Ramin सार्वजनिक
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I soldi sono una delle cose che più determina molti aspetti della nostra vita, eppure molti di noi non ne conoscono i meccanismi. Ramini è il podcast di 2Cents che ti aiuta a capire come gestire i soldi e tutto quello che ci gira intorno. I ramini sono le monetine da 1, 2 e 5 cent e rappresentano le unità di valore più basse nelle valute tradizionali, come se fossero dei mattoncini di base. Allo stesso modo, questo podcast si concentra sulle basi della finanza personale per capire come funzi ...
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UNLAWYERLY. with Ramin


A place where we discuss life, the pursuit of happiness, and some law. The very first series will focus on the obstacles that working professionals, working parents, and growing families face but using my story of leaving a prosperous and prestigious career of a big law lawyer and at the same time deciding to retire to help guide the discussion.
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The Hang with Ramin Karimloo

Ramin Karimloo & Broadway Podcast Network

This podcast gives you a front row seat to inside conversations between Ramin Karimloo and his guests. In the world of theatrical performers, Ramin Karimloo is known as one of the most formidable talents in the industry. Heralded for his portrayal of leading roles Jean Valjean in Les Miserables and the Phantom in Phantom of the Opera, Karimloo is a musical force unlike any other. In fact, it was his unbridled reputation that led to his performance in the recent Oscar tribute to Les Misérable ...
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show series
Nel secondo episodio della seconda stagione di Ramini, Clara e Pietro affrontano un tema pratico e importante: come scegliere il consulente finanziario più adatto alle proprie esigenze? Con l'aiuto dell'esperto Davide Manzoni, spiegano con chiarezza le differenze tra consulenti "Fee Only" e "Commission Only", evidenziando vantaggi e svantaggi di ci…
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Nel primo episodio della seconda stagione di Ramini, Clara e Pietro affrontano una domanda fondamentale: perché è importante investire i propri risparmi invece di lasciarli fermi sul conto corrente? Con esempi pratici e divertenti, spiegano l'importanza di proteggere il potere d'acquisto dall'inflazione e come investire possa aiutare a raggiungere …
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Duncan Trussell returns for his 3rd appearance on the Rainbow Brainskull podcast! Who doesn't love Duncan? You may know him from The Midnight Gospel on Netflix. Or the DTFH podcast. He's one of a kind and always has been. Duncan has been a friend for over a decade and I've been a fan of his for even longer. We aimed to record for an hour and ended …
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Pea returns for my first Rainbow Brainskull podcast in over a year! We answer your submitted questions and talk about how we ended up doing whatever it is that we're doing. Pea is an artist and energetic strategist specializing in the energetics behind business and career success. They have a new book out now called [SPIRIT MATH](https://www.peathe…
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Non è mai troppo presto per iniziare a pensare alla pensione, per quanto sembri un obiettivo lontano da raggiungere. Oltre alla pensione pubblica che tutti conosciamo, alcune forme di investimento, come i fondi pensione, possono essere un valido alleato per una maggiore indipendenza finanziaria nel lungo termine. Ne abbiamo parlato con Ginevra Zucc…
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Ci sono i mercati finanziari e poi ci sono gli strumenti finanziari che ci sono scambiati dentro, come azioni e obbligazioni. In questo episodio parliamo dei fondi comuni di investimento, strumenti controllati da società di gestione del risparmio che permettono di investire in più obbligazioni, azioni e altri asset finanziari. Continuate a scriverc…
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Uno dei principi base da seguire nelle decisioni di investimento è la diversificazione per limitare il rischio di perdite. In questo episodio capiamo praticamente come si fa e cosa significa. Per ogni domanda o osservazione, scrivici su 2cent.ita@gmail.comद्वारा 2Cents
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L'inflazione è il termine utilizzato per riferirsi all'aumento dei prezzi e del costo della vita. Un modo per proteggersi dalla perdita di potere d'acquisto che ne consegue è investire. Ne abbiamo parlato insieme a Ginevra Zucconi, consulente finanziaria ed esperta sul tema. Per ogni domanda o osservazione, scrivici su 2cent.ita@gmail.com…
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I mercati finanziari sono i luoghi virtuali in cui avvengono gli scambi finanziari. In questo episodio ci soffermiamo sul loro funzionamento e sulla loro importanza. Per ogni domanda o osservazione, scrivici su 2cent.ita@gmail.comद्वारा 2Cents
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Azioni e obbligazioni sono alla base dei prodotti scambiati sui mercati finanziari. In cosa si differenziano e come funzionano questi strumenti? In questo episodio ne parliamo insieme ai consigli di Davide Marelli, esperto di finanza e investimenti. Scrivici su 2cent.ita@gmail.comद्वारा 2Cents
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Gli investimenti sono una questione di gusti. In base al nostro grado di appetibilitá al rischio ognuno di noi sceglierà un tipo di investimento diverso. In questo episodio parliamo di come trovare il livello di rischio che fa al caso nostro e come comporre un portfolio che lo rispecchi, anche grazie ai consigli di Davide Marelli, Venture Builder e…
