Prairie Creek Baptist Church in Plano sharing the Sunday morning sermons.
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El programa de entrevistas para ver la música y a los músicos desde otra perspectiva
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Atualidade do ciclismo internacional. Antevisões, análises, rescaldos e muitas opiniões polémicas de um grupo de amigos que acredita que o melhor do mundo é uma tarde no sofá a ver ciclismo.
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Inside Plano takes you behind the scenes of our city. We introduce you to the faces and places who help make this a great place to live and give us all lots of reasons to #loveplano.
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Your ultimate resource for expanding your mind and accessing more of your brain, while experiencing unparalleled ‘aha’ moments with guaranteed radical shifts to your learning and growth. Catherine’s goal is to help you become the very best version of yourself - to live an extraordinary life by reaching your fullest potential, with self-coaching strategies to boost your confidence, make better decisions, create new habits, kickstart your motivation, get extraordinary results and build lasting ...
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#Cine, cine y más cine. Con la pasión y la "seriedad" que nos da nuestra cinefilia, Plano Secuencia es un espacio donde charlamos sobre películas de la cartelera mexicana actual, así como de temas de interés relacionados con el Séptimo Arte. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Podcast com debates sobre o cinema de diretoras e diretores das mais variadas nacionalidades, épocas e estilos. Criado por Fernando Machado, Leandro Luz, Marina Oliveira e Pedro Tobias. Acesse
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Learn all about investing in real estate in Plano, Texas with a combination of real estate financial planning and modeling with numbers specific to Plano plus syndicated, more generalized recordings of live and pre-recorded real estate investing classes (not all specific to Plano).
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El blog de Incho Cordero para GBDAA
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Plano Library Speaks is the podcast of the Plano Public Library. In each episode you'll learn about library resources and programs for the entire family, business and career resources, as well as little known facts about the library and you'll get to know our staff! Plano Library Speaks is part of the City of Plano podcast network.
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Programa de Radio3w sobre cine
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Podcast dedicado ao estudo do Plano Divino para o planeta Terra.
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El mundo es bastante plano cuando no lo sabes todo ¿no crees? Acompáñenme a descubrir el mundo en este podcast de curiosidades, puntos de vista, reseñas, datos históricos y muchas cosas más. Soy Agustin Villafranco, y mi mundo es plano.
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Our picks for the things happening around town for families in and around Plano, TX
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Welkom bij Planologisch: de podcast van ruimtelijke Nederland! In Planologisch praten wij, Dietzers, met elkaar en onze gasten over verschillende onderwerpen uit het ruimtelijke domein. Of dit nou gaat om vastgoed, omgevingsmanagement, citymarketing of gebiedsontwikkeling: alles passeert bij Planologisch de revue. Planologisch wordt geproduceerd door Dietz Strategie en Communicatie, het adviesbureau voor vraagstukken uit he ruimtelijke domein. Volg ons op social media via LinkedIn (Dietz Str ...
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Faça planos segundo a vontade de Deus!
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Aqui você encontra os podcasts do site de arte Plano Aberto Siga o Plano Aberto nas redes sociais!
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Saude do Idoso - Assistência a Pessoa Idosa.
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Bem vindos ao Plano Gallifrey, o podcast do Plano Crítico!
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Plano Podcast is an relaxed, interview-style show focused on Plano, TX. Our guests tell their stories in their own words. We’re inside our city, just outside of what you might expect.
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Olá! Sou fundador do projeto Mudança de Planos, onde ajudo pessoas que querem conquistar liberdade a conseguirem trabalhar pela internet!
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Cultura em Pauta Podcast criado por 3 amigos onde conversamos sobre os mais variados assuntos que envolvem cultura. Através de conversas descontraídas, trazemos informações e discussões sobre o cenário cultural. Fique por dentro das novidades aqui! @planofechadopodcast
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Un podcast sobre cine, cultura y bueno, la vida en general.
