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AI Report

Alexander Klöpping en Wietse Hage

Alexander Klöpping en Wietse Hage maken AI begrijpelijk en houden je op de hoogte. Eens in de week bespreken ze niet alleen de laatste ontwikkelingen, maar vertalen ze ook grote AI-doorbraken naar praktische toepassingen.
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Saates keskendutakse sise- ja välispoliitikale, kaitseküsimustele, haridusele, ühiskonna- ja keskkonnateemadele ning muudele päevapoliitiliselt olulistele küsimustele. Saatejuhid on Kaja Kärner, Arp Müller ja Mirko Ojakivi."Reporteritund" on eetris T-N kell 14.05, kordusena kell 19.05.
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The Rubin Report

Dave Rubin

Care about free speech? Tired of political correctness? Join Dave Rubin for real conversations, real news, and one-on-one interviews with some of the most intriguing names in America today as they break down politics and current events.
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Post Reports

The Washington Post

Post Reports is the daily podcast from The Washington Post. Unparalleled reporting. Expert insight. Clear analysis. Everything you’ve come to expect from the newsroom of The Post, for your ears. Martine Powers and Elahe Izadi are your hosts, asking the questions you didn’t know you wanted answered. Published weekdays around 5 p.m. Eastern time.
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The Skin Report

Dr. Simran Sethi

The skincare industry isn’t always inclusive of different ethnicities. However, everybody deserves to feel beautiful in their skin. Join host Dr. Simran Sethi as she shares her skincare expertise on The Skin Report. An internal medicine doctor and Founder and Medical Director of RenewMD medical spas, Dr. Sethi demystifies the science behind skincare and treatments with a focus on melanated skin. She addresses topics like hyperpigmentation, inflammation, and other common skin conditions among ...
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Die Reportage

Deutschlandfunk Kultur

Gut recherchiert, persönlich erzählt – das ist die Reportage von Deutschlandfunk Kultur. Erlebbar, weil nah dran. Überraschend, unterhaltend, informativ.
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Wake up to what's going on in Canada and the world. We'll give you a 10-minute dose of the biggest news stories happening now, updated multiple times each morning. Our CBC News reporters will tell you about the political actors trying to make change, the movements catching fire, and the cultural moments going viral. Hosted by Marcia Young Monday through Thursday and John Northcott Friday through Sunday, we have new episodes seven days a week, dropping by 6 am ET on weekdays, 7 am ET on weeke ...
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Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita

Evita Duffy-Alfonso

Welcome to the Bongino Report Early Edition with Evita, the podcast where truth has no boundaries and fearless journalism takes center stage! Evita Duffy-Alfonso is a journalist who's been on the front lines of today's most pressing stories. From confronting left-wing insanity and thought policing on college campuses, to exposing the harsh realities of blue city crime in places like Chicago, she brings you the news the corporate media won't touch. Evita reported on the ground during the BLM ...
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Halftime Report is on the front lines of CNBC’s market coverage. CNBC’s Scott Wapner and the Street’s top investors get to the heart of the action as it’s happening and help set the agenda for the rest of the day. Halftime Report airs weekdays 12-1PM ET on CNBC TV.
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Reportagem Especial

Rádio Senado

Reportagens abordando temas de interesse da sociedade. Cultura, história do Brasil e direitos da cidadania. Veiculação dentro do programa Conexão Senado. Disponível na internet.
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Blocked and Reported

Katie Herzog and Jesse Singal

Journalists Katie Herzog and Jesse Singal scour the internet for its craziest, silliest, most sociopathic content, part of an obsessive and ill-conceived attempt to extract kernels of meaning and humanity from a landscape of endless raging dumpster fires.
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RFI Brasil

Confira aqui as análises, entrevistas e repercussões de notícias que você pode ouvir e baixar. As reportagens +RFI propõem a cobertura de eventos importantes no mundo inteiro feita pelos repórteres e correspondentes da Rádio França Internacional.
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The Hartmann Report

