, join hosts Aaron Wright and Benjamin Grundy as they investigate the latest in futurology, weird science, consciousness research, alternative history, cryptozoology, UFOs, and new-age absurdity.
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Im Podcast der Universität Münster kommen Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler aus unterschiedlichen Disziplinen zu Wort. Im Gespräch mit Pressesprecher Norbert Robers berichten sie über ihre Forschungsschwerpunkte, aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse und ihre persönliche Motivation.
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Universidade Aberta

Universidade Aberta

Seja bem-vindo! A Universidade Aberta, a única instituição pública de ensino a distância em Portugal, partilha com o público as suas opiniões, histórias e novidades através de uma série de podcasts, selecionados especialmente para si. A Universidade Aberta sempre na rota da inovação do ensino digital. Mais informações em portal.uab.pt
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Splatt420 Chappell

This is SPLATTS UNICORNER where we talk about everything unfiltered uncensored open forum we talk about religion politics sports social media the social Warrior movement everything and anything you want to talk about its an open book here at splatts unicorner
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Daniel and Kelly’s Extraordinary Universe


Scientists Daniel and Kelly cannot stop talking about our amazing, wonderful, weird Universe! Each episode is a fun, easy-to-understand, and in-depth explanation of topics in science, from particles to black holes to moon colonies to ecosystems to parasites and everything else in the Universe!
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NASA's Curious Universe

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Come get curious with NASA. As an official NASA podcast, Curious Universe brings you mind-blowing science and space adventures you won't find anywhere else. Explore the cosmos alongside astronauts, scientists, engineers, and other top NASA experts who are achieving remarkable feats in science, space exploration, and aeronautics. Learn something new about the wild and wonderful universe we share. All you need to get started is a little curiosity. NASA's Curious Universe is an official NASA po ...
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El pòdcast UIBuniversitat és un dels canals transmèdia de la Universitat de les Illes Balears (UIB). És un espai on compartim amb tu temes i diàlegs sobre docència, investigació, innovació, transferència, cultura i molt més! https://www.uib.cat/
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Backstage Uni Wuppertal

Bergische Universität

Studieren – Lehren – Informieren – Verwalten – Versorgen: Wer sind die Menschen, die die Bergische Universität mit Leben füllen? Wie sind sie hier hergekommen und was macht diesen Ort für sie so besonders? Alles das erzählen unsere Studis und Mitarbeiter*innen in Backstage Uni Wuppertal. Wenn ihr Fragen oder Anregungen habt, schreibt gerne an contentslc@uni-wuppertal.de . Alle Podcasts der Bergischen Universität findet ihr auf https://www.startdenker.uni-wuppertal.de/de/orientieren/podcasts/
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Trama University

Trama Universirty

Trama University es un espacio en el que se integran el liderazgo y la excelencia, con la inspiración, el desarrollo y el aprendizaje de líderes venezolanos reconocidos por sus logros e impacto.
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Chi Alpha UNI - Sermon Audio

Chi Alpha UNI - Derek Quinby

Chi Alpha UNI is a campus ministry at the University of Northern Iowa. We exist to give every student at UNI an opportunity to grow in relationship with Jesus and others. On this podcast, we feature teachings from our Tuesday night gatherings.
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De Universiteit van Vlaanderen Podcast

Universiteit van Vlaanderen

Heb jij je al eens afgevraagd of we mensen onzichtbaar kunnen maken? Of Latijn leren tijdverspilling is? Of je voor eeuwig samen zal blijven met je lief? Topprofessoren uit de Vlaamse Universiteiten geven een antwoord op al deze vragen en nog veel meer via onze gratis colleges. Een vraag voor ons? Stuur dan een mailtje naar info@universiteitvanvlaanderen.be Deze podcast is Creative Commons (CC BY). Deel onze podcast dus zo veel als je wil, maar vergeet onze naam niet te vermelden.
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MCU - Merdique Cinematic Universe

