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Šalina do ucha

Dopravní podnik města Brna, a.s.

Podcast Dopravního podniku města Brna, který mapuje dění ve veřejné dopravě v jihomoravské metropoli. Přináší pravidelné informace o tom, co se v podniku děje, chystá, rozhovory se zajímavými zaměstnanci a vzpomínky milovníků dopravy.
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Celebration Church Salinas

It's not about what you can do for God; it's about what God has done for you. We are known for what we are for, not what we are against. Through our church family we find strength, wisdom, and support for our lives.
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Feeling overwhelmed with the sea of social media and everyone is another “LinkedIn Coach” and you don’t know who to trust? Tune into The Insiders Scoop Podcast with your host, Ex-LinkedIn turned CEO of the[in]academy, Salina Yeung. This show is all about giving you actionable insider tips to take you from where you’re at now to where you want to be in your life, career and business. Whether you’re a purpose-driven entrepreneur, coach or one in making - side hustler, who is looking to build a ...
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Grande Salina e Museu do Sal – Salins-les-Bains

Grande Salina e Museu do Sal – Salins-les-Bains

Durante mais de mil anos, Salins les Bains prosperou graças à exploração e a comercia-lização do sal. Hoje, o museu do sal e a Grande Salina ofere-cem-nos um testemunho único da exploração do sal na Franche-Comté. A visita começa nas monumentais galerias subterrâneas. Elas unem 2 poços equipados com um sistema de bombeamento, que tra-balham constantemente e que permite bom-bear a água salgada de um banco de sal-gema situado a mais de 200 metros de profundida-de Seguindo a linha da exposição, ...
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Grande Salina e museo del Sale - Salins-les-Bains

Grande Salina e museo del Sale - Salins-les-Bains

Per più di un millenio, Salins-les-Bains si è sviluppata colllo sfruttamento ed il commercio del sale. Ormai, il museo del sale e la grande salina ci offrono una testimonianza unica di come veniva sfruttato il sale in Franche-Comté. La visita inizia in enormi gallerie sotterranee che uniscono due pozzi attrezzati con un sistema di pompa, sempre in stato di uso, che permetteva di attingere l'acqua salata tramite un banco di sale gemma che si trovava a più di 200 metri di profondezza. Seguendo ...
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Gran Salina y museo de Sal – Salins-les Bains

