A Twin Peaks rewatch podcast, hosted by superfan Mike Muncer and newbie Stacie Ponder! Part of The Evolution of Horror Network.
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A Twin Peaks podcast analyzing each character with different guests each week.
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An Actual Play Horror RPG podcast covering Call of Cthulhu, Mythos and Lovecraft adjacent stories. Join me Andy Goodman from Expedition to the Grizzly Peaks and our rotating cast of gaming luminaries.
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25YL Media and Ruminations Radio Network present John Bernardy & Elle Holgate in a spoiler laced, coffee-fueled, Twin Peaks podcast that dives deep into history and theory.
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Welcome to the 3 Peaks Strong Podcast Join us as we journey connecting the mind, body & spirit, in our community, & beyond.
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A Holistic Twin Peaks Podcast: Annie Malone and Jessica Baxter analyze each episode of the seminal TV series in the context of the whole.
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The Sports Psychology Podcast by Peaksports.com and Dr. Patrick Cohn. Learn how to improve your mental game and perform better. Peak Performance Sports, LLC helps athletes improve mental skills for success in sports. We work with athletes in all sports - junior to professional - via video mental coaching from anywhere in the world.
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Weekly sermons and reflections from Calvary Chapel Twin Peaks.
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Podcast dedicado a la serie Twin Peaks, obra de David Lynch y Mark Frost. Twin Peaks: Entre Dos Mundos lo puedes encontrar en: Web: www.twinpeaksentredosmundospod.wordpress.com Twitter: @entre2mundospod Facebook: www.facebook.com/entredosmundospodcast/ E-mail: [email protected] Los integrantes de este podcast somos: Mary Veran: @maryveran Lady Palo: @ppomaresm Bárbara Shocka: @shocka3121 Óscar: @oscarsaurus_rex Sergi Domenge: @sergisays
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Lost in Twin Peaks is an in-depth episode guide to all three seasons and the film of the David Lynch/Mark Frost series Twin Peaks. There are no spoilers for upcoming episodes. The podcast will move through each TV episode a week at a time, with daily coverage of different aspects including production and historical context, storylines, mystery clues, statistics, and archive readings. In order to mark importamt anniversaries for season 3 and the film Fire Walk With Me, as of 2022 there is a g ...
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Brand new music with a hyper local focus on Bay area artists and bands, including a weekly chat and deep sonic dive with a featured guest artist/band.
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The Hop-Ons Podcast: An Arrested Development/Twin Peaks/Community Podcast
Colin Cox and Jon Phelps
A podcast once about Arrested Development and Twin Peaks but now about Community! Hosted by Colin Cox and Jon Phelps. #Community #Greendale
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Broadcasting from the Bookhouse, Indigo and Hilary discuss motifs, allusions, and resonances across David Lynch’s work and Twin Peaks.
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Celebrating all seasons of Twin Peaks fro rewatching the old to enjoying the new Showtime series for the first time.
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Often recorded in the river, the Peaks Fly Fishing podcast is mainly geared around fishing trips in and around the Derbyshire Peak District & South Yorkshire. Sit back and listen to the river trickling past and discover the waters where Isaak Walton fished and the fish that live in them. Take in the magic of those hidden urban streams and the gems that can be caught. Recorded by fly fishing author, film maker and pro-coach David Johnson on his local rivers and sometimes further afield too. I ...
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Weekly episodic discussion of season 3. Check out our back catalog for 18 episodes that cover seasons 1 and 2.
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A weekly podcast where we unwrap each and every episode of Twin Peaks, oh and lots of pie.
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We watch and discuss every episode of Twin Peaks with three unique perspectives (a returning fan, a fresh scholar and a first time watcher!) Grab a damn fine cup of coffee and give us a listen! Support our show on Patreon & get access to 40+ hours of video content: http://patreon.com/talkingbackwards Bonus episodes, outtakes & live streams available now on Spotify: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/talkingbackwards/subscribe
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twin peaks, as interpreted by ashley brandt and mathew olson
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We’re here to talk twin peaks
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One chants out between two worlds… FIRE… POD WITH ME. A Twin Peaks Podcast friendly to the first time watcher and re-watcher alike. Hosted by someone watching the show for the first time, and someone watching the show yet again. #DamnFinePodcast
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Gerardo Vilches y Roberto Bartual charlan sobre el episodio de la semana de Twin Peaks
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Market volatility. Geopolitical tensions. Regulatory changes. Interest rate fluctuations. Rising construction costs. Tightening debt markets. The list continues… Navigate the rugged terrain of today's ever-evolving commercial real estate investment landscape with a 360° view from the top. Peaks & Portfolios: Presented by PEG Companies summits a new peak each week, exploring current events and headlines, trends, issues, and opportunities impacting the CRE investment space. Scale to new height ...
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Chris helps you connect with the island community featuring conversations with islanders, reports from events, and interviews relevant to Peaks Island.
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Podcast by David Chen and Joanna Robinson
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Ad, Bob, Mark & Rosie's Twin Peaks podcast. Art, storytelling, and the magical lodge-ics of Frost and Lynch.
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Two librarians. One loves Twin Peaks. The other has never seen the show before.
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Welcome to the Donnetta Peaks podcast, where amazing things happen.
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This is a platform for women to share their stories of triumph and tribulations.
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Michael and Jessica Bluemke Greiff are going to rewatch all of Twin Peaks and discuss each episode. It's Mikey's favorite show and Jess has also seen it.
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En podcast om Twin Peaks med någon som aldrig sett Twin Peaks. Utan spoilers!
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exploring twin peaks one episode at a time, and letting the tangents breathe. most episodes will be available behind the patreon wall (https://www.patreon.com/lemmingdrops), some will involve video and be found on youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/RobertBlack1976).
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Bienvenidos a Desde Twin Peaks, un podcast 100% dedicado a la serie de David Lynch y Mark Frost, os proponemos algo curioso, ver la serie a la vez que nosotros y descubrir juntos la maravilla de esta serie misteriosa de frondosos bosques, bailes extraños y muchas tazas de café...
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Orvar Säfströms eftersnackspodd om Twin Peaks s03. Ring vår hotline: 0760-874299
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Talking Music, Fashion, Sports, Comedy, Technology...
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En "Los Archivos del Agente Cooper", perteneciente a la red "Escuadrón Seriéfilo", pretenderemos desgranar semana a semana los secretos de la serie Twin Peaks, y adivinar (o recordar si ya lo habéis visto) quién mató a Laura Palmer.
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Seven Peaks Speaks is brought to you by Seven Peaks Software with the goal to share knowledge and build an ecosystem in Bangkok and Asia for software engineering, design, and marketing related topics. Follow our Podcast Seven Peaks Speaks to not miss out on new episodes! Visit our Website http://www.sevenpeakssoftware.com for more information about Seven Peaks Software Email us for any inquiries at [email protected]
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הסדרה הקלאסית ששינתה את הטלוויזיה חוזרת אחרי 25 שנה, והיא מוזרה מתמיד. בכל שבוע, בצמוד לשידור הפרק בישראל, גם אנחנו נהיה כאן - קבוצת תמיכה למי שמנסים להבין את כתב החידה היפה והמשונה של דיוויד לינץ'. עם איל גבע, ד"ר שי בידרמן וטל אבידן
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Welcome to The PEAKS Audio Experience, hosted by co-founders Lyn Fernie and Mike Warren who live, eat and sleep all things wellness! On this podcast you'll find a mix of our podcast episodes, keynote speeches, segments from our video series, interviews and fireside chats as well as new and current thoughts we record for this audio experience! The PEAKS Life TRANSFORMS lives and supercharges performance through improved energy, health, mind, body, sleep.
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This podcast is dedicated to the Twin Peaks Fest. For more info on how to attend the festival go to www.twinpeaksfest.com
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Friends re-watching and discussing the TV series Twin Peaks, in anticipation of the upcoming third season. Contact us at: [email protected]
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Join us as we revisit David Lynch and Mark Frost's unsettling murder mystery serial, Twin Peaks. Each week we'll watch and discuss one episode—send questions and comments on the current episode to [email protected] to be part of the conversation!
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Grab a Hot cup of Coffee, and a warm piece of Huckleberry Pie because Twin Peaks is back on TV. Join us as we break down all things Twin Peaks... and don't forget to check the percolator for fish.
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La habitación roja es un podcast donde comentamos capitulo a capitulo la tercera temporada de Twin Peaks. Somos dos neófitos de la fantástica serie que nos hemos venido arriba y queremos comentar todas las tramas y teorías junto una buena taza de cafe, una porción de tarta de cerezas y con todos los fans que se quieran unir alrededor de la mesa.
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Charles Skaggs and Xan Sprouse are your hosts to the wonderful and strange world of Twin Peaks and David Lynch!
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The show that changed television is back. Pour yourself some damn good coffee and join Entertainment Weekly’s men from another place, Jeff Jensen and Darren Franich, as they unwrap the plastic and examine the mysteries of Showtime's trippy horror-soap revival.
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Many films influenced, were influenced by, or have entirely coincidental but fascinating links to the David Lynch/Mark Frost TV series Twin Peaks (1990 - 91), its prequel spin-off Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, and its follow-up series Twin Peaks: The Return (2017). This podcast dives into various films spanning the globe and cinema history, discussing them both in their own right and through the sometimes explicit, sometimes more subtle and even dreamlike connections to Twin Peaks - and occ ...
