Poème सार्वजनिक
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Kavita (Poem)

Ishaan Singh

इतिहासकारों रचनाकारों के विचारों से ओतप्रोत होने के लिए मुझसे जुड़े रहिए।
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Books That Speak

Asawari Doshi

BooksThatSpeak is our effort to help our kids fall and stay in love with books and stories - even if it means that they are listening to the stories instead of reading them. Tune in for audio versions of children's stories in Marathi, Hindi, Gujarati and English.
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Khule Aasmaan Mein Kavita

Nayi Dhara Radio

यहाँ हम सुनेंगे कविताएं – पेड़ों, पक्षियों, तितलियों, बादलों, नदियों, पहाड़ों और जंगलों पर – इस उम्मीद में कि हम ‘प्रकृति’ और ‘कविता’ दोनों से दोबारा दोस्ती कर सकें। एक हिन्दी कविता और कुछ विचार, हर दूसरे शनिवार... Listening to birds, butterflies, clouds, rivers, mountains, trees, and jungles - through poetry that helps us connect back to nature, both outside and within. A Hindi poem and some reflections, every alternate Saturday...
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आप सब को नमस्कार, मेरा नाम कविता खत्री है । मैं पहाड़ों की रहने वाली हूं तो मैंने सोचा क्यों न पहाड़ों के बारे में कहानियों की श्रृंखला शुरू की जाए । इसलिए मैं आप सब के बीच में लेके आ रही हू एक पहाड़ी लड़की । एक पहाड़ी लड़की पॉडकास्ट में आपको पहाड़ों से जुड़े किस्से, कहानी और कविताएं सुनने को मिलेंगी । कैसी कहानी और कविताएं आप सुनने वाले है उसके लिए आपको एक पहाड़ी लड़की का ट्रेलर सुनना होगा । इस पॉडकास्ट में आपको हर हफ्ते एक कविता और कहानी सुनने को मिलेगी । चलिए मिलते है "एक पहाड़ी लड़की" पर ...
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Nayi Dhara Samvaad Podcast

Nayi Dhara Radio

ये है नई धारा संवाद पॉडकास्ट। ये श्रृंखला नई धारा की वीडियो साक्षात्कार श्रृंखला का ऑडियो वर्जन है। इस पॉडकास्ट में हम मिलेंगे हिंदी साहित्य जगत के सुप्रसिद्ध रचनाकारों से। सीजन 1 में हमारे सूत्रधार होंगे वरुण ग्रोवर, हिमांशु बाजपेयी और मनमीत नारंग और हमारे अतिथि होंगे डॉ प्रेम जनमेजय, राजेश जोशी, डॉ देवशंकर नवीन, डॉ श्यौराज सिंह 'बेचैन', मृणाल पाण्डे, उषा किरण खान, मधुसूदन आनन्द, चित्रा मुद्गल, डॉ अशोक चक्रधर तथा शिवमूर्ति। सुनिए संवाद पॉडकास्ट, हर दूसरे बुधवार। Welcome to Nayi Dhara Samvaa ...
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Poetic Pratyush

Pratyush Gautam

स्याह में डूबकर रंगों से मैं खेलता, हर रूप हर रंग में खुद को मैं ढाल लेता.. जो कभी न समझोगे तुम, मैं वो सवाल हूँ !? हाँ मैं ही प्रत्यूष, जिला चम्पारण का लाल हूँ !!
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Shayari Sukun: The Best Hindi Urdu Poetry Shayari Podcast

Shayari Sukun: Best Hindi Urdu Poetry

हम अक्सर रोज की जिंदगी में सुकून भरे और दिल को तरोताजा रखने वाले पल ढूंढते हैं. शायरी सुकून आपको ऐसे ही पलों की बेहतरीन श्रृंखला से रूबरू करवाता है. हमारी shayarisukun.com वेबसाइट को विजिट करते ही आपकी इस सुकून की तलाश पूरी हो जायेगी. यह एक बेहतरीन और नायाब उर्दू-हिंदी शायरियो (Best Hindi Urdu Poetry Shayari) का संग्रह है. यहाँ आपको ऐसी शायरियां 🎙️ मिलेगी, जो और कही नहीं मिल पायेंगी. हम पूरी दिलो दिमाग से कोशिश करते हैं कि आपको एक से बढ़कर एक शायरियों से नवाजे गए खुशनुमा माहौल का अनुभव करा स ...
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show series
#booksthatspeak #prathambooks #meraghar #मेरा घर #myhome #family #books #kids #reading #library #storyweaver Welcome to my Home! It's not a story as such, but for the kids who are learning to read small small Hindi sentences, this book is perfect for them. Each page has one line and a beautiful illustration. Thanks to Storyweaver for the story. Wri…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #SunahareHimalayaKeDarshan #BeautifulGoldenHimalaya #सुनहरे हिमालय के दर्शन #naturebeauty #sightseeing #hillstation #traveltourism #travalogue #himalaya #Kangchenjunga #darjiling #kids #reading #books #std6 #textbook Summer vacations have started. It's time for family outing at hill station. Darjiling is one of the favour…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #khara_nagrik #खरा_नागरिक #truecitizen #socialservice #helpingsociety #civics #moralvalues #marathistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #aksharbharti This story tells us about the knowledge we get from the subjects covered in the school. This knowledge should not only be bookish, but those values, we should be applying pr…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #santgadgebaba #स्वच्छतेचे_प्रसारक_संत_गाडगेबाबा #std3 #maharashtra #स्वच्छता_अभियान #marathistories #kids #reading #books #stories Sant Gadgebaba used to believe that cleanliness is next to God. Hard work plays a very important in everyone's life. The birth anniversary of this amazing personality - Sant GadgeMaharaj - fa…
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#booksthatspeak #bachpanmanaobadhtejao #storychachu #स्टोरी चाचू #storychikkappa #storytelling #cityofstories #books #kids #reading #library #storyweaver Whether children or adults, everyone loves a good story. If we think about our life, we can think of it as a story too. Now, can you imagine a ‘land without stories?’ How would life be different i…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #Ghadinekholaraaj #घड़ी ने खोला राज़ #secretrevealedbywatch #bravery #bravegirl #kidnapping #thieves #police #chase #detective #kids #reading #books #std6 #textbook This story is about a hard-working, honest and brave girl. Thanks to Balbharti for the story. Written by Neelam Rakesh Narrated by Asawari Doshi Instagram: ⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #JhansikiRani #झाँसी की रानी #RaniofJhansi #freedomstruggle #bravery #ranilaxmibai #Indiafreedomfight #hindikavita #hindikavitamotivational #kids #reading #books #std6 #textbookThis poem glorifies the bravery and sacrifice of life by Jhansi ki Rani Laxmibai during India's freedom struggle. Thanks to Balbharti for the stor…
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#booksthatspeak #kishor #balbharti #phuldanizalishahani #फुलदाणीझालीशहाणी #flowerpotlearntalesson #talkingobjects #marathistories #kids #reading #books #stories Flower Pot looks beautiful and it feels very proud about its beauty. But one day (rather one night) something happens and it changes the perspective of flower pot. Listen to this cute, funn…
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#booksthatspeak #kishor #balbharti #ratrakaali #रात्रकाळी #blackcolour #marathistories #kids #reading #books #stories Colour does not define whether a thing / a person is good or bad. It depends upon the usability. Thanks to Kishor, Balbharti for the story. Written by Dr. Suman Bokil Narrated by Asawari Doshi Instagram:⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://www.instagr…
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#booksthatspeak #kishor #balbharti #zakirhussain #झाकीरहुसेन #tablamaestro #music #classical #allarkhan #indianclassical #instrument #tabla #marathistories #kids #reading #books #stories It's not only talent, but lot of hard work is needed to put. Then only we get to see Tabla Maestro like Zakir Hussain. A humble tribute from Books That Speak to Us…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #chudiwala #चुडीवाला #bangleseller #helpingsociety #socialservice #dajisahebpatwardhan #tapovan #amaravati #leprosy #marathistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #aksharbharti This story is about Abdul, a bangleseller. He goes to Tapovan ( founded by Dr. Dajisaheb Patwardhan at Amaravati ) to give bangles to the girls and …
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Podcast Name: Shayari Sukun Episode Title: Episode 1152 - ज़िंदगी का भ्रम शायरी Narrator: Aditi Kshirsagar Shayari Writer: Moeen Episode Description: क्या ज़िंदगी वाकई वैसी है, जैसी हम उसे समझते हैं, या यह सिर्फ एक भ्रम है? Episode 1152, ज़िंदगी का भ्रम शायरी, में Moeen की गहराई से भरी शायरी आपके दिल को छू लेगी। Aditi Kshirsagar की दिलकश आवाज़ में …
