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Basilisk Penalty-Podcast

Stephan Gutknecht & Kevin Wandji Tchatat

Fussball total – der grosse Fussball-Podcast aus Basel. Stephan Gutknecht und Kevin Wandji Tchatat sind das Basilisk Penalty-Team und in Sachen Fussball, vor allem rund um den FC Basel, immer bestens informiert. Rot-Blau pur – ob Super-League, Schweizer Cup oder internationale Wettbewerbe – es geht rund in der Basilisk-Fussball-Show. Dabei werden Experten, Spieler und Fans interviewt, es wird gefachsimpelt und gelacht. Der Basilisk Penalty verspricht mit jeder Menge Spass und Infos rund um d ...
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O podcast “CONECTA - Processo Penal em Debate” é apresentado por Nereu Giacomolli e Marcos Eberhardt, advogados e professores da PUCRS e da Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa (UAL). Em cada episódio, um novo case relacionado à advocacia criminal e suas nuances, com participação de convidados e debates a partir de questionamentos enviados pelos ouvintes. 🎙 Ficha técnica - Produção e Apresentação: Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli - Técnica: Fabricio de Carvalho - Mkt e Comercial: Fernando Potrick
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Penalty Office - Music Business 101

Neil Levine & Warren Schatz

Penalty Office - Music Business 101 presented by industry veterans Neil Levine and Warren Schatz. The Podcast interviews music industry executives and artists that details the way they have navigated and persevered in an industry that is incredibly hard and tell their journey and lessons learned. The Podcasts outlines the inspirational stories of both industry heavyweights as well as newbies.
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Penal Reform International (PRI) is an independent non-governmental organisation that develops and promotes fair, effective and proportionate responses to criminal justice problems worldwide.
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Penalty Box Radio is a hockey focused sports media outlet based in Nashville, Tennessee. We bring content creators together to cover the world of hockey both in middle Tennessee and around the world. PBR’s podcast hosts bring various perspectives and experiences to inform, entertain and generate conversation on everything hockey.
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Pênalti Político

Pênalti Político

O podcast da página Pênalti Político traz história, opinião e muita informação sobre como o mundo da bola é afetado pelos engravatados lá fora; e como a sociedade reage a tudo isso.
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Trave é Pênalti

Fala, galera. Entramos nesse novo projeto do Inglesao Depre, esperamos que vocês gostem. A ideia é fazer um podcast sem cortes, 100% natural e falando sobre esportes em geral.
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Processo Penal Concentrado

Professor Kelvin Wallace

Este podcast criado pelo Professor Kelvin Wallace tem a intenção de concentrar os temas de Processo Penal para todos os tipos de provas, exame de ordem, concursos públicos entre outras temáticas, com metodologias diferenciadas expostas em pequenos áudios, somando aos ouvintes conhecimentos aprofundados acerca dos temas, desenvolvendo a capacidade teórica e prática para qualquer abordagem. Envie suas dúvidas e sugestões no Instagram @profkelvinwallace e participem desse projeto.
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The Penalty Spot

The Penalty Spot Soccer Podcast

The Penalty Spot is a podcast covering English Premier League football (soccer) along with analysis of the United States National Teams and other leagues around the world.
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Direito Penal do Zero

Jean Campos

Olá meus amigos e minhas amigas, doutores e doutoras, concurseiros de plantão!! 👋 Sejam bem-vindos ao Podcast Direito Penal do Zero! Já somamos mais de 100 mil Ouvintes e 1.5 MILHÃO de Inicializações. Sou Jean Campos, e ensino por aqui de forma gratuita a matéria do Direito Penal. Este Podcast é para você que é acadêmico de direito ou que está se preparando para concursos públicos. Deixe o seu CURTIR e compartilhe este maravilhoso Podcast com seus amigos. Fale comigo pelo Instagram: @direito ...
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No Penalty Podcast

No Penalty Podcast

The No Penalty Podcast swiftly combines, comedy, news, opinions, sports, and main-stream media as co-hosts Kyle Hirshkind and Beau Muise discuss some of the most intriguing topics happening in the world today. With similar upbringings but two very different outlooks, Kyle and Beau are always good for a heated yet funny conversation. Join the conversation with us on social media: Twitter: @NoPenaltyPod @KyleHirshkind @BeauMuise Instagram: @NoPenaltyPodcast
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Ricardo Claure Peñaloza PODCAST