Thom Hartmann

The Hartmann Report is an independent daily podcast hosted by award winning, author, radio & TV host Thom Hartmann. Thom’s podcast highlights the bigger picture behind politics, science and culture through discussion and debate. Catch Thom’s live show Monday through Friday noon ET / 9am PT-
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RFI propose un grand reportage réalisé par les envoyés spéciaux et les correspondants de la rédaction, partout dans le monde. Diffusion du lundi au jeudi vers toutes cibles à 11h10 TU, 19h40 TU. Et à 03h10 TU du mardi au vendredi. Le samedi et le dimanche à 10h10 TU, Patrick Adam, rédacteur en chef de l'information monde vous présente une version enrichie, sur 50 minutes avec la diffusion de deux Grands Reportages et à l’issue, un entretien avec leurs auteurs.
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FRANCE 24 English

An in-depth report by our senior reporters and team of correspondents from around the world. Every Saturday at 10:10pm Paris time. Or you can catch it online from Friday.
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1LIVE Reportage


Unsere Reporter sind mittendrin und hautnah dabei. Ob Grubenfahrt, Großdemonstration oder Ultimate Fighting, wir bringen euch die ganze Story - in der 1LIVE Reportage. Ein 1LIVE-Podcast, © WDR 2022
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John Solomon Reports

John Solomon

Award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, who helped unravel the bogus Russia collusion scandal, gives you his exclusive reporting and big newsmaker interviews. To get the unvarnished truth about what’s really going on in Washington, subscribe today to John Solomon Reports. To find out more go to
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The ChatGPT Report

The ChatGPT Report

15 minute episodes dedicated to AI news and where it's heading. Just Ryan, your mid IQ guy on AI. I Produce, Edit, and Host....all me, no one else! Email me X -
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Reporter podcast

Reporter podcast

Novinarji Reporterja in gosti debatirajo o aktualnih temah: od politike in zdravstva do gospodarstva in kriminala iščemo najbolj pereče teme, jih analiziramo in osvetlimo za občinstvo.
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Reportaże z anten Polskiego Radia

Polskie Radio S.A.

Reportażyści Studia Reportażu i Dokumentu Polskiego Radia jeżdżą po Polsce i świecie w poszukiwaniu ciekawych spraw i ludzi. Wielokrotnie inicjatorami podejmowanych przez nas tematów są sami słuchacze. Liczne telefony, listy i e-maile kierowane do redakcji są dowodem na to, że wysiłek reportażystów ma sens, że są potrzebni, że ich trud poprawiania świata przynosi konkretne, społecznie oczekiwane efekty.
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Nedeljska reportaža


Reportaža, pravijo, je kraljica novinarskega dela. Nedeljska reportaža na lahkoten način govori o zaokroženi temi, o zanimivih krajih in ljudeh, tudi o stvareh, ki delajo naše življenje zanimivejše; je razmišljanje o vsakdanjiku, je včasih tudi potopis ali celo malce ironičen novinarjev pogled na dogajanja okoli nas. Predvsem pa je Nedeljska reportaža oddaja z močnim osebnim avtorjevim pečatom.
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The Security Repo

