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Served with Andy Roddick

Served with Andy Roddick

A tennis podcast with a fresh spin hosted by former World No. 1 Andy Roddick with Jon Wertheim and more! Watch the Served Podcast on YouTube, and follow us on Instagram, X and TikTok. Part of the Vox Media Podcast Network.
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The art world is vibrant and full of surprises. Let artist, choreographer, and self-described art nerd Rodney Veal be your guide on a journey of exploration as he interviews creative professionals about what inspires them. Each episode is a conversation with an honest-to-goodness working art maker, risk taker, and world shaper.
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The Trek Files: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast

Roddenberry Entertainment

Your weekly deep-dive into the archives of Roddenberry Entertainment, from the personal files of Gene Roddenberry. Each week, “Dr. Trek” himself, Larry Nemecek, and his guest host will take a behind-the-scenes look at documents that haven’t been viewed in decades—many being revealed publicly for the very first time!
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O meu nome é Sérgio Rodrigues e ajudo pessoas a organizarem as suas finanças para que alcancem a tranquilidade financeira, sem sacrificar o conforto diário Um podcast que promete elevar a tua literacia financeira em 3 pilares: mentalidade, orçamento e investimentos. Aqui fala-se de tudo relacionado com dinheiro. Sempre com linguagem simples, descomplicada e com temas focados naquilo que tu precisas.
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Welcome to the Forged by FIRE Podcast! You are the FIRE that forges your future! My name is Ryan Rodriquez, and I'm a firefighter who’s found that true strength comes from living with purpose, structure, and commitment. Through the Forged by FIRE, I will share resilience strategies that will transform four essential areas of your life: Fitness, Intellect, Relationships, and Energy. Join me for insights and inspiring stories that will help you become resilient and Forged by FIRE. Opinions are ...
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Rod Parsley's Podcast

Rod Parsley

Pastor Rod Parsley is the lead pastor of World Harvest Church and the founder of Valor Christian College, the School of the Spirit. This podcast contains powerful messages, practical teachings, and insightful lectures from over 40 years of full-time ministry. Get ready, open up your heart, and prepare for the Spirit of God to do a brand new thing in you!
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Rodzina drogą do świętości

Radio Jasna Góa

„Rodzina drogą do świętości” to cykl audycji realizowany przez Stowarzyszenie Rodzin Katolickich Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej. Główne cele i zadania Stowarzyszenia, a więc i naszych audycji to wspomaganie rodzin, które realizują swoje powołanie i misję zgodnie z zasadami Ewangelii i nauką Kościoła Katolickiego; utrwalanie zasady jedności i nierozerwalności małżeństwa; troska o zachowanie życia ludzkiego od poczęcia do naturalnej śmierci oraz właściwe warunki jego rozwoju; promowanie ...
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Cara a Cara con Rodner

Rodner Figueroa

Entrevistas humanas y amenas con artistas y personas comunes que han superado los obstáculos de la vida y han transformado esas experiencias negativas en cambios positivos para sus propios destinos. El propósito de estas conversaciones es darte las herramientas para que superes tus problemas y alcances el éxito a nivel personal y profesional en tu vida.
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DynoPod - The Dyno-Rod Podcast

Dyno-Rod & The Relations Group

Welcome to DynoPod the show that explores plumbers and their pipe dreams. Join host Lee Parry as he talks to plumbers, drainage engineers and experts from across the Dyno-Rod network where he discovers fascinating stories and surprising insights.
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Dobranocka dla rodziców

Our Little Adventures

Podcast Dobranocka dla rodziców to rozmowy o rodzicielstwie, aktywnym życiu z dziećmi i byciem blisko: blisko natury i blisko siebie nawzajem. Podcast prowadzi Karolina Szymańska, autorka bloga, zakochana w outdoorze mama trójki dzieci (i psa!). ❥ Jeśli te wartości są Wam bliskie, gorąco zachęcam do wsparcia podcastu w serwisie Patronite - będzie mi suuupermiło, jeśli dołączycie do Patronów i Patronek Dobranocki.
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Market News with Rodney Lake