Amine et Victor

L'un aime les COMICS, l'autre le CINÉMA, peuvent ils aimer le MERDIQUE CINEMATIC UNIVERSE ? À chaque émission, Amine et Victor décryptent MARVEL & le MCU, en tentant de dire (parfois) des choses intelligentes et (souvent) des jeux de mots bêtes.
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Adversary Universe Podcast


Modern adversaries are relentless. Today’s threat actors target organizations around the world with sophisticated cyberattacks. Who are they? What are they after? And most importantly, how can you defend against them? Welcome to the Adversary Universe podcast, where CrowdStrike answers all of these questions — and more. Join our hosts, a pioneer in adversary intelligence and a specialist in cybersecurity technology, as they unmask the threat actors targeting your organization.
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Expounded Universe

Jef Aldrich and Jon Taylor

Jef and Jon review Star Wars expanded universe novels. Every week they discuss a few chapters at a time making their way through some of the strangest and most insufferable entries in the Star Wars canon.
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The Uni Diaries

The Uni Diaries

We are The Uni Diaries Podcast, brought to you by Unimelb SAMM. Tune is as we chat about uni, study, careers, navigating your way through your late teens/early twenties, as well as chatting to some wicked guests. Make sure you follow us on insta @the_unidiaries to stay up to date on all of our content!! 🔥🤪🍉🐠🪐 Our Hosts: Steph, Kaylee, Isabella, Chamudi, Karthik and Adrianna https://www.theunidiaries.online/ @the_unidiaries @unimelbsamm Get in touch with us: communications@unimelbsamm.com or, ...
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Timber University

Dr. Brady Self & Dr. Shaun Tanger

Timber University a science-based podcast covering the latest research in timber management. This series is part of the Natural Resources University podcast network.
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Université populaire d'Architecture

Pavillon de l'Arsenal

Richard Scoffier est architecte, philosophe et professeur. Depuis 2011, ses Universités Populaires interpellent les oeuvres du passé et celles du présent, comparent les réflexions des grands bâtisseurs et croisent les cultures pour permettre à chacun d'appréhender l'architecture et de s’en saisir.
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Homeroom University

Menace Material Entertainment

Homeroom University is a podcast about podcasts, covering every genre of podcasting! 🎙️Listen Now On Spotify, Apple Podcast, and MORE!🎙️ https://homeroomuniversity.podbean.com/ Host: Tone Groove, J Noblez & AJ The Menace Produced by: Menace Material Ent. & LAY Ent.
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Millionaire University

Millionaire University

Millionaire University is on a mission to help you build wealth, achieve financial freedom, and create a business that supports the life you want. We reveal proven strategies for business growth, personal finance, and investing—teaching you how to increase your income, build passive revenue streams, and take control of your money. You will learn how to start and scale a business, make smarter financial decisions, and build lasting wealth—all while creating a life of impact and fulfillment. G ...
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Marvel Cinematic Universe Podcast

Stranded Panda | QCODE

Fans talking all things MCU! Going on 10 years of discussions and deep dives into every episode and movie connected to the Marvel Cinematic Universe! Your one stop hub for all discussion, news, and insight into what is happening with Marvel Studios. We love this stuff and want you to, too!
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Why This Universe?

Dan Hooper, Shalma Wegsman

The biggest ideas in physics, broken down. Join theoretical physicist Dan Hooper and co-host Shalma Wegsman as they answer your questions about dark matter, black holes, quantum mechanics, and more. Part of The University of Chicago Podcast Network.
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Podcast Universitário

Rafael Vieira

Sou o Rafael Vieira e ajudo e informo futuros e atuais universitários. Aqui tens episódios com testemunhos de mais de 150 Licenciaturas e Mestrados diferentes, bem como episódios sobre o acesso ao ensino superior, atividades extra-curso que podes fazer enquanto estás no ensino superior ou episódios para te ajudar a entrar no mercado de trabalho. Dúvidas ou questões? Manda mensagem no insta: @podcastuniversitario
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The Skeptics Guide To The Universe

