A podcast for lovers of Tudor history.
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Professor Suzannah Lipscomb talks about everything from the Aztecs to witches, Velázquez to Shakespeare, Mughal India to the Mayflower. Not, in other words, just the Tudors, but most definitely also the Tudors. Each episode Suzannah is joined by historians and experts to reveal incredible stories about one of the most fascinating periods in history. Sign up to History Hit for hundreds of hours of original documentaries, with a new release every week and ad-free podcasts. Sign up at https://w ...
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A Debreceni Egyetem könyvtárának tudománynépszerűsítő műsora.
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The Tudor Chest Podcast is a brand new podcast series from the popular Instagram and blog - The Tudor Chest. Episodes will feature historian and author, Adam Pennington, creator of the Tudor Chest Platform, as well as guest appearances by notable historians and fellow authors. Episodes will be released weekly, with a focus not solely on Tudor history, but also the Plantagenets and current royal family news.
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Tudor history podcasts from Claire Ridgway, author of ”On This Day in Tudor History” and many other bestselling Tudor books. Claire runs the Tudor Society, The Anne Boleyn Files and can be found on her website www.ClaireRidgway.com where she runs exclusive online historical events.
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Tudors Dynasty & Beyond explores the fascinating world of the Tudor dynasty—and beyond! Hosted by independent researcher and podcaster Rebecca Larson, with occasional guest hosts, this show delves into the lives, scandals, and politics of the Tudors while uncovering key figures from medieval and early modern history as well. With expert interviews and gripping stories, it’s the perfect podcast for history lovers seeking an entertaining and insightful look at the past.
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Sharing biblical truth and spiritual encouragement, as well as information on how to stay healthy in these crazy times. www.danceoflife.com
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Join us, Michelle and Lucy, for a mildly diverting delve into the great, the good, the mad, the brave, the outrageous, the mischievous and the truly preposterous folk of the Tudor Age. Two enthusiastic Tudorphiles discuss each in turn and give them marks out of ten for intrigue, martyrdom, posterity and rise & fall before deciding whether they are Tudorlicious.
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Episódios de segunda a sexta, comentando o dia-a-dia normal, de uma pessoa normal, gravados no trânsito normal, respeitando todas as leis de trânsito.
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Com dois ou três truques, toda a gente consegue fazer os melhores ovos mexidos do mundo, as melhores batatas fritas ou o melhor bife. Às vezes, a diferença entre uma comida sublime e comida má está só na quantidade de manteiga, na variedade da batata ou no momento em que pomos o sal no bife. Ricardo Dias Felner, aka O Homem que Comia Tudo, diz-lhe tudo sobre cozinha e restaurantes no podcast mais saboroso do Expresso. Novos episódios todas as quintas-feiras.
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This is a history podcast and a story podcast in one (on facebook it's tudortimemachine} It's a secret history of the Elizabethan court set in 1565. Everyone thinks they know the truth of Anne Boleyn and Elizabeth, but we’re going to tell you about what we think really happened. The central characters are all based on real people from the court. After we read the story section, we’ll take a dive into history behind the episode. Fun! Our merch is here! https://tudor-time-machine.creator-sprin ...
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Legales para Emprendedores.
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Com sua voz aveludada, Lorelay Fox traz seus pontos de vista sobre atualidades, cultura pop e tudo o que passa pela mente de um jovem adulto! Comentários sem sentido, conselhos inadequados (ou não), dicas, convidados e até poesia! Siga no instagram @PodcastParaTudo e @Lorelay_Fox
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As decisões e os bastidores do poder analisados em um momento de turbulência política.
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Cinem(ação): filmes, podcasts, críticas e tudo sobre cinema
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Oie! Eu sou Aline, sou mentora de autoconhecimento, manifestação e espiritualidade, certificada internacionalmente em Ho’oponopono Original e criadora do Tudo é Cura – podcast de autoconhecimento que te ajuda a acessar, criar e viver a vida que você tanto deseja! ❤️ É bom ter você aqui! :) Para mais, acesse: https://bio.site/tudoecura
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Provavelmente o programa desportivo de rádio com o maior nome do mundo. Do Futebol à Pelota Basca tudo é tema de conversa. Na 2ª parte um convidado para responder ao que nunca lhe foi perguntado.