Mackenzie Jackson & Dwayne McDaniel

The security repo is a podcast that focuses on real world security issues we are all facing today. We will take deep dives into news events and have exclusive interviews with security leaders on the ground.
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show series
Comissão de Narcóticos se reúne em Viena, sede do Unodc, para debater crise de opioides mortais como fentanil e outras substâncias; tecnologias digitais facilitam comércio e movimentação de lucros; produção e contrabando de estimulantes usados em campos de batalha agravam situação em áreas de conflito.…
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Scott Wapner and the Investment Committee debate whether it’s time to buy stocks as the unsettled market tries to bounce today. Plus, we discuss the latest Calls of the Day in the airlines, Uber and more. And later, Goldman Sachs reveals its “Stable” stocks in the market list, the desk pick their favorite names. Investment Committee Disclosures…
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South Africa’s National Treasury has presented a revised budget that includes a smaller increase in value-added tax. The move is aimed at breaking the deadlock within the coalition government after disagreements led to the postponement of last month’s budget—the first delay of its kind in 30 years. Also on the programme, the trade war heats up in E…
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Jornal da ONU com Ana Paula Loureiro. Esses são os destaques desta quarta-feira, 12 de março de 2025ONU caminha para 80 anos focando em reformas e modernizaçãoDeclaração política sobre direitos das mulheres é aprovada por consensoद्वारा Ana Paula Loureiro
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- Murder of Jamie White and CIA Propaganda (0:00) - Chase Geyser's Swatting Incident (2:13) - Globalist War and UK Government Corruption (6:20) - Chase Geyser's Testimony on Swatting (9:35) - Elon Musk and the Enemies List (14:28) - Preparation for Cyber Attacks and Power Grid Disruptions (16:51) - Interview with Tina from the Satellite Phone Store…
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Canada announced counter tariffs in response to the steel and aluminum tariffs imposed overnight by US President Donald Trump. Pro-independence party wins Greenland election. Efforts to re-negotiate a water-sharing deal between Canada and US have stalled, raising concerns the Trump administration wants more control over the Columbia River.…
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While working families struggle, Trump and his billionaire cronies are cashing in big time… See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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Texto apresentado na 69ª Reunião da Comissão sobre o Estatuto da Mulher promove enfrentamento de barreiras estruturais e reforça direitos e liberdades; diretora executiva da ONU Mulheres fala em demonstração de unidade; houve destaques para acesso à educação, assédio online e trabalho doméstico.द्वारा United Nations
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To historia polskiego Żyda z Jerozolimy. Branley Zeichner, bohater reportażu, został zmuszony do wyjazdu z Polski w maju 1969 roku, gdy opuścił zakład karny. Trafił tam za "rozpowszechnianie propagandy pisanej". W rozmowie z Bartoszem Pankiem opowiada między innymi o tym dlaczego jako cel swej emigracji wybrał ostatecznie Izrael. Opowiada również o…
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Secretário-geral diz que o orçamento da organização não é composto apenas de números, mas sim de decisões sobre vida ou morte para milhões de pessoas ao redor do mundo; força-tarefa vai analisar eficiência e custo-benefício do funcionamento da casa.द्वारा Monica Grayley
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There's a growing field of candidates looking to replace Gavin Newsom as governor. The latest high-profile entry is former Orange County Congresswoman Katie Porter, who officially entered the race on Tuesday. Reporter: Guy Marzorati, KQED California law lets landlords evict tenants for nonpayment - even if tenants can prove they can pay off their o…
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This week on the Primo episode, Jesse and Katie discuss the unmasking of an influential right-wing Twitter herpe. Plus, updates on Carrie Jade Williams and Dave Garda. Serial fraudster jailed for three years for ‘deliberate fraud’ over protracted period – The Irish Times The great University Challenge 'Dave Garda' hoax: The truth behind th… To hear…
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In this episode of Bongino Report: Early Edition, Evita is joined by her father, Sean Duffy, Secretary of the DOT, for an eye-opening conversation on today’s hot topics. They break down the recent tragic plane crashes and the media's misleading spin on the situation. Both Evita and Sean reflect on their experiences growing up in large families, and…
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SHOW NOTES AND COMMENTS: From the depths of the scamdemic to the craziness of the trade wars, we've seen the economic destruction and disruption of our daily lives that can be caused by authoritarians who presume to rule over the world. But the society they are crafting is not the society we ha…
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A reportagem especial "Ventos da Liberdade - 40 Anos da Redemocratização" narra o fim da ditadura militar no Brasil, a eleição indireta de Tancredo Neves e o papel de José Sarney na transição para a democracia. Eleito em 1985, Tancredo Neves faleceu antes de tomar posse, e Sarney assumiu interinamente, liderando o país até a redemocratização, conso…