Ricardo Claure Peñaloza

Hola, soy Ricardo Claure Peñaloza, pastor y siervo del Dios Eterno por llamamiento sobrenatural y personal de mi Señor Jesús. He dedicado mi vida a la predicación del Evangelio. Y hoy por hoy, te presento este podcast para que tú y tu familia conozcan las promesas del Dios Vivo en sus distintas facetas. Pero además, podrás conocer con detalle la profecía bíblica. Sí, porque Jesús viene pronto, y su iglesia tiene que prepararse para recibirlo. Haz clic en la playlist y comienza a limpiar hoy ...
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Working and having a family is hard. But what is really fatiguing is that it is only mothers that pay a penalty when they become parents. It is only mothers that pay an up to 60% salary penalty over the first five years of establishing their family. Only mothers that see their retirement savings penalised because of the caregiving requirements they are fulfilling. And only mothers that get sidelined in their careers because of the lack of quality part time roles. In this podcast we are going ...
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The Deaf Penalty Podcast

Josh S, Jordan M & Sam C

What happens on tour? What’s really happening backstage? And who would win in an arm wrestle between Nolly and Tosin Abasi? Join Sam, Josh (The Light The Dark) and Jordan (Make Them Suffer) weekly while they drink some of the world’s finest craft beer and talk about almost none of these things.
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In the BLOOM Portal one of the first few modules we will work with you on is clearly identifying, naming and owing your dharma/your true calling. Your true calling isn't just about the job you do—it's about how you do it and the love you pour into it. Find that spark within you, that passion that truly moves and defines you. Don't be afraid to explore it, nurture it, and share it with the world. One lit candle can light an infinite number of other candles. We want you to walk into the new ye ...
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Cam Connor played in the NHL, winning the Stanley Cup, but he's known for two things: being one of hockey's toughest enforcers and telling a great story.In this podcast, with his son Kristofer Connor, listen to Cam share some classic hockey stories, including being one of two players to play with Wayne Gretzky and Gordie Howe, growing up with his best friend Rowdy Roddy Piper and how he saw the hockey world - his view from the penalty box.
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show series
No sétimo episódio do Conecta em 2025, Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli debaterão o tema "Memoriais: o que são e quando podem ser apresentados pela Defesa?", ampliando a discussão sobre as situações em que a Defesa pode atua antes que haja um processo penal. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e comparti…
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Join the crew as we continue our look at the Cleveland Guardians' 2024 spring training - who is standing out? How is the Opening Day roster taking shape? Why can't the season just start already? All this and more in our latest episode! Learn more about your ad choices. Visitद्वारा Robot Butt
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Monica Lynch is one of the most respected and knowledgeable record executives in the music business. She talks about her arrival in New York from Chicago as a teenager, becoming Tom Silverman's first hire at TommyBoy and her rising quickly to ultimately become president at TommyBoy. She talks about her relationships with everyone from Afrika Bambaa…
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Pokljuka was one heck of a ride. We had surprise performances galore and amazing Slovenian performances. This week we discussed: - Jakov Fak and Anamarija Lampic - Johannes Thingnes Boe's weekend and the state of the Men's Overall - Lou Jeanmonnot and Franziska Preuss separated by just 20 pts - The amazing young athletes in biathlon - A few athlete…
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Fabio Celestini hat sich seinen Wunsch erfüllt und war am Morgestraich – nun folgt das Kräftemessen mit Meister YB im Joggeli. Eine ereignisreiche Woche ist vorbei. Für Celestini und den FCB gings an die Basler Fasnacht. Zudem gab es viel Fussball mit Champions League, Europa League und Conference League. Nach dem Ausscheiden vom FC Lugano ist es f…
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Após o último episódio com a participação do Delegado Fernando Sodré, Chefe da Polícia Civil do RS (confira AQUI), desta vez ampliamos o assunto tratando o tema "O papel da Defesa no inquérito, na visão dos advogados", no episódio 132, o 6º da temporada 2025.. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e compartil…
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The final trimester of the 2024-2025 season kicked off in Nove Mesto this week. It was a warm but exciting week of racing! - We started the episode with a discussion of things that happened between Worlds and Nove Mesto including the German coaching change and the Latvian team incident - There were several fresh winners this week including Jacqueli…
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Confiando en el llamado de Dios Mensaje 09 de marzo de 2025 Predicador: Pastor Leonardo Álvarez Lengua de Señas: Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook:…
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Der FCB will in der Innerschweiz die Tabellenführung verteidigen. Und Trainer Fabio Celestini möchte sich mit dem Besuch des Morgestraichs belohnen Die Fasnacht steht in Basel vor der Tür. Auch der FCB hat die bevorstehenden «drey scheenschte Dääg» im letzten Heimspiel gegen den FC Sion erneut mit einem Fasnachts-Trikot eingeläutet. Unser Basilisk …