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Atitude/ Metas/Desafios/Misticismo/ Espiritualidade:/Viagens.
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rumo à designorância!
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Conversas e revisão de artigos entre analistas do comportamento e outros profissionais sobre tudo relacionado a análise do comportamento aplicada (ABA) a cada duas semanas nas 4as feiras! Envie perguntas, comentários e sugestões para: tudoaba@daxta.com. Para obter créditos de educação continuada, acesse: courses.daxta.com
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Artistas convidados contam histórias e curiosidades sobre os álbuns que fazem parte do catálogo da Deck.
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Um podcast sem linha de raciocínio nenhuma pra seguir, com @TeyItalo e @thedeluiz falando várias merdas
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Eu gosto muito de falar sobre filmes e Séries especialmente de terror mais de outros gêneros também como Comédia
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Povestile oamenilor din lumea creativa. https://youtube.com/tudoratanasiu https://tudoratanasiu.ro
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A Lyukasóra Tudományból egy hetente jelentkező tudományos podcast, amely elérhető és közérthető tudományos történetekkel, ismeretekkel és érdekességekkel szórakoztatja a hallgatóságot.
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Renaissance England was a bustling and exciting place...new religion! break with rome! wars with Scotland! And France! And Spain! The birth of the modern world! In this weekly podcast I'll explore one aspect of life in 16th century England that will give you a deeper understanding of this most exciting time. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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A podcast that brings Tudor history to life by exploring Tudor places and artefacts in the flesh. The Tudor Travel Guide brings you lively onsite walk-and-talk interviews with local guides and experts at historic Tudor locations across the UK, creating inspiring ideas for your next Tudor-themed vacation. If you love seeing Tudor history through the lens of the places in which the Tudors lived and historic events occurred, then ’The Tudor History & Travel Show’ is tailor-made for you! Episode ...
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In TLC: Tudor's Living Chronicles, we record the living histories of the members of Tudor Ward, Anchorage North Stake. Not only do we hear the fascinating stories from our members' lives, we capture them for family history so they have their stories for their posterity. Each person has an incredible life and we build unity and love when we get to know them personally. Ranked #21 in FeedSpot's 40 Best Anchorage Podcasts.
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Hello, in this podcast you will here about my passion for gaming and what I would love to see more off and what could be better 😝👌
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Tudo Sobre Tudo é um podcast criado por Candido Neto e Renata Alves para falar sobre as situações do dia a dia, porém com foco em assuntos que são considerados anormais, existente em nosso planeta, tudo aquilo que é estranho sabe? Todos os dias tem um episódio novo por aqui! sempre um episódio curioso e inusitado!! segue agente ai no Spotify e nas redes sociais!! https://instabio.cc/tudosobretudopodcast
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Welcome to ALLI TUDOR, where amazing things happen.
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Estreia podcast Evaristo Fernandes Cover art photo provided by Matt Power on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@thisispower
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A comedy podcast about the Tudors and 1500s shenanigans. It's educational, we swear. But mostly funny. Hosted by Emily Simpson and Garrett Kaser. Produced by Jeffrey Simpson.
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História das maiores empresas em Portugal narrada por João Correia.
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Podcast by Tudo Cast
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Últimas de Digital de Tudo - Jovem Pan
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Tudornotes Podcast is a collection of interviews with and about people who chose alternative ways of learning and those who reshape the education system. Tudor Tarlev, the show host, is an entrepreneur on a mission to serve 1.7 billion people.
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É ruim? É ruim, mas da uma chance ae vai
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Um podcast sobre os dilemas da vida adulta. Episódios novos todas as sextas.
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Do you have obsession with SIX The Musical? Or with the Six Wives of Henry VIII? Or the House Of Tudor in general? Then this is for you!!!
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o podcast sobre tudo que você pode imaginar em um lugar só.