The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe

The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe is your weekly reality check, in a world drowning in misinformation. Hosted by Dr. Steven Novella and his elite squad of critical-thinking rogues, SGU cuts through the noise of pseudoscience, conspiracy theories, and sensationalized headlines with sharp analysis, smart humor, and fearless skepticism. But it’s not just about debunking myths—we celebrate the wonder of science, exploring the latest discoveries, breakthroughs, and the profound ways science sha ...
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show series
In this episode of the Uni Diaries, Eva and Tolu sit down to discuss their summer internship experiences. They talk about their initial feelings going in, how they maximized the opportunity, and offer advice for anyone planning to pursue an internship in the future.
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Für Sonderpädagogin Alina zählt besonders eins: jede/n ihrer Schüler/innen mit allen Stärken und Schwächen individuell zu betrachten und jedem Kind die Förderung zu geben, die es jetzt gerade braucht. Ihr Weg ins Lehramtsstudium Sonderpädagogik war für sie schon früh klar. Sie erzählt uns, wie sich das Studium Lehramt Sonderpädagogik vom „normalen“…
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Pastor Amber delivered a message on the topic of dating, and gave us insight into how to date well. She also walked us through what it looks like to date in a way that pleases God while also prioritizing our relationship with Him.द्वारा Chi Alpha UNI - Derek Quinby
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#300 In the world of marketing, there are countless strategies and tactics at your disposal, each promising a path to success. In this episode, we dive into a unique and highly effective approach: leveraging quizzes to grow your business! I recently chatted with my good friend and fellow entrepreneur, Kirsten Tyrrel, about her secret sauce for maki…
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Det er ikke tilfeldig hvem som tar doktorgrad. Enda mindre tilfeldig er det hvem av forskerne som klatrer helt til topps og blir professorer ved de beste universitetene. Hvorfor er det sånn? I denne episoden møter du sosiolog Nicolai Topstad Borgen ved Universitetet i Oslo og pandemiprofessor Svenn-Erik Mamelund ved OsloMet. Programleder er Monica …
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Pòdcast produït durant la sessió de Producció de pòdcast docents en el marc dels seminaris per fomentar la utilització de vídeos i pòdcasts educatius a la facultat de Dret que es varen presentar els dies 18, 20 i 25 de març de 2025 organitzats pel Servei de Campus Digital i la facultat de Dret de la UIB…
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#299 Is your website working for you — or just sitting there collecting digital dust? In this episode hosted by Kirsten Tyrrel, Hope Trory breaks down how to turn your website from a static digital business card into a 24/7 lead-generating machine. She shares actionable strategies for creating clear messaging, understanding your audience’s needs, a…
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Eric Metaxas talks to John Zmirak. JFK files, Trump’s O.K. Corral Moment, It’s October 7 for Christians in Syria. The Eric Metaxas Show Mar 18 2025 Other Episodes John Zmirak on the release of the JFK fIles. More at: https://stream.org/ The Brew: Judicial Tyranny Edition In case you thought that the JFK files declassification turned up mostly a bun…
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Hi friends todays topic of choice is regret! I dive into why I feel like I live a life that lacks any hard regrets and why I feel like that is feasible for anyone. I get a little into a traumatic childhood experience I had and how my stance on regrets relates to it, and how it relates to other more preventable situations. I dare to question whether…
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Daniel and Kelly explore the oft-forgotten scientific contributions of Dr. Nettie Stevens, who discovered that chromosomes are responsible for determining an organism's sex. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा iHeartPodcasts
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David es Director Creativo. Empezó estudiando ingeniería de sistemas, para luego dedicarse a la creación de dibujos animados. Entre sus áreas de experiencia destacan la animación, la música, la realización de cortometrajes y de series televisivas. En su trayectoria profesional David ha realizado series televisivas para canales de gran prestigio. Fu…
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#298 In this episode, Aaron Hale interviews me. I share our origin story and the vision of Millionaire University. I share my perspective on picking an avatar and target audiences, and the importance of just taking action. We discuss the Perfect Curriculum for young future entrepreneurs and talk about how to motivate kids toward entrepreneurship. (…