Gran Salina y museo de Sal – Salins-les Bains

Durante mas de un milenio, Salins-les-Bains debe su prosperidad a la explotación y a la comercialización de la sal. Hoy en día, el museo de la Sal y la gran Salina nos ofrecen un testimonio único de la explotación de la sal en el Franco Condado. La visita comienza en las monumentales galerías subterráneas. Estas unen dos pozos equipados de un sistema de bombeo, todavía en funcionamiento, que permitía la extracción de agua salada a través de un banco de sal gema situado a más de 200 metros de ...
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Fray Luis de León (Belmonte, 1527- Ávila, 1591). Poeta, filósofo y traductor, representante del movimiento renacentista español. En 1542 ingresó como novicio al convento agustino, situación que le permitió recibir una formación académica y, posteriormente, graduarse de doctor en Teología por la Universidad de Salamanca. Su vocación por la docencia se vio interrumpida en 1572, cuando fue detenido por la Inquisición y encarcelado en Valladolid. Fue juzgado por diversas causas pero, principalme ...
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show series
Jak je na tom projekt Drak? Jak to vypadá s testováním klimatizací ve vozech Vario? A které pozice se do dílen špatně shánějí? Poslechněte si další díl podcastu Šalina do ucha.द्वारा Dopravní podnik města Brna, a.s.
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Nobody wants to talk about it, and everyone seems to have the wrong opinion, but election season is back in Salinas. Also, several new businesses are coming to the mall that will attract customers of all ages. How can Oldtown compete with the millions of dollars being poured into the mall?द्वारा Salad Bytes Media
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Sal Rodriguez and his cousin Gabriel Barboza are on a mission to change people's lives in a unique way. Listen to their story, which started out in the Salinas Valley and then led them all over the world, all while they gained new experiences. Enter Scalp micro pigmentation, and Gabriel saw a vision of his future. He became a certified SMP artist a…
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After his first sip, Fabian Torres fell in love with craft beer. That love of drinking it soon became a hobby of brewing at home. The step after the hobby was starting his own brewery, which he did when he founded First Gen Brewing. He recently came back home to Salinas after spending some time in Kalamazoo, Michigan, gaining more knowledge about t…
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Jak náročné jsou opravy starých vozů, které DPMB zařazuje do své retro sbírky? O tom Jirka Černý hovořil spolu s kolegou Marianem Čechem v dalším díle našeho podcastu Šalina do ucha.द्वारा Dopravní podnik města Brna, a.s.
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Jak v Brně pracují revizoři? Kde nachytají nejvíc neplatících cestujících? A jak se vyvíjí jejich počet? O těchto tématech a také o novince v podobě kamer, jimiž budou revizoři zaznamenávat průběh svých kontrol, pojednává nový díl našeho podcastu.द्वारा Dopravní podnik města Brna, a.s.
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Recently, the Salinas community lost a big pillar with the passing of Sergio Alejo, the owner of Stonies Taphouse. We were fortunate enough not only to know him personally, but back in 2020, we were able to get him into the studio so he could tell his story in his own words. This episode originally came out on January 10, 2020.…
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Send us a text This episode we talk about our what we have been up to. We discuss where we've been, we also discuss out cook off outcomes for this year. We give some small business shoutouts along with shoutouts to our brand ambassadors. If you would like to be part of the podcast or sponsor us let us know. Super 55 Drums DIY Smoker Plans By Smoker…
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Local journalism has been struggling for years now, and we have not escaped that issue here in Salinas. We certainly do not consider ourselves journalists, but we think it is important to talk about other issues happening in town that sometimes don't get the time they deserve. With that, we are introducing "SUP Independent" a once-a-month episode w…
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Colin St. John is an old friend of the podcast and a veteran of the local theatre scene. He will be directing Enchantrix Theatre's rendition of the classic Little Shop of Horrors for the next four weekends. They are transforming a circus tent-esque space in Moss Landing into their version of Skid Row, including the famous hungry plant. This is a gr…
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Ruby Esperanza started Sol Y Plumas after a career in social work as a way for people to get more out of their lives. Throughout her life, she has found herself in situations where she was able to help others. Sometimes, it was financial help, sometimes it was family help, and even other times, she was there to offer some spiritual help to those wh…
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Vydejte se s podcastem Šalina do ucha za dobrodružstvími a bizarnostmi, která při svých dopravně laděných cestách zažil Jirka Černý. Horská tramvaj, pouštní trolejbus nebo řidič a průvodčí v jednom – to u nás nezažijete.
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Jose Luis Barajas and Ruby Salazar are the President and Vice-President of the Salinas Valley Young Professionals, a group that empowers local young professionals by connecting them and educating them on what it takes to grow as a leader. They put on networking events all over the Salinas Valley to bring together people with similar ideas to help b…
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Send us a text This episode we talk about our what we have been up to. We sit down with Rudy from A Fuego Lento Seasoning to hear about his story and his amazing rubs. If you would like to be part of the podcast or sponsor us let us know. Be sure to try A Fuego Lento Seasonings. Afuegolentoseasoning – afuegolentoseasoning Super 55 Drums DIY Smoker …