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Bate-papo descontraído entre integrantes da Rádio Itatiaia
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Kellogg College annual lecture series sponsored by Bynum E. Tudor.
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faladeira de coisa da cabeça e outras ideias
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O que muda no Benfica com o regresso de Di Maria?
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22:37Di Maria entra nas opções de Bruno Lage para a reta decisiva do campeonato. O que muda nas águias? Ainda a carreira de Catarina Campos que se vai tornar a primeira mulher a dirigir um jogo de 1ª liga. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Observador
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Dia ruim para Bolsonaro: 'placar de unanimidade concorreu com elogio de Trump ao sistema eleitoral brasileiro'
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9:55Maria Cristina Fernandes destacou que o dia de Bolsonaro foi o pior possível. Além de se tornar réu, por unanimidade, no processo dos atos golpistas, ainda teve que ouvir de Donald Trump elogios ao sistema eleitoral brasileiro. Entre outros motivos, Bolsonaro é julgado pela afronta ao resultado das urnas. Ouça.…
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EP.45 - Como parar de se abandonar e começar a se escolher?
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16:16Se esse episódio te impactou, imagine o que meus conteúdos exclusivos podem fazer por você! Assine agora e desbloqueie novos podcasts e reprogramações mentais para transformar sua realidade de forma ainda mais poderosa: https://tudoecura.com.br/universo No episódio de hoje... Muitas vezes, nos pegamos dizendo "sim" para os outros e "não" para nós m…
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Glauber Rocha queria fazer cinema para incomodar, e Terra em Transe é a prova disso. Um filme que não dá respostas fáceis, mergulha no caos e na confusão política de um país que parece estar sempre preso em um ciclo de golpes, populismo e desilusão. O longa acompanha o poeta e jornalista Paulo Martins, que oscila entre a revolta e a resignação ao t…
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A época dos grelos está a acabar, mas nunca é tarde para elogiar este ingrediente
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6:02Ricardo Dias Felner teve azar com as alheiras que comeu este ano mas, em contrapartida, os grelos estiveram à altura. Siga as recomendações do Homem Que Comia Tudo e aproveite bem este ingrediente sublime em arroz, cozido e salteado (com alho verdadeiro). A época dos grelos pode estar a terminar, mas tem ainda algumas receitas e técnicas simples pa…
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#217 - Curtidas nas redes sociais e memórias que se perdem
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34:41Se um amigo seu não curte as suas coisas, você fica chateado? É com essa pergunta que eu reflito sobre a importância que damos para os likes. -👵🏼 Lorelay Fox é Drag Queen há quase 20 anos e, nesse loreverso, falamos sobre ETs, conselhos (ruins), dicas de maquiagem e assuntos cotidianos.-↗️ Conteúdos extras e exclusivos você encontra em nosso Instag…
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- Me siga aqui no Spotify - De 5 estrelas no podcast - Ative as notificações - Faça um comentário no episódio - Me siga no Instagram: @proberto_
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87. Devemos Adotar a Compaixão Como a Oitava Dimensão da ABA? Com a Dra. Mariana Guimarães
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1:15:21Send us a text Neste episódio, as Dras. Layla Sump e Mariana Guimarães revisam e discutem o artigo publicado sobre compaixão como a oitava dimensão da análise do comportamento aplicada. Artigos referenciados: Baer, D. M., Wolf, M. M., & Risley, T. R. (1968). Some current dimensions of applied behavior analysis. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis,…
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Today, I’m thrilled to welcome back my longtime friend and the ever-insightful historian, Leanda de Lisle. Together, we explore how faith shaped the Tudor dynasty, from Henry VIII’s seismic religious upheaval to Elizabeth I’s reign and the unifying vision of James I. Leanda's books Website: https://www.leandadelisle.com/about/ -- Looking for a comm…
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Afinal, a arbitragem é uma carreira precária?
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9:50Vales para o supermercado e kits de oferta (com uma maçã): é o que ganham os árbitros em Portugal. Espanha está pior... certo? Ainda, já sentia o Brasil: o real adepto vive para a humilhação. See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.द्वारा Observador
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Aphra Behn: Revolutionary, Author, Spy
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40:26Aphra Behn was a true original. Not only was she the first woman to earn a living by writing, she was also a spy, a political propagandist and a revolutionary. Publicly she was all brash sexuality and outspoken politics, but what is known about the woman beneath? Professor Suzannah Lipscomb is joined by Dr. Janet Todd to discuss how Behn navigated …
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Margaret Beaufort, Survivor, Rebel, Kingmaker with Lauren Johnson
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1:14:43She is the woman who started it all, the Tudor dynasty's matriarch, Margaret Beaufort, mother of King Henry VII and a truly fascinating figure in her own right. In recent years thanks to historic fiction, she has become a figure of controversy, portrayed as an evil religious zealot, obsessed with getting her son on the throne, but is this interpret…
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Episode 284: Mysticism in Tudor England
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24:05In Tudor England, magic wasn’t just superstition—it was serious business. From court astrologers choosing royal coronation dates to village wise-women offering charms and cures, mysticism shaped everyday life and political decisions alike. Let's dive into Tudor mysticism. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Julgamento Bolsonaro: 'denúncia será aceita. A questão é se vai ser por unanimidade ou não'
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11:38Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta as expectativas em torno do julgamento que pode tornar Bolsonaro réu pelo envolvimento nos atos golpistas. Ela destaca que, devido a contundência da denúncia, certamente será aceita, a única dúvida que resta é se vai ser aprovada com unanimidade ou não. Ouça.
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The Seymours Uncovered: Answering Your Questions!
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22:23In this episode, I’m diving into all things Seymour! I’ll explore the origins of the Seymour family, the history of their famous estate, Wolf Hall, and the powerful (and sometimes rocky) relationships they had with Queens Mary I and Elizabeth I. We’ll also take a closer look at Anne Stanhope, the formidable Duchess of Somerset, and her role in the …
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Julgamento dos atos golpistas: 'defesa vai questionar vínculo entre Bolsonaro e 8 de janeiro'
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10:09Tem início nesta terça-feira (24) o julgamento sobre a aceitação da denúncia contra Jair Bolsonaro e mais sete acusados envolvidos nos ataques golpistas de 8 de janeiro. Maria Cristina Fernandes destaca que a atenção estará voltada para a estratégia da defesa, que deve focar em questionar o envolvimento do ex-presidente no episódio.…
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ENCORE! Time Machine Word of the Week : Boyar
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14:03Philadelphia, Gage, and Jessica go to great lengths to reveal and discuss the similarities between a certain Henry and a certain Ivan. Oh boy...ar!द्वारा Tudor Time Machine
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This would be comic if it didn't have such terrible consequences. Relevant Episodes: S1 - 034 - 1st Viscount, Francis Lovell, | Tudoriferous Cameo 8 - John Sante Abbot of Abingdon | Tudoriferous Cameo 3 - Ralph Wilford | Tudoriferous Join our Patreon family for yet more episodes -Tudoriferous | creating a Podcast discussing the great, good and mad …
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Professor Suzannah Lipscomb steps into the electrifying world of Elizabethan theatre to unravel the dark allure of Christopher Marlowe's Dr. Faustus, a work that would forever change English drama. Together with Professor Emma Smith, she decodes the Renaissance masterpiece that dared to humanize the devil and challenge religious orthodoxy. How did …
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What Really Killed the Virgin Queen: The Death of Elizabeth I
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6:01On 24th March 1603, Queen Elizabeth I passed away at the age of 69—but what exactly caused her death?Despite being one of history’s most documented monarchs, the exact cause of Elizabeth’s death remains a mystery. Historians and medical experts have proposed various theories, including:- A deadly tooth abscess—Could an infection have turned septic?…
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We're back with another This Week in YouTube where we highlight some recent content from my YouTube channel. This week: Mary I & Philip of Spain - A Marriage Doomed from the Start; Was Queen Elizabeth I Secretly a Man_ Debunking the Bisley Boy Conspiracy. Make sure you're subscribed at https://www.youtube.com/@hteysko so you don't miss all the cont…
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Two Queens, Two Tragedies: Empress Sisi & Queen Min
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19:49Explore the lives of Empress Sisi of Austria and Queen Min of Korea—two powerful women who defied tradition, navigated political intrigue, and fought for their nations' futures, only to meet tragic ends. -- Narrated by: Rebecca Larson Researched by: Emily Airey
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Tudor Beards: A Hair-Raising History!