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#297 What if a simple TikTok video filmed by a seven-year-old could launch a million-dollar business? Or lead to a deal on Shark Tank? In this episode, host Kirsten Tyrrel sits down with Justin Baer, the founder and CEO of Collars & Co., a Mark Cuban-backed menswear brand that's changing how professional men dress. Justin takes us behind the scenes…
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Elon and Trump Crashes the U.S. Institute of Peace, Why AUTOPEN Matters. Elon Musk Discovers 'Magic Money Computers’, Swatting Conservatives. Bill Whittle Why AUTOPEN Matters DOGE Crashes the USIP- U.S. Institute of Peace Burning Teslas Elon Musk discovers 'magic money computers & Swatting of American People Why AUTOPEN Matters On this edition of H…
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Rudd is giving non-denials about Doomsday, the Russo brothers plan to challenge us, and we talk about your Daredevil feedback. Support Matt's Songwriting Project! https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/album-inspired-by-daredevil-from-matthew-carroll/x/24216561#/ PS5 Review Contest https://www.strandedpanda.com/PS5 SPONSORS Turtle Beach https://www.tur…
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#296 One of the greatest luxuries in life is the ability to make decisions. And the great thing about making decisions is that the more you make them and the more willing you are to learn from them, the better you get at making the right ones. Thus improving the results you get out of life...putting you more in line with the lifestyle you desire to…
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#295 Want to turn your fitness passion into a six-figure business? In this episode, host Brien Gearin sits down with Marcus Gates, founder of Thriving Lives Fitness — an online nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle coaching business. Marcus shares his journey from college athlete and PE teacher to successful online coach, building a thriving six-figure…
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Jesus Christ’s Atonement. Gethsemane, His Trial, Scourging and Crucifixion. ACU Sunday Series. Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/iEU4mK9r_tc?si=a7X5gJuDTODF9e7_ Each year, BYU Religious Education and the Religious Studies Center sponsor the annual BYU Easter Conference. A General Authority emeritus or former Church leader is invited to give the…
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Veel crèmes beloven een stralende huid, maar wist je dat sommige juist schade kunnen aanrichten? Dermatoloog Petra Dikrama (Erasmus MC) legt uit waarom minder vaak beter is, welke producten écht nuttig zijn en waarom sommige crèmes eerder kwaad dan goed doen. Smeer jij misschien onbewust iets dat je huid beschadigt? En welke producten zijn wel zinv…
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#294 In today's episode, we will discuss 15 side hustles that you can start today with little to no money! I've never really loved the term "side hustle" I don't love the word hustle and don't buy into hustle culture. And the word side hustle to me has always implied something you kinda did on the side and didn't take too seriously. But my perspect…
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The Skeptic’s Guide to the Universe Skepticast #1028 March 19th 2025 Segment #1. News Items News Item #1 – NASA Delays Artemis Again https://www.space.com/space-exploration/artemis/nasa-delays-artemis-missions-again-what-could-this-mean-for-the-moon-mars-and-space-leadership News Item #2 – Punishing AI https://www.livescience.com/technology/artific…
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#293 Would you rather work for a jerk who offers clarity or a nice boss who leaves you in the dark? In this episode, host Brien Gearin sits down with Jacob Karnes, founder of Waves Business Coaching and author of Master Your First Job. Jacob shares valuable insights from his 10 years at Chick-fil-A, where he learned the importance of leadership, cl…
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Man Says He Visited Heaven, Met Jesus During Near-Death Experience Watch this video at- https://youtu.be/3FQmcCFZ8Ng?si=x4U0Eezqh21CuDDg CBN News 2.28M subscribers 123,685 views May 16, 2024 Randy Kay's "afterlife" experience still leaves him visibly emotional as he recounts details of visiting heaven, meeting Jesus, and returning to share his harr…
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Blue Ghost wraps up two busy weeks on the Moon with a sunset, good news, the death star isn’t pointing at us, and a new option for the Mars Sample Return mission. And our longer edition on Patreon, how supernovae could have caused two of Earth’s mass extinction events. 🦄 Support us on Patreon: https://patreon.com/universetoday 00:00 Intro 00:19 Blu…
