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KafeinSiz'in sinema ve dizi gündemini değerlendiren podcastine hoşgeldiniz! Hem vizyon filmleri ve güncel diziler ile ilgili, hem de izlemeniz gereken harika filmler ve diziler üzerine içerik üreten Youtube kanalımızı da takip etmeyi unutma! Editöryel İletişim: Reklam ve Sponsorluk:
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Jorge Serratos | 1+1=3

¡Sinergéticos! Bienvenidos al podcast de todos, un espacio donde invito a expertos, agentes de cambio y personas con excelentes historias. Que te ayudarán a acelerar tu crecimiento sin descuidar tu persona, ¡Fondo antes que forma! Sonoro
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Julian Frid

Follow a squad of survivors of a dystopian yet colourful version of southern Ontario where they must face a myriad of dangers while protecting a very special young woman. Featuring Julian Frid as the Handler, and Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. The fate of their characters is up to their decisions and the dice...
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As Me with Sinéad

Lemonada Media

How do we unlearn negativity and learn to love ourselves and each other? What’s the first step towards becoming more empathetic? Listening. Academic, TED alum, and advocate Sinéad Burke leads candid conversations to create a classroom in podcast form with diverse, notable guests who explain what it’s like to be them. They challenge us to confront our biases, deepen our humanity, and feel empowered to impact and be ourselves in the world around us. Let’s go!
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Trip de thé - Histoire(s) de Camellia Sinensis est un moment décontracté et convivial où l’équipe de Camellia Sinensis se réunit pour raconter le parcours inusité de l’entreprise à travers les histoires qui l’ont façonnée. En partageant leurs anecdotes personnelles, l’équipe dévoile comment le projet a évolué de façon spontanée et organique : derrière chaque tasse de thé, il y a une histoire, un contexte ou une rencontre. Plongez dans l’univers étonnant de cette maison de thé unique au Québe ...
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The Sinead Says Podcast

Sinead Hegarty

Welcome to The Sine­ad Says Podcast. Sinead Hegarty is the host. She­ is a speaker, writer, and me­ditation pro. In this podcast, you will learn ways to get bette­r at improving yourself. You'll understand emotions too. And you'll le­arn how to care for relationships. Listen to he­ar great ideas on changing how you talk to yourself, ways to deal with tough times in life. Plus, how to reach your personal goals. Sinead will share­ valuable lessons about relationships that she­ has learned on h ...
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İşçi Filmleri Festival

Programın kolaylaştırıcığını üstlenen festival emekçimiz Umur Dağlı ile bir diğer emekçimiz sinema yazarı Önder Özdemir'in birlikte hazırladığı Sinebellek, her ayın ilk ve üçüncü pazartesi günlerinde, Spotify, Itunes ve Deezer podcastlerde ve Youtube kanalımızda sizlerle birlikte olacak.
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Sinear Lokal


Podcast dari Ade Lukman AKA Komikluks, dengan durasi kurang lebih 1 jam, yang akan diperdengarkan satu minggu sekali. Harap kenakan earphone saat menikmati Podcast ini. Bisa Didengarkan dikala santai, Sebelum atau Setelah Bangun tidur, dan Disaat anda sedang ingin berpura-pura bekerja saat Atasan sedang memperhatikan anda.. Jika Ada pertanyaan dan hal lainya kirim ke
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Dialog Sinema

ruang film bandung

We share all about filmmaking.// Sound : Petit Biscuit - Sunset Lover // Cover art photo provided by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash:
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Sion Valentine

Welcome to the SinemaNerdGamer, a podcast where all nerdom is discussed. Thanks everyone for listening and if you can we would appreciate the like and Sub. You can reach and follow us: @SinfulKnight on twitter SinemaNerdGamer are on SinemaNerdGamer episodes are on And SinemaNerdGamer on iTunes and GooglePlay. https://i ...
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Sinema Var

Socrates Dergi, FilmLoverss

FilmLoverss işbirliğiyle hazırladığımız Sinema Var’da her hafta yeni bir başlık altında sinema tarihinde bir tur atıyoruz. Bu gezintinin ödülü ise, dokuz filmden oluşan tematik ve evladiyelik bir seçki oluyor.
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Sinema aleminin derinliklerine girdiğimiz yer yer yeni film ve dizi haberlerini konuştuğumuz dünyamıza hoş geldiniz. Tahmin etmesi çok zor değil ama yine de belirtelim bölümler Spoiler içerebilir. Instagram ve Twitterdan takip etmeyi unutmayın: @sinemadandir
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Tali Sinema (arşiv)


