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Asbjørn Kvalbein

Tankevækker tager typisk udgangspunkt i en hverdagssituation eller historie, samt et bibelvers, som der reflekteres over. Tankevækker er oprindelig skrevet af Asbjørn Kvalbein.
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The Coop Tank


A new podcast from Steve Cooper, the host of ”CooperTalk”. He talks to business owners instead of entertainers and finds out why they do what they do and how they got there.
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Mord i mina tankar

Mord i mina tankar

Mord i mina tankar är en true crime-podcast som görs av Jessica Thyselius och Amanda Nilsson. Varje vecka berättar vi om ett mordfall på det enda sättet vi kan, lättsamt. Vi väljer även att varna känsliga lyssnare redan här. Hoppas vi hörs! Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Fri Tanke-podden

Fri Tanke

I "Fri Tanke-podden" samtalar Christer Sturmark med vår tids främsta intellektuella, från Steven Pinker till Åsa Wikforss. Nya avsnitt varje vecka, alltid som ljud, ibland även som video. Presenteras av Fri Tanke. Signaturmelodin är skapad av Gunnar Muvemba Lidström. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Ni tan bien

SER Podcast

El late night que la radio necesita. Actualidad contada con humor, colaboraciones, entrevistas y contacto directo con el público. Actual, desenfadado, buen rollero y un poco mamarracho. Un programa en el que hablar de las cosas que nos preocupan, de las cosas que no nos deberían preocupar y de las cosas que nos preocupan sin necesidad.
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The Mostly Yoga Podcast is a long-form conversation hosted by yoga teacher Aaron Tan and joined by his friends (both yogis and non-yogis alike) where they share teaching experiences, tips on holding space, and discuss the nitty-gritty of anatomy, along with plenty of other topics both yoga and beyond.
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Success is different for every individual, money, cars, nice house! I think you will find what you are looking for as I interview guest from all walks of life. From athletes, to entrepreneurs and all types of careers! I will help you to find the Shape of Success.
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The Adrian Tan Show

Adrian Tan

This is my podcast, where I speak with folks to explore the nuances of modern work and its idiosyncrasies. Beyond just the enablers and vendors transforming this space, I will also include intimate conversations with people navigating newfound career pivots. They have successfully transitioned to their new careers, and I hope to distil their ups and downs in this unstructured journey so the rest of us can learn from their best practices.
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Tanken macht wieder Spaß! Aber nur in Ankes Tanke, wenn die Dame hinter der Kasse täglich Themen anspricht, die einen schon immer mal nicht interessiert haben. Zusammen mit ihrem Stammgast Stefan und dem Dauerkunden von Zapfsäule vier geht es um die wirklich, wirklich, wirklich wichtigen Dinge des Lebens. Wie zum Beispiel Linkshänder, der Besuch im Baumarkt oder Taylor Swift. Ankes Tanke gibt es Montag bis Freitag täglich neu im Programm von HIT RADIO FFH und hier als FFH-Original-Podcast. P ...
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The RE-Think Tank LIVE


The Re-Think Tank LIVE is an entertainment show that presents social commentary on current events, and is recorded LIVE every Tuesday at 7pm EST. We encourage you to get your perspective involved, so join us live across the platforms to bring your comments into the show. We stream live on YouTube, Rumble, Twitch, and Facebook
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Tan Sólo Será Un Minuto

Daniel Relova

⏳ El tiempo es oro, lo sé. Sin embargo, este podcast apenas te "robará" unos minutos. 📅 Te cuento algunos datos, hechos y otras efemérides del día para que tengas otros temas de los que hablar con tus vecinos en el ascensor o simplemente, que puedas despejar la cabeza un rato. 🙌 En fin ya sabes: "Lo breve, si bueno, dos veces bueno". ¡Suscríbete y comparte! 💻 www.danielrelova.com 📩 hola@danielrelova.com
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Seattle Eats with Tan Vinh

KUOW News and Information and Seattle Times

Seattle is a buffet of great food... if you know where to look. Seattle Times journalist Tan Vinh invites listeners to the area's hottest restaurants, road-side food stalls and everywhere in between to find the best meals in the city and to meet the people who make them sing. New episodes every other Thursday. Thank you to the supporters of KUOW, you help make this show possible! If you want to help out, go to https://www.kuow.org/donate/seattleeatsnotes Seattle Eats is a production of The S ...
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Mc-tankar i kubik