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #shaal #शाल #shawl #winter #rgjadhav #generosity #felicitation #programme #function #marathistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #aksharbharti An example of Generosity from this chapter, is an epitome of human sensitivity. We have some emotional connection with the objects, we have in our life. Thanks to Balbharti for the…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #Goa:Jaisa Maine Dekha #गोवा : जैसा मैंने देखा #Goa #beaches #vinaysharma #church #hindistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #lokbharti Simple and compact travelogue of Goa from the author's viewpoint takes us on a Goa tour. Author has described about vibrant beaches, life style of Goan people, festivals celebrated and so…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #Kuloop #कुलूप #lock #lockandkey #shrikrukolhatkar #family #marathistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #aksharbharti Bandunana, the main character of the story is fascinated with different kind of Locks. And this obsession of Bandunana regarding Lock creates many humorous incidents. Beautiful chirpy writing style of auth…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #Upaas #उपास #fasting #chawlsystem #puladeshpande #neighbours #marathistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #aksharbharti This story revolves around the difference between the resolution and the implementation of that resolution by middle class people. How the person with resolution falls into laughable situation. Pu La De…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #Lakshmi #लक्ष्मी #cow #goshala #gurubachansingh #animallove #hindistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #lokbharti It is a beautiful relation between humans and their pets. Even though animals get old, still we should show humanity, compassion, care for them. Thanks to Balbharti for the story.Written by GuruBachan SinghNa…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #shravankumar #श्रवणकुमार #rajadasharath #parents #son #hindistories #kids #reading #books Shravan Kumar takes immense good care of his visually impaired parents. They have become old now, and they wish to go for pilgrimage. Was Shravankumar successful in fulfilling their wish?Thanks to Balbharti for the story.Narrated by…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #boodhikaki #बूढ़ी काकी #oldaunty #wedding #munshipremchandkikahaniya #munshipremchandstories #munshipremchand #familyfunctions #feast #hindistories #kids #reading #books #std10 #lokbharti This marvellous piece of story by genius Munshi Premchand:- shows the psychological analysis of elderly people at home - and how we sho…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #koripanditai #कोरी पंडिताई #scholar #boatman #hindistories #kids #reading #books Will only bookish knowledge be helpful in life? Does practical experience play any important role?Let's listen to this humorous story from our childhood. Thanks to Balbharti for the story.Narrated by Asawari Doshi Story's Video: ⁠https://you…
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#booksthatspeak #balbharti #chetakkiatmakatha #चेतक की आत्मकथा #ranapratap #haldighati #hindistories #kids #reading #books Loyal and brave horse of Rana Pratap - Chetak - tells us the story of his life. Let's give a salute to Chetak for his heroic deed.Thanks to Balbharti for the story.Narrated by Asawari Doshi Story's Video: https://youtu.be/ha0gj…
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#hindikahaniya #balbharti #hindistories #pedkasahara #पेड़ का सहारा #kids #trees #wood #books #booksthatspeak #environment Should we plant only those trees that give us flowers and fruits? Narrated by Asawari Doshi.Thank you Balbharti. Story's Video: https://youtu.be/Z9F0iCn4Dt8 Instagram: ⁠https://www.instagram.com/booksthatspeak/ To receive update…
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#hindikahaniya #balbharti #hindistories #beej #बीज़ #kids #seeds #sprouts #tree #books #booksthatspeak Animals are looking for a small seed. But where is that now?Narrated by Asawari Doshi.Thank you Balbharti. Story's Video : https://youtu.be/93M42ghUPWM Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/booksthatspeak/⁠⁠ To receive updates about Online and Offli…
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#hindikahaniya #balbharti #hindistories #tosiyakasapna #तोसिया का सपना #kids #colorsforkids #colors #books #booksthatspeak Tosiya is wondering why she sees everything in white color. Where are the colors gone? Find out in this story.Narrated by Asawari Doshi.Thank you Balbharti. Story's Video : ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://youtu.be/ivfYbCyKHLo⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ Instagram: …
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#marathigoshti #marathistories #kids #jungle #forest #animals #mouse #cats #school What will happen when a school teacher is a cat for the class full of mouse students?Written by Anjali Tai InamdarNarrated by Asawari Doshi. Story's Video : ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://youtu.be/Xc2XFcwYoW8 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/booksthatspeak/⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ To receive …