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7:54Beards in Tudor England weren’t just about fashion—they were symbols of masculinity, power, and even political loyalty! From Henry VIII’s beard rivalry with Francis I to Elizabeth I’s courtiers dyeing their beards red in her honor, facial hair was serious business. Did you know that some Tudor men believed beards were proof of virility? Or that pul…
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The author of the forthcoming book The Pretender, about Lambert Simnel, discusses the parallels of Simenl's story to today, and really, what is truth anyway? Preorder The Pretender on Amazon today - it's a wonderful book. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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'Silêncio sobre Zambelli sugere que deputada foi abandonada por bolsonarismo'
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8:14Os ministros Gilmar Mendes, Carmen Lúcia e Alexandre de Moraes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal, votaram para condenar a deputada Carla Zambelli a cinco anos e três meses de prisão. Maria Cristina Fernandes analisa o caso e também fala do julgamento da mulher que pichou estátua do STF.
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Episode 285 - Sexuality and Sodomy Laws in Early Modern England with Jack Beesley
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44:48Join host Natalie Grueninger in this captivating episode of 'Talking Tudors' as she delves into the complexities of early modern sexuality and sodomy legislation in early modern England. Special guest Jack Beesley, a doctoral candidate specialising in this field, sheds light on how medieval and early modern people perceived same-sex relationships, …
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Orçamento 2025 reserva somente R$1 bilhão para o pé-de-meia; previsão era de R$13 bi
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9:20Maria Cristina Fernandes destrincha o Orçamento 2025, que começa a ser votado pelo Congresso Nacional nesta quinta (20), e destaca a reserva de apenas R$1 bilhão para o pé-de-meia. Inicialmente, estavam previstos R$13 bi, mas há a promessa de um projeto alterando o orçamento e dando mais recursos à iniciativa. Ouça!…
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Understanding Tudor Rebellions
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1:13:34In this episode, I’m joined by historian and author Helene Harrison to discuss her book Elizabethan Rebellions. We explore how every major rebellion in Elizabeth I’s reign can be traced back to one pivotal moment—Mary, Queen of Scots fleeing to England. From the Northern Rebellion to the Babington Plot, we unravel how Mary’s presence became a catal…
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Henry VIII's desire to divorce Catherine of Aragon changed England; it could be justified by a biblical law that prohibited a man from marrying his brother's widow, yet another passage seemed to suggest otherwise. In a surprising move, Henry called upon Italian rabbis to interpret these ancient laws. Professor Suzannah Lipscomb delves into the turb…
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The face of Lady Jane Grey with Rachel Turnbull
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30:44Lady Jane Grey hit the headlines a couple of weeks ago when news broke that a portrait, quite possibly of Jane, painted from life had resurfaced. Today, I welcome Rachel Turnbull, Senior Collections Conservator in Fine Art for English Heritage onto the podcast. Rachel was the person at the very centre of this discovery and examination. She joins me…
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Eduardo Bolsonaro viaja aos EUA em meio a tensões políticas e disputas internas
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8:32Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta ida do deputado Eduardo Bolsonaro para os Estados Unidos, gerando especulações sobre a mobilização contra o ministro Alexandre Moraes, do STF. Ela destaca a guerra interna no partido de Bolsonaro e possíveis desentendimentos familiares.