Mc-tankar i kubik

En podcast för den som kör motorcykel, vill köra motorcykel eller tycker om att titta på när andra kör motorcykel. Följ med och lyssna på andras inspirerande historier och få mer kunskap inom motorcykelsportens alla områden.
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Award-winning radio host, Mikhail Tank (KPFK) invites you to enjoy provocative conversations on the subjects of Culture, The Arts, Psychology, Spirit, Soul, and altogether deep conversations. Previous guests have included royalty, award-winning artists, top professors, magicians, witches, top-selling and helpful authors, psychologists, as well as religious and spiritual leaders, and attorneys. Tank's Archetypal Mosaic first premiered in 2015.
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Boss Tank: Ser tu propio jefe


Mi objetivo es ser un aliado de negocios para que emprendedores latinoamericanos puedan lograr todo lo que se proponen. Para ello he logrado convertirme en un puente entre las nuevas empresas y la empresa tradicional. ¿Qué significa esto? Que apuesto firmemente por la economía naranja y del conocimiento. Entiendo al emprendimiento como una de las fuentes más importantes del crecimiento de un país.
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Robert Edward Grant - Think Tank

Robert Edward Grant

Join Robert Edward Grant & Exclusive Guests as they explore time-worthy topics, from Current Issues, Science, Philosophy, and more, from a unique polymathic perspective. Robert continues to connect with incredible individuals throughout his successful career, relentless personal ambition, and passion for learning, helping shape who he is today. He believes that when we approach life’s most challenging questions, we can find the answers but must expand our perspectives, but to do so, we need ...
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Carina Svendsen

Jeg fokuserer på hverdagsøkonomi med et livsfokus. Når du forstår dine følelser for dine penge og dine tankemønstre omkring din økonomi, så har du direkte adgang til det liv, som du gerne vil leve. Jeg er pjattet med, at du er her, og jeg glæder mig virkelig til at vise dig en vej til dine penge og din økonomi, som hverken er kedelig eller frygtbaseret. Dine penge skal nydes med god samvitighed - uden løftede pegefingre. Velkommen til.
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Join Gia and Keisha for weekly conversations about our beloved friends in Port Charles (and even Nixon Falls), including shout outs for great acting, sparkly outfits and daring hair, well chosen paintings at General Hospital and fresh succulents all over town. Plus a little English major stuff.
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Two In The Think Tank

Andy Matthews & Alasdair Tremblay-Birchall

Listen as Andy and Al come up with five sketch ideas, without fail. Maybe seven if we don't think that the first five were very good. Follow us on twitter! Al - @alasdairtb Andy - @stupidoldandy Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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This is a podcast to discuss gambling on NASCAR. Whether it's moneyline bets, odds to win, top 10 finishes, head to head matchups, etc. We'll breakdown the upcoming race and discuss the best value picks of the week. The sports betting industry is about to blow up, and you can bet your bottom dollar that NASCAR will be going along for the ride. Hop on board with @FullTankPhil on instagram and cash in!
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The Hockey Think Tank Podcast