The George Washington University Investment Institute

"Market News with Rodney Lake" is a show offering insightful discussions on market trends and key investing principles. This program is hosted by Rodney Lake, the Director of the George Washington University Investment Institute.
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Wychowanie, edukacja (również alternatywna), rodzicielstwo, kompetencje przyszłości, planowanie czasu, rynek pracy, rozwój talentów... W Strefie Rodzica dla Polskiego Radia Dzieciom poprowadziłem 400 bardzo ciekawych audycji na te tematy. Teraz zapraszam na audycję na żywo via YouTube w każdy czwartek o godzinie 21:00. Później w dowolnym terminie na platformy podcastowe. Kliknij subskrypcję i słuchaj kolejnych odcinków! Podcast jest projektu - chcesz wspierać moją inicjatywę? ...
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The Hot Rod Tuesday Podcast

Tom, Kyle, Al, Beth and special guest host Ali.

Just three guys in the garage that love hot rods. We cover topics on hot rods and classics, car shows-especially the Hot Rod Tuesday Car Show in Leipsic WI. So, sit back, grab a beer, and listen to us be informative or make fools of ourselves. Either way, it's going to be a fun ride.
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Rodzina w czasie

Radio Jasna Góra

Budowanie „rodziny silnej Bogiem”, to proces niełatwy. Św. Jan Paweł II zauważa to już w pierwszych zdaniach Adhortacji Apostolskiej „Familiaris consortio”. „Rodzina w czasach dzisiejszych znajduje się pod wpływem rozległych, głębokich i szybkich przemian społecznych i kulturowych. Wiele rodzin przeżywa ten stan rzeczy, dochowując wierności tym wartościom, które stanowią fundament instytucji rodzinnej. Inne stanęły niepewne i zagubione wobec swych zadań, a nawet niekiedy zwątpiły i niemal za ...
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Build Boldly with Pat Rodgers

RISE Commercial District

'Build Boldly' dives deep into the experiences of entrepreneurs and operators alike with Pat Rodgers, Chief Revenue Officer of RISE Commercial District. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to scale up, this podcast is your go-to resource for real stories and tangible advice to help you move your business forward. Tune in every two weeks to learn from those who’ve been there. If you’re ready to build, build boldly. Subscribe now and let’s get to work.
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HeadRoom with Dr. Rod Berger

HeadRoom with Dr. Rod Berger

HeadRoom explores deep into the minds of those on the frontiers of our society. Uncovering the 'why' behind acclaimed contributors forging their path through life and those new souls just stepping beyond the crowd. Investigating the source of inspiration that drove those who have gone before us, Headroom hopes to inspire the 'next' in us. Join Dr. Rod Berger, PsyD, uncover the stories seldom told and add richness to the narratives within our own lives.
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Mission Log: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast

Roddenberry Entertainment

Mission Log is a Roddenberry Entertainment podcast with the sole purpose of exploring the Star Trek universe one episode at a time. That’s right, this podcast will cover six different series and 30 seasons of television by journeying into every one of the 726 episodes with a single mission: to explore, debate and discuss one of the largest science fiction phenomena of all time, Star Trek. Starting with The Original Series’ initial pilot and continuing chronologically until we reach the last ...
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Pan Tabletka dla rodziców - podcast

