Rich सार्वजनिक
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show episodes


Kavita Sings India भारतवाणी

BHARATVAANI...KAVITA SINGS INDIA I Sing.. I Write.. I Chant.. I Recite.. I'm here to Tell Tales of my glorious motherland INDIA, Tales of our rich cultural, spiritual heritage, ancient Vedic history, literature and epic poetry. My podcasts will include Bharat Bharti by Maithilisharan Gupta, Rashmirathi and Parashuram ki Prateeksha by Ramdhari Singh Dinkar, Kamayani by Jaishankar Prasad, Madhushala by Harivanshrai Bachchan, Ramcharitmanas by Tulsidas, Radheshyam Ramayan, Valmiki Ramayan, Soun ...
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it's fanindra bhardwaj's show

Fanindra bhardwaj

"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes, from love and heartbreak to nature and spirituality. Fanindra's poetry beautifully captures the essence of these emotions, allowing listeners to ...
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Jiwan Sanskar

जीवन संस्कार

जीवन में संस्कार से जीना, सीखना और सीखाना हमारा पहला लक्ष्य है ।
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Onain Drive

Onain Web

श्रोताओं की मदद करने के लिए एक मिशन के साथ एक व्यक्तिगत विकास पॉडकास्ट स्वयं का सबसे अच्छा संस्करण बनने में मदद करता है। हम इसमें कई विषयों को शामिल करते है, जिसमें बदलती आदतें और मानसिकता से लेकर किसी के जीवन में विभिन्न रिश्तों को बेहतर बनाना शामिल है, जिसमें हम खुद के साथ स्वास्थ्य और फिटनेस के लिए और किसी के उद्देश्य / मौजू को खोजना शामिल है। प्रत्येक प्रकरण के पीछे का विचार कुल मिलाकर एक बेहतर जीवन की ओर है!
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show series
सीता राम विवाह | बालकाण्ड राधेश्याम रामायण | Narrated by Kavita | Bharatvani KavitaSingsIndia
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धनुष तोड़ श्रीराम ने किया सीता का वरण | बालकाण्ड | राधेश्याम रामायण | Narrated by Kavita Singh | Bharatvani KavitaSingsIndia
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सीता स्वयंवर Sita Swayamvar | बालकाण्ड राधेश्याम रामायण Baalkand Radheshyam Ramayan | Bharatvani KavitaSingsIndia
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पुष्प वाटिका में राम सीता साक्षात्कार | बालकाण्ड | Radheshyam Ramayan narrated by Kavita Singh | Bharatvani KavitaSingsIndia
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पुष्पवाटिका भ्रमण को निकले राम | Baalkand | Radheshyam Ramayan narrated by Kavita Singh | Bharatvani KavitaSingsIndia
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विश्वास, विनय और विश्राम - Bharat Bharati 65 (भविष्यत खण्ड ) - मैथिलीशरण गुप्त
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भविष्य की आशा और हमारे आदर्श - Bharat Bharati 64 (भविष्यत खण्ड ) - मैथिलीशरण गुप्त
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नवयुवाओं से उद्बोधन - Bharat Bharati 63 (भविष्यत खंड) - मैथिलीशरण गुप्त
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 100_प्रदीप ज्वालाभि-र्दिवसकर-नीराजनविधिः_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaप्रदीप ज्वालाभि-र्दिवसकर-नीराजनविधिः सुधासूते-श्चन्द्रोपल-जललवै-रघ्यरचना । स्वकीयैरम्भोभिः सलिल-निधि-सौहित्यकरणं त्वदीयाभि-र्वाग्भि-स्तव जननि वाचां स्तुतिरियम् ॥ 100 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 99_सरस्वत्या लक्ष्म्या विधि हरि सपत्नो विहरते_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaसरस्वत्या लक्ष्म्या विधि हरि सपत्नो विहरते रतेः पतिव्रत्यं शिथिलपति रम्येण वपुषा । चिरं जीवन्नेव क्षपित-पशुपाश-व्यतिकरः परानन्दाभिख्यं रसयति रसं त्वद्भजनवान् ॥ 99 ॥
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Soundaryalhari Shlok 98_कदा काले मातः कथय कलितालक्तकरसं_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitasingsIndiaकदा काले मातः कथय कलितालक्तकरसं पिबेयं विद्यार्थी तव चरण-निर्णेजनजलम् । प्रकृत्या मूकानामपि च कविता0कारणतया कदा धत्ते वाणीमुखकमल-ताम्बूल-रसताम् ॥ 98 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 97_गिरामाहु-र्देवीं द्रुहिणगृहिणी-मागमविदो_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndia गिरामाहु-र्देवीं द्रुहिणगृहिणी-मागमविदो हरेः पत्नीं पद्मां हरसहचरी-मद्रितनयाम् । तुरीया कापि त्वं दुरधिगम-निस्सीम-महिमा महामाया विश्वं भ्रमयसि परब्रह्ममहिषि ॥ 