The Hockey Think Tank Podcast brings incredible stories, interviews, and great perspective from some of the top hockey minds in the game. Hosted by Topher Scott & Jeff LoVecchio, our podcast will educate and inspire all those that love the game! For all the players, coaches, and hockey parents out there...make this your Go-To show on your way to the rink! Join our Community here!
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show series
🗣️ En este nuevo episodio te cuento la realidad en las costas de Chittagong, en Bangladesh, donde miles de barcos encuentran su última parada. Un lugar donde el acero de los gigantes marinos encuentra su tumba… pero a un precio demasiado alto. 📲 ¡Suscríbete y comparte! https://linktr.ee/tansoloseraunminuto 💻 www.danielrelova.com 📩 hola@danielrelova…
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Chase is in the loop! And he seems to be taking his anger out on Lulu, which works for Gia and Keisha! Brook Lynn is taking her anger out on Lois, and that works for Gia and Keisha too! Now, Brennan and Carly. Not really working. Joss and her WSB trainer? Also not working. Sonny and Laura? Sort of working as friends again, but maybe Laura should ho…
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¡En el programa de hoy nos visita la cantante Suu! Nos habla de su nuevo proyecto “Material sensible” y de toda su trayectoria que es tremenda para lo insultantemente joven que es. Hablamos también del síndrome del impostor y de cómo lidiar con él. No nos suelta el brazo el tío pesado. También de las señoras del gimnasio y de que el regalo por su 1…
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Eating out is getting pricier. But if you’re looking for a great deal at Seattle-area restaurants, all you have to do is adventure out on a quieter day. Many local eateries run deals during their slowest hours, like Monday evenings or mid-week lunch times. In this episode, Tan explains his list of the 5 best meal deals in the region. Read more abou…
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Wong Su-Yen is a distinguished international leader who serves as a Non-Executive Director and Chairman in various global public, private, and not-for-profit organisations. She has held directorial roles in Australia, India, Indonesia, Myanmar, Singapore, and the United States, spanning industries such as telecommunications, media, professional ser…
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Let the madness begin! Tan and J-Man break down the brackets for the 2025 Men’s NCAA Tournament. They give their picks, upsets, dark horses, etc. and talk some NFL Free Agency as well. Buy Tan and J-Man Show Merch: Tan and J-Man Show Store tanandjmanshowstore.com Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TanandJManShow/ Follow us on X: https://…
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En este primer capítulo de Demole' Play, analizamos la polémica película Emilia Pérez, dirigida por Jacques Audiard, que llegó a los Premios Óscar con 13 nominaciones, ¡pero solo ganó 2! Con un elenco que incluye a Zoe Saldaña,Selena Gómez y Carla Sofía Gascón, la película ha generado una gran controversia, especialmente en Latinoamérica, por su re…
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I’ve made a lot of interesting friends from jits and Urmish is one of them. We talk about the balance between strength and technique, his struggles of being the ‘big guy’ at the gym and insights from his first BJJ competition. Stuff we talked about: Gi vs. Nogi Playing the game of ‘Jiu-jitsu’ Technique > Strength? Being the ‘big’ guy at the gym Ask…
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Jag var tvungen att stryka med händerna över skåpdörrarna och viska förlåt. För inte kommer jag att såga itu det. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Om Kajsa Reicke: Kajsa Reicke är skådespelare, pedagog och bildkonstnär. Sedan 1979 är hon verksam både i fria grupper och på institutionsteatrar. 2013-2019 drev hon Tantteatern i Umeå, till…
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Chad and Jordan discuss the fallout from trades and free agency, including Jordan Mason, Aaron Jones, and Isaac Guerendo. Plus almost 2 hours of premium content this week! You can get all the DTT Patreon content for $10 a month at patreon.com/DynastyThinkTank. Follow Chad on Twitter: @chadparsonsNFL Follow Jordan on Twitter: @mcnamaradynasty…
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On today’s FRIDAY FACEOFF episode, Toph wants to talk about the exciting and contentious landscape of the NHL trade deadline. We discuss some of the most recent trades this season and get an inside look of the emotions behind the trade deadline. TEN MINUTES ON THE CLOCK STARTING NOW! We appreciate every listen, download, comment, rating, and share …
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Teknik och makt är mer sammanflätade än någonsin, och en ny elit av techoligarker har vuxit fram. Företagsledare som Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Sundar Pichai, Elon Musk och Sam Altman påverkar inte bara marknaden utan även politiken. Är de visionära pionjärer eller moderna makthavare med farliga ambitioner? Hur påverkar deras inflytande den globa…
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Tålamod, tänker jag. Det är redan dag tre, bara sju dagar till och kursen är slut. Och då är ditt gamla, dumma jag, dött, borta för alltid. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Faiaz Dowlatzai är författare med rötter i Balkh, poeten Rumis stad i norra Afghanistan. Han skrivit romaner, antologier, noveller, krönikor och artiklar. Den senas…