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#292 This lesson is a real-life coaching call I have with a young soon-to-be father named James Metcalf Jr. In episode 37, I spoke with James about starting his own business and he recently reached out to me with some struggles he's been having. We often hear people say "Just take action" but just taking action won't get you the results you want un…
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A wave of viral speculation has swept across social media following claims by an Italian research team that new satellite-based radar technology has revealed vast hidden structures beneath Egypt’s Giza Plateau. Enormous underground cylinders, spiral shafts, and five mysterious chambers allegedly lie beneath the Pyramid of Khafre—some even linking t…
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Documentary: "Plaasmoorde: The Killing Fields" The Mass-Slaughter of Whites in South Africa The Killing Fields is a world-first — a documentary that goes well beyond polite interviews in safe places and deep into uncomfortable places, where the heart of the truth lives. Included in this groundbreaking work are interviews with active farm attackers …
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#291 What would you do if you had $100K in the bank — quit your job, start a business, or finally take that dream trip? In this episode hosted by Kirsten Tyrrel, we sit down with Tori Dunlap, internationally recognized money and career expert, New York Times bestselling author, and founder of Her First $100K. After saving $100K by the age of 25, To…
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#290 Today's episode is called Build The Machine. Owning our own business is great, but if you don't work towards building it in a way that it can work without you always being 100% involved, it can sometimes become more like a job that never goes away. In today's episode, we talk about the importance of building the machine and how I wasn't taking…
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It's Episode 100 and it's also March which means Leiann takes the reigns for programming in honor of her birthday. We decided to start off her b-day choices by watching quite possibly the sexiest thing to have ever been filmed, Michael Bolton's Big, Sexy Valentine's Day Special. Get your chilled champagne, thrown down that bear skin rug and have th…
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Als je erover nadenkt, is het toch gek: 2 ogen, 2 oren, 2 armen, 2 benen en een neus en een mond mooi in het midden... wij zijn allemaal (min of meer) symmetrisch opgebouwd. En nog gekker...is dat zowat alle dieren symmetrisch lijken. Is dat toevallig? Of zit er een evolutionair systeem achter? En zijn er uitzonderingen? "Nee, ja en ja", is het ant…
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#289 What if everything you’ve been told about your brain’s limits is wrong? In this episode hosted by Kirsten Tyrrel, we're diving deep into the science of neuroplasticity with cognitive expert Tara Bonner. For years, we've been told that our brains are fixed — that our capacity to learn and grow is limited by the time we reach adulthood. But scie…
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Numerous Conservatives Swatted, at Least One Executed, Billions in Losses, Trump Stops Federal Judge, Bodyguards for a Treasonous Crackhead. Tucker Carlson, Matt Walsh, Alex Jones. Infowars anchor Owen Shroyer just got swatted! CNN just doesn’t get it - they keep bringing on Steven Miller and making a spectacle of themselves What the Biden regime d…
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Når børn skal lære at stave og læse er det vigtigt at de bliver gode til bogstaverne og bogstavernes forskellige lyde. Nogle bogstaver har flere lyde og det gør det svært. Ved at børnene selv udfører bevægelseslydene tydeliggøres forskellene og det er en betydelig hjælp for at fremme børnenes udvikling. Det er vigtigt, at bevægelsen og lyden kommer…
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“Workplace Conflict” In this episode of Homeroom University, we break down the escalating drama at The Breakfast Club, as Jess Hilarious crashes out on Instagram Live, calling out her co-hosts and sparking heated debate. Was she wrong for going public? Or was it a necessary move to protect her reputation? Meanwhile, Loren LoRosa checks Jess, forcin…
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What would a black hole do if it was inside Uranus? What do I think about AI-generated content impersonating Universe Today? What telescope should you buy in 2025? And in our free extended version, the deepest rabbit hole I went into. All this and more in this Q&A show. 🎁 Same video. No YT ads +a BONUS question: https://www.patreon.com/posts/124793…
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