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Spring training is off and running for the Cleveland Guardians! Though there isn't a *ton* of news coming out so far, there's plenty to start unpacking, so let's do a quick check in on what's going in in the Guardians universe. Be sure to check us out on social too @calpenalpod or on Substack at Learn more a…
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No episódio 131, chegamos ao quinto da temporada 2025, onde Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli recebem um convidado especial. O Delegado Fernando Sodré, Chefe da Polícia Civil do RS, traz a visão da Autoridade Policial sobre o papel da Defesa no inquérito policial. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e com…
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Confiando en Dios en la abundancia y en la necesidad Mensaje 02 de marzo de 2025 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook: https:/…
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Für den Trainer zählt nur die Leistung. So machen ihm die Spieler die Arbeit schwer und er kann trotzdem gut schlafen. Erleichterung nach dem erfolgreichen Cup-Spiel in Carouge. Mit Zuversicht geht es zurück in die Meisterschaft. Das Basilisk Penalty Podcast Team kritisiert aber die einfachen Fehler. Unter anderem wirkt Jonas Adjetey in der Spielau…
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No episódio 130, chegamos ao quarto episódio da temporada 2025, onde Nereu Giacomolli e Marcos Eberhardt apresentam o tema "Advogando em parcerias", abordando a importância do relacionamento com colegas advogados ou outros escritórios de advocacia. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e compartilhe conhecime…
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Whew! The athletes are surely exhausted after a grueling nearly 2 weeks in Lenzerheide and so too are the viewers! What a feast of biathlon we've had! In this episode we discuss: - Overall take aways from these Worlds and a jump around of thoughts about the Worlds in general - The specific races from the Individuals through the Mass Starts - JT Boe…
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Confiando en la corrección de Dios Mensaje 23 de febrero de 2025 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook:…
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Mit dem richtigen Werkzeug will Simone Grippo dafür sorgen, dass die jungen Spieler mit Leihen an die 1. Mannschaft geführt werden. Seit Anfang Jahr ist Simone Grippo beim FC Basel für die Betreuung der verliehenen Spieler zuständig und als Spezialtrainer in der Nachwuchsabteilung tätig. Im Interview spricht er über seine neue Aufgabe, die Umstellu…
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No episódio 129, o terceiro da temporada 2025, Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli apresentam o tema "Tratamento ao cliente", abordando os principais aspectos do atendimento ao cliente, por parte do advogado e da advogada. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e compartilhe conhecimento pelo Conecta!…
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Week 1 of the 2025 World Championships is complete and it was PACKED with excitement. With just a day off before the races return we had to quickly discuss the biggest moments before we get more drama! This includes: - Campbell Wright!!! - JT Boe makes history with two individual gold medals - Franziska Preuss continues to shine - Justine Braisaz-B…
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Confiando en el Dios vivo y verdadero Mensaje 16 de febrero de 2025 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook: https://web.facebook…
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Nach 13 Saisons, 10 Titeln und über 400 Spielen wird im Sommer Taulant Xhaka seine Karriere beim FCB beenden. Wenn es nach ihm geht, kommen im Sommer zwei weitere Titel dazu. Taulant Xhaka hat diese Woche seinen Rücktritt auf den Sommer angekündigt. Eine Ära geht zu Ende – die Identifikationsfigur, das Arbeitstier, der Kämpfer, ein Aggressivleader …
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No segundo episódio da nova edição do Conecta em 2025, Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli abordam o tema "Reunião prévia entre cliente e advogado", respondendo a dúvidas que se referem à reunião com o cliente, antes dele prestar depoimento na delegacia, ou mesmo da testemunha prestar declarações perante autoridade policial. 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Inst…
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The Cleveland Guardians have their fingerprints all over this year's Hall of Fame class, including beloved broadcaster Tom Hamilton. Will this also be the year Kenny Lofton finally gets some true consideration through the Contemporary Committee later this year? We talk about all of this and more - including the team's... perplexing offseason - in o…
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Confiando en la Palabra de Dios Mensaje 09 de febrero de 2025 Predicador: Hno. Miguel Palacios Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook: https://web.facebook.…
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The 2024-2025 World Championships are here!!! We do a full review of the IBU Cup races in Ridnaun-Val Ridanna before we dive into everything we're thinking about as the World Championships approach. This episode we discuss: - The continued dominance of the Norwegian men and the French women on the IBU Cup - Paul Schommer!! - Our 3 magical wishes fo…
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Initially recorded shortly after the European Championship concluded, but released late due to our schedules, it is still important to chat about! In this episode we covered the hot topics coming from Val Martel including: - Baiba Bendika's glorious Championships! - Out impressions of the Val Martel venue - The Norwegian men and the French women - …