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Comemorando 30 anos, o Real segue vivo e se moderniza junto com o país. Por isso, o podcast "Plano Real" te convida a entrar na História e conversa com os principais personagens que criaram a nossa moeda ao lado de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. "Plano Real - A moeda que mudou o Brasil" é uma produção da Inteligência Financeira em parceria com o Estúdio Novelo e patrocínio do Itaú BBA. São sete episódios, disponíveis às quintas-feiras. Conteúdo completo em
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Olá! Sou o Germano treinador! Aqui trarei opiniões diferentes de vários profissionais para te mostrar possibilidades de exercício que vc possa gostar. Quer falar comigo? Me siga no instagram e no Youtube: @germanotreinador_oficial
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No job is too big or too small of the professionals at Plano Grease Trap Pumping.
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🍿📽 Podcast sobre cine, series y especiales! 📍Con @matiduss y @myzock ¡Escuchanos acá! 👇👇👇
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The podcast of Resurrection Episcopal Church of Plano, TX. Sermons, Lessons...all things Resurrection life. Resurrection is a community of transformational servant leaders in West Plano and the surrounding areas. A church plant is an opportunity, an experience we make and share together. We are co-creating a new community where everyone feels known and it's easy to plug in. Come and see!
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O Plano Zero vai transformar a cultura de vendas no mundo.
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Podcast de cine en el que analizamos una sola película en profundidad. Eso sí, con SPOILERS y detalles de la trama. Escúchanos después de ver la peli ;P
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O Plano Real está completando 30 anos. Além de criar a nossa moeda, ele pôs fim a uma inflação que durou décadas e chegou a 2.000% ao ano. Ele nos deu a estabilidade. A explicação econômica sobre como isso aconteceu é muito interessante, mas as histórias de quem fez isso acontecer são muito mais. E é isso o que a gente conta neste podcast: uma história real, de gente real, mas cheia de reviravoltas e acontecimentos improváveis que fizeram a gente chegar lá. Produção, pesquisa e reportagem: R ...
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Plano Pool Resurfacing is the first and only stop for you if you need swimming pool repair in the Plano, TX area. Our company has been going strong for a decade now, and we have built a reputation that we are intensely proud of. Over the last ten years, we have developed a strong work history with plenty of accumulated experience, and we gladly offer those skills to our customers. Your satisfaction is our number one priority. Whether you have a small or large pool or even an entire deck area ...
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Este es un programa en formato Podcast donde su anfitrión, Marlon Incinilla traerá a "Primer Plano" temas de interés relacionados con el mundo audiovisual. Esta dedicado fundamentalmente a a nuevos realizadores que están en constante aprendizaje, y que buscan orientación, inspiración y una experiencia que les ayude a continuar su carrera. Pero también habrá espacio para profesionales creativos y empresas que utilizan el videomarketing en su trabajo cotidiano. Puedes unirte a la conversación ...
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Llevo más de 20 años como reportera de televisión recorriendo el mundo. Y en este tiempo me he topado con otros periodistas, reporteros, comunicadores y gente de los medios que rara vez hablan de ellos mismos. Sin embargo, sus vidas son apasionantes. Y he pensado que era el momento de darles voz. También pasarán por aquí personas singulares con las que me ido encontrando y que tienen historias poderosas. Soy Almudena Ariza, ahora vivo en París y desde aquí os invito a escuchar estas conversa ...
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The Church: Mission & Power (Acts 1:1-14)
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Preached on 11/03/2024.द्वारा Randall Worley
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EP 392: Discover Health Through Medical Astrology: Hormones, Mental Health & Menopause with Kira Sutherland
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In this enlightening episode, we explore the powerful intersection of astrology and health with Kira Sutherland, a pioneering naturopath and medical astrologer. Kira reveals how the ancient wisdom of medical astrology can be a guide to understanding hormonal health, mental wellbeing, and the transitions of menopause. Through the lens of astrologica…
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Episódio 68 — Prémios falso plano.
