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OKO.press w wersji do słuchania. Miejsce, gdzie materiały naszych dziennikarzy i dziennikarek ożywają w formie audioreportaży, podcastów i rozmów. Historie bohaterek i bohaterów, gospodarka, zdrowie, polityka. Posłuchaj i znajdź coś dla siebie.
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The Okami Kai Chronicles

Scott Campsall

Welcome to the Okami Kai Chronicles. A podcast devoted to not only the students at Okami Kai Martial Arts and Fitness, but also to the fans of our school in Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada. "Everything you can imagine is real." - Pablo Picasso
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The World’s Okayest Medic Podcast

Mike Carunchio

The World’s Okayest Medic Podcast is a new podcast for all EMS providers. Whether you’re an EMT, paramedic, nurse; work in a 911 response setting or critical care transport; and are a novice or experienced clinician, this podcast is for you.
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The Okana Podcast brings together leading minds within the built environment who are passionate about exploring the world’s most advanced technologies and innovations that are driving sustainable and digital change. At Okana, our commitment to excellence and innovation allows us to set new standards and start exciting new conversations, so join podcast host, Dr Graham Kelly as he talks with future thinkers on topics such as climate change, place shaping, digital intelligence, leadership and ...
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Sounds Fake But Okay

Sounds Fake But Okay

A podcast where an aromantic asexual girl and a biromantic demisexual girl talk about all things to do with love, relationships, sexuality, and pretty much anything else that they just don't understand.
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Okayest Hunter ®

Okayest Podcast Network

Okayest Hunter Deer Hunting Podcast Putting an end to hunter shaming, returning to our roots as deer hunters, and having fun outdoors! Join us each week as we host a LIVE Listener Call-In Deer Hunting podcast every Tuesday, streaming to Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram at 6 PM CSD. We’re the Okayest hunting podcast in the Midwest. We keep it casual and drink bourbon and beer while chatting with known and unknown deer, elk, and other hunters around the country. Wisconsin-based deer hunting po ...
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Okay, ciao! Der Popkultur Podcast

Maria Panagiotidou, Marzia De Levo

Willkommen bei "Okay, ciao!", dem Podcast, der sich mit allem beschäftigt, was in der Welt der Promis, des Film und Fernsehens und auf Social Media passiert. Maria und Marzia nehmen dich auf eine unterhaltsame Reise durch die glitzernde Welt des Showbiz mit.
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The Okay Grognard Show

Mark CMG Clover

Hi! I'm Mark CMG Clover, host of The Okay Grognard Show (podcast, videos, and more). I live in beautiful Lake Geneva, the birthplace of D&D, and I'm the Owner/Author/Publisher at Creative Mountain Games. I run regular 1E AD&D games and play lots of other wargames, boardgames, and card games, too! Let's talk games and be positive as we promo our hobby in every way we can. Thanks for being a part of this!
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Okay, But Why?

Red Wine & Blue Studios

There is so much happening in politics right now, it’s hard to keep up. It feels like every day, there’s a new outrageous headline. But it’s not always clear why these things are happening. So in this series of short shareable podcast episodes, we’re here to ask… “Okay, But Why?” Red Wine & Blue has produced several limited series podcasts over the past 3 years, including series about immigration, Christian Nationalism, and the cost of extremism. Now, we're bringing you "Okay, But Why."
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Awful Okay Awesome

Marta Sauret Greca

If heartfelt, difficult stories turned into triumph bring tears to your eyes and invigorate all the feels for you, this is the show to listen to. I'm like you - my favorite books to read and movies to watch are true stories of incredibly difficult times that turned into God-driven missions, and actually were God-driven missions the ENTIRE time. Sometimes God nudges us to go a certain direction, and sometimes, he completely redirects you entirely through the most mystical journeys. THAT is wh ...
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Are We Okay? with licensed therapists, Maddy & Jennifer

Jennifer Teplin and Maddy Ellberger

Welcome to the podcast where it’s time to talk about talk therapy. Meet Maddy and Jennifer, two NYC-based licensed therapists who have swapped the couch for the mic to offer listeners a weekly glimpse into life from a clinician’s perspective. As founders of their own therapy practices—Maddy of Downtown Behavioral Wellness and Jennifer of Manhattan Wellness—both help hundreds of clients each week. Now, they sit down to share stories and insights about the multitude of highs and lows faced in ...
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World's Okayest DJs

