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SOMM TV wine & food


Jason Wise, the director of the SOMM films, takes you deep into wine, food, and the stories that surround it. From our films, upcoming shows and great wines of the world to sports, celebrities, and major events impacted by the culinary world. The SOMM TV podcast is simple, it's about everything.
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Das Sommerhaus der Stars

RTL+ / Martin Tietjen, Carlotta Unna

Wenn die Promi-Paare wieder ihre Koffer packen und sich in Bocholt die Pforten öffnen, dann ist es wieder Zeit für das "Sommerhaus der Stars". Und somit auch jede Menge Potenzial für Gesprächsstoff. Damit ihr damit nicht alleine seid, sprechen Martin Tietjen und Carlotta Unna im offiziellen Podcast zur Sendung bei RTL und auf RTL+ jeden Dienstag über das, was im Haus passiert ist, lassen also die Woche Revue passieren, führen exklusive Interviews und analysieren die neuesten Entwicklungen ru ...
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The Risk-Reward Show is a weekly podcast series about international business, trade, entrepreneurs and occasional political ranting. With partners in Los Angeles, Tel Aviv, London, New York, Cape Town, Mumbai and Shanghai, we bring insight and news directly to you from wherever in the world it is happening, directly from the people experiencing it. We're not journalists; we're just some guys who want to know what's actually going on. The Risk-Reward Show is co-production of Angry Meta Trader ...
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Sommercamp i Kolding

Apostolsk Kirke Danmark

Sommercamp i Kolding podcast indeholder alt indhold fra Keynote-sessionerne om formiddagen og prædikenerne ved aftenmøderne - altsammen lige ved hånden og klar til lytning når og hvor du har lyst. Besøg for mere info om Sommercamp i Kolding.
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Sommeren i Danmark er historisk i år. Coronavirus betyder, at de fleste af os bliver hjemme, men det behøver ikke at være kedeligt. I 'Sommertid' på Radio4 tager vi lytterne med ud i sommerlandet for at møde nogle af de mennesker, for hvem 2020 har haft en helt særlig betydning eller konsekvens. Sammen med gæsten sætter vi fokus på nogle af sommerens brandvarme samtaleemner - og giver inspiration og anbefalinger til lytternes egen sommertid i Danmark.
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Paarig – Das Jahnke/Sommers Gespräch

Gerburg Jahnke, Hajo Sommers

In 16 Folgen sprechen Frau Jahnke und Herr Sommers über Langzeitverlobung, über die Unterschiedlichkeit von Frauen und Männern, über Liebe und Nicht-Liebe. Außerdem über Fußball, älter werden und Fragen wie: Sind Männer witzig? Können Frauen Logistik? Keine Vorbilder, keine Lösungen.
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Everyday Sommelier with Kristi Mayfield, Wine Educator

Kristi Mayfield | Everyday Sommelier

Ever found yourself staring in the wine aisle at your local grocery store or sitting at a restaurant, totally clueless about which wine to choose? You know what you like when you taste it, but when it’s time to pick a bottle for your next dinner party or match it with a meal, you’re scanning labels, Googling wine pairings, and still second-guessing every choice. But here’s the thing: You don’t need to be a sommelier to enjoy wine confidently. With the right knowledge and a little guidance to ...
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Vellerup Tidende - en podcast om hverdagslivet i Vellerup Sommerby

Produceret af Hans Greve Brandenborg, sommerhusejer i Vellerup Sommerby

Vellerup Tidende Podcast, er en podcast om livet og fælleskabet i Vellerup Sommerby og har som sådan nok også mest indhold og interesse for Grundejerne i Sommerbyen - men du skal være meget velkommen til at lytte med alligevel. Podcasten udgives og produceres af Hans Greve Brandenborg, som er sommerhusejer i Vellerup Sommerby.
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The Alex Sommerfield Podcast

The Alex Sommerfield Podcast

Talking about sports and what not from the perspective of student-athlete who plays college basketball in Alaska and grew up a fan of Seattle sports. Cover art photo provided by Tyler Nix on Unsplash:
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The Sommelier


Connectors of taste, Sommeliers are more than experts at pairing great wine and food. Hear from the wine, beer and spirit storytellers we entrust to guide us towards a discovery of things we never knew we loved. On The Sommelier Podcast.
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That Somm Talk

