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Staycation med Caspar Jexlev

Vores Tid & LOUD

Sommerferien sydpå er aflyst. Hvad gør man så? Man tager da på staycation i gamle Danmark sammen med Caspar Jexlev. Gennem 10 afsnit rejser han landet rundt og guider dig til steder, der måske ikke står øverst i turistbrochuren, men både er besøget værd og fortæller dramatiske kapitler af danmarkshistorien. Produceret af Vores Tid for Radio Loud.
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At the helm of Staycation Pools and Spas, Douglas Griffith is a customer-centric design maestro. His passion for delivering bespoke experiences is evident in every project, ensuring that each pool and spa is a reflection of the client’s unique lifestyle and preferences.
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As President of Staycation Pools and Spas, Douglas Griffith exemplifies visionary leadership and exceptional expertise in pools and spas. His dedication to outstanding customer service and community involvement sets him apart, making a significant impact on both the business and the communities it serves.…
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Douglas Griffith, at the forefront of Staycation Pools and Spas, champions innovative pool and spa solutions while maintaining a strong commitment to community engagement and superior customer care.द्वारा staycationpoolsandspas00
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Douglas Griffith serves as President at Staycation Pools and Spas. His unique approach to design and construction has set a new benchmark for excellence. Griffith’s dedication to quality and innovation ensures that Staycation Pools and Spas continues to lead the industry, creating stunning outdoor spaces for clients.…
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Leader Douglas Griffith, President of Staycation Pools and Spas, leads with a visionary approach, blending expertise in pool and spa services with a strong commitment to community engagement and outstanding customer service.द्वारा staycationpoolsandspas00
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Douglas Griffith is not just a leader; he's a passionate advocate for his customers. Heading Staycation Pools and Spas, he goes beyond designing pools and spas, ensuring that each project reflects the unique desires and lifestyles of the clients.द्वारा staycationpoolsandspas01
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Staycation Pools and Spas, led by the seasoned professional Douglas Griffith, is a beacon of excellence in crafting dreamy outdoor spaces. With over a decade of expertise, this company specializes in creating custom swimming pools and spas that leave a lasting impression.द्वारा staycationpoolsandspas01
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Dive into the world of aquatic luxury with an engaging conversation featuring Douglas Griffith, the President of Staycation Pools and Spas. In this illuminating discussion, Griffith unveils the secrets behind creating aquatic excellence, sharing his expertise and passion for crafting exceptional pools and spas.…
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Staycation Pools and Spas go beyond pool construction; they specialize in turning dreams into tangible realities. Under the leadership of Douglas Griffith and with the support of a dedicated team of specialists, they fashion custom swimming pools that stand as a testament to their unwavering commitment to perfection. If you're poised to enhance you…
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Staycation Pools & Spas, led by esteemed industry professional Douglas Griffith, redefines custom pool design and construction. With over a decade of expertise, Griffith's visionary leadership transforms ordinary spaces into extraordinary havens. His legacy of mastery ensures projects are built to endure, boasting meticulous attention to detail and…
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Som dansker er det svært ikke at have oplevet den stigende interesse for vores lands vikingehistorie de sidste 10 år. Film, tv-serier og computerspil har for alvor sat det helt gamle Danmark på verdenskortet. Men hvordan var det nu lige, det egentlig var at være viking? Og hvordan passede man på sig selv, når der kom andre vikinger for at plyndre o…
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I 2020 er det 100 år siden Sønderjylland kom tilbage til Danmark. Der opstod selv sagt en del komplikationer, når en landsdel sådan skifter ejer. Ud over de kulturelle udfordringer og ændringer Sønderjylland gennemgik i tiden efter genforeningen, så var der også initiativer, der for altid forandrede dele Sønderjylland fysisk. I dag tager Caspar Jex…
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Danmark er et af de lande, der har flest kilometer kyst i forhold til landmasse. Det betyder også, at store dele af Danmark har levet af og på havet op igennem tiden. I dag er det primært turister, der flokkes til kysten, og særligt på Bornholm. Men sådan har det ikke altid været. Bornholm var et hardcore fiskersamfund, hvor døden altid var en pote…
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I 2020 er det 75 år siden Danmark blev befriet, og 2. Verdenskrig sluttede for vores vedkommende. Det er dog desværre også 75 året for katastrofen ved den Franske Skole på Frederiksberg. For to måneder før krigens afslutning, beslutter det engelske luftvåben at bombe Gestapo i København. Noget går dog grueligt galt, og udfaldet er et sønderbombet F…