Medyapod'dan farklı bir sinema programı: Tali SinemaBu program bir film eleştirisi programı değil, sinema akımları üzerine uzun uzun sohbet de değil. Tali Sinema, İngilizce yazmak gerekirse "unpopular opinions" kapsamına alınabilecek bir podcast projesi. Kavramı Türkçe ifade etmek gerekirse "kimsenin umrunda olmayan fikirleri saatlerce konuşmak" da denebilir.
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check out revAmped productions releases on , RP001 15th SINE - EPIK (PART 1) / Sleepless Nights being the first release on April 5th 2011 visit for sending your demos
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Sebuah podcast persembahan Sinemager, BABLASMAGER! Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu Lagi Asik Mager, ngobrol tentang dunia hiburan, khususnya tentang dunia film dan televisi. Intinya, kurangi debat perbanyak sebat™️ Kadang sopan kadang 21+ Yah namanya juga manusia. Twitter: IG: Makasih ❤️
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Sinéad de hÓra, a multi award-winning Intuitive Specialist, shares tips and insight on how to deepen your connection with your intuitive voice to gain clarity of mind and a happy heart. With meditation, energy readings, card readings, deep conversations with intuitive souls and more, these podcasts will awaken a new idea within you. So, let the ripple effect commence...
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Paty Mendoza

Mi nombre es Paty Mendoza, y a partir de hoy descubriremos juntos y juntas nuestra esencia positiva, esa que siempre ha estado en nuestro interior, pero que hemos olvidado, con el objetivo mayor de MUDAR los pensamientos de miedo e instalar felicidad y resiliencia en nuestras vidas, pase lo que pase en allá afuera.
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Welcome to the Soul, Heart, Nerve, & Sinew (SHNS) podcast, hosted by Kirk. SHNS is a podcast focused on building SHNS as a lifestyle brand. The SHNS lifestyle represents cultivating awareness of direction and calling (Soul), building emotional clarity and regulation (Heart), developing a reflective and adaptive mindset (Nerve), and deepening relationships with the self and others (Sinew). Episodes entail sharing info from recently completed books, and giving the best advice I learned from th ...
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Sinergia con Jairo Zepeda

Jairo Zepeda

Sinergia con Jairo Zepeda, es un podcast de estilo de vida y tecnología que llega a ti de la mente única, inspiradora e innovadora de este estratega digital. ⁣ ⁣ 💻 Estrategia Digital ⁣ 📢 Publicidad⁣ 🤖 Chatbots⁣ ⁣ Apoya a figuras públicas a potenciar su proyecto a través de medios digitales. ⁣ ⁣ Si tienes alguna consulta, no dudes en contactar. ¡Le encantaría conectar contigo! Envía un mensaje.
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Sinema Story