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Der Basilisk Penalty-Podcast erhält eine neue Stimme. Ex-Beachsoccer-Spieler Kevin Wandji Tchatat feiert seinen Einstand. Wir diskutieren über eine verheissungsvolle Chance dank der englischen Woche und Leistungsschwankungen beim FCB. Mit Kevin Wandji Tchatat erhält der Basilisk Penalty-Podcast eine neue Stimme. Der ehemalige Beachsoccer-Nati-Spiel…
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No 127º episódio, o primeiro da nova edição do Conecta em 2025, Marcos Eberhardt e Nereu Giacomolli abordam o tema dos "Casos criminais a partir da Delegacia de Polícia". Não há mesmo o que se fazer na Delegacia de Polícia, em relação à defesa? Mito ou verdade? 📲 Acompanhe-nos no Instagram @conecta.podcast, fique por dentro das novidades e comparti…
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Confiando en Dios a través de la Oración Mensaje 02 de febrero de 2025 Predicador: Hno. Guillermo Gómez V. Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook: Instagr…
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Zwei wichtige Personalien werfen Fragen auf beim FCB – Xhaka und Ajeti. Drei Spiele gesperrt in einer schwierigen Phase und ein Konkurrent, der trifft - Albian Ajeti muss um seine Vertragsverlängerung bangen. 10 Tage krank und neue junge Konkurrenz auf seiner Position - Taulant Xhaka droht der Tribünenplatz. Die FCB-Frauen vor dem ersten Spiel im 2…
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Sadly another trimester of World Cup biathlon has come to an end, but there was just so much to talk about this week both on and off the course! - We led off with the Norwegian European Cup roster announcement - This was connected to the surprising yet not surprising Tarjei Boe retirement announcement - We discussed the incredible Women's Overall R…
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Confiando en el poder de Dios Mensaje 26 de enero de 2025 Predicador: Hno. Mighel Palacios Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook:…
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Wir testen das neue Joggeli-Bier und erwarten den FCB beschwingt durch den guten Start ins Fussballjahr. Ein kräftiger Körper wie Shaqiri, ein süsslicher Abgang wie der von Renato Veiga und eine milde Bitterkeit wie die Momente von ex-Captain Taulant Xhaka, der diese Woche auch noch krank war. So schmeckt uns das neue Joggeli Bier.Wir erwarten, das…
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Are the Cleveland Guardians a better team heading into the 2025 season? That's a complicated, tough question to ask, and there's a good argument to be made that they aren't. But at the same time, maybe we just need to keep trusting the Cleveland pitching factory - it's gotten us this far, hasn't it? Be sure to catch us on social media @calpenalpod.…
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It's been another amazing week of biathlon as we hit the midpoint of the season. From off the course news to some truly amazing racing, Ruhpolding certainly kept us on our toes. This week we discuss: - JT Boe's surprise retirement announcement - The top women all racing like champions - Thoughts on the Swedes: Hanna Oeberg, Martin Ponsiluoma, and S…
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Confiando en la Voluntad de Dios Mensaje 19 de enero de 2025 Predicador: Hno. Eduardo Farias Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook:…
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Zum Start ins neue Fussballjahr kommts zum Duell zwischen Lugano-Star Steffen (1.70m) und FCB-Star Shaqiri (1.69m) Im ausführlichen Interview schildert Renato Steffen die Meister-Ambitionen im Tessin. Steffen, der diese Woche als bester Super League-Spieler vom Jahr 2024 ausgezeichnet wurde, freut sich besonders auf das Duell mit Xherdan Shaqiri. E…
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What a week it was! Oberhof was an absolutely jam packed weekend that showed us all of the emotions. Get ready because this is a LONG episode because we have a lot of thoughts about: - Weather and it's effects this week - Suvi Minkkinen and Julia Simon...the highs and the lows of biathlon in 2 days - Finland's glorious week - Elvira Oeberg's determ…
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La obra de la Salvación: Seguros y Perseverantes en Cristo Mensaje 12 de enero de 2025 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebo…
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We'll cover this topic in more depth throughout the offseason and season, but here are some initial thoughts about the Cleveland Guardians trade first baseman Josh Naylor to the Arizona Diamondbacks for pitcher Slade Cecconi. Learn more about your ad choices. Visitद्वारा Robot Butt
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Let's get ready for the 2nd trimester! We just had a few things to catch up on before the racing starts again including: - Quick Schalke biathlon review - Update on RJ's analysis of the new start positions and its effect on racing - Roster updates including Chloe Chevalier's retirement, Paula Botet, Sophie Chauveau, Vetle Sjaastad Christiansen - Ch…
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La obra de la Salvación: Seguros y Victoriosos en Cristo Mensaje 05 de enero de 2025 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook…
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Growing up in rural Northeast North Carolina, Shane joined the 82nd Airborne Army unit and came out with the amazing gift of discipline and appreciation of hard work. With his love of music he went to College in LA and trained in music production and has since produced and released over 600 titles. During that time he got a degree from Full Sail an…
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La obra de la Salvación: Completamente Santificados Mensaje 29 de diciembre de 2024 Predicador: Pr. Cristian Salgado Lengua de Señas: Hno. Javier Paredes Alianza Cristiana y Misionera Peñalolén Av. Consistorial 5240. Peñalolen, Santiago Sitio Web: Canal de Youtube: Facebook:…
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