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Sal, or Chava, is a local content creator that has tried more local coffee than most people in the 831. He took the social isolation of COVID and decided to go with an idea that had been kicking around his mind for a while, start a clothing brand. But what do you do when you have an idea that's bigger than your current budget? You hustle. That is w…
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Podcast Šalina do ucha vás tentokrát provede projektem nové lanovky, která má propojit brněnské Pisárky s Bohunicemi. S jakou kapacitou se počítá? Bude navázána na záchytná parkoviště? A bude?द्वारा Dopravní podnik města Brna, a.s.
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The modern history of Alisal dates back to the first post office, which was built in 1866. It grew alongside Salinas until 1964, when the voters of Alisal joined their neighbors to the west and became East Salinas. This vote may not have passed were it not for the influential voice of a tough Italian lady named Virginia Rocca Barton. She came to Sa…
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Send us a text This episode we talk about our what we have been up to. We talk about our 2024 comp season when we might start and dive into the American Royal new date. If you would like to be part of the podcast or sponsor us let us know. Super 55 Drums DIY Smoker Plans By SmokerBuilder – SmokerPlans By Big Salin…
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Some know him as Lombriz, others call him Werm, and others call him The Essence Music. We got him in the studio to talk about himself if you don't know who he is. If you want to see the artist at work you can find him every Wednesday evening at XL Publichouse hosting a weekly vinyl night. That event is one of the best places in the 831 to find and …
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Jaký byl rok 2023 pro DPMB? Splnil všechny závazky, které si předsevzal? Bylo kolektivní vyjednávání oříškem? Co nová trať na Kampus? A jak tráví Vánoce generální ředitel DPMB Miloš Havránek, který je hostem posledního podcastu končícího roku?द्वारा Dopravní podnik města Brna, a.s.
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Rose also known as DivineGoddess33 on TikTok does makeup tutorials, unboxing videos and so much more! She comes to the studio to tell us about her journey and how she went from the stage to making her own content to share with the world.द्वारा Salad Bytes Media
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Mialana is a recording artist who first got a taste of the stage when her high school production of Grease needed another singer. Three years ago, she started writing and performing her own music. She writes from the heart, so many of her songs are more like journal entries that she shares with the world. She is a young singer with a lot of potenti…
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Should I publish a LinkedIn Article or just a LinkedIn post? My answer?👇 "Why not both?" I don't think this is an either or option. A better question should be: "Which one should we prioritise more?" In today’s episode you will learn: 📍What are LinkedIn Articles and LinkedIn Posts? 📍 Pros and Cons of publishing LinkedIn Articles 📍Pros and Cons of p…
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The AI revolution is here whether you like it or not. In this episode, we're going to how you can use Chat GPT to grow your audience and revenue on LinkedIn. We have robots at our command, so why not put them to work for you? I’ve increased my sales and gained followers using ChatGPT, and so can you. ⏱ TIMESTAMPS: Short on time? Here are the highli…
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Věděli jste, že neslyšící si nemusí poradit s psaným textem? A že prosklený přístřešek na zastávce MHD nebo lavička bez nožiček může být velkým problémem pro nevidomého? Vytipování a řešení problémů, se kterými se v MHD setkávají lidé se smyslovým postižením, se věnuje nový projektu MUNI a DPMB. Hosty podcastu Šalina do ucha jsou sociální geograf M…
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On its surface, writing a LinkedIn article may seem unnecessary. It is an unpaid service that has no guarantee of helping advance your career prospects. However, the truth is that well-written LinkedIn Articles provide many benefits to their authors. The benefits of writing a LinkedIn Article more than make the endeavor worth the time investment. O…
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Send us a text This episode we talk about our what we have been up to and give our small business shoutouts. We give out some first competition tips as well as some thanksgiving talk. If you would like to be part of the podcast or sponsor us let us know. Super 55 Drums DIY Smoker Plans By SmokerBuilder – SmokerPlans By…
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Are you trying to get your next roster of clients from LinkedIn? Your LinkedIn profile isn't just an online resume – Think about it as your digital handshake. In this episode we’ll talk about Step by Step to use LinkedIn to get more Clients, Speaking Gigs + Media Features. More eyeballs landing on your profile means more opportunities. Your success…
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Growing your audience on LinkedIn doesn’t require hours of work every day. In this episode, I’m going to talk about a realistic, effective strategy you can implement in 15 minutes each day. That’s right. Barely enough time to make a cup of coffee. Let alone enjoy it! Granted, you can accomplish more with more time Rome wasn’t built in 15 minutes, a…
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For the last year, Indie Basement cinema has been a monthly showcase of local short films. It is a place where local filmmakers can screen their films in front of their hometown crowd for free. Once a month the basement of XL Public House is turned into a cozy cinema where you can relax and have some popcorn and a beer while watching locally made f…
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LinkedIn Premium... Pay for it or Cancel it? Tough choices ahead! If you're on the fence about your LinkedIn Premium subscription, you're not alone –we're in this together! In this episode, we dive deep into the Pros and Cons of LinkedIn Premium, helping you determine whether those benefits match your business needs. We will break it down ⬇️: 👉 How…
