This podcast presents you hindi poems by dreamer poet
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This podcast presents Hindi poetry, Ghazals, songs, and Bhajans written by me. इस पॉडकास्ट के माध्यम से मैं स्वरचित कवितायेँ, ग़ज़ल, गीत, भजन इत्यादि प्रस्तुत कर रहा हूँ Awards StoryMirror - Narrator of the year 2022, Author of the month (seven times during 2021-22) Kalam Ke Jadugar - Three Times Poet of the Month. Sometimes I also collaborate with other musicians & singers to bring fresh content to my listeners. Always looking for fresh voices. Write to me at #Hind ...
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About coronavirus Safety Measures and Heroes Yogi Prateek Garg Yog Guru & Nature Healer Self Defence Trainer & Poet
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“Skandagupta" is a drama by the poet "Jaishankar Prasad". The play revolves around the historical figure Skandagupta, a "Gupta dynasty" emperor who ruled in ancient India. The play explores Skandagupta's challenges and commitment to upholding justice and righteousness through the dramatic narrative. The drama delves into themes of leadership, duty, and patriotism while also depicting the personal struggles and decisions faced by Skandagupta. Skandagupta" is a drama written by Hindi poet and ...
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes, from love and heartbreak to nature and spirituality. Fanindra's poetry beautifully captures the essence of these emotions, allowing listeners to ...
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"Kabir Ke Dohe" is a soulful podcast that brings you the timeless wisdom of the 15th-century poet and saint, Kabir. With 30 of his most profound dohas (couplets) spread across 6 episodes, each doha is presented in a soothing and captivating voice that will transport you to a state of inner peace and reflection. This podcast is a must-listen for anyone seeking spiritual guidance and insight into life's mysteries." कबीर दास का जन्म 1398 में माना जाता है। इनके जन्म के समय हर तरफ सर्वत्र धार्मिक ...
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Let's speak about them who deserves to be heard
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Hi there beautiful! In my podcast, I bring you topics that are close to women's heart. Using research and storytelling (and poetry), I shed light on issues that are often ignored by the society, such as contribution of full time mothers, grey hair and society ki soch, challenges faced by working mothers. I hope that you will find your story reflected in my podcasts. I also have a weekly news (samachar) brief where you can catch up with the latest from the world. So join me on a new journey e ...
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अलौकिक पर्व है आया, ख़ुशी हर ओर छाई है। महादेवी सदाशिव के, मिलन की रात आई है॥ धवल तन नील ग्रीवा में, भुजंगों की पड़ी माला। सुसज्जित सोम मस्तक पर, जटा गंगा समाई है॥ सवारी बैल नंदी की, चढ़ी बारात भूतों की। वहीँ गन्धर्व यक्षों ने, मधुर वीणा बजाई है॥ पुरोहित आज ब्रह्मा हैं, बड़े भ्राता हैं नारायण। हिमावन तात माँ मैना, को जोड़ी खूब भाई है॥ अटारी चढ़ निहारे है…
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पवित्र पुण्य भारती (Pavitra Punya Bharti)
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बाद में चलाएं
3:19पवित्र पुण्य भारती (पञ्चचामर छंद) भले अनेक धर्म हों, परन्तु एक धाम है। पवित्र पुण्य भारती, प्रणाम है प्रणाम है॥ समान सर्व प्राण हैं, विधान संविधान है। महान लोकतंत्र है, स्वतंत्रता महान है। तिरंग हाथ में उठा, कि आन बान शान है। कि कोटि कंठ गूंजता, सुभाष राष्ट्र गान है। ललाट गर्व से उठा, न शीश ये कभी झुका। सदैव साथ देश का, स्वदेश भक्ति काम है॥ पवित्र …
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सुभाष चंद्र बोस ( Subhash Chandra Bose)
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4:07कथा सुनो सुभाष की, अदम्य स्वाभिमान की। अज़ाद हिन्द फ़ौज के, पराक्रमी जवान की॥ अनन्य राष्ट्र प्रेम की, अतुल्य शौर्य त्याग की। सहस्त्र लक्ष वक्ष में, प्रचंड दग्ध आग की॥ सशस्त्र युद्ध राह पे, सदैव वो रहा डटा। समस्त विश्व साक्ष्य है, नहीं डरा नहीं हटा॥ असंख्य शत्रु देख के, गिरा न स्वेद भाल से। अभीष्ट लक्ष्य के लिए, लड़ा कराल काल से॥ अतीव कष्ट मार्ग में, …
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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Hindi poetryद्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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just dropping full poetry episodes from my heart to your heart if hits you just send me love and do follow us ❤️द्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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enjoy this podcaste by fanindra bhardwajद्वारा Fanindra bhardwaj
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कबीर के दोहे- भाग 6 | Kabir ke Dohe - Part 6
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बाद में चलाएं