That Somm Talk

Anthony and Fiona are wine-drinking, restaurant-going, industry types in Los Angeles who enjoy talking about fancy grape juice (wine) & whatever else tickles their fancy. Support this podcast:
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Midsommer Flight » SommerCast

Midsommer Flight5 / Julian Stroop & Margaret Kellas

Midsommer Flight, a Chicago theatre company dedicated to producing high quality, accessible productions in Chicago communities, invites you to join Chicago actors Julian Stroop and Margaret Kellas on an audio tour of Shakespeare in Chicago. They cover everything from text work and history to modern day practice and current trends for Shakespeare nerds and newbies alike. Enjoy performances and interviews from guest artists and some new perspectives on some very old plays. Also stay up to date ...
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My name is Chase Sommer and one day I want to own a professional esports team! This series was created to document my journey and share what I’ve learned along the way. Connect with me! #esports #esport #gaming #collegiate #gamer #future #vlog #raleigh #northcarolina #youtubegaming #youtube #youtuber #ga ...
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Tanja Andreeva & Mari Melilot

En podkast om søm av synerder for synerder. Tanja Andreeva og Mari Melilot skravler i vei om sømmelige temaer hver uke. Bli med i syklubben vår! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Somm and Somm'er

Floyd Gray

We will discuss and educate wine enthusiasts on everything that is wine. We are not Sommeliers, just two guys that love talking about the experience, companionship with food and the joy wine brings us.
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Pour comprendre comment bien dormir naturellement à tout âge... Lancer des S.O.S... ET pour suivre les actualités, parfois surprenantes, sur le sommeil! Gestion naturelle du sommeil et de la santé pour adultes, enfants, adolescents et aînés. Parce qu'il est tout à fait possible de dormir sans médicament et sans béquilles, en suivant ses rythmes et besoins naturels, pour la vie! Études de cas, Q & R, capsules informatives, commandements du bon dormeur, etc. seront ajoutés ponctuellement Visit ...
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Geeky Goodness from the Fossil Huntress. If you love palaeontology, you'll love this stream. Dinosaurs, trilobites, ammonites — you'll find them all here. It's dead sexy science for your ears. Want all the links? Head on over to Fossil Huntress HQ at
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Wir reden über alles, was dich bewegt: Liebe & Sex, Körper & Aufklärung! Das Dr. Sommer Team gibt Antworten auf die Fragen, die ihr euch schon immer gestellt habt. Mit dabei: Experten und spannende Persönlichkeiten, die kein Blatt vor den Mund nehmen und sagen worauf es wirklich ankommt. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Nous ne sommes pas seuls

Catherine Dorion

Le podcast de Catherine Dorion, députée de Taschereau à l'Assemblée nationale du Québec. Vous pouvez y entendre des gens du comté et des gens d'ailleurs. Des vedettes, des citoyens ordinaires, du monde dans la marge. On parle culture, philo, médias, vieillesse, patrimoine, environnement, immigration, et ben, ben d'autres affaires. Abonnez-vous!
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OHoney with Amanda Cerny & Sommer Ray

Amanda Cerny & Sommer Ray

Amanda Cerny and Sommer Ray and their guests will take questions from lovesick listeners, hopeless romantics and offer up their best advice for surviving millennial relationships. OHoney will cover everything from making a profile for a dating app, to ghosting on date, and even how to get someone’s attention when sliding into their DM's. We wanna make the podcast even better, help us learn how we can: For advertising opportunities please email PodcastPartnerships@Studi ...
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Dois irmãos. Dois Sommeliers. Dois apaixonados por vinhos e bebidas especiais. Somos os Somm Brothers. Vamos falar de vinhos e outras bebidas especiais. Produção, degustações, curiosidades, dicas, entrevistas. Senta conosco e vamos em frente. Segue a gente no instagram também, que vai ter coisa boa por lá: @sommbrothers
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The Alcohol-Free Sommelier