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Investire è più facile se lo si fa per un motivo importante. Forse state pianificando di fare un viaggio, acquistare una macchina o comprare una casa. Stabilendo un obiettivo come questi ci aiuta a mantenere la rotta per quanto riguarda i nostri investimenti. In questo episodio parliamo di come stabilire dei traguardi finanziari, anche grazie ai co…
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Risparmiare può sembrare una cosa impossibile per molti, soprattutto visti gli stipendi bassi e il costo della vita sempre più alto. Eppure, ci sono alcuni accorgimenti che possiamo mettere in atto per risparmiare di più. In questo episodio vediamo come fare insieme ai consigli di Ginevra Zucconi, consulente finanziaria e divulgatrice sui social co…
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Fare un budget vuol dire tenere traccia delle proprie spese e pianificare quelle future. Si tratta di individuare e annotare tutte le entrate e uscite in un mese, anno, o anche settimana per settimana. In questo episodio vediamo come fare insieme ai consigli di Ginevra Zucconi, consulente finanziaria e divulgatrice sui social come @lafinanzadonna. …
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Season 3 of Unlawyerly with Ramin kicks off with an introduction to the Critical Conversations with your Children. This season dives into starting conversations surrounding alcohol, drugs including pharmaceutical and opioids, weed, sex and topics that children will face especially around middle and high school if not earlier. Starting these convers…
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He started season 3 so Ramin found it fitting for him to end season 3 too and thus welcome Andrew Kober back yet again. In this episode, they dive into some incredibly moving topics such as Kober's funny looking electric scooter, Andrew's amazing new workshop that he can't talk about, about how he couldn't survive more than a few days if stranded o…
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This smooth talker hails from South Africa, where he dove deep into the musical theater world. He may be best known for his role as the Phantom in several productions of The Phantom of the Opera, including the world tour. He also played Che in the international tour of Evita, and is otherwise just an all around great guy. He and Ramin share a few w…
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Thomas M. Jones is a psychotherapist, author, musician, and founder of an innovative technique, The Paradox Process. The process employs negative thoughts in order to produce a perception polarization essentially showing how to change your life by learning to direct your mind. In the world of medicine, his approach would be described as renegade, h…
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Marcus Bradley, aka The Breathing Vegan, is a level 2 Wim Hof Method Instructor. His mission is to empower individuals and help them unlock their full potential. On this episode, he explains the science of ice baths, breathwork, and how he found himself hiking up mountains in the freezing cold with the Iceman himself, Wim Hof. Marcus is such a warm…
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Originally on track to become a cardio thoracic surgeon our season 3 finale guest, Johanna Moise, is not throwing away her shot. She is now starring in Hamilton on Broadway due to the fact that her childhood dance lessons to correct being born pigeon toed sparked a love for performing, and has just recently added to her resume by becoming a Wilhelm…
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If you're wondering who the next generation of Broadway musical creators will be, look no further. We've found two of the best for you! Thalia Ranjbar and Kat Cartusciello have teamed up and begun the multi-year, arduous process of creating "Nima and the Jen", which follows a 22 year old Iranian-American girl and her pursuit of connecting with her …
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Alan Markley and Sergio Ortega are Ramin's bandmates who comprise "Ramin Karimloo and The Broadgrass Band". Broadgrass's unique trademark is an earthy sound which organically developed over time. Ramin and the band breathed some Bluegrass into Broadway and brought some Broadway to Bluegrass. The bridge between was the stories told in the music. Now…
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Alec is buff as sh*t. Let's face it. He is Ramin's personal trainer and part time therapist, owner of Get Rippt, and dancer in Moulin Rouge on Broadway. Their relationship goes back a long time, and they're always pushing each other to get better physically and mentally. Alec moved to New York City in 2013 to pursue careers in Theater and Fitness. …
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Jared Grimes is a quadruple threat in the world of the arts where he is heavily making his mark in singing, dancing, acting, and choreographing -- he is currently starring alongside Ramin in Funny Girl on Broadway. Grimes has toured with Musical legend, Mariah Carey, under the choreography of Marty Kudelka, and danced for artists such as Common, Sa…
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Sarah Thawer, known professionally as Sarah Drums is an artist based in Los Angeles, originally from Toronto, Canada. She started playing drums and singing at the age of 2 and her first stage performance was at 5. Sarah has worked with the likes of Reggie Watts, Steve Vai, Teyana Taylor, Jacob Collier, Watsky, Jon Batiste, Sheila E., and A.R. Rahma…
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Is it safe to say that Kerry Butler is Broadway royalty? Ok, so now we're saying it. Ramin and Kerry hang for the first time together, recorded live for the podcast - and discuss all things that keep them motivated and happy in their careers. Kerry just released season 3 of her podcast Breaking Broadway (bpn.fm/breakingbroadway), took her first dir…