Kamkol Productions

Art begets Life. Life informs Art. A circular dynamic that is constantly energized by the world of story and the visual medium of film and TV. This podcast is an exploration of this dynamic, the players, and the processes that underlie it all.
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The Vegas Vibe with Chris Sines Dive into the vibrant world of Las Vegas with your host, Chris Sines. Join us as we explore the city's best restaurants, hottest attractions, and hidden gems. From mouth-watering cuisine to thrilling entertainment, we've got you covered. But that's not all! We'll also be sharing our honest reviews of a wide range of products, from cutting-edge tech gadgets to everyday essentials. As a budding entrepreneur, Chris will provide valuable insights and recommendatio ...
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La Prensa de Venezuela es un resumen que presenta las principales noticias aparecidas en los medios de comunicación del país, en particular, aquellos relacionados con los derechos de participación y libre asociación, así como del sector de la sociedad civil.
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Alle elsker en grandtante, spesielt hvis hun er barnløs, elsker barn og har tid. Borgmo & Borgmo gjør et dypdykk i egne minnebøker og snakker om alt og ingenting. Hvis du er ute etter motivasjon, sannferdig informasjon eller selvhjelp, bør du bruke tiden på noe helt annet enn disse podkastene.
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Alex and Philip (and sometimes Collin) go on a magical journey of forgetting what their original topic was. We discuss our lives in the competitive American Ninja Warrior scene as well as interesting happenings in our lives, current events, and public interest topics in a non-politically motivated environment. We bring our friend Collin on to exhibit his lack of sports knowledge. At the end of each show, we present each other with a personalized showcase, The Price is Right style. Sit back, ...
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show series
Announcing a break between Chapters, Julian shares links on how to stay following and supporting Sine and tries out a new phrase or two. Featuring Julian Frid as the Handler, Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. Find and support our sponsors at: Learn more about your ad choices. Vis…
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Just in time for the excitement of March Madness, join us for this deep dive into leadership, teamwork, and unlocking potential—on and off the court. What happens when someone believes in you–before you’re even ready to believe in yourself? In this powerful conversation, Duke Professor Kate Bowler sits down with legendary basketball coach Mike Krzy…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Pablo Latapí, periodista mexicano con más de 30 años de experiencia en medios de comunicación. Ha sido reportero, editor y conductor en noticieros nacionales y también se ha destacado en el ámbito deportivo, dirigiendo el área de deportes en TV Azteca. Con estudios en comunicación, economía y progra…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Jesús Cochegrús, experto en innovación, liderazgo y experiencia del cliente. Con más de 20 años en la industria de los videojuegos y la creatividad, ha trabajado con marcas como Nintendo, PlayStation y Coca-Cola, además de haber dirigido el desarrollo del primer videojuego latinoamericano en llegar …
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We’re thrilled to invite you to The Dylan Hour, a weekly cocktail party hosted by Dylan Mulvaney, from Lemonada Media. In this fun weekly video podcast, Dylan sips and spills with some of her favorite girls, gays, and theys — featuring pop stars, Broadway belters, actors, authors, like Glennon Doyle, Margaret Cho and even her own dad! The Dylan Hou…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio, conversamos con Fernando Sánchez, creador de la Biodesprogramación®, una metodología que busca identificar y liberar emociones ocultas para mejorar el bienestar físico y emocional. Desde 2015, ha impartido talleres y acompañado a numerosas personas en su camino hacia la sanación. Es fundador del Instituto de Biode…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Josué Peña, emprendedor digital dominicano y experto en crecimiento de marcas en redes sociales. Fundador de, ha trabajado con figuras como Gary Vaynerchuk y Alex Becker, quienes son dos reconocidos empresarios y especialistas en marketing digital y emprendimiento. Su plataform…
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Sinema ve dizi podcasti Bu Hafta'nın 261. bölümünde, Oscar ve Razzie ödüllerinin kazananlarını, Jennifer’s Body devam filmi söylentilerini ve Max’in 15 Nisan’da Türkiye’ye gelişini konuşuyoruz. Brian Cox’lu The Parenting, Tom Hardy’li Mobland ve Kevin Bacon’lı The Bondsman fragmanlarını inceliyoruz. Ayrıca, HBO’nun Harry Potter dizisindeki Snape ve…