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From the depths of the scamdemic to the craziness of the trade wars, we've seen the economic destruction and disruption of our daily lives that can be caused by authoritarians who presume to rule over the world. But the society they are crafting is not the society we have to live in. Join James for this edition of #SolutionsWatch where he explores …
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Au Pakistan, avoir un lion ou un tigre domestique à l’instar d’un chat ou d’un chien est de plus en plus tendance. Riches hommes d'affaires, industriels, propriétaires terriens ou trafiquants, ont leur zoo personnel. Sur les réseaux sociaux, pour des influenceurs, s’exhiber avec un félin sauvage est un symbole de puissance chic et choc. Les gros fé…
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What is Ectoin, and how can it transform your skincare routine? In this episode of The Skin Report, Dr. Simran Sethi, board-certified in internal medicine and medical aesthetics, explores the benefits of this powerful amino acid. Learn how Ectoin provides extreme hydration, reduces inflammation, and protects against UVA rays, helping with condition…
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Estudo revela avanço limitado no alcance da igualdade de gênero em liderança política no início deste ano; aumento da presença feminina em Parlamentos pelo mundo foi de 0.3 ponto percentual se comparado a 2024.द्वारा Monica Grayley
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Cerca de 1,6 milhão de meninas dão à luz um bebê, todo ano, num custo total de US$ 15,3 bilhões; um investimento de US$ 1,8 bilhão em anticoncepcionais e educação sobre sexualidade integral ajudaria a reduzir a taxa média de fecundidade em 36% até o próximo ano.द्वारा Ana Paula Loureiro
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Watch The X22 Report On Video No videos found Click On Picture To See Larger Picture Trump was able to reduce the egg prices, the fake news argument countered. The [CB] is not building the narrative that Trump will push us into a recession, the Fed is in a holding pattern. The market is coming down and it looks like the globalist are selling off. T…
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After a meeting between the US Secretary of State Rubio and National Security Advisor Waltz, a Ukraine currently getting trounced on the battlefield has agreed to a "ceasefire" with the party doing the trouncing, Russia. In response, President Trump has once again started up the pipeline of weapons and targeting information to Ukraine. Bold move...…
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Canada and the United States have each backtracked on some tariff threats amid further trade turmoil. But America still plans a 25% tariff on Canadian steel and aluminium imports on Wednesday. We hear what a ceasefire could mean for Ukraine’s economy. And, as Manchester United plans to build a $2 billion stadium, Rahul Tandon asks can they afford i…
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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks to Matt Goodwin about the current state of conservative politics in the UK and the US; the political realignment post-2016; the success of Republicans under Donald Trump; the UK Tories' failure to capitalize on Brexit; the disconnect between the Kemi Badenoch-led Tory party and working-class voters; the rise o…
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Congressman Andy Harris, Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, discusses the unexpected support for this CR and its implications for fiscal policy. Congressman Harris explains how this CR not only decreases spending but also provides crucial funding for military personnel and essential programs. Corey Lewandowski, a key advisor to President Trump, …
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Crowdfunding Cancer Care While Billionaires Hoard Billions. This guy says that he can murder the FBI and police who investigated him for his rioting on January 6 because Trump‘s pardon covers it. The judge isn’t buying it, but it hasn’t made its way to the Supreme Court yet. See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Not…
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Columbia graduate student Mahmoud Khalil helped organize protests at the university against the Israel-Gaza war last spring. Khalil, who is a legal permanent resident of the United States, according to his lawyers, was detained over the weekend by immigration officers was detained by immigration officers and accused by the Trump administration of s…
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It's News Day Tuesday! Sam and Emma speak with Lindsey Boylan, former government official, to discuss Andrew Cuomo's recent announcement that he'll be running for Mayor of New York. First, they run through updates on Trump’s trade war and the related economic turmoil, the GOP’s impending government shutdown, the attempted deportation of Columbia Un…
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Ao retornar de visita à ilha caribenha, especialista independente da ONU fala de expansão facções criminosas e atos de terror contra a população; luta contra impunidade e corrupção são principais obstáculos ao desmantelamento de grupos armados.द्वारा United Nations
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Good morning, sunshine! We've got a lot to discuss in today's Morning Report, including:Amber Portwood dragging Gary ShirleyWendy Williams being rushed to the hospital for a psych evalFootage of Blake Lively biting Justin Baldoni's lip despite her claims that he did that to her & more!Become a Channel Member: your Philo fre…