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Most recently seen in the Broadway production of Paradise Square, Josh Davis also spent a fun amount of time in Beautiful The Carole King Musical as well as the national tour of Les Misérables. Ramin is meeting Josh for the first time live in this episode, and the two of them have a wonderful hang. Josh eve has a special surprise for Ramin at the e…
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Little did he know, but Ramin often warms up to music sung by Laird Mackintosh. Ramin used to stage door in Canada and met Laird a long time ago when, by chance, Laird asked Ramin to hang after a show! Laird made his Broadway debut in 2011 in the role of George Banks in Mary Poppins at the New Amsterdam Theater in New York City and 2013 he played J…
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Rach was born and raised in a military town on the east coast of North Carolina. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in Dramatic Art and Vocal Performance from UNC Chapel Hill, where her professional career began with PlayMakers Repertory Company. After graduation she made the move to New York, and in May of 2019 graduated with her Master of Fine Arts …
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Michael Garfield returns for his 2nd appearance on the Rainbow Brainskull podcast. Michael is an artist, musician, and the host of my favorite podcast, Future Fossils. He is one of the most intelligent people alive when it comes to discussing humanity, the future, and our place in time. On this episode, we dive deep into A.I. art and what it means …
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It's the return of #KoberLoo! This episode is a special threesome hang with Will Swenson, Andrew Kober, and Ramin. Will Swenson is currently starring as Neil Diamond (Then) in A Beautiful Noise, on Broadway. He is known as one of Broadway’s most versatile leading men and has been seen on Broadway in roles across a wide character spectrum. Will rece…
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Rebekah Todd joins me today for her very first appearance on the Rainbow Brainskull podcast! Rebekah Todd’s brand of “Cosmic Soul Rock” is a force to be reckoned with! Based out of North Carolina, Rebekah and her band bring a fresh energy to each performance, which carries fans to a place that can only be described as transcendental and unforgettab…
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This episode contains language and topics that may not be suitable for younger listeners. Listener discretion is advised. An Iranian/American actor, writer and activist, Pooya was born and raised in Tehran, Iran, based in New York City. She moved to New York in her teens, where she studied design at Fashion Institute of Technology, and after joinin…
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Andrew Kober is (still) an American actor who has worked in many musicals, most recently in the phenomenal Beetlejuice, the Musical (check out season 1 for my first interview with Andrew). After closing Beetlejuice, he spends most of his time at home wondering how Rob McClure commutes from Philadelphia to NYC to perform all the time, or playing wit…
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Myq Kaplan returns for his 3rd Rainbow Brainskull appearance! Check out Myq's things here: http://myqkaplan.com http://instagram.com/myqkaplan Links mentioned in this episode: http://rainbowbrainskull.com http://raminnazer.com This podcast was recorded at Rainbow Brainskull Studios in Los Angeles, CA.…
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Lacey Free returns for her 3rd Rainbow Brainskull appearance! To learn more about Lacey Free, visit:http://www.instagram.com/laceyisfreefreehttp://www.laceyfree.com (Her instagram was hacked, so this is a new one she started. I am trying to help get her old one back..) Links mentioned in this episode: http://rainbowbrainskull.com http://raminnazer.…
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Soup Williamson is the founder of Life is Art Studios. This episode was recorded infront of a live audience on the main stage at the Mind Under Matter Campout Festival at Lakeside Retreats in Raleigh, NC. Links mentioned in this episode: https://www.liastudios.com/ https://www.instagram.com/soup_lifeisart/ Links mentioned in this episode: http://ra…
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The Ungoogleable Michaelangelo returns for a special 2-part episode. Learn more about Michaelangelo here: https://www.theungoogleable.com/ https://linktr.ee/void_denizen Links mentioned in this episode: http://rainbowbrainskull.com http://raminnazer.com This podcast was recorded at Rainbow Brainskull Studios in Los Angeles, CA.…
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Max Matles joins me today on the Rainbow Brainskull podcast! Max's mission is to share mindfulness with millions of people worldwide. After years of experiencing the peace and joy of meditation firsthand, Max decided to start sharing his journey of inner peace. In his personal life, Max enjoys traveling, writing, rock climbing, and walking on tight…
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In this UNLAWYERLY episode, Ramin discusses the relationships with significant others and how our previous relationships shape us and teach us to navigate life with our ultimate life partner.द्वारा UNLAWYERLY with Ramin
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In this episode, Ramin discusses one of the relationships that most people encounter early on and is a building block for many other relationships. This episode is about the journey with parents.द्वारा UNLAWYERLY with Ramin
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