1:56Welcome to the series of "Kabir ke Dohe- Season 5". In this series we present the most popular 30 "Kabir Ke Dohe". There are 6 episodes in this series and each episode has 5 dohas. "कबीर के दोहे- सीजन 5" की श्रृंखला में आपका स्वागत है। इस श्रृंखला में हम प्रस्तुत करते हैं सबसे लोकप्रिय 30 "कबीर के दोहे"। इस श्रंखला में 6 कड़ियाँ हैं और प्रत्येक कड़…
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कबीर के दोहे- भाग 5 | Kabir ke Dohe - Part 5
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बाद में चलाएं
3:32Welcome to the series of "Kabir ke Dohe- Season 5". In this series we present the most popular 30 "Kabir Ke Dohe". There are 6 episodes in this series and each episode has 5 dohas. "कबीर के दोहे- सीजन 5" की श्रृंखला में आपका स्वागत है। इस श्रृंखला में हम प्रस्तुत करते हैं सबसे लोकप्रिय 30 "कबीर के दोहे"। इस श्रंखला में 6 कड़ियाँ हैं और प्रत्येक कड़…
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कबीर के दोहे- भाग 4 | Kabir ke Dohe - Part 4
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बाद में चलाएं
4:02Welcome to the series of "Kabir ke Dohe- Season 5". In this series we present the most popular 30 "Kabir Ke Dohe". There are 6 episodes in this series and each episode has 5 dohas. "कबीर के दोहे- सीजन 5" की श्रृंखला में आपका स्वागत है। इस श्रृंखला में हम प्रस्तुत करते हैं सबसे लोकप्रिय 30 "कबीर के दोहे"। इस श्रंखला में 6 कड़ियाँ हैं और प्रत्येक कड़…
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कबीर के दोहे- भाग 3 | Kabir ke Dohe - Part 3
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बाद में चलाएं
4:07Welcome to the series of "Kabir ke Dohe- Season 5". In this series we present the most popular 30 "Kabir Ke Dohe". There are 6 episodes in this series and each episode has 5 dohas. "कबीर के दोहे- सीजन 5" की श्रृंखला में आपका स्वागत है। इस श्रृंखला में हम प्रस्तुत करते हैं सबसे लोकप्रिय 30 "कबीर के दोहे"। इस श्रंखला में 6 कड़ियाँ हैं और प्रत्येक कड़…
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कबीर के दोहे- भाग 2 | Kabir ke Dohe - Part 2
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4:20Welcome to the series of "Kabir ke Dohe- Season 5". In this series we present the most popular 30 "Kabir Ke Dohe". There are 6 episodes in this series and each episode has 5 dohas. "कबीर के दोहे- सीजन 5" की श्रृंखला में आपका स्वागत है। इस श्रृंखला में हम प्रस्तुत करते हैं सबसे लोकप्रिय 30 "कबीर के दोहे"। इस श्रंखला में 6 कड़ियाँ हैं और प्रत्येक कड़…
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कबीर के दोहे- भाग 1 | Kabir ke Dohe - Part 1
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बाद में चलाएं
4:30Welcome to the series of "Kabir ke Dohe- Season 5". In this series we present the most popular 30 "Kabir Ke Dohe". There are 6 episodes in this series and each episode has 5 dohas. "कबीर के दोहे- सीजन 5" की श्रृंखला में आपका स्वागत है। इस श्रृंखला में हम प्रस्तुत करते हैं सबसे लोकप्रिय 30 "कबीर के दोहे"। इस श्रंखला में 6 कड़ियाँ हैं और प्रत्येक कड़…
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रघुपुङ्गव राघवेंद्र रामचन्द्र राजा राम। सर्वदेवादिदेव सबसे सुन्दर यह नाम। शरणत्राणतत्पर सुन लो विनती हमारी। हरकोदण्डखण्डन खरध्वंसी धनुषधारी। दशरथपुत्र कौसलेय जानकीवल्लभ। विश्वव्याप्त प्रभु आपका कीर्ति सौरभ। विराधवधपण्डित विभीषणपरित्राता। भवरोगस्य भेषजम् शिवलिङ्गप्रतिष्ठाता। सप्ततालप्रभेत्ता सत्यवाचे सत्यविक्रम। आदिपुरुष अद्वितीय अनन्त पराक्रम। रघुप…
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प्रस्तुत है "कबीर के दोहे" की पाछवी श्रृंखला
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बाद में चलाएं
0:24Welcome to the series of "Kabir ke Dohe- Season 5". In this series we present the most popular 30 "Kabir Ke Dohe". There are 6 episodes in this series and each episode has 5 dohas. "कबीर के दोहे- सीजन 5" की श्रृंखला में आपका स्वागत है। इस श्रृंखला में हम प्रस्तुत करते हैं सबसे लोकप्रिय 30 "कबीर के दोहे"। इस श्रंखला में 6 कड़ियाँ हैं और प्रत्येक कड़…
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श्री राम नवमी - (हरिगीतिका छंद) श्री राम नवमी पर्व पावन, राम मंदिर में मना। संसार पूरा राममय है, राम से सब कुछ बना॥ संतों महंतों की हुई है, सत्य सार्थक साधना। स्त्री-पुरुष बच्चे-बड़े सब, मिल करें आराधना॥ नीरज नयन कोदंड कर शर, सूर्य का टीका लगा। मस्तक मुकुट स्वर्णिम सुशोभित, भाग्य भारत का जगा॥ आदर्श का आधार हो तुम, धैर्य का तुम श्रोत हो। चिर काल तक ज…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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Podcaste "sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range …
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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tMllIGLLxjMAgnu0r4or "sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a…
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"sham e shayari" is a captivating podcast that takes you on a poetic journey through the rich and expressive world of Hindi literature. With each episode, Fanindra Bhardwaj, a talented poet and voice artist, skillfully weaves together words and emotions to create a truly immersive experience. In this podcast, you'll encounter a wide range of themes…
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