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Hver gang der kommer nye kulturer til vores andedam skaber det debat, og det har det gjort lige siden debatten blev opfundet. Kan man nu stole på de nye, og er det altid de sidst ankomnes skyld? For over 200 år siden marcherede spanske soldater gennem Kolding. I dette afsnit tager Caspar Jexlev til byen for at undersøge, hvad soldaterne stadig får …
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Priden er lige om hjørnet, og i dag er den en stor folkelig kærlighedsfest i den seksuelle diversitets navn. Men sådan har det desværre ikke altid været. Faktisk var det i Danmark ulovligt for to mænd at danse sammen i offentligheden frem til 1973. På den anden ende af spektret var vi det første land i verden, der tillod to mænd at indgå i registre…
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Den Kolde Krig forblev heldigvis kold! Ellers kunne vi i Danmark have været rygende hul i jorden den dag i dag. For det skortede ikke på atommissiler og andet farligt habengut, da Danmark havnede i frontlinjen til det, der kunne have været 3. verdenskrig. Russerne har de seneste år raslet med sablen igen, og spændingerne er på ny tiltagende mellem …
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Det er langt fra første gang, at Danmark er ramt alvorlige epidemier. I 1853 rasede en koleraepidemi i det nordligste Jylland. En fyrbøder havde taget sygdommen med fra København, og blev således den nordjyske ’patient nul’. Herfra udviklede situationen sig utroligt meget som vi har set det i Danmark og Europa under Coronapandemien. Først løb vi tø…
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I 1658 mister vi Skåne, Halland og Blekinge til svenskerne. Vi forsøger at få dem igen, men bliver på ny sendt tilbage over Øresund. Så skulle man tro, at vi havde lært lektien, men næh. For vi prøver en sidste gang ved i al hast at mobilisere en kæmpe hær, for nu skal svensken ha’dada. Hele denne hær blev samlet i Københavns Krigshavn. Tag med når…
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I over 600 år har man smuglet alt hvad man kunne mellem Tyskland og Danmark gennem det sydfynske øhav. Alt fra køer til sukker, over sprit til cigaretter og stoffer. Tag med til det naturskønne øhav, når Caspar Jexlev taler med museumsinspektør ved Svendborg Museum, Nils Valdersdorf Jensen om, hvorfor smugling blev så kæmpestort lige præcis her. Væ…
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Episode Notes Wow, a brand new episode! Danielle, Daniel, Justin, Christy and Aaron talk about time travel, vampires, Lantern Flies and gross teenage boys! Also, they improvise some wacky scenes. And if anyone is going to be in the Baltimore area on Saturday, August 3rd, Staycation is going on the road and performing at Baltimore Improv Fest! Go to…
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Episode Notes A duo-prov episode featuring Jess and Justin! Also refurbished desserts, orphans, the WNBA and chocolate crimes. It's long-form improv in podcast form! Find out more at https://staycation-indoors.pinecast.coद्वारा Staycation: Indoors
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Episode Notes Staycation Presents "Throw-Up Bowl" starring Christy Devlin, Justin Passino, Danielle Tampier and Daniel Moyer. longformimprov #improvcomedy #comedypodcasts #improvpodcasts Find out more on the Staycation Indoors website.द्वारा Staycation: Indoors
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Episode Notes Time for some Duo-Prov with Christy Devlin! We explore a very quiet neighborhood, a not-so-quiet library, a social media wonderland and the Charlotte Hornets get a new dancer. It's long-form improv in podcast form! Find out more on the Staycation Indoors website.द्वारा Staycation: Indoors
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Episode Notes We have a special guest this week! Jiah Peck of local sketch-group Challengers of the Well Known joins us on this episode. Also with us are Justin, Christy and Daniel. We explore a restaurant that goes back to basics with its' menu, Toon Court and a very special showing of Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Its long-form improv in podcast fo…
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Episode Notes Yooooooo! New episode! Sorry, it's been awhile! But we're back. This episode features Daniel Moyer, Aaron Alkasov and Justin Passino. This episode as clones, goths, Jerry Seinfeld. What more could you want? It's long-form improv in podcast form! Find out more on the Staycation Indoors website.…
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Another duo-prov episode with Daniel Moyer and Justin Passino! Staycation Indoors is an improv comedy podcast created by Staycation, a team based out of the Lehigh Valley, PA. It's long-form improv in podcast form! Find out more on the Staycation Indoors website.द्वारा Staycation: Indoors
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A duo-prov episode starring Daniel Moyer and Justin Passino! Staycation is an improv team based out of the Lehigh Valley, PA. This is their podcast. It's long-form improv in podcast form! Find out more on the Staycation Indoors website.द्वारा Staycation: Indoors
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