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Fechamos a página de 2024 com a atribuição dos sempre prestigiados e polémicos prémios falso plano. Desde o corredor do ano (que mistério, quem será?) até ao flop do ano, passando pelo momentos que mais nos deixaram de mãos na cabeça, por serem incríveis ao nível da qualidade, ou da parvoíce. Um episódio leve e, a partir de agora, é focar em 2025.…
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Esta semana viene a visitarnos la artista argentina Jimena Gónik. Hacemos un repaso por su vida y su carrera para explicar la artista que es hoy y su evolución en el futuro. Una charla amena y agradable que no puedes perderte.
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El renombrado cinematógrafo mexicano Rodrigo Prieto se estrena como director con Pedro Páramo (2024), una ambiciosa adaptación de la clásica novela homónima publicada por Juan Rulfo en 1955 donde seguimos a un hombre que llega al extraño y decadente pueblo de Comala en busca de su padre y aprende sobre su pasado gracias a los misteriosos habitantes…
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Secrets of Overcoming Tenant Challenges
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Learn how to overcome tenant challenges in Plano. This class is Module 7 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. What do you do when you experience the inevitable tenant challenges like: Tenant not paying rent Tenant’s check returned for non-sufficient funds Tenant makes late payment Tenant breaks lease Tenant provides partial payme…
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#80: Behind the Scenes: Big Changes at Plano Event Center
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Have you noticed all the construction at the Plano Event Center? We’re on a mission to learn what’s on the way for this iconic venue. Mark Jarrell joins the show to give us a preview of the big changes on the way at Plano Event Center. Watch this episode on YouTube. This month's story links: INSIDE PLANO: Plano Event Center with Mark Jarrell Plano …
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There's More Than What Meets the Eye (Mark 2:1-12) - Paul Aaron Loachamin
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Preached on 10/27/2024.द्वारा Paul Aaron Loachamin
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EP 391: The Mirror Within: How Our Projections Shape Our Reality and Transform Our Lives
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In this eye-opening episode of Moments of Awe, we delve into the profound influence of our inner projections on the world around us. Our internal state is continuously reflected back to us, shaping our relationships, environment, and overall life experience. But what if every challenge and encounter you face is actually a mirror, revealing insights…
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Esta semana recibimos a uno de esos artistas que están petándolo a nivel internacional. Desde Panamá nos llega Boza y, claro, no queríamos perder la oportunidad conversar con él de sus orígenes, de cómo nacieron sus canciones y de lo que va a traernos a futuro. De su propia voz salen no pocas confidencias en el programa de esta noche…
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El director brasileño Karim Aïnouz incursiona en la lengua inglesa con La reina de fuego (Firebrand, 2023), un extraño drama histórico de corte revisionista en el que seguimos a Katherine Parr, la sexta y última esposa del rey Enrique VIII, que al estar adelantada a su época se enfrenta a las intrigas de la corte y a la paranoia y la enfermedad de …
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Secrets of Buy and Hold Real Estate Investing
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Learn the secrets to buy and hold real estate investing in Plano. This class is Module 6 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the different variations of the buy and hold real estate investing strategy? Variations based on down payments? Variations based on property types purchased?…
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The Work of the Spirit (John 16:4-15)
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Preached on 10/20/2024.द्वारा Randall Worley
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EP 390: The Power of Numbers: Numerology, Astrology, Karma & Life Path Mastery with Kaitlyn Kaerhart
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In this fascinating episode, we journey into the mystical realms of numerology and astrology with renowned numerologist Kaitlyn Kaerhart. Kaitlyn uncovers the hidden power of numbers and their cosmic connection to astrology, explaining how understanding your life path and personal numbers can unlock profound self-awareness and purpose. From the ene…
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Episódio 67 — O passeio na Lombardia e o início da silly season.
