Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.
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Daily audio devotional from Charles Stanley’s In Touch Ministries.
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TOUCH HEAVEN MINISTRIES is commissioned by the Spirit of God as an outreach to the world to help to Prepare The Way for The Coming of Our Lord. Jesus is indeed returning, the time is short, and ALL of us have much to do.
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To be a disciple, we are to disentangle anything from our lives that holds us back from fully surrendering to God.
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Take a moment today to thank Jesus for His great sacrifice and love.
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To keep moving towards Christlikeness, live what you believe.
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Do you have a tough time discovering the Lord's will for your life?
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1/26/25 message from Special Guest Diane ArnoldWe have a special guest for you and you don’t want to miss the opportunity to receive from the table the Lord has set for us. The Lord wants us to be one, with Him and with each other. We must be one with the Father. We will learn how to find oneness by leaning into the revelation of true relationships…
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Follow the pattern of selfless service that Christ has set before you.
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Faith is a gift from God that opens the door to salvation and enables us to enter into His Presence.
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The Lord's purpose is to bring us back from our alienated position to oneness with Him.
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To receive God’s intended blessing, focus your attention on Him during trials.
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Dr. Stanley explains how God bridged the gap between Himself and us by the cross where He sent His Son to cancel our sin debt.
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Trusting God in our weakness helps us see the power and glory of God.
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No matter how heavy the load you carry, you can trust God with your burdens.
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Relying on our own knowledge and strength robs us of the blessings that come from following God.
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Practice these four steps to improve your ability to respond with courage.
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Choose to trust God and face your challenges with courage.
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