「逐家好,我是『來食飯』的頭家!」 大家好,我是Lâi tsia̍h-pn̄g的老闆,叫我頭的/老闆(thâu--ê)就好了。在這裡你會聽到我的生活故事、料理故事,還有,你的故事。 吃飯是身為台灣人很重要的一件事之一,讓我們一起邊吃邊聊,嘗盡味蕾與人生的酸甜苦辣。 【黯然消魂飯|聽眾投稿】https://forms.gle/zNSixNcTLNd5WFvP8 Powered by Firstory Hosting
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Iconic Spotify PNG Logo, Spotify font, Spotify Enhance and Spotify playlist in notion
Robyn G. Knapp
Exploring the Iconic Spotify PNG Logo: Spotify, a well-known music streaming service, boasts a logo that’s easily recognizable and closely tied to modern digital music consumption. This logo, usually seen as a green circle with three curved lines inside, symbolizes sound waves. Its simplicity has played a key role in Spotify’s brand recognition. Let’s delve into the details of the Spotify Pro logo, especially in its PNG format.
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Iconic Spotify PNG Logo, Spotify font, Spotify Enhance and Spotify playlist in notion
बाद में चलाएं
बाद में चलाएं
Exploring the Iconic Spotify PNG Logo: Spotify, a well-known music streaming service, boasts a logo that’s easily recognizable and closely tied to modern digital music consumption. This logo, usually seen as a green circle with three curved lines inside, symbolizes sound waves. Its simplicity has played a key role in Spotify’s brand recognition. Le…
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第一集跟著Logo一起鎮重登場啦! 邀請各位食客跟我一起重回我生命中的第一個市場,還有記憶裡最喜歡的味道吧~ 【本集內容】 (00:00:20) Logo介紹 (00:03:40) 食的開始|努力長大 (00:05:25) 食的開始|阿嬤的魔法滷肉 (00:09:20) 食的開始|吃米救自己 (00:10:05) 煮的開始|媽媽的小幫手(? (00:11:15) 市場大冒險|松江市場 (00:32:00) 市場大冒險|削鳳梨技能Get! (00:36:20) 市場大冒險|家旁邊的人情味小市場 (00:42:25) 煮的開始|技能狂飆期 (00:46:00) 煮的開始|剁雞技能又Get! (00:48:00) 把台灣跟自己煮回來 本集料理照請見Lâi tsia̍h-pn̄g Instagram…
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終於,來吃飯的試播集上菜啦! 在Lâi tsia̍h-pn̄g你會聽到我--頭的/老闆(thâu--ê)--在海外的生活故事、料理故事,還有,你的故事。 讓我們一起邊吃邊聊,嘗盡味蕾與人生的酸甜苦辣! 【黯然消魂飯|聽眾投稿】 Intro Music by Timmoor from Pixabay https://pixabay.com/music/upbeat-calm-commercial-business-corporate-2398/ Powered by Firstory Hosting
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