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Chapter Two ends with Shepherd using a supernatural and dark ability to keep an enemy at bay. A Squadmate bids farewell. Featuring Julian Frid as the Handler, Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. Find and support our sponsors at: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Johnny Nessy, actor, modelo y fotógrafo venezolano con una destacada trayectoria en el mundo del entretenimiento. incluyendo "El fantasma de Elena" (2010), "Corazón valiente" (2012) y "El cartel de los sapos" (2008). Recientemente, ha incursionado en el ámbito del desarrollo personal, ofreciendo cur…
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Dans cet épisode, on vous emmène dans les coulisses des premiers voyages d'approvisionnement, quand nos 4 explorateurs passionnés ont choisi de partir chaque année dans les pays producteurs pour sélectionner des thés et tisser des liens directs avec ceux qui les cultivent. Chacun trouve vite son terrain de jeu : François et Jasmin sillonnent la Chi…
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Konda Araştırma işbirliğiyle hazırlanan Apaçık Radyo Dinleyici Araştırması: -- 7-15 Mart tarihlerinde Beyoğlu Sineması’nda gerçekleşecek Apaçık Radyo ile Radyo Filmleri Haftası'nı ve Oscar ödüllerini değerlendiriyoruz.द्वारा Apaçık Radyo
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Alejandro Cardona, economista y fundador del Seminario Creando Riqueza, un programa que ha ayudado a miles de personas a transformar su mentalidad financiera y generar ingresos de forma estratégica. A los 26 años, logró su primer millón de dólares y desde entonces ha dedicado su vida a enseñar cómo …
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Fer Millares, campeón de España de Oratoria por Toastmasters Internacional y formador en comunicación efectiva. Con una trayectoria destacada en el ámbito de la oratoria, ha capacitado a líderes y profesionales en el arte de hablar en público. Es autor del libro Descubre el arte de hablar en público…
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The party are on the verge of a rematch with the dangerous pro Catalyst organization, Actual One. But will they seize the element of surprise? Featuring Julian Frid as the Handler, Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. Find and support our sponsors at: Learn more about your ad choice…
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Sinema ve dizi podcasti Bu Hafta'nın 260. bölümünde, Kathleen Kennedy’nin Lucasfilm ve Star Wars geleceği hakkındaki açıklamalarını, Another Simple Favor fragmanını ve Nicolas Cage’in başrolünde olduğu The Surfer fragmanını konuşuyoruz. Andor 2. sezon fragmanını inceliyor, Nicole Kidman’lı Holland ve Elizabeth Olsen’lı The Assessment yapımlarına gö…
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Konda Araştırma işbirliğiyle hazırlanan Apaçık Radyo Dinleyici Araştırması: -- Vizyonun yeni filmleri Hala Buradayım, Gerçek Acı ve Evrensel Dil üzerine konuşurken, ayrıca Oscarlar öncesi son tahminlerimizi de paylaşıyoruz.द्वारा Apaçık Radyo
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Verónica Ruiz del Vizo, una destacada empresaria venezolana especializada en comunicaciones y marketing moderno. Fundadora y CEO de WOS (Working On Solutions), un holding que agrupa empresas como Amarillo Creative Lab, Team Remoto y Bootcamp Vero, ha liderado estrategias digitales para marcas de ren…
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Sinema ve dizi podcasti Bu Hafta'nın 259. bölümünde, Amanda Seyfried'in kayıp kız kardeşini aradığı Long Bright River, Ellen Pompeo'nun başrolünde olduğu Good American Family ve Uzo Aduba'nın Beyaz Saray'da bir katili bulmaya çalıştığı The Residence dizilerinin fragmanlarını konuşuyoruz. Ayrıca, Marvel’ın Nova, Strange Academy ve Terror, Inc. proje…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con el Dr. Camilo Cruz, escritor, conferencista y empresario reconocido internacionalmente por su impacto en el desarrollo personal y el liderazgo. Autor de bestsellers como La Vaca y Los Misterios del Dinero, ha inspirado a millones de personas a transformar su mentalidad y alcanzar el éxito. Con más d…
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Shepherd joining the party leads to Miles revealing who or what he truly is. The party leaves Limestone for the alien environment of the north. Featuring Julian Frid as the Handler, Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. Find and support our sponsors at: Learn more about your ad choic…
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Konda Araştırma işbirliğiyle hazırlanan Apaçık Radyo Dinleyici Araştırması: -- Vizyona giren Acı Gerçekler ve Maria üzerine konuşurken, alternatif gösterimler ile yaklaşan Oscar'lar öncesi BAFTA Ödülleri'ne de değiniyoruz.द्वारा Apaçık Radyo
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Susana Wise, coach transformacional y conferencista internacional con amplia experiencia en liderazgo y desarrollo humano. Susana se ha dedicado a empoderar a individuos y equipos para alcanzar su máximo potencial, utilizando herramientas prácticas y estrategias innovadoras de crecimiento personal. …
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Sinema ve dizi podcasti Bu Hafta'nın 258. bölümünde, The Fantastic Four fragmanında Galactus’a karşı hazırlanan ekibi, Hurry Up Tomorrow filminde Jenna Ortega ve Barry Keoghan’ın The Weeknd ile çıktığı yolculuğu ve Jurassic World Rebirth ile dinozorların geri dönüşünü konuşuyoruz. Ayrıca, Thunderbolts ve Final Destination: Bloodlines fragmanlarını …