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The Secret History of Twin Peaks (2016) / Final predictions for 'The Return'
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2:10:16Before finally delving into Twin Peaks: The Return next week, Stacie makes some final predictions and speculations about what will happen, plus she and Mike dive deep into Mark Frost's epic book, The Secret History of Twin Peaks (2016). 02:10 - The Secret History of Twin Peaks 01:34:30 - 'The Return' background, speculation and predictions Hosted b…
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Scott Ryan joins me this week to discuss his work surrounding Twin Peaks. We talk about the music of Twin Peaks, how the show impacted him and the formation of The Blue Rose Magazine, The Red Room Podcast, Your Laura Disappeared and more. Scott on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/blue_rose_magazine/ https://bsky.app/profile/scottryanfmp.bsky…
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Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me - The Ones Who Knew Her
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1:59:20Paraphrasing the Log Lady, there are many stories in Twin Peaks. It is a story of many, but begins with one. The one leading to the many is Laura Palmer. Laura is the one. But Many is made up of a large number of Ones, and this episode is about the ones that were closest to the center around Laura Palmer, the ones who knew Laura Palmer better than …
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11 - FINALE - The Silver Twilight Lodge - Not Amused
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58:35'Do not call up any that you cannot put down' has never been a more appropriate piece of advice as we reach the thrilling climax of the Silver Twilight Lodge chapter of the Shadows of Yog-Sothoth. If you like what you hear please support the show atPatreon to get early access, exclusive content and more We now have aRedbubble store where you can ge…
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Mark as Story: Be Opened! (Mark 6:7–8:21)
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31:33A sermon through Peter's perspective as we experience the gospel through narrative storytelling just as the early Christians would have.द्वारा Brandon McCulloch
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Remembering When "He's" Show'd Up, How To Show Up For YOU!
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26:02Lessons learned when frustrations and chaos are crowding in around you, when you've done all you know how to do! When you don't give your self a plan B, you will always figure out how to get it done!
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On this episode, meet guest artist Oakland's Mike Walti - musician, producer, engineer and the creative force behind the project Organi, and dive deep into his sensuous new LP "Babylonia," a nostalgic sonic bath into 60's euro-pop with a Bay area twist. Plus two full hours of fresh tunes from the Bay and beyond.…
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Jon and Colin's 2024 Movies in Review
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54:46The Hop-Ons Podcast is an Arrested Development/Twin Peaks/Community review show. Buy merchandise at our Threadless page. The Hop-Ons Podcast is produced by Nice Marmot Productions with assistance from The Cluttered Desk Podcast. If you have thoughts on this episode, we'd love to hear them! Email us at [email protected] or find us on Twitter @HopO…
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Jacques Tati created worlds and films that allowed David Lynch to dream. Indigo and Hilary discuss what made these artists, in Lynch’s words, “kindred souls”.द्वारा Indigo and Hilary
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Twin Peaks Entre Dos Mundos - Adiós, David Lynch.
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2:48:57El equipo de Entre Dos Mundos se reúne para rendir tributo a David Lynch, tras su fallecimiento el pasado 15 de enero de 2025. Se unen al homenaje Manu González, creador de Universo David Lynch, y Javier J. Valencia, autor de Universo Twin Peaks" Twin Peaks: Entre Dos Mundos lo puedes encontrar en: Telegram: One-Eyed Chat. iVoox e iTunes: iTunes: T…
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Fly Fishing Podcast - Winter Grayling After The Flood
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32:08The river has been high, and with some snow melt cooling the water (and toes), David ventures out for a final session on the Euro Nymph. It's a new year with new gear, but will the fish oblige?
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2025 Economic Outlook: Insights from Cushman & Wakefield
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41:28From a new presidential administration to surging demand for data centers, 2025 is shaping up to be a pivotal year. In this episode, we sit down with James Bohnaker, Senior Economist at Cushman & Wakefield, for an economic outlook with insightful forecasting for the year ahead. James unpacks key factors—including potential tax changes, the economic…
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RWS #35: Twin Peaks the Return - "...brings back some memories."
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2:04:01On episode 35 of Really Weird Stuff: A Twin Peaks Podcast, we're reminiscing about Twin Peaks the Return: Part 4, "...brings back some memories." This episode was written by David Lynch and Mark Frost, and Directed by David Lynch. It's best known for being the episode wherein Wally Brando stole our hearts, and Gordon Cole told those clown comics to…
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David Lynch photo courtesy of GQ Saying goodbye. MP3द्वारा Ron Richards and Tom Merritt
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RIP David Lynch. Bookhouse 2.0 is coming soon! Care to join us for a rewatch? Email: [email protected] Follow us on Facebook Call or text the voicemail line: (608) 535-9302 2025 Flicksation Podcast Networkद्वारा Flicksation Podcast Network
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