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Podcast Name: Shayari Sukun Episode Title: Episode 1151 - फूलों की खुशबू शायरी Narrator: Meetu Sharma Shayari Writer: Sonam Sonar In this beautiful episode, फूलों की खुशबू शायरी, join Meetu Sharma as she narrates a collection of shayaris that capture the essence of flowers and their fragrance. Written by the talented Sonam Sonar, these shayaris exp…
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Podcast Name: Shayari Sukun Episode Title: Episode 1151 - प्यार का अंदाज़ शायरी Narrator & Shayari Writer: Madhulika In this heartwarming episode, प्यार का अंदाज़ शायरी, Madhulika takes you on a soulful journey through the expressions of love, captured beautifully in her shayari. With every verse, she explores the different facets of love — from its …
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#marathigoshti #marathistories #kids #jungle #forest #animals #friends Enjoy the cute story about jungle, animals and friendship among them.Written by Anjali Tai InamdarNarrated by Asawari Doshi. Story's Video : ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://youtu.be/MeB536XIa_U⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ To receive updates about Online and Offline storytelling events from Books That Speak, join th…
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In this touching episode of "Distance in Love," beautifully voiced by Aditi Kshirsagar, we explore the bittersweet emotions that arise when love is tested by distance. Written by the talented scriptwriter Sonam Sonar, with soul-stirring Shayari penned by Madhulika, this episode captures the essence of longing, heartache, and the enduring strength o…
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#hindikahaniya #rimzim #hindistories #रिमझिम #padhakkukisoojh #पढ़क्कू की सूझ #kidsEnjoy the old story about the logic of a studious.Written by Ramdhari Singh DinkarNarrated by Asawari Doshi.Thank you Rimjhim Std 4 Hindi Textbook. Story's Video : ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://youtu.be/bOTtl64nG3Q⁠⁠⁠⁠ To receive updates about Online and Offline storytelling event…
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Life is a vibrant tapestry woven with threads of joy, sorrow, love, loss, and everything in between. In this episode of Shayari Sukun, host Meetu Sharma invites you to explore the colorful world of "Zindagi ke Rang Shayari." Sonam Sonar, our talented Shayari writer and scriptwriter, masterfully crafts verses that paint a vivid picture of life's exp…
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#marathigoshti #balbharti #marathistories #बालभारती #kalpaktechevardaan #कल्पकतेचे वरदान Tukaram, a school going child, faces financial difficulties due to his household situation. How does he come out of it using his creativity, persistence, sincerity and with "always look for a solution" tendency? Let's listen to this story from Marathi Balbharti…
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#hindikahaniya #rimzim #hindistories #रिमझिम #Nasiruddinkanishana #नसीरुद्दीन का निशाना #kids Enjoy the story of witty Mulla Nasiruddin. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Thank you Rimjhim Std 4 Hindi Textbook. Story's Video : ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://youtu.be/opmRLMUYC1I⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ To receive updates about Online and Offline storytelling events from Books That Speak, j…
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#hindikahaniya #rimzim #hindistories #रिमझिम #dostkiposhaak #दोस्त की पोशाक #kids Enjoy the story of witty Mulla Nasiruddin. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Thank you Rimzim Std 4 Hindi Textbook. Story's Video : ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://youtu.be/IZqEfsedN18⁠⁠⁠⁠ To receive updates about Online and Offline storytelling events from Books That Speak, join the whatsap…
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Have you ever looked into the mirror and felt a deep connection with your reflection? In this episode of Shayari Sukun, host Rajarshree Moitra delves into the world of "Aaina Shayari," exploring poems that capture the essence of self-reflection. Vishal Kushwah (dariya dil), our talented Shayari writer, paints a vivid picture with words, while Sonam…
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This episode of Shayari Sukun brings you the soulful poetry of Ishq Shayari. Host Madhuri Pundir delves into the beauty and complexities of love with verses penned by the talented Madhulika "Sukun". Sonam Sonar's captivating script guides you through a journey of emotions, exploring the various facets of love - from its initial spark to the endurin…
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#marathigoshti #balbharti #marathistories #बालभारती #nanashankarshet #नाना शंकरशेट Nana Shankarshet - an Architect of Mumbai. Books That Speak pays tribute to him on his death Anniversary (31st July) through this story from Marathi Balbharti Std. 5 (1984 edition). Written by Ya. Di. Phadke. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Thanks to Maharashtra State Bur…