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Heir Anxiety in Renaissance Europe
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27:48Henry VIII is infamous for his obsessive quest for a male heir—but he was far from the only Renaissance monarch haunted by fertility struggles. Across Europe, kings faced intense pressure to produce sons, especially in France, where Salic law strictly required male succession. From Louis XII’s desperate annulment and Anne of Brittany’s heartbreakin…
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Venerable Day of the Sun #13: Idus Martiae
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8:00:50The term “Idus Martiae” is Latin for “The Ides of March” — an important period of time for the Roman empire when many pagan festivals were held, and also when Caesar was assassinated. This was a turning point in the empire’s history, and today we are also at a major turning point in the history of the rebirth of papal Rome through the image of the …
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When we think of Henry VIII’s inner circle, we usually focus on his wives, ministers, and high-ranking courtiers. But what about the man who held a razor to the king’s throat every day? Meet Edmund Harman, Henry VIII’s personal barber—a man who not only kept the king’s hair and beard in check but also navigated the dangerous world of Tudor politics…
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Imposto de Renda: 'É um projeto Robin Hood e Haddad deu um caráter de proposta histórica'
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11:20Maria Cristina Fernandes comenta o que está por trás das mudanças pretendidas pelo governo na alíquota do imposto de renda. Ouça!
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Unmasking Lady Jane Grey? The Mystery of the Wrest Park Portrait
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50:49**Join us for a LIVE chat on Sunday, March 23rd (10am CDT/11am EDT/3pm GMT) on Zoom using passcode: 878586 Recent news suggests that the Wrest Park portrait may depict none other than Lady Jane Grey. In today’s episode, I’m joined by art historian Melanie Taylor and historian and author Sylvia Barbara Soberton to explore the evidence. Who is the tr…
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Estreia. "O Misterioso Engenheiro Jardim". Episódio 1: Uma foto vai salvar-lhe a vida
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33:53É o homem certo para resolver os casos mais difíceis. Jorge Jardim formou-se como engenheiro agrónomo e chegou ao governo com apenas 29 anos, mas em 1952 um convite vai mudar-lhe a vida. Muda-se com a família para África para trabalhar como administrador de uma fábrica. Mas a capa de um homem de negócios e de um pai de uma família numerosa escondia…
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Great name, great death. Many thanks to Luna Cherry who has offered to make pictures for our cameo episodes. To see more of her work go to https://luzmarmexico.myportfolio.com Bigger versions of her cameo pictures can be found on our website. Tudoriferous – The home of the Tudoriferous Podcast Join our Patreon family for yet more episodes - Tudorif…
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'Depois do 8 de janeiro, Bolsonaro ficou tóxico para uma fatia expressiva dos eleitores'
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5:34Maria Cristina Fernandes fala sobre a manifestação comandada pelo ex-presidente Jair Bolsonaro na praia de Copacabana, no Rio de Janeiro, com o intuito de defender a anistia para ele e seus aliados. No entanto, o evento contou com um público significativamente abaixo das expectativas dos organizadores. Segundo a comentarista, o que chama atenção ne…
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EP.44 - Como soltar o controle e confiar no caminho?
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20:38Universo Tudo é Cura (Assinatura Mensal) ⭐ Dê um passo adiante em suas manifestações com meu conteúdo exclusivo para assinantes. Vem fazer parte! No episódio de hoje... Você sente que está sempre lutando contra a vida? Como seria soltar o peso da resistência e finalmente entrar no fluxo natural das coisas? Neste episódio, eu falei sobre como identi…
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**This podcast contains graphic descriptions of murders and the punishments of those convicted** Gruesome murders carried out by women captivated the public imagination in Early Modern Britain. Pamphlets, ballads, and woodcuts spread the stories of traitorous wives, cunning poisoners, child killers, and alleged witches. Professor Suzannah Lipscomb …
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We're back with another This Week in YouTube where we highlight some recent content from my YouTube channel. This week: Medieval Nights - The Lost Tradition of Two Sleeps; Tudor & Medieval Sleep Remedies. Make sure you're subscribed at https://www.youtube.com/@hteysko so you don't miss all the content we put out! Support the podcast for even more e…
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Women in Art: Artemisia Gentileschi & Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun
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बाद में चलाएं
16:07Artemisia Gentileschi and Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun were two trailblazing women who defied societal expectations to make their mark in the art world. Artemisia, a Baroque master, channeled personal struggle into her dramatic, emotionally charged works. At the same time, Élisabeth became one of the most sought-after portraitists of the 18th century, be…
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