World's Okayest DJs

World’s Okayest DJs was created by DJ Foreplay and DJ Cryin’ Branston — two ‘regular’ working DJs and friends who chat and share their anecdotes about all things DJ-related.
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Into the Okavango

Okavango15 Expedition Team

90 days, 1,000 miles, 3 countries, 2 rivers, 31 adventurers, 100% open data. Listen to field recordings, interviews and more from the beating heart of our planet - The Okavango. #Okavango15 is a National Geographic supported expedition to explore the Okavango River system from source to sand. Join us in real-time as we explore one of the world's last pristine river systems.
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Pretty Okay Podcast

Pretty Okay Podcast

Welcome to the Pretty Okay Podcast, a chill (but sometimes spicy) small business podcast for people who are crazy enough to have one. Hosted by the Founder of Enji, Tayler Cusick Hollman, we cover everything from basic business practices to small business marketing. We sit down with some of our favorite small business owners and experts who share their stories, real-life experiences, and advice, all while keeping it (very) real and honest.
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show series
O tym, skąd się wzięli w Polsce gruzińscy gangsterzy, ale też o Gruzji, której przyszłość jest wciąż niepewna, rozdarta między autorytaryzmem a demokracją, Kremlem i Brukselą, opowiada reporterka Stasia Budzisz.„System gruzińskiej przestępczości zorganizowanej, a właściwie możemy mówić o mafii, wywodzi się jeszcze z czasów Rosji carskiej, w której …
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With breaking news and shocking headlines still happening on a weekly basis, sometimes it's hard to believe that the current war in Ukraine has been going on for more than three years. You may have heard a neighbor or family member asking… why should the United States be involved at all? With so many problems here at home, why should we care about …
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Les consultations politiques initiées par le chef de l’Etat Felix Tshisekedi en vue de la mise en place d’un Gouvernement d’union nationale a débuté lundi 24 mars à Kinshasa.द्वारा Radio Okapi
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Listener discretion is advised. References:Ball CG, Lord J, Laupland KB, Gmora S, Mulloy RH, Ng AK, Schieman C, Kirkpatrick AW. Chest tube complications: how well are we training our residents? Can J Surg. 2007 Dec;50(6):450-8. PMID: 18053373 Hannon L, St Clair T, Smith K, Fitzgerald M, Mitra B, Olaussen A, Moloney J, Braitberg G, Judson R, Teague …
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Le président angolais João Lourenço a annoncé ce lundi 24 mars son désengagement en tant que médiateur du processus de Luanda, consacré aux bons offices entre la RDC et le Rwanda pour résoudre la crise sécuritaire dans l’Est de la RDC. Deux mois après avoir pris la présidence en exercice de l’Union africaine, M.Lourenço estime qu’il est temps de se…
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Today, we'll take a look at Gary Con XVII, coming this weekend in Lake Geneva, WI.Gary Con XVII - https://garycon.com/Tabletop Events - https://tabletop.events/conventions/gary-con-xvii Chet Minton Artist - https://www.chetmintonartist.com/Wizard's Study background by David Lee Pancake - https://davidleepancake.com/Gelatinous Cube with Me Inside by…
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Hey what's up hello! Today we talk about the morning shed, appealing to various gazes, and other such beauty standard shenanigans. Donate: patreon.com/soundsfakepod Follow: @soundsfakepod Join: https://discord.gg/W7VBHMt www.soundsfakepod.com Buy our book: www.soundsfakepod.com/book Buy our book: www.soundsfakepod.com/book…
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Kamil kopał z tatą. Miał 16 lat, kopania uczył się na YouTubie. Tata, dłuższy czas na bezrobociu, za połowę oszczędności kupił koparkę. Zostali kryptogórnikami. Wspominają to z niesmakiem. Dział reportażu OKO.press przedstawia audioreportaż na podstawie tekstu Małgorzaty Domagały "Kinga pod palmami. Kuszenie Polaka kryptowalutami". Realizacja i opr…
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Au cœur des échanges : la rencontre entre Paul Kagame et Felix Tshisekedi à Doha, au Qatar mardi dernier autour de la question de paix dans le Nord et Sud Kivu. On va épingler aussi la question des négociations directes ratées entre le M23 et le gouvernement de la RDC sur le cessez-le-feu et le retrait des troupes rwandaises sur le sol congolais.…