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Pants Illustrated: https://www.instagram.com/pants.illustrated?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== Andy's appearance on "Unconventional Pathways" https://open.spotify.com/episode/13Vvnv8E0ws4mHOQV1JTLS?si=QbBr7oIySE-ESOYeruvScg Andy's appearance on Pitch Bleak on Youtube: https://youtu.be/grK7kSL_T2g?si=sVX-s1mhXx9ZhQDf There…
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On Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg, Dani speaks with Alissa Viera and Lindsay Williams of the Toledo, Ohio-based ice cream manufacturer Swanky Scoops. They discuss the grants that allow local economies to flourish, the impact that delays in the reimbursement of funds can have on small food businesses, and how federal grant freezes — even when tempor…
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Längst ner i de arkeologiska lagren finns en låda som följt mig genom alla mina flyttar. Den är alltid stängd, den har jag aldrig vågat packa upp. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Inga-Lina Lindqvist är författare och litteraturkritiker på Aftonbladet Kultur. En judisk flicka från Sovjet som landade i Sverige sommaren före gymnasiet, b…
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It's roundtable time on "The Coop Tank". Coming to you from SuiteRecording in Mt. Laurel, NJ, Steve Cooper has an insightful and lighthearted conversation with Matthew Contrady (Anchor Moving & Storage), Gina (Food Export Midwest & Northeast) and Allison Farcus (Assured Partners) about the business world, the networking world, and life. Thanks for …
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Food Tank, in partnership with Driscoll’s and Huston-Tillotson University and with the support of Organic Valley, recently hosted the “All Things Food” Summit at SXSW. This bonus episode of Food Talk with Dani Nierenberg features two conversations from the event. First, Dani sits down for a fireside chat with Sam Acho, an author, humanitarian, ESPN…
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¿Franquicia o negocio propio? En este episodio de Boss Tank, exploramos los pros y contras de ambas opciones para ayudarte a decidir cuál se ajusta mejor a tu perfil. Hablamos de inversión, riesgos, rentabilidad y mucho más. ¡No tomes una decisión sin escucharlo!
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On this week's episode we start off by taking a look back at the upset victory in Las Vegas by Josh Berry. He shocked the NASCAR world, and is now a Cup Series winner. From that point we're looking forward to Homestead. New place in the schedule, but same High Tire Wear track, and hopefully same great action. It's one of the fan favorite tracks of …
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On today’s SHORT SHIFTS episode, Toph wants to talk about the crucial timing of pulling your goalie to help win the game. TEN MINUTES ON THE CLOCK STARTING NOW! We appreciate every listen, download, comment, rating, and share on your social sites! Shout out to this Short Shifts supporter: SkateTech Skate Sharpening & Equipment Repair Follow us: IG:…
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Men när kopplar jag ihop mina ägodelar med existentiella värden? Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Tomas Brytting är professor emeritus i organisationsetik vid Marie Cederschiöld högskola (f d Ersta Sköndal Bräcke högskola). Etiken kring hur vi köper, säljer, sparar och jobbar - det är vad jag ägnar mig åt. Att direktsända Tankar för da…
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Amanda berättar färdigt om rövhatten Tommy som gör riktigt hemska och sjuka grejer. Jessica berättar med en lycka man annars bara kan höra hos en medelålders tant som varit med om samma sak, om hur fulla småpojkar i Göteborg trodde hon fyllde 19 år. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.…
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Dagens afsnit er dedikeret til udvalgte spørgsmål, som i dag handler om både uforudsete udgifter, madbudgettet og ærlighed i din økonomi. Både spørgsmål og svar kan forhåbentlig inspirere dig i din egen økonomi. Link til podcast afsnitद्वारा Carina Svendsen
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In this mind-expanding episode of Think Tank, Robert sits down with Neven Paar, a modern Hermetist, esoteric researcher, and the author behind Serpent Rising. Neven shares his profound journey into mysticism, from a spontaneous Kundalini awakening in 2004 to his deep exploration of Hermeticism, the Golden Dawn, Kabbalah, astrology, and ceremonial m…
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Welcome back to Tank Slappers. On this week's episode, host Dre Harrison is joined by Motorsport.com writers Oriol Puigdemont and Federico Faturos to report on all the action and news coming out of the 2025 Grand Prix of Argentina. At the front, it was almost a case of Deja Vu as Marc Marquez defeated his brother Alex in a one-on-one fight. But the…
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In this episode of the Tritank Podcast, Lorenzo Lebrija hosts Bob Johansen and Gabe Cervantes to discuss the intersection of artificial intelligence, leadership, and faith. They explore how AI can augment human capabilities, the fears surrounding its adoption, and the importance of maintaining human connections in a rapidly changing technological l…
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Join Alex and special guest Jack Liebster as they debrief an intriguing and Sale Sharks heavy 6 Nations and look ahead to the return of the Premiership with Sale's away trip to Newcastle. Support the show For all our other latest thoughts, follow @SharkTankRugby on X/Twitter. If you'd like to get in touch please drop us an email at sharktankpodcast…
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