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#hindikahaniya #rimzim #hindistories #रिमझिम #mankebholebhalebadal #मन के भोले भाले बादल #kids Fluffy, naughty, yet innocent clouds and their amusing movements. Enjoy all these from Poet's angle. Written by Kalpanath Singh. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Thank you Rimzim Std 4 Hindi Textbook. Story's Video : ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠https://youtu.be/ByUl5YrOYTo⁠⁠⁠ To rec…
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#marathigoshti #balbharti #marathistories #बालभारती #aajinepahilelachor #आजीने पाहिलेला चोर When there is a home, there are different personalities. Everyone has their own peculiar nature, own style. And that creates an fun-filled environment. One day, a thief entered the house and then..... Let's enjoy what happens next in this story from Marathi …
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The natural elements, perceived naturalness, and restorative qualities of natural environments are more than what's visible to the naked eye. From the buzzing of insects to the sounds of the thunder, nature has its own rhythm that can touch the deepest core. By aligning with the elemental forces and rhythm of nature, one can find stillness beyond t…
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#hindistories #prathambooks #storyweaver #monsoon #rain #watercycle #crop #farming #meteorologists #scientists Sometimes the monsoon arrives a little early. Sometimes, a little late. But climate change is making rainfall more and more difficult to predict, and even dangerous. Meet the meteorologists, physicists, farmers and other experts whose live…
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Welcome to another enchanting episode of The Best Hindi Urdu Poetry Shayari Podcast, hosted by the talented Rajarshee Moitra. In this episode, we delve deep into the mesmerizing world of Manzil Shayari. Rajarshee takes you on a poetic journey, exploring the beauty and emotions encapsulated in the timeless verses of shayari. Discover the profound ex…
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Join us on The Best Hindi Urdu Poetry Shayari Podcast for a special episode dedicated to Father's Day. Hosted by the talented Vanshika Navlani, this episode brings you beautiful and emotional shayari that perfectly captures the essence of fatherhood and the love we share with our fathers. Tune in now to immerse yourself in touching verses and heart…
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#hindistories #prathambooks #storyweaver #monsoon #rain #watershortage #wildanimals Varsha and her Appa live near the forest. It has been a hot summer and Varsha is feeling the heat. One day she hears a strange noise and decides to investigate. Only she can hear the sound and wonders what it is. What will Varsha find and will Appa believe her? Orig…
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While loneliness is an unwanted and forced isolation, solitude can be restorative. In a world that often values constant activity, 'Suno Zara' captures the importance of spending time in one's own company and inner exploration for well-being and growth. It poignantly reminds us to make time for self-care and discovering oneself. #LafzbyGarima #podc…
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#marathigoshti #balbharti #marathistories #arunimasinha Let's meet Arunima Sinha - the first woman amputee to climb Mt. Everest - through this story. Failure while achieving your aim should not dishearten you, but the weak aim itself is a problem. Written by Supriya Khot. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Thanks to Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Pro…
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#gujarativarta #balbharti #gujaratistories Satisfaction is itself a reward, says Kishorsinh J. Solanki in this story. Narrated by Asawari Doshi. Thanks to Maharashtra State Bureau of Textbook Production & Curriculum Research, Pune. Story's Video : ⁠⁠⁠https://youtu.be/KCy5qPIqWG0 To receive updates about Online and Offline storytelling events from B…
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#marathigoshti #balbharti #marathistories #dhondokeshavkarveMaharshi Dhondo Keshav Karve was an Indian Social Reformer who has worked as a pioneer in the field of Women's welfare. He was a recipient of Bharat Ratna in the year 1958.Let's know about this eminent personality, about his life and his ocean-deep social work. This is a chapter from Marat…
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In this heartfelt episode of The Best Hindi Urdu Poetry Shayari Podcast, Vanshika Navlani brings to life the poignant verses of "Woman is a Sacrifice," a poem that beautifully captures the essence of sacrifice and strength embodied by women. Through evocative words and stirring imagery, this poem celebrates the resilience and selflessness of women,…
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त्वरित संदर्भ मार्गदर्शिका

अन्वेषण करते समय इस शो को सुनें