97 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 96_कलत्रं वैधात्रं कतिकति भजन्ते न कवयः_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaकलत्रं वैधात्रं कतिकति भजन्ते न कवयः श्रियो देव्याः को वा न भवति पतिः कैरपि धनैः । महादेवं हित्वा तव सति सतीना-मचरमे कुचभ्या-मासङ्गः कुरवक-तरो-रप्यसुलभः ॥ 96 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 95_पुरारन्ते-रन्तः पुरमसि तत-स्त्वचरणयोः_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaपुरारन्ते-रन्तः पुरमसि तत-स्त्वचरणयोः सपर्या-मर्यादा तरलकरणाना-मसुलभा । तथा ह्येते नीताः शतमखमुखाः सिद्धिमतुलां तव द्वारोपान्तः स्थितिभि-रणिमाद्याभि-रमराः ॥ 95 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 94_कलङ्कः कस्तूरी रजनिकर बिम्बं जलमयं_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaकलङ्कः कस्तूरी रजनिकर बिम्बं जलमयं कलाभिः कर्पूरै-र्मरकतकरण्डं निबिडितम् । अतस्त्वद्भोगेन प्रतिदिनमिदं रिक्तकुहरं विधि-र्भूयो भूयो निबिडयति नूनं तव कृते ॥ 94 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 93_अराला केशेषु प्रकृति सरला मन्दहसिते_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaअराला केशेषु प्रकृति सरला मन्दहसितेशिरीषाभा चित्ते दृषदुपलशोभा कुचतटे ।भृशं तन्वी मध्ये पृथु-रुरसिजारोह विषयेजगत्त्रतुं शम्भो-र्जयति करुणा काचिदरुणा ॥ 93 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 92_गतास्ते मञ्चत्वं द्रुहिण हरि रुद्रेश्वर भृतः_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaगतास्ते मञ्चत्वं द्रुहिण हरि रुद्रेश्वर भृतःशिवः स्वच्छ-च्छाया-घटित-कपट-प्रच्छदपटः ।त्वदीयानां भासां प्रतिफलन रागारुणतयाशरीरी शृङ्गारो रस इव दृशां दोग्धि कुतुकम् ॥ 92 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 91_पदन्यास-क्रीडा परिचय-मिवारब्धु-मनसः_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaपदन्यास-क्रीडा परिचय-मिवारब्धु-मनसःस्खलन्तस्ते खेलं भवनकलहंसा न जहति ।अतस्तेषां शिक्षां सुभगमणि-मञ्जीर-रणित-च्छलादाचक्षाणं चरणकमलं चारुचरिते ॥ 91 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 90_ददाने दीनेभ्यः श्रियमनिश-माशानुसदृशीं_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaददाने दीनेभ्यः श्रियमनिश-माशानुसदृशींअमन्दं सौन्दर्यं प्रकर-मकरन्दं विकिरति ।तवास्मिन् मन्दार-स्तबक-सुभगे यातु चरणेनिमज्जन् मज्जीवः करणचरणः ष्ट्चरणताम् ॥ 90 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 89_नखै-र्नाकस्त्रीणां करकमल-सङ्कोच-शशिभिः_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaनखै-र्नाकस्त्रीणां करकमल-सङ्कोच-शशिभिःतरूणां दिव्यानां हसत इव ते चण्डि चरणौ ।फलानि स्वःस्थेभ्यः किसलय-कराग्रेण ददतांदरिद्रेभ्यो भद्रां श्रियमनिश-मह्नाय ददतौ ॥ 89 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 88_पदं ते कीर्तीनां प्रपदमपदं देवि विपदां_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaपदं ते कीर्तीनां प्रपदमपदं देवि विपदांकथं नीतं सद्भिः कठिन-कमठी-कर्पर-तुलाम् ।कथं वा बाहुभ्या-मुपयमनकाले पुरभिदायदादाय न्यस्तं दृषदि दयमानेन मनसा ॥ 88 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 87_हिमानी हन्तव्यं हिमगिरिनिवासैक-चतुरौ_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaहिमानी हन्तव्यं हिमगिरिनिवासैक-चतुरौनिशायां निद्राणं निशि-चरमभागे च विशदौ ।वरं लक्ष्मीपात्रं श्रिय-मतिसृहन्तो समयिनांसरोजं त्वत्पादौ जननि जयत-श्चित्रमिह किम् ॥ 87 ॥
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Soundaryalahari Shlok 86_मृषा कृत्वा गोत्रस्खलन-मथ वैलक्ष्यनमितं_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaमृषा कृत्वा गोत्रस्खलन-मथ वैलक्ष्यनमितंललाटे भर्तारं चरणकमले ताडयति ते ।चिरादन्तः शल्यं दहनकृत मुन्मूलितवतातुलाकोटिक्वाणैः किलिकिलित मीशान रिपुणा ॥ 86 ॥
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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Podcaste "sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range …
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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Souundaryalahari Shlok 85_नमो वाकं ब्रूमो नयन-रमणीयाय पदयोः_Adi Shankaracharya Tantragranth_KavitaSingsIndiaनमो वाकं ब्रूमो नयन-रमणीयाय पदयोःतवास्मै द्वन्द्वाय स्फुट-रुचि रसालक्तकवते ।असूयत्यत्यन्तं यदभिहननाय स्पृहयतेपशूना-मीशानः प्रमदवन-कङ्केलितरवे ॥ 85 ॥
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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त्वरित संदर्भ मार्गदर्शिका

अन्वेषण करते समय इस शो को सुनें