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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” talks about “The View’s” Whoopi Goldberg and Dylan Mulvaney stun their audience by not seeming to understand why anyone would be against trans athletes competing in women’s sports; the “Real Time with Bill Maher” audience and Kid Rock and Tim Ryan cheering for Bill Maher giving his honest opinion of Kamala Harris’ p…
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Scott Wapner and the Investment Committee discuss the continued selloff and debate how low stocks can go after President Trumps announcing new tariffs today. Plus, the desk making some major portfolio moves as the market slides lower, they share their trading strategies. And later, Josh Brown gives an update on his ‘Best Stocks in the Market’ list.…
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Jornal da ONU, com Felipe de Carvalho:*Corte de ajuda em Gaza pode reverter todo progresso do cessar-fogo*ONU crê que abolição da pena de morte está ganhando força no mundo*Corte de assistência gera risco de colapso no Afeganistão*ONU alarmada com aumento da violência entre comunidades síriasद्वारा United Nations
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As Donald Trump announces plans to double tariffs on Canadian steel and gas, we take stock of how the US markets are reacting. Tesla shares are taking a big hit—but is this about broader challenges facing electric vehicle makers, or fallout from Elon Musk’s political moves? We’ll also head to Greenland, where voters are going to the polls amid rene…
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Bloqueio de itens de assistência e interrupção da eletricidade afetam milhões de habitantes, que podem ficar sem água potável; chefe da Unrwa alerta para crise na Cisjordânia que já causou maior deslocamento de palestinos na área desde 1967.द्वारा United Nations
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Register free at to watch the full Feel Good, Gut Health Course stream - Global Civil War and Patriot Revolt (0:10) - Strategies of the Deep State (3:06) - Impact on Europe and Globalist Control (9:23) - Cyber Attacks and Protests (15:43) - Murder of Jamie White and Globalist Terrorism (24:07) - Preparedness and Self-Reliance (4…
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Who’s next? Trump’s ICE is snatching student protesters off the streets! See Privacy Policy at and California Privacy Notice at
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US President Donald Trump says he will double tariffs on Canadian aluminum and steel tomorrow morning. Federal government under pressure to complete swift and smooth transition of power. Voters in Greenland go to polls knowing US president Donald Trump wants to control their island.
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A German tourist has spent more than a month in US Immigration custody here in California. Her friends say she’s experienced a terrifying ordeal. Reporter: Gustavo Solis, KPBS LA County District Attorney Nathan Hochman says he opposes the resentencing of the Menendez brothers, who are serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for th…
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Zvláštní a smutný byl závěr natáčení dokumentu Štěstí a dobro všem, ve kterém tým režiséra Filipa Remundy zaznamenával život pozoruhodného Rusa středního věku jménem Vitalij. Tento muž z Novosibirska byl vášnivým komentátorem společenského dění v Rusku i ve světě, a navzdory nesporné inteligenci žil dost excentricky. Měl se stát vědcem, ale do loňs…
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In this episode of Bongino Report: Early Edition, Evita covers X experiencing a potential Ukrainian cyber attack, the removal of D.C.’s Black Lives Matter Plaza, and America-hating internet trolls slamming cute children for singing about George Washington. Check out our amazing Sponsor -Genucel - Just go to and use my code NEWS at …
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Bohaterem jest Tomasz Gartowski, strażak, który 9 maja 1987 roku brał udział w akcji zabezpieczenia terenu po katastrofie lotniczej w Lesie Kabackim. Samolot pasażerski rozbił się w gęstym lesie, zginęły 183 osoby. Emerytowany dziś strażak opisuje swoje pierwsze wrażenia po dotarciu na miejsce tragedii. Chaos, zgliszcza i zapach spalenizny - to wsp…
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Berlin vit la plus importante transformation de son histoire. Comme d’autres grandes villes dans le monde, la capitale allemande et ses quatre millions d’habitants doivent faire vite pour s’adapter aux effets du changement climatique. La municipalité a donc adopté un nouveau concept : celui de la « ville-éponge ». Il s’agit de permettre à la terre …
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Są świetnie wykształceni i wyszkoleni. Często wykonują czynności i decyzje, które w innych krajach należą do lekarzy. Polscy ratownicy medyczni mają jedne z najszerszych uprawnień w Unii Europejskiej. Niestety nie zawsze idzie za tym szacunek społeczny. Na co dzień często spotykają się z agresją słowną i fizyczną. Jeżdżą do osób pijanych, po użyciu…
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Here we go again. Congressman Massie refuses to support reckless government spending and increased debt. President Trump comes out to criticize Massie and says he should be primaried. Many will remember that we've been down this road before with the trillions in Covid spending (and subsequent inflation). Massie vehemently opposed the Covid spending…
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