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Um esloveno muito despachado limpou facilmente mais uma prova em Itália, passeando-se facilmente perante os seus impotentes adversários. Vão 4 Lombardias seguidas e discutimos quando (se) poderá isto parar. Depois Guangxi, corridas de pinos e colocando já os olhos em 2025, a análise às principais transferências já anunciadas. Também há bonés. E o B…
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Cuando pensábamos que pocas cosas nos podían sorprender ya en el mundo de la música llega la propuesta de Olana Liss y lo revuelve todo. La artista española hace suyos ritmos soul de los 70 y nos entrega música en español de esa que saboreas con la sensación de que es de categorías. Es todo un lujo tenerla en el programa para hablarnos de todo ese …
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Preached on 10/13/2024.द्वारा Randall Worley
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Learning how to correctly manage properties is a critical skill for landlords. This class is Module 5 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What should you be doing to document the condition of the property before the next tenant takes possession? The one free thing that few landlords do that…
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Tres hermanas distanciadas se reúnen en el apretado departamento de una de ellas para cuidar de su padre a punto de morir en Las tres hijas (His Three Daughters, 2023), un discreto y poderoso drama de Azazel Jacobs en el que exploramos la intensidad del duelo, las dificultades de la comunicación y la reconciliación a partir de la aceptación. Se enc…
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EP 389: Unlock Secrets of Evolutionary Astrology: Karmic Lessons, Past Lives & Soul Growth with Steven Forrest
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In this transformative episode, we explore the depths of evolutionary astrology with the legendary astrologer Steven Forrest. Steven unravels the mysteries of our cosmic blueprint, focusing on karmic lessons, past lives, and soul growth. Through the lens of evolutionary astrology, he explains how our birth charts reveal not just who we are, but why…
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Sonia fue una de las integrantes del exitoso grupo Sweet California. Aparcada esa etapa musical, en octubre del pasado año comenzó su andadura en solitario y lo ha venido haciendo con una serie de canciones que han conseguido llamar la atención por la conjunción perfecta de pop rock. Hoy la recibimos en exclusiva para charlar de muchas cosas en una…
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Tenant screeing... an important, but often overlooked skill. If you're going to manage properties yourself in Plano, you're going to need to know how to screen tenants. This class is Module 4 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: What are the 5 steps in the property management process? What 1…
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Tras su controvertida predecesora, Todd Phillips retoma al personaje de Arthur Fleck en Guasón 2 (Joker 2: Folie à deux, 2024) para explorar su supuesta doble identidad mientras es enjuiciado por sus crímenes, a la par de emparejarlo con una misteriosa mujer que le ayuda a encontrar su música interior en lo que resulta una extraña amalgama de drama…
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Episódio 66 — Tadej Pogačar. No fundo é isto.
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Este episódio tem muito que se lhe diga. Começámos por abordar a questão Pogačar. Depois, seguimos em frente para a problemática Pogačar. Ainda nos sobrou um pedaço para falar de Pogačar. E finalizámos dando um pulo a Pogačar. Agora a sério: também falámos de outras coisas. Mas pouco. Um dos melhores desportistas da atualidade exige tempo.…
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EP 388: MOA – Breaking Free from People Pleasing: Uncover Subconscious Patterns & Reclaim Your Authentic Self
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In this transformative episode of Moments of Awe, we dive deep into the complex world of people-pleasing, exploring its origins and impact on our lives. People-pleasing is more than just trying to be helpful—it’s a subconscious pattern rooted in our childhood, often designed to keep us safe by avoiding rejection and seeking approval. Together, we’l…
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The State of the Global Church (Matthew 28:16-20) - Stephen Currie
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Preached on 10/06/2024.द्वारा Stephen Currie
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Filling in the Gaps: Jewish History from Malachi to Matthew, Part 2
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Lecture given on 10/06/2024.द्वारा Randall Worley
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Esta semana queremos presentarte a Silverpoppy. Su verdadero nombre es Alicia y es un ejemplo de trabajo constante para lograr a cabo un sueño perseguido con constancia durante mucho tiempo. 'De oro' es su último álbum, un disco que habla de reconstrucción y en donde son muchos los ritmos que se reencuentran…
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Secrets to Marketing to Find Tenants
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If you're going to manage properties yourself in Plano, you're going to need to know how to do the marketing to find tenants. This class is Module 3 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: The 6 “Property Management Mastery” modules included with this course. How to change your thinking about r…
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Una celebridad a punto de caer en el olvido decide recuperar los reflectores utilizando una sustancia clandestina que crea una réplica más joven y mejorada de quien la consume en La sustancia (The Substance, 2024), la osada sátira de horror corporal de la directora Coralie Fargeat que explora los estándares de belleza a los que siguen sometidas las…
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#79: Reviving Plano’s Retail Spaces
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This year we’ve explored ways Plano is investing in the community. Today’s show dives into a new tool implemented by Plano’s City Council focusing on our retail spaces. Peter Braster joins the show to talk about the retail rehabilitation program. This month's story links: INSIDE PLANO: Retail Rehabilitation Program with Peter Braster Special Projec…
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Filling in the Gaps: Jewish History from Malachi to Matthew, Part 1
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Lecture given on 9/28/2024.द्वारा Randall Worley
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Esta semana recibimos a la colombiana Elsa y Elmar, una de las voces que más nos han seducido en los últimos años. Descubrimos a la artista pero tambien a la persona en una charla cerca y en profundidad antes de que Elsa se embarque en una gira que la llevará por tres ciudades españolas el próximo mes de octubre…
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Having a solid understanding of historical market stats is important for investing in real estate in Plano. This class is Module 2 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: Should you try to “time the market” using data to increase profitability? How much are properties selling for? Do property v…
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La cineasta salvadoreña Tatiana Huezo regresa al cine documental con El Eco (2023), un recorrido naturalista e intimista sobre la rutina cotidiana, la pérdida de la inocencia, la vida rural y el paso de las estaciones en una remota comunidad del mismo nombre ubicada en el estado de Puebla en México, todo a través de los ojos de varios niños que hab…
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The New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31-34)
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Preached on 9/22/2024.द्वारा Randall Worley
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How to Run the Christian Race (Hebrews 12:1-2) - Paul Aaron Loachamin
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Preached on 9/15/2024.द्वारा Paul Aaron Loachamin
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Preached on 9/08/2024.द्वारा Randall Worley
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The Conditional Promises of God - Omer Bizimana
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Preached on 09/01/2024.द्वारा Omer Bizimana
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EP 387: Awakening the Planetary Heart: A Journey into the Fourth Turning with Dr. John Churchill
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In this transformative episode, we embark on a deep exploration of planetary dharma and human consciousness with Dr. John Churchill, a leading voice in spiritual evolution and heart-centred awareness. Dr. Churchill unravels the profound connection between personal growth and the Earth’s healing process, offering a powerful lens into how humanity’s …
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Episódio 65 — Remco e Pogačar: A luta pela arco-íris e por um lugar na história.
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Este é maioritariamente um episódio sobre ciclistas a correr com as cores das suas respetivas nações. Os que já se sagraram campeões europeus, os que já se sagraram campeões mundiais na luta contra o relógio e, sobretudo, os que se irão consagrar ao longo desta semana campeões mundiais de estrada. Ao que tudo indica, vamos finalmente presenciar a t…
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Plano-Sequência #074 - Kathryn Bigelow
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Neste programa, Fernando Machado (@femesmo), Leandro Luz (@leandro_luz), Marina Oliveira (@coelho_limao) debatem a obra da cineasta estadunidense Kathyrn Bigelow responsável por obras como Caçadores de Emoção (1991), Guerra ao Terror (2008) e Detroit em Rebelião (2017). Portanto, pegue o seu fone de ouvido, prepare o café e nos acompanh…
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Recibimos esta semana a ,a cantautora venezolana Lucía Algría. La tendremos en concierto la próxima semana y es una buena oportunidad para acercarnos a su música y al modo en que concible las canciones. También actriz, Lucía Alegría plantea sus presentaciones como experiencias para asomarnos a una iconografía sonora muy personal…
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Secrets of the 7 Ways to Invest in Real Estate
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Having a deep understanding of the 7 key real estate investing strategies is critically important for your success as a real estate investor in Plano. This class is Module 1 of 46 in a series called Real Estate Investing Secrets. Topics covered in this module include: The 7 ways to invest in real estate… plus 2 more bonus strategies that we don’t c…
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