Brimful Drinks

The Alcohol-Free Sommelier is a fortnightly look at the world of No & Low alcohol drinks, hosted by Christine Parkinson. Meet the people who create, serve, sell and drink them. Find out the latest news on technology and ingredients, history, market trends and legal issues and of course, the drinks on the shelves right now. If it’s non-alcoholic, it’s here!
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☾ Si vous avez petit message, ou une demande de méditation n'hésitez pas à me l'envoyer à Eva à l’adresse ☾ Peut-être avez-vous du mal à dormir ? ☾ Peut-être êtes-vous un peu stressé.e ? ☾ Peut-être aimeriez-vous faire taire cette voix qui ressasse et s'inquiète dans votre tête ? ☾ Quel que soit votre objectif, Murmures Nocturnes est fait pour vous ! ☾ Dans ce podcast, vous trouverez plein de méditations guidées faites pour s'endormir et retrouver sa paix et son courage ...
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Sommelier de Sueños


Un espacio para recordar a quienes que con sus sueños nos permitieron ser mejores. Tambien para encontrarnos con los sueños de quienes nos acompañan cerca, todos los dias. Todo ello revivido en las secciones de Historias para hacer Memoria, las Historias Cotidianas y Danos el vino de cada dia. En Sommelier de Sueños, tenemos vinos y sueños para desgustar.
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Kosher Sommelier Podcast

Andrew Breskin

Welcome to the Kosher Sommelier! This podcast aims to elevate, inform, and entertain wine lovers from casual drinkers to connoisseurs, with a focus on the kosher market. Hosted by Andrew Breskin, we are going to focus on getting to know some notable players in the kosher wine space, such as winemakers, wine critics, and movers and shakers in the business of wine. We will also be leveraging Andrew’s extensive network in the broader wine world to have some meaningful conversations with some gr ...
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The Beat Somm

Skobie Won

Dive into the creative universe with Skobie Won The Beat Somm, your go-to podcast for deep dives into the arts and inspiration. As your host, Skobie Won invites musicians, producers, comedians, and artists from every corner of the creative world, sharing their stories, journeys, and the essence behind their craft. We hope to provide an intimate look into the minds of industry icons and rising stars through our long-form interviews, aiming to offer listeners unparalleled insights into the cre ...
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Sommer bei uns

NRW Lokalradios

Sommer bei uns in NRW – wir machen für euch einfach das Beste aus dem, was uns allen die Corona-Pandemie eingebrockt hat. Und das ist gar nicht so schwer: Denn wir haben in Nordrhein-Westfalen jede Menge Spannendes zu erleben, Schönes zu genießen und Sehenswertes zu entdecken. Eine Auswahl dieser Sehenswürdigkeiten zwischen Aachen und Bielefeld, Münster und Köln, Dortmund und Düsseldorf machen wir hörbar – und zwar als ganz persönliche Empfehlungen für alle unter euch, die ihren Sommer ganz ...
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Music journalist/promoter, Sommer Sharon, talks with female musicians and music industry professionals about their relationships, motivations, life-changing decisions, their work and more. Go backstage and into the homes and histories of these talented women in the music industry. We’ll also talk about music news, new music, album opinions and current issues affecting the music industry, including issues around gender equality and women empowerment. No rules, always diverse, we’ll cover the ...
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Somm Women Talk Wine

Kristi Mayfield and Charisse Henry

Join friends and fellow wine enthusiasts Charisse Henry (WSET2) and Kristi Mayfield (WSET3) on Somm Women Talk Wine, where we dive into all things wine with passion and expertise. Kristi’s knack for simplifying wine education into bite-sized, accessible nuggets perfectly complements Charisse’s extensive experience in the service industry—creating a match made in wine heaven! Each episode is packed with wine insights, tips, and tricks to help you craft your own fantastic wine experiences. We ...
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Ce soir, je suis avec Nathalie, nous jeudi 26 juin. Nous sommes sur la place du marché juste à côté de la librairie Mots en marge. Nathalie a une invitée particulière, ce soir. — Oui, j’ai le plaisir d’accueillir Leïla Slimani qui est une romancière, écrivaine française d’origine marocaine, qui a obtenu le prix Goncourt en 2016 pour Chanson douce qui est paru aux éditions Gallimard. Ce soir, elle nous fait l’amitié de venir. C’est la première romancière qui vient après la période de confinement.
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CONNECTIONS with Cindy Sommer

Connections with Cindy Sommer

Cindy’s listening ability began as a child but it wasn’t until age 23, when she was told to let her first born child ‘go back home’ that she really started to learn the definition of Perfect Love. After much meditation and prayer, she allowed the process of her son’s transition to take place and he died in her arms at the age of nine days old. Having already embarked on her career as an LA County Deputy Sheriff, her son Jarom (pronounced Jer-rum) became her constant non physical Spirit Guide ...
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show series
Can fine wine be made with more than just grapes? Today we speak to esteemed Napa winemakers Steve and Jill Matthiasson about the oldest and possibly most under appreciated kind of wine. Today’s episode is brought to you by Auction Napa Valley. To register for a chance to win a pair of tickets to attend the greatest barrel tasting in the United Sta…
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Send us a text Ever picked up a bottle just because it had a 90+ rating—only to be disappointed? You’re not alone. In Episode 19 of the Everyday Sommelier Podcast, host Kristi Mayfield uncorks the truth about wine ratings and whether they actually help or hinder your wine-buying confidence. By the end of this episode, you’ll discover: How wine rati…
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Today we take a dive into the Walt Disney Company's upcoming remake, how seemingly doomed films can sometimes surprise everyone, how markets can rebound and how autopens can somehow be a thing anyone actually cares about.द्वारा Petrucci & Sommer
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Send us a text In this enlightening episode, we're exploring the journey to discovering your favorite wine and the importance of tracking your preferences. Together, we’ll demystify the daunting question, "What's your favorite wine?" Want the good news? There's no incorrect response when it comes to personal taste. We’ll breaks down the key element…
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It's a State of the Union state of confusion as we discuss the latest things roiling the markets and the world. Buckle up as we get into the state of affairs and talk about what lies ahead. Plus we get to the usual nonsense about sports and movies since we like to think we know everything.द्वारा Petrucci & Sommer
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Send us a text Join Kristi Mayfield and guest winemaker Rae Wilson in this enticing episode of the Everyday Sommelier Podcast! Dive into the refreshing world of chillable red wines, tucked perfectly between robust reds and crisp whites, tailored for those delightful summer days or perfectly paired with a variety of cuisine. This is your year-round …
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Send us a text Join us in this fascinating episode where Hugo del Pozzo, co-founder of Pinea Wines, unveils the intricacies behind second wine labels. Kristi Mayfield, your Everyday Sommelier, navigates the complexities with Hugo to demystify why wineries launch second brands and how they can elevate your wine-tasting experience. Hugo's rich backgr…
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Which skyrocketed first -- the chicken or the egg? Today we're talking rising prices, Ukraine negotiations, farmers getting squeezed, things getting real, and a combination volcano-earthquake-tsunami-asteroid event that should put us all at ease. Is this the end of the world as we know it? Nope -- it's just another week in the new normal. Join us a…
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Passend zum Start des Sommerhauses der Normalos haben wir, Martin und Carlotta, ein echtes Highlight für euch vorbereitet. Wir waren für einen Tag in Bocholt, wo das Sommerhaus gedreht wird. Und haben uns gefragt: Wie sieht es eigentlich aus, wenn keine Stars und Normalos eingezogen sind? Was sagen die Bocholter eigentlich dazu, dass ihre Stadt zum…
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Send us a text In this revealing episode of Everyday Sommelier, host Kristi Mayfield pulls back the curtain on wine additives and their impact on your favorite bottles. From common preservatives to controversial color enhancers, we explore what really goes into making modern wines. BY THE TIME YOU FINISH LISTENING, YOU'LL DISCOVER: The most common …
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We are back to break down four films that have important wines in them. On today’s episode: Inglorious Basterds, Ratatouille, Pig, and The girl with the dragon Tattoo and the bottles found in those films are discussed. Make sure to subscribe to for the best in wine & food!
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Send us a text Biodynamic wine is gaining popularity for its sustainable and clean practices, but what does it really mean for wine lovers? In this episode, Kristi sits down with William Davis, Advanced Sommelier and Director of Education at Wilson Daniels, to break down the essentials of biodynamic farming and how it influences wine. From moon-pha…
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The heart and soul of the wine and food world is really about where it is grown, made, and ultimately where it comes from. On today’s podcast, Jonah Beer of True North imports, a small family importer of Italian and Burgundy wines returns the podcast to put a real perspective on the current trade war and how the threats alone may prove deadly to th…