Marcin Korczyk - Pan Tabletka

Motto Pana Tabletki brzmi: "Zróbmy wszystko żeby tabletki nie były potrzebne, a jeśli to niemożliwe to wybierzmy najlepsze i stosujmy je prawidłowo." Jeżeli chcesz lepiej dbać o zdrowie Twoje i Twoich bliskich - to ten podcast jest dla Ciebie. Serdeczności Pan Tabletka Marcin
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show series
Originally published 6/3/2020. This episode of Idle Chatter aired in the early days of the podcast. The introduction and audio are a little different from what I use today. The information is timeless, foundational, and just as relevant to your success. Agriculture runs on machinery… but profits on reliability! Thanks for listening, Ray Bohacz… the…
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The Rod and Greg Show Daily Rundown – Friday, March 21, 2025 4:20 pm: Luke Rosiak, Investigative Reporter for The Daily Wire joins Rod and Greg for a conversation about his piece on President Trump’s closure of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. 4:38 pm: Mike Carey, Chair of the Salt Lake County Republican Party, joins the program to g…
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In this powerful message, Pastor Rod Parsley delves into the supernatural enabling power of the Holy Spirit and how it transforms the lives of believers. Through inspiring teachings, insightful biblical truths, and dynamic testimonies, Pastor Parsley explores the Holy Spirit’s role in empowering us to live beyond our natural abilities.…
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The boys hand out marks for all the teams battling for playoff spots in the final weeks of the NHL regular season, examine the race for home ice and top seeds in the Pacific and Atlantic divisions, and answer questions about the trade deadline and the Four Nations Faceoff in the mailbag.द्वारा Rod Langway Fan Club
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Udgivet af AaB Support Club. Der har været mange kampe og busture, siden AaB Support Club blev til i 1990. I denne specielle udgave af Rød Aalborg går vi tilbage i tiden og hører om, hvordan Danmarks næstældste officielle fanklub blev til. Til det formål havde vi inviteret to æresmedlemmer op til mikrofonerne kort inden AaB Support Clubs generalfor…
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Send us a text We talked with Kelly Long, the man behind Wisconsin's Original Car Show Group on Facebook and also Wisconsin Rod and Custom. Check them out on Facebook. (1) Wisconsin's original Car Show Group | Facebook Wisconsin Rod and Custom | Car Club | Wisconsin, USA
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Welcome to DynoPod - The Dyno-Rod Podcast! Where dive deep into the world of plumbing, drainage, and everything in between! Whether you're a homeowner, a tenant, or just curious about the fascinating world beneath our feet, this podcast is your go-to resource for expert insights, practical tips, and engaging stories from the field. Our host Lee Par…
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Join us on Zion's Rod Podcast as we explore the Azusa Street Revival as a pattern for the end-time revival. We unpack the essence of prayer, seeing it as an outflow of worship and intimacy with God. Instagram: scribeofzion Email: kpadamrophe@gmail.comद्वारा Rume Kpadamrophe
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Dr. Matthias Bernow is not just a seasoned medical professional and CEO of Cellcolabs; he's also a visionary at the intersection of healthcare innovation and practical application. With roots deeply embedded in Stockholm and balancing roles as a businessman and a caring father, Dr. Bernow's mission is more than transactional: crafting a future wher…
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I’ve seen it happen on the fireground, in the station, and in everyday life. The moment someone starts believing they’re untouchable, the moment they stop listening, stop learning—that’s when disaster strikes. It’s the firefighter who ignores their training because they ‘know better.’ The leader who refuses feedback. The person who thinks they’re a…
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A CMVM lançou um comunicado sobre os finfluencers e o impacto que têm no mundo dos investimentos. Mas o que significa isso na prática? 🤔 ➡️ Quais são as novas diretrizes? ➡️ O que muda para quem consome conteúdos sobre investimentos? ➡️ E o que muda para quem os cria? Neste episódio, vou analisar ponto por ponto e dar-te a minha visão sobre este te…
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Sermon Series: Jesus Christ, Lord of The Turnaround Message Title: A Generational Turnaround In this episode, Pastor Sam Rodriguez shares how faith impacts generations. Drawing from Mark 5, we see how the woman with the issue of blood reached out in faith and was healed, and how that miracle paved the way for Jairus' daughter to rise. Key Takeaways…
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Pastor Christian’s sermon, "Stop Blaming Others", challenges us to stop shifting blame and start taking responsibility for our lives. Using Moses as an example, he showed how blame can lead to bitterness, keep us stuck in the past, and cause us to miss out on God’s blessings. Instead, we’re called to repent, own our actions, and move forward in obe…