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! Sonoro En este episodio conversamos con Loretta Valle, conferencista internacional, coach transformacional e hipnoterapeuta. Autora del libro "El Día que Decidí Ser Libre", Loretta comparte su inspiradora historia de resiliencia y superación personal. Con más de una década de experiencia, ha impartido conferencias y talleres a nive…
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Jon's new character is introduced: a mysterious old squad mate from Miles' past. The Squad rests and then return to where their adventure first began: Limestone. Featuring Julian Frid as the Handler, Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. Find and support our sponsors at: Learn more a…
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Konda Araştırma işbirliğiyle hazırlanan Apaçık Radyo Dinleyici Araştırması: -- Başta Varlık ve Kaptan Amerika: Cesur Yeni Dünya olmak üzere vizyon filmlerini, özel gösterimleri ve sinema dünyasından haberleri konuşuyoruz.द्वारा Apaçık Radyo
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos!En este episodio conversamos con Emmanuel Sentíes, un conferencista y creador de contenido mexicano conocido por sus mensajes de motivación y desarrollo personal. En 2022, fue nominado como "Influencer Latino del Año" en los People's Choice Awards, destacando su impacto en el ámbito digital. Emmanuel también es anfitrión del pódcast…
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This episode delves into toxic behaviours, manipulation, and emotional dynamics, explaining why some people exhibit toxic tendencies and how understanding psychology can provide closure and personal growth. 🎁 Special thanks to BetterHelp for sponsoring this episode! #AD Get 10% off your first month: “30 Days to a New YOU!” rew…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos! En este episodio conversamos con Nathaly Marcus, pionera de la medicina funcional en México y fundadora de Bienesta, un centro dedicado a la nutrición y salud integral. Con más de 28 años de experiencia, Nathaly ha revolucionado la forma en que entendemos la salud, integrando mente y cuerpo para lograr un bienestar completo. Su enf…
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The Squad inadvertently angers some Xenos that typically might be more of a nuisance than a danger, until luck proves to not be on their side. Featuring Julian Frid as the Handler, Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. Find and support our sponsors at: Learn more about your ad choice…
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Konda Araştırma işbirliğiyle hazırlanan Apaçık Radyo Dinleyici Araştırması: -- Vizyon filmleri The Brutalist, Bob Dylan: Tam Bir Bilinmez ve Konsey'i masaya yatırırken, sinema dünyasından ve Oscar kampanyalarından haberleri paylaşıyoruz.द्वारा Apaçık Radyo
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Brian Pennie shares his journey from a 15-year heroin addiction to becoming a neuroscientist and speaker. He explains how childhood trauma, particularly an unmedicated surgery as an infant, played a role in his struggles with anxiety and addiction. Through deep self-awareness, acceptance, and resilience, he was able to break free from his addiction…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos!En este episodio de Sinergéticos, conversamos con Ana María Arizti, psicoterapeuta con más de 15 años de experiencia en consulta privada, especializada en adolescentes, adultos y parejas. Con formación en desarrollo humano, programación neurolingüística, manejo de sentimientos, manejo del conflicto y asertividad. Ha sido catedrática…
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Sinema ve dizi podcasti Bu Hafta'nın 257. bölümünde, James Gunn'ın yeni Superman teaserını ve Warner Bros.'un telif davasıyla karşı karşıya kalmasını, Netflix'in The Sandman dizisini 2. sezonla bitirme kararını ve House of David fragmanında İncil'in Game of Thrones tarzında epik bir uyarlamasını konuşuyoruz. Kısa kısa haberlerde, Cobra Kai final se…
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🐝 ¡Sinergéticos!En este episodio conversamos con Pedro Buerbaum, emprendedor español fundador de "La Pollería", una innovadora cadena de tiendas de waffles con formas atrevidas que se convirtió en un fenómeno viral en España y Londres. Además, Pedro es creador de contenido y anfitrión del pódcast "WORLDCA$T", donde entrevista a diversas personalida…
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We return to Fenrielle, Miles and Trinity on the trail of the rogue Alexi and Havoc, and something strange has happened in the Wilds. Featuring Julian Frid as the Handler, Kristi Boulton, Jonathan Sconza, Stefan Till and Louisa Zhu as the Players. Find and support our sponsors at: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit …
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Konda Araştırma işbirliğiyle hazırlanan Apaçık Radyo Dinleyici Araştırması: -- Sinefil'in 1000. özel bölümünde sesini duyduklarımız: Ali Vatansever, Ayça Damgacı, Ayşe Unal, Belmin Söylemez, Berna Gençalp, Can Eskinazi, Canlandıranlar, Deniz Tortum, Emin Alper, Emine Yıldırım, Emre Akay, Emre Erdoğdu, Erdem Tepegöz, Esen Ta…
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