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On Sunday, Tommy talks about how each day Jesus is calling us into a deeper and fuller place on our faith journey, where our complete trust, reliance, and dependence upon Him leads to our being one with our Loving God. Although following Jesus can be difficult, because of what it requires from us, He still waits patiently for us to continue journey…
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In a Gospel passage with two miracle stories, Rev. Marissa focuses on the feeding of the 5,000 and what these miraculous stories have to tell us. How are we meant to hear these wild stories in the world we live in? And what does this one have to say to us about living a faithful life today?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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In some packed readings, Rev. Marissa focuses some on King David, on what makes him special, on how his faithfulness is visible to use even from so far away. What does he have to teach us about our life in this very different time? The Gospel expands this definition of faithfulness as we see sacrifices made by Jesus and the disciples. How do we par…
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In the Gospel for today, Mark sandwiches two healing stories together. Each one enlightens the other and both have something to say to us about what healing really is and how it takes place. What is it that you are carrying that needs to be healed? And what will it mean for you to be set free?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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The Gospel today gives us a rare moment - a view into something really special: Jesus asleep. Jesus relaxed. Jesus resting. We see this so rarely in scripture, it's important to pay attention to what Jesus is doing. And what that means for us. Even in the eye of the storm.द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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The Gospel of Mark gives us today two of the most well known parables of Jesus. Is there a new way to look at these? What does the text have to say to us today about the world we live in and how we're meant to live in it as Christians? What can we learn about the Kingdom of God from the mustard seed, spores, pachysandra, and the urge to survive?…
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On a Sunday when we celebrate our graduating seniors, Rev. Marissa was hoping for some different readings! And we have to contend with what these readings say to us - and find the good news that is always there. Rev. Marissa explores what it is that sets Jesus aside, what of that is meant for us, and what the cost is sometimes of doing the right th…
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On the first Sunday in Pride month, Rev. Marissa explores a Gospel passage in which Jesus breaks a few rules. She tells a story about the church's presence at the Pride festival in Wilton the day before. And she preaches the good news of Jesus the intentional rule breaker.द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the day of Pentecost, Rev. Marissa reflects on the importance of the story of the Spirit's arrival. What is Jesus trying to tell us? It was also a baptism day, so we thought together about our baptismal ministry, what happens at the moment of baptism, and what God is asking us to do in the world. If we were given the power of the Spirit at bapti…
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On the Feast of the Ascension, Rev. Marissa explores this strange, out of body story. What does it have to do with our lives today? Can we connect to a story that is so different than our own understanding of the world around us?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the sixth Sunday of Easter, Jesus says, "No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends." Who would you lay down your life for? What does that even mean? Do you have an initial gut response? What does Jesus mean? Rev. Marissa looks at John's Gospel and letter and explores what John means.…
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On the 5th Sunday of Easter, St. Matthew's was honored to welcome the Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward as guest preacher. In her sermon for the day, Carter talks about God's love and the ways in which we are called to share it. What is this love? What form does it take? And what does it ask of us?द्वारा The Rev. Dr. Carter Heyward
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On Easter Day, Rev. Marissa reflects on the Gospel of Mark, the surprise at the tomb, how that connects to hunting Easter Eggs, and what it means for us now. Where do you see signs of hope? How are you a part of the story of the good news?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On Palm Sunday, the reading of the Passion takes center stage. Afterwards, Rev. Marissa offered this brief reflection about this moment in time, the Gospel, and how we might begin Holy Week together.द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the 5th Sunday in Lent, Rev. Marissa focuses on some special work that has been done at the parish. As part of our worship and prayers on this day, we recognized the story of a number of people who were part of the history of the place. What can we learn from this Gospel that is useful to us in the work of loving our neighbor? What can we learn …
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On the third Sunday in Lent, Rev. Marissa looks at John's version of the cleansing of the temple. How is it different than the other three Gospels? How is it the same? And what does it mean to us now to know that Jesus overturned tables and chased money changer's out of God's house?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the Second Sunday in Lent, Rev. Marissa explores this short passage from Mark, and how full it is of core beliefs. One of them is about the cost of discipleship. What are your core beliefs? What are you meant to do in this season? What is the sacrifice you're meant to make?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the first Sunday in Lent, Rev. Marissa digs in to Mark's sparse prose about the baptism and temptation of Jesus. Mark has a lot to say to us about what's happening to Jesus and what we should bring with us into this new church season.द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the last Sunday in the season of Epiphany, Rev. Marissa reflects on the story of the Transfiguration and what it could mean for us now. She also confesses it's not her favorite story...!द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the Sunday of our Annual Meeting, Marissa examines the Gospel and some of the other texts while addressing the current state of the union (state of the parish). What do the texts have to say to us about where we are in our journey? And where God is calling us to go?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the 4th Sunday after the Epiphany, Rev. Marissa explores a short passage from the Gospel of Mark. This is how Jesus chooses to introduce himself. Although, someone else does the actual introducing. What does this story have to say to us about our faith today?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the third Sunday of Epiphany, Rev. Marissa examines all three of the lessons and wonders what they have to say to us today about conflict, calling, and love. How can we say yes to the unknown? How can we live into the call to love our enemies?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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Bishop Mello visited St. Matthew's on Sunday, January 7th as we celebrated and remembered the Baptism of the Lord. Listen to this important and wonderful message from our Bishop.द्वारा The Rt. Rev. Jeffrey Mello
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On the second Sunday of Advent, Rev. Marissa looks at the themes of Advent and responds to a call for support from our local community. What does Advent have to say to us about how we love God and our neighbor?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On the first Sunday of Advent, Marissa explores the themes of urgency, alertness, and apocalypse. What are we meant to do with these today when the world is so different? And what should we be preaching, teaching, and offering to those around us?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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As we near the end of the season of Pentecost, we hear the last few parables in Matthew's Gospel. These are part of Jesus's last discourse in Jerusalem before the crucifixion, so they're important pieces of the puzzle. In the parable for today, we hear the common themes of preparation and readiness. But what does the text have to say to us about co…
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The "greatest commandment" is perhaps one of the most well known sayings of Jesus, but we often take it out of context. What is Jesus saying to us in the two episodes in this passage? What does it have to say to us today about how we live and move and have our being?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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The conflict between Jesus and the religious elites continues. Today they try to trick him, to get him to say something treasonous. What he says, though, maybe isn't as easy to unpack as it seems.द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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In the Gospel today, Jesus appears to tell us a rough parable that doesn't seem to follow naturally from everything that came before. Rev. Marissa tries to offroad a bit and explore a different interpretation.द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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In the wake of terrorism in Israel, Rev. Marissa contends with two texts that have been used historically in hurtful ways. What do we need to know today about God's covenant? And how does that change and shape the ways we live and love our neighborsद्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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One of the first works kids learn to master is the word "no". We all say no, across many times and places in our lives. But God wants us to live lives of yes. What does that mean and how do we do that?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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Continuing to teach with parables, Jesus gives us today an image of a vineyard. And in this vineyard, things seem to work a little differently. This parable tends to spark lots of different kinds of feelings. What is there to learn about God's economy and God's generosity?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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On Kickoff Sunday, as we celebrated the Feast of St. Matthew, Rev. Marissa reflected on Matthew's story and on what he trades away when he chooses to follow Jesus. What does he gain by being a disciple? And what does he have to give away to have a seat at Jesus' table?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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What do we do when scripture seems to say something we don't like? Or when Jesus says something that doesn't sound like the loving Jesus we think we know? Sometimes we have to just read the text again. And dig in a little deeper. As our Presiding Bishop says, "If it's not about love, it's not about God." Where's the love in the tough Gospel from to…
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In the Gospel for today, Jesus walks on water. It's a familiar image, but that one image doesn't tell the full story. What does Peter have to teach us about following Jesus?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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In the Gospel for today, we hear a number of parables from Jesus, but none of them are as straightforward as they seem. In fact, some of them are a little edgy? Maybe even sneaky? What is Jesus trying to tell us when he describes the Kingdom of Heaven with these images? And how is that supposed to teach us about living a life of faith?…
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Jesus tells the crowd another parables about seeds and growth - and this time the weeds. What are the weeds? And what can we learn from God about growth, care, patience, and goodness? Rev. Marissa explores a modern read of a parable that has been used in some hurtful ways. What can we learn from this parable today?…
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In this passage from Matthew's Gospel, Jesus is giving parables to the crowd. Today we hear the parable is the Sower - and Jesus even tells us what some of it means. What can we learn from the seed, the sower, and the soil?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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As we wind our way through Matthew's Gospel, Jesus has some important things to say to us today about rest and renewal. Rev. Marissa explores how we relate to and interpret scripture, how we understand John the Baptist, and what all of this can help us learn about the rest and revolution Jesus promises.…
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Continuing his speech to the disciples, Jesus indicates that for those of us who hear the good news, it may not be easy. What voices do we listen to? And what is our role in God's work? Rev. Marissa also explores the fullness of the story of Jeremiah hoping it will help clarify the Gospel.द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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Jesus sends the disciples out into the world to proclaim that in him, the kingdom of heaven has come near. And he has very specific instructions and advice for them. What does that mean for us and for the world?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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Bishop Jim Curry joins St. Matt's to share about his ministry with Swords to Plowshares and to celebrate Confirmation and Reception. He explores the good news of Jesus and the realities of gun violence in this country - and what our faith calls us to do. Thank you, Bishop Curry!द्वारा The Rt. Rev. James Curry
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On Pentecost, Marissa explores the way the texts talk about the Spirit and about the gifts she brings. Then, the congregation is asked to consider their own work, their own hope, their own message. All of us receive the Holy Spirit through baptism. What is it she has given you? What does she ask of you?…
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On her first Sunday at St. Matt's after family leave, Rev. Marissa reflects on the texts, the closeness of God, and the goodness of community. There's a new road ahead for all of us. How will we meet it?द्वारा The Rev. Marissa S. Rohrbach
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The lesson from the First Letter of Peter points back to the Hebrew Scriptures with an invitation to the early Christian community: "Come to him, a living stone, though rejected by mortals, yet chosen and precious in God's sight, and like living stones, let yourselves be built into a spiritual house..." They and we are called to be living stones, k…
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Often called Good Shepherd Sunday, Easter IV is laced with imagery and themes of sheep and shepherd and gate keeper. Jesus says, "I am the good shepherd." John's writer reveals that the shepherd knows his own sheep by name and that the sheep know the shepherd's voice. The essence of Jesus' teaching is that he came so that all may have life and have…
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In Luke's gospel, the risen Christ first appears to two of his disciples on the Emmaus Road. It was the same day that Mary Magdalene, Joanna, Mary the mother of James and the other women found that the tomb was empty. The women told the disciples who didn't believe them. Jesus showed up as a stranger to the two on the Emmaus Road and they didn't re…
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Matthew's gospel writer tells that early in the morning Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb, finding it empty. An angel of God appeared to them and said, "Do not be afraid." Jesus had risen from the dead. The women went to the other disciples to tell the good news. They were the first evangelists and invite us to continue telling the…
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