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This week, Maddy and Jen share what inspired them to become therapists and reveal the not-so-glamorous side of a job that’s suddenly considered “cool." Whether you’re a budding therapist, currently in therapy, or just here to eavesdrop— join us! How to be a great (or choose a great) therapist ... according to Maddy & Jen: Connection is everything. …
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What if your biggest fear came true? And it was actually the thing that propelled you towards your divinely inspired path? LIVE recording of the newest episode of our show, Awful Okay Awesome. No guest today. This story is about me, myself and I! This episode is brought to you by Black Aswad Coffee Co., the brand that’s redefining your morning ritu…
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Les rebelles du M23 et leur soutien rwandais occupent le chef-lieu du territoire de Walikale depuis la soirée de mercredi 19 mars, rapportent plusieurs sources dans la zone. Selon certaines sources locales, ces rebelles, appuyés par l’armée rwandaise, se seraient accaparés de cette agglomération presque sans combats. Depuis plus de deux jours, Wali…
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Wieloletnia dziennikarka Programu Trzeciego powróciła na Myśliwiecką 3/5/7 i objęła kierownictwo w stacji nieco ponad rok temu. W naszym podcaście próbujemy podsumować ten czas. Rozmawiamy też o możliwościach zapewnienia stabilności i apolityczności mediom publicznym. Agnieszka Szydłowska objęła Trójkę w trudnych warunkach. Słuchalność upolitycznio…
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Public education is a cornerstone of our democracy. But Donald Trump and his new Secretary of Education Linda McMahon haven’t exactly made it a secret that they want to shut down the Department of Education. Phrases like “parental choice” and “school choice” might make this sound good for families, but in reality, it leaves far too many kids behind…
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In this episode, Scott Campsall confesses that he has favourite students. How do you become a favourite though? Do you have to be more talented than others? Do you have to suck up to the teacher? Your work ethic could get you to being in the position of being a favourite, but do you have what it takes to keep you there? Let's find out. Learn more a…
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La délégation de la République démocratique du Congo est arrivée à Luanda, lundi 17 mars, dans la soirée, pour participer aux négociations directes avec le M23, selon l’annonce de la présidence angolaise sur son compte Facebook officiel.द्वारा Radio Okapi
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Michael Perry is a Wisconsin-born author, volunteer firefighter, and former nurse who's spent his life mastering the art of storytelling, often about his own hilarious misadventures. Which is a prerequisite for being a guest on our podcast! We dive into deer hunting as a New Year’s ritual, being an outsider in hunting culture, and what it's like ha…
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I Haven't Posted In Weeks Out of Sheer Laziness, But That's Okay! In the original episode (where Willis was a cat), Willis's hunger drove him to try to eat one of the Poker Rats. Because cats eat rats. But I couldn't have him try to eat a rat in the new version, because now he's a rat, too. And I don't want to delve into a whole new side plot where…
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Wokół nauki kręcą się szarlatani i siewcy wątpliwości. Chcą ją skompromitować dla własnych celów - często po prostu dla zysku. Jak ich rozpoznać, tłumaczy Michał Rolecki, dziennikarz naukowy.Kim są siewcy wątpliwości? To ci, którzy każą ci „włączyć myślenie”, bo jakiś naukowiec wypowiedział się inaczej niż 99 procent jego kolegów po fachu. Albo pok…
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Hey what's up hello! Today we have LOTS of house to keep. Then, we talk about the importance of celebrating major life events that aren't allo-centric things like weddings or baby showers. Episode Transcript: www.soundsfakepod.com/transcripts/non-allo-major-life-events Donate: patreon.com/soundsfakepod Follow: @soundsfakepod Join: https://discord.g…
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Chodziliśmy po zamkniętej strefie. Ulice zagrodzono, drzwi domów zabