Tokyo based video game podcast focusing on Nintendo and gaming culture in Japan's capital.
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Neo Tokyo's weekly dive into Web3, Gaming, and NFT events and discussion topics, featuring industry leaders and Citizen thought leaders.
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Pure TokyoScope is a weekly podcast hosted by writers Matt Alt and Patrick Macias featuring news, views, and pop culture direct from Japan. Visit for merchandise. Visit for bonus episodes and content
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お台場theSOHO 11階にあるラジオ放送局RADIO365のポッドキャスト配信用ページです。 ミュージシャン、アーティスト、俳優、声優、学生などにより作られた様々な番組が聞けます。
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Two Tokyoites’ insider views on the Japanese fountain pen world!
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Tokyo Fresh is a comedy, travel, culture, and advice podcast by Jordan & David that covers day to day issues with living in Japan as well as interviewing people who currently make Japan their home. Probably good, definitely stupid. Contact Us: Listener voice questions: Twitter: @tokyofreshpod Instagram: @tokyofreshpodcast @afroinjapan @zyrell MERCH JPN USA/EU/WORLD
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An Irishman and American walk into a bar...Two obsessed foreigners share the stories behind their pseudo-religious pilgrimage around the unique beauty of Japan's hidden world of jazz bars and coffee houses, documented on and in the Tokyo Jazz Joints photobook published in 2023.
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Formerly known as The /r/Anime Podcast, now known as Tokyo Podfathers. Fun, conversational, and grown-up discussions about old anime, new anime, various topics regarding anime, triangles, and occasionally whatever other things we happen to like. Still the best damn anime podcast, probably.
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A podcast for & by Kaiju fans. Forged by Coleman & Kyle. Piloted by Kyle, Cameron, Marisa, & Rob. Tune in as we go toe to toe with your favorite giant monsters!
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Join us as we search the internet for interesting news stories of the week. We mourn those who we lost, ask ain't he good though?, and make each other answer for the crazy white folk / black folk news as it breaks
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Your insider’s guide to Tokyo, Japan, and Japanese culture/language.
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Neo Tokyo's AMA Division dives into crypto gaming and Web3 project interviews. We strive to connect the listeners with unique projects through meaningful discussion and an open forum to ask anything. Original live recordings on X/Twitter Spaces and Discord.
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コレクションからヴィンテージに至るまで、 ファッションを巡るルーズなダイアログ。 服を愛する僕たちの、着飾らない、等身大の"モード"をお届け。 初めての方は最新エピソードからの聴取をおすすめ致します。 ファッション/デザイン/コレクション/モード/洋服/おしゃれ
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The Japan Business Mastery Show aims to draw back the velvet curtain on what is rerally going on with doing business in Japan. Everything is so different here it can be confusing. This show will take you through all those minefields and position you for success in this market.
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THE Presentations Japan Series is powered by with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The show is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of presentations, who want to be the best in their business field.
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Japan's Top Business Interviews is the premier business interview podcast for people who want to know more about business in japan. The guests cover a range of industries and organisation sizes, to present a thorough overview of issues with leading in Japan. If you are a leader, especialy someone leading in Japan, then this is the podcast for you.
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THE Sales Japan Series is powered by with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The show is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of sales, who want to be the best in their business field.
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THE Leadership Japan Series is powered with great content from the accumulated wisdom of 100 plus years of Dale Carnegie Training. The Series is hosted in Tokyo by Dr. Greg Story, President of Dale Carnegie Training Japan and is for those highly motivated students of leadership, who want to the best in their business field.
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住在東京山手線附近的Eva跟 CW每天總是會遇到很多破事,好困擾。 每天心累也實在說不出什麼勵志的話語,只想回家藉酒澆愁。 歡迎大家邊聽邊跟我們一起喝酒,一起Kanpai。 破事不分國界,歡迎來信分享破事。 也歡迎抖內我們酒水錢,讓我們酒後吐更多真言。 IG: tokyosumimasen Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Naomi and Tammy, two Japanese women living in Tokyo, talk about a variety of things happening in Tokyo.
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Talking about Japanese snacks, candy and Kit Kats and all things in Japan! :) Help support our channel at
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Check yourself into The Tokyo Hotel. An eight-part comedy radio series.
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这里是東京ステーションズ。 来自不同行业的几位在日华人,以在地视角带你体验另一种日本生活和东京文化。 This is Tokyo Stations Podcast. Several Chinese from different industries will tell you another Japanese life and Tokyo culture from their perspectives.
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皆さん こんにちは! Disfruta aprendiendo にほんごへようこそ! このチャンネルでは教科書や文法にとらわれず 日本語が好きなどなたにも聴いていただけるエピソードを お届けします。 リスニングを通して日本語の自然なリズムや響きを身に着け.より スムーズに日本語を聞き取れたり、使いこなせるようになる ことを目指しています。最初は私の発音をそのままコピーしてみてください! ハミング のように真似しても効果があります。 まずは単語を意識せずにフレーズのTONEや全体の雰囲気を感じてください ☆日本語を勉強する前に確認してほしいポイント☆ ⑴日本語を勉強する目的、目標は? ⑵自分独自の良い勉強方法を見つけたか? ⑶日本語学習を楽しんでいるか? ⑷学んだ事をアウトプットしているか? ⑸日本語のアクセントやイントネーションを意識しているか? いかがでしたか? 皆様の日本語練習に少しでも役に立てればうれしいです 希望のテーマや知りたい事などエピソードの リクエストがある方は是非お気軽に下記のメールまで ご連絡くださいね お問い合わせは英語、スペイン語、日本語可です real ...
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陽気なおしゃべりマスター!アメリカ帰りのプロゴルファー・ゴルフ解説者タケ小山がゴルフマネジメントで培った独自の視点で経済・ビジネス分野を中心とする各ジャンルの「ニュースマスター」達とガチンコトーク! ニュースが " 今日使える " ビジネスのヒントに! " 聴く!ニュースビジネス誌 " 「The News Masters TOKYO」で今日の仕事にナイスオン! (月)~(金)AM7:00~9:00 文化放送にて生放送! (AM1134/FM91.6/
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A weekly look at the lesser-seen side of the trains, history and culture of the world's most interesting city
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BEAMSとラジオ局InterFM897がプロデュース。BEAMSのコミュニケーションディレクター 土井地博が、様々な分野で活躍しているゲストを迎え、影響を受けたファッション、音楽、アートなどのカルチャーから、ゲストの「こだわり」を紐解き、その人の未来のクリエイションを共有していくトーク番組です。
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今、みんなで共有したい悩み、感じている社会への違和感とは……? 『Tokyo Young Boss』では、Z世代インフルエンサー2人のヤングボス、長谷川ミラと佐藤マクニッシュ怜子が、社会問題、恋愛、ビジネス、生理、セックスなど、さまざまな話題や課題についてのメッセージを募集し、一緒に考えていきます。 「ウェルネス」「セルフラブ」のキーワードも掲げるヤングボス2人によるポジティブトークプログラムをお聴き逃しなく。毎週月曜日に配信。 ▼ハッシュタグをつけて投稿!プログラムへの感想・質問・取り上げてほしいトピックを募集します。 ▼私たちは、質問の内容や質問者をジャッジしません。 #トーキョーヤングボス ▼メッセージ投稿はコチラ 投稿フォーム ▼メールでもおたよりを募集 【Tokyo Young Boss 公式アカウント】 Instagram @tokyoyoungboss
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“TOKYO 1HOUR” is “soundscape” program, field recorded the ordinary sounds of Tokyo just in 1 hour. Feel the real Tokyo sound, in your country, your town, your room. Twitter Hashtag【#TOKYO1HOUR】
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这里是東京ステーションズ。 来自不同行业的几位在日华人,以在地视角带你体验另一种日本生活和东京文化。 This is Tokyo Stations Podcast. Several Chinese from different industries will tell you another Japanese life and Tokyo culture from their perspectives.
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ボイス収集隊とは「シンクロのシティ」で東京の街のリアルな声を集めるために 集結した女の子3人組。 毎日エディロール(録音機材)片手に東京中を歩き回り 街の声を文字通り「収集」!そんなボイス収集隊のレギュラー番組が7月から再開!
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ミッションはクラブミュージックにとどまらず、音楽と人との接点を増やし、DJカルチャーの理解を深めること。 LINE ID @tokyodj( 番組で取り上げて欲しいテーマや応援メッセージはLINEまで。 音楽に興味のある方向けに、オフ会や練習会(DJ部)、知識を深める企画も運営しています。ご興味のある方は是非フォローをよろしくお願いいたします。ハウスDJのKITKUTとA.M.A.が音楽・DJ・クラブ・イベントについての内容を週に3本お届けしています。
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Podcast by Tokyo Smoke
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Join Walter Nishinaka as he explores Japanese American culture in Los Angeles through conversations with community members and friends.
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Here on the Tokyo Ponderings podcast I interview interesting people who reside or somehow related to Japan and hear their stories.
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Welcome to the Sincerely Tokyo podcast, where keeping it real may be too real to handle.
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Mixes taken from our radio show at Offering up a weekly fix of Electro/Techno/Disco/Nonsense... T.D. xx
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国内外59局ネットでお届けする、インディーズメインの音楽バラエティ!全編ダウンロード配信中!日本全国から選りすぐったインディーズアーティストをDJ Nobby自らブッキング。アーティストの本質に迫るトークと、「ファン目線」で選ぶ音楽で聴く人を魅了する60分。
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A place where I share my obsession, knowledge, inspiration and drive for a healthy life. Cover art photo provided by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash:
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Podcasting house, tribal, progressive and minimal techno with host Dj Chris Hale
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TOKYO FM Premium Podcastsは、ジャンルを問わず豪華なゲストたちによる、ここだけの限定コンテンツを配信していきます。 ミュージシャン、アーティストなど様々な顔ぶれが続々登場!あなたの大好きな“あの人”が登場するかもしれません!
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Япон улсад ажиллаж сурч амьдарч байгаа Онигиринууд хэнтэй хаана юу хийгээд юу бодож явааг манай подкастаас сонсоорой. Найзуудтайгаа хамт суугаад зүгээр л сайхан ярилцаж байгаа юм шиг мэдрэмжийг түгээхийг зорилго болгон явж байгаа.
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066: Are US Stable Coins a backdoor to a CBDC!?
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On Episode 66 of Interlinked, Ben, and Cryptoetheus and dive into: Are US Stable Coins a backdoor to a CBDC!? Citizens & Guests Nick/Cryptoetheus - Ben - Sponsors: Shrapnel: Twitter: Website: Playa3ull Games: Twitter: https://twitter…
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Clients sometimes ask us to help their Japanese executives have more “presence”. This is rather a vague concept with a broad range of applications. There is a relevant Japanese concept called zanshin ( 残心 ). A rather difficult term to translate into English, but when you see it, you will recognise it. In Karate we do the predetermined, specified fo…
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【You Tubeの再生ボタンを押してお聞き下さい】 チャラDJ・島田ryuと、流浪のミュージシャン杉本榛名がお届けする30分!眠らない街・水道橋よりロックなビートでお送りましす♪
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We often hear that people buy on emotion and justify with logic. The strange thing is where is this emotion coming from? Most Japanese salespeople speak in a very dry, grey, logical fashion expecting to convince the buyer to hand over their dough. I am a salesperson but as the President of my company, also a buyer of goods and services. I have been…
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Episode 156 - Space Amoeba Revisited
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SHOWNOTES 01:35 - The News! 14:13 - Space Amoeba Discussion CREDITS Our music comes from the extremely talented Eclectic Method. We thank him for the permission to use the song "Monsters" throughout the show. If you’d like advertise with us or sponsor us, please e-mail Also check out our Patreon here!…
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How To Sell Your Presentation To Pull An Audience
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Whether we asking to give a talk or asked to present, we need an audience. The onus is on the meeting hosts to take care of the logistics of the venue and the associated tech needed to carry out the presentation. We cannot leave everything to them though, because our personal brand is tied up with the success of the event. Now “success” can be defi…
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#153 【大人の友達関係】 社会人になって価値観が合わなくなった友達、どうする?
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▼公式Instagram @tokyoyoungboss ▼メッセージ投稿 投稿フォーム ▼ハッシュタグ #トーキョーヤングボス をつけて感想・質問を投稿! 私たちは質問の内容や質問者をジャッジしません。 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Z世代モデル・経営者の長谷川ミラ、佐藤マクニッシュ怜子がお届けするおしゃべりPodcastプログラム。 アプリで聞いてくれているそこのアナタへ! このポッドキャストを「フォロー」して、最新エピソードを聞き逃さないようにしよう👀
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Moon: Remix RPG Adventure with Joshua Goldie, Switch 2 Reveal, Earthbound in Shinjuku
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Source Gaming’s Joshua Goldie returns as we dive into 1997’s cult classic Moon: Remix RPG Adventure! We dive into everything weird and wonderful about this anti-RPG and how it influenced so many developers. Plus, we take a peek at the next generation as we discuss the Nintendo Switch 2 reveal! And I take you inside a very busy Earthbound pop up sho…
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The Tokyo Black News and Review Ep 322 - Old Man Winter
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In this ep we talk it's till cold af in the south, no Frasier season 3, Tik Tok, Biden issues pardons like they are going out of style, Melania Trump shows up to inauguration lookin like the Hamburglar, Elon's suspicious salute, Myspace Tom makes an appearance, Orcas impersonate human speech, mushrooms can talk to each other, and much more! Email h…
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232 Koji Endo, Chairman, Kai Group
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Koji Endo's approach to leadership in Japan offers valuable insights into navigating the complexities of running a business in a culturally rich and nuanced environment. As the third-generation leader of the Kai Group, Endo inherited a legacy steeped in tradition and innovation. He took over the presidency at 33, following the sudden passing of his…
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安居昭博さん_Tokyo Midtown presents The Lifestyle MUSEUM_vol.874
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1月24日OAのゲストは、サーキュラーエコノミー研究家の安居昭博さんです。 現在、世界中で大きな注目を集めている「サーキュラーエコノミー」= 廃棄を出さない循環型経済とは、いったいどういう取り組みなのか? 安居さんが研究している事例とともに、その仕組みと未来に関して詳しく伺います。 その実践例となる「京シュトレン」とは? >>著書『サーキュラーエコノミー実践』 <オンエア楽曲> Sons Of Kemet『Let The Circle Be Unbroken』द्वारा ピーター・バラカン/柴田幸子
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Sonic 3 - Tokyo Podfathers #33
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People keep asking us if we're back Yyyeah I'm thinking we're back Hosts: Panic The Hedgehog and Bex the Crocodile Guests: Angst The Bee and Smurf The Smurfद्वारा The Tokyo Podfathers
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Presenters get this wrong. Avoid creating a barrier between yourself and the audience. Presenters are often elevated on a stage or positioned at the front of the room, surrounded by podiums, slides, lighting, and microphones, all of which can inadvertently distance them from their audience. In Japan, standing above a seated audience requires an apo…
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This week Jordan and David get into talking about their goals for the New Year and things they want to achieve. Discord invite Contact Us: Email Twitter: @tokyofreshpod Instagram: …
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Sitting Men, Live from Standing Man
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Taking professionalism to new heights, this week we are live (and barely audible) from the incredible Pithecanthropus Erectus, birthplace of the Tokyo Jazz Joints project, the joint featured on the slipcase cover of the Tokyo Jazz Joints photobook, and our spiritual home. Even we don't know what we talked about...…
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New Year, New Phase of the Hobby
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CY, Jacob, and returning guest Khuê reminisce about the past year and make some predictions for 2025. Show notes with links and feedback form. Jingle by (CC Attribution).द्वारा CY and Jacob
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