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On September 7, 1963, the worst road accident in American history happened on a railroad crossing just outside of Chualar. This set off a battle for the 32 bodies of the victims that ended up uniting the Mexican community against the bracero program that had been giving low-wage workers to American farmers since WWII. It also helped unite a Mexican…
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Learning quickly and efficiently is a game-changer in today’s fast-paced world. Come on—with ChatGPT, Genomics, Virtual Reality, Computing Power, 3D Printing today—what’s tomorrow, right? Whether you’re an online coach, an e-commerce guru, entrepreneur or side hustler—this skill applies to you too. That’s right: ingesting, retaining, and recalling …
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So you’ve got your LinkedIn profile all set up. Headshot on point, endorsements and recommendations galore, work experience fit for a Fortune 500 CEO—but something is still missing. That’s right, it’s your headline. In this episode, we delve into the world of entrepreneurship, providing you with invaluable insights, expert advice, and practical str…
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V brněnských Pisárkách poutá pozornost stavba vratné tramvajové smyčky, která sousedí s budoucí multifunkční halou. Jak budou obě stavby provázány? Kdy bude modernizace vozovny komplet hotová? A dostane se i na tu v Medlánkách? Odpovědi přinese podcast Šalina do ucha a jeho host – technicko-provozní ředitel DPMB Vítězslav Žůrek.…
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Gin Fragonard is a Monterey-based singer and all-around talented artist. She is releasing an album in several chapters that is an ode to the place she currently calls home. This was a fun conversation that covered a range of topics, from musical inspirations to French cows and ferret cults and her music. The first part of the album comes out on Oct…
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Send us a text This episode we talk about our what we have been up to and give our small business shoutouts. We talk about our time at the American Royal, plan for next year as well as our first DQ. If you would like to be part of the podcast or sponsor us let us know. Big Salinas Barbecue Website: Home | Big Salinas Barbecue Follow us on our socia…
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Are you ready to quit your corporate job and start your business? If this is you, then this episode is made for you! In this episode,, I'm sharing something that I've never shared here before - my CEO origin story. I'll take you on a journey of how I transitioned from being a corporate employee to a business owner. I'll share my reasons for leaving…
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Engagement pods, a popular strategy for boosting engagement on social media platforms, have gained significant attention on LinkedIn. But there's a dark side to these pods that many fail to acknowledge. In this episode, we'll uncover the hidden risks they bring and explain how they could potentially harm your LinkedIn account. ⏱ TIMESTAMPS: Short o…
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Are you ready to take your LinkedIn game to the next level? In this episode, we've got a treat for you - 3 deliciously simple content prompts to inspire your next post on LinkedIn. But wait, there's more! As a special bonus, we'll also reveal the 7 most underrated yet proven LinkedIn strategies. These strategies have been carefully curated to help …
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Putting yourself out there ain't easy! Yes you! The one who has likely got hundred tabs open (whether it be on your laptop or phone or in your brain — I told you, I can mind-read 🧠) So, wanna stop feeling like a hamster on a wheel? In this episode, we'll share the Ultimate strategy to break free from the "content" hamster wheel and revolutionize yo…
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SEA.LVL are the tracksuit-wearing bad boys of instrumental R&B and they are in the studio to tell us all about the band! We also have the magician behind the tracksuits, Ari from Hella Dandy Apparel, on the mic. This fun conversation takes us from the bands origins to why we have a bunch of bananas on the desk and the reason for the tracksuits. You…
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Take a WILD guess the BIGGEST + the EASIEST-to-fix content mistake that 90% of people make? Those who guessed: high five! ✋ ❌ HOOK. If your HOOK isn't attractive, your post doesn't get read. Sorry, not sorry. Whether it's a LinkedIn Text post, Video, Articles, Carousel — the 1-3 lines of the copy must grab your audience attention + stop the scroll.…
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Send us a text This episode we talk about our what we have been up to and give our small business shoutouts. We talk about our latest cooks and dive into some questions as well as give our opinions on barbecuing/grilling. If you would like to be part of the podcast or sponsor us let us know. Big Salinas Barbecue Website: Home | Big Salinas Barbecue…
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Are you getting the most out of LinkedIn? Plenty of entrepreneurs create a LinkedIn profile, only to connect with a handful of colleagues and log in occasionally. But think about it this way: if you’re not engaging in important conversations with other industry experts, making new connections within your field, and creating amazing new relationship…
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Genevieve Armendariz is a lifelong Salinas resident who dreams about stars in more ways than one. She represents her home region as Miss Central Coast in the Miss California Organization. She is also the founder of the non-profit Women Are Limitless, which supports Monterey County girls and women pursuing careers in a male-dominated industry. She s…
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At this point, we all know that spamming people on LinkedIn with sales pitches or putting external links in the comment section of your post are outdated tips. But, are you aware of the other outdated LinkedIn tips that could be holding your account back? You might be surprised to learn that some of the tactics you’ve been using are slowing down yo…
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