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Edición del 22/03/25 de "La Milla" con música de Michael Jackson - The Bangles - Bruce Springsteen - Dan Fogelberg - Ben E. King - The Beatles (x3) - Britney Spears - Tiffany - Mecano - Tom Jones feaut The Art of Noise - Charly García (x3) - Marcela Morelo - Comida China - The Monkeys - Smash Mouth - Rubén Goldin - David Bowie (x2) - The Rolling St…
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et ready to STOMP and ROCK as we have a mixabilly week in store for you where the #rockabilly / #psychobilly colide to bring you one wonderful mess of rock & roll on Hot Roddin' 2+Nite donate -द्वारा Cat Ass Media
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Understanding why you need to look at data in the micro to glean a clear interpretation. Success on the farm or ranch requires efficient machinery. I am Ray Bohacz, the Hot Rod Farmer from New Jersey, and I want to help you maximize the reliability of your equipment. Please join me every Saturday at 11:00 am Eastern for Farm Machinery Digest Radio,…
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O życiu Polaków w USA, codzienności, szkołach, edukacji domowej, polskości i tym jak to co się dzieje na świecie widać z perspektywy ludzi żyjących w trzecim największym mieście Stanów Zjednoczonych.Gość: Bogdan Ogórek PODCAST ⏰Na żywo w każdy czwartek o godz. 21 🎧Następnego dnia na Spotify i…
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Jovan Buha from The Athletic hops on to talk about Bronny's big night, the Lakers' potential playoff seeding and more. The Clippers are on fire and host the Grizzlies tonight. Crosstalk with Petros and Money.द्वारा AM 570 LA Sports (KLAC-AM)
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Takeaways from Tokyo after the Dodgers swept the Cubs. Could the NFL change its OT and playoff sedding rules? Would extending the NBA schedule reduce the amount of games missed by star players?द्वारा AM 570 LA Sports (KLAC-AM)
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Tim Cates, Adam Auslund and Kevin Figgers sit in for the guys and talk about Bronny James' career night against the Bucks, UCLA's win over Utah State in the tournament and the NCAA banning live mascots at tournament gamesद्वारा AM 570 LA Sports (KLAC-AM)
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oni, valenciano de corazón y espíritu inquebrantable, comenzó su viaje en el mundo del baile desde niño, aunque no fue fácil. En una época donde ser un niño bailarín en España lo exponía a burlas, su madre lo impulsó a enfrentar sus miedos. Con flequillo rubio (¡gracias a un poco de agua oxigenada casera!) y determinación, Toni bailó frente a todo …
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The Rod and Greg Show Daily Rundown – Thursday, March 20, 2025 4:20 pm: Cheryl Chumley, Online Opinion Editor for the Washington Times joins the program for a conversation about her piece on how Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is the best reflection of a destroyed Democrat Party. 4:38 pm: Conn Carroll, Commentary Editor for the Washington E…
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Vinny Bonsignore talks about Aaron Rodgers' free agency options, the Raiders' 6th pick in the draft and more. We discuss Netflix's new QB documentary that follows Joe Burrow, Jared Goff and Kirk Cousinsद्वारा AM 570 LA Sports (KLAC-AM)
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Do the Lakers NEED homecourt advantage to make a deep run in the playoffs? Could the NFL change seeding rules for the playoffs? Ron Washington has banned cell phone use in the Angels clubhouseद्वारा AM 570 LA Sports (KLAC-AM)
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Jonas Knox and Ben Maller sit in and talk about the opening day of the NCAA tournament, the Dodgers' sweep of the Cubs in Tokyo, Rodney Peete's snag of the foul ball in Game 2 and new Charger Najee Harris taking a shot at his former team in Pittsburghद्वारा AM 570 LA Sports (KLAC-AM)
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Przekąskowy styl życia, brak śniadania, brak ruchu na dworze, coraz więcej przetworzonego jedzenia. Nic dziwnego, że polskie dzieci tyją najszybciej w Europie. Szacuje się, że co trzecie dziecko w Polsce ma nadwagę, a każdego roku w naszym kraju będzie przybywać 400 tys. dzieci z nadmierną masą ciała. Jak zatem znaleźć złoty środek w żywieniu dziec…
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Odporność psychiczną można określić jako umiejętność radzenia sobie z przeciwnościami i kryzysami oraz umiejętność wracania do stanu sprzed kryzysu, także umiejętność wykorzystania możliwości w obliczu trudności. Odporność psychiczna jest ważną umiejętnością, która pomaga w radzeniu sobie z większymi, mniejszymi „zawirowaniami” życiowymi. Jak to si…
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In Episode 36 of “Market News with Rodney Lake,” Rodney Lake, Director of the GW Investment Institute, analyzes Salesforce's current business performance. Salesforce’s management, led by co-founder Marc Benioff, receives high marks for its impressive gross margins of 77-80% and net margins of 17.5%, which are expected to increase. However, concerns…
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In the Star Trek: Voyager episode, “Ashes to Ashes,” Ensign Ballard returns to Voyager, and she has changed quite a bit. There's her new life as an alien and the fact that she's not dead - which was precisely how the crew last saw her three years ago. Harry throws caution to the wind and sparks a romatic relationship, but Ballard's new alien "famil…
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