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Send us a text Does your favorite bottle of wine sometimes taste off? In today’s episode of Everyday Sommelier, host Christy Mayfield explores why wine flavors can change and how to embrace these nuances. From the impact of storage conditions and serving temperatures to the role of glassware and even the influence of the biodynamic calendar, Christ…
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Down the rabbit hole we go on the future of gold, the future of Panama, China's new AI -- and the verrrrry interesting timing of its launch and announcement, among the usual nonsense happening in the world today, January 31, 2025. From Angry Meta Traders and Leitmotif Press -- This is The Risk Reward Show.…
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A transformative interview with top Brazilian Jiu Jitsu podcaster Ryan Ford about the martial arts industry and what may have been going on behind the scenes of that fight between Jake Paul and Mike Tyson. Along the way we'll cover Forex futures, promised tariffs, and the gentle art of surviving family gatherings in the Age of Trump II.…
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Send us a text Wine doesn’t have to break the bank to be enjoyable. In this episode, Kristi demystifies the world of budget-friendly wines, sharing practical tips and insider knowledge to help you shop smarter and sip confidently. Whether you’re navigating a crowded wine aisle or scanning a restaurant wine list, you’ll discover how to identify qual…
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As the new president begins to make good on many of his campaign promises and threats, economists and business owners wait in fear to hear what will become of “The promise to introduce wide and sweeping tariffs across the board”. On today’s podcast we speak to journalist Jessica Dupuy about how the wine, restaurant, food industry, and yes - your gr…
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Send us a text Does the shape of your wine glass matter? In this episode of Everyday Sommelier, I chat with Doug Reed, Southwest Retail Sales Manager for Riedel, to uncover the science and art behind wine glass design. From varietal-specific glasses to universal options, we explore how glass shapes impact aroma, flavor, and the overall wine experie…
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To honor the legacy of acclaimed filmmaker & wine drinker David Lynch who passed away this week, today’s episode of the SOMM TV Podcast will be taken over by winemaker and acting legend Kyle MacLachlan (“Twin Peaks” & “Blue Velvet”) & his good friend and fellow actor Joel McHale of “The Bear” and “Community”. They open several bottles and have a hi…
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Send us a text Do you know why some wines are labeled "Old World" while others are "New World," especially when some of those "New World" regions have been making wine for centuries? Wine lovers often feel restricted by these traditional categorizations, missing out on amazing wines because they're labeled in ways that don't reflect modern winemaki…
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Send us a text Wine tastings are an incredible way to explore wine styles, regions, and varieties. But let’s face it, they can also be chaotic, overwhelming, and, if you’re not careful, downright exhausting. In this episode, we’re taking the guesswork out of wine-tasting events with 3 insider tips to help you sip with confidence, maximize your expe…
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Send us a text Been dreaming about turning your wine passion into a career but don't know where to start? Many wine enthusiasts feel overwhelmed by the alphabet soup of wine certifications (WSET, CMS, SWE) and aren't sure which path is right for them – or if they need certification at all. In this episode, GuildSOMM Executive Director Jenny Hemmer …
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Send us a text Alcohol-free or non-alcoholic wines are growing in popularity, but are they worth a try? In this episode of Everyday Sommelier, I dive deep into the world of non-alcoholic wines—exploring how they're made, common misconceptions, and whether they can hold their own against traditional wines. If you've ever been curious but hesitant to…
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Send us a text Have you ever wondered if Dry January is worth the hype—or if there’s a way to enjoy wine while being more mindful about your habits? In today’s episode, we’re diving into Dry January and its growing popularity, along with alternative approaches like Try January and Come Over October. Whether you’re fully abstaining or just seeking b…
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Send us a text Are you overwhelmed by the sheer variety of red wines? From light and fruity to bold and tannic, even the same grape varietal can taste wildly different depending on its style. There are many varietals of red wine, each with unique characteristics. Your personal preference plays a significant role in wine selection, so understanding …
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Send us a text Are you a member of the "ABC" club—Anything But Chardonnay? It’s an understandable position! With so many unpredictable styles of white wine, it’s easy to order or pick the wrong one. But here's the good news: you can simplify your wine choices by breaking down white wines into 3 SIMPLE STYLES! In this episode, I’ll help you decode w…
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Send us a text Ever wonder why that wine club Chardonnay tastes completely different from what you remember at the winery? Wine lovers often feel confused and disappointed when their favorite wines taste different from bottle to bottle, making them question their own wine-tasting abilities. In this episode, I'll reveal why some wines taste the same…
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Send us a text Have you ever felt overwhelmed by the sheer amount of wine knowledge out there? Many wine enthusiasts believe they need encyclopedic wine knowledge to truly enjoy and appreciate wine, leading them to feel frustrated and inadequate when exploring the wine world. In this episode, I'm sharing why it's literally impossible for anyone — e…
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Send us a text Ever found yourself paralyzed when handed a wine list at an important dinner? Most of us default to ordering the same familiar wines or making random selections just to avoid embarrassment. In this episode of Everyday Sommelier, I'm sharing my own journey from corporate executive to wine expert and educator and why I'm passionate abo…
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There has been a large amount of anti-alcohol messaging in the last few years and just recently the Surgeon General has made clear the intention to place a cancer warning on all alcoholic beverages including wine, placing wine in the same category as cigarettes. On the podcast today Jason is joined by wine writer Jessica Dupuy to discuss this massi…
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On today's show, you'll hear about a paper delivered on a chilly December evening in 1857 by Philip Sclater that hugely inspired Alfred Wallace and eventually led to the publication of the Origin of Species by Charles Darwin. Both Sclater and Wallace were extraordinary in their own right. Both were passionate about natural history, keen observers o…
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Podcasten Vellerup Tidende, er en podcast, som primært er for beboerne i Vellerup Sommerby. I denne episode, er der lavet en lille opsamling på de events der har været i eftersommeren. Desuden er der tre medlemmer af Bestyrelsen, som har valgt at takke af for denne gang og nye er derfor tiltrådt. Vi har blandt andet fået en ny formand, så lyt med i…
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Les Sommeliers de la Lutte font leurs prédictions sur le PPV de la AEW : Worlds End 2024. Pour l'occasion, la reine Élizabeth (@Eli_to_the_P sur Instagram) nous ouvre son jeu sur ce qu'elle voit arriver durant le show. Pour faire vous aussi vos prédictions grâce au questionnaire des Sommeliers de la Lutte, c'est juste ici:…
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Buckle up friends, because on this episode, we draft wine regions. Join Jason Wise, sommelier Claire Coppi, winemaker and importer Jonah Beer, and film producer / wine collector Jackson Myers to assemble the greatest wine regions on earth for a chance to win all the glory, also streaming on in video form. All wine regions of the world ar…
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What is your relationship with wine critics? How does one become a person who writes about the quality of a wine? On today’s podcast we are joined by Audrey Frick, one of the leading voices in the field of wine criticism to have a very honest conversation about the profession. To get 50% off SOMM TV., use this link:…
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Warner DeJulio is not your average winemaker. His story begins in Norridge, a close-knit suburb of Chicago, where a simple invitation to help a friend make wine in a garage turned into a passion that would shape his life. Warner's background in computer science might seem like an unlikely starting point for a career in winemaking, but his methodica…
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Jason is joined by wine writer Shakera Jones to discuss what we are doing wrong with wine, what wine may be doing wrong and what we should be drinking for the holidays and beyond. make sure to subscribe to SOMM TV for hundreds of hours of the best content in food and wine. want to claim 50% off SOMM TV?…
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Send us a text Love wine but feel overwhelmed by its complexity? You’re not alone! Whether you’re browsing endless aisles of wine bottles, struggling to decode labels, or feeling intimidated by wine-tasting jargon, it can all feel like too much. You’ve subscribed to wine magazines, bought books to boost your knowledge, only to feel less confident a…
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C'est le retour de Pierre comme Sommeliers de la Lutte dans cette revue du PLE Survivor Series War Games 2024 de la WWE ! Comme à son habitude, il nous a concocté une chronique QUI LE FAIT MIEUX! Un PLE qui a un peu déçu puisqu'il est considéré comme l'un des BIG 4, mais n'a pas eu beaucoup de surprises. Bon Podcast!…
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“It’s 9am… This is a 1955 Margaux.” We are once again asking you to listen to us talk about the movies and TV that feature wines in an important role… we are also drinking. Today, filmmaker Jason Wise and winemaker Jonah Beer discuss pivotal scenes in “Seinfeld, The English Patient, Steve Jobs, and The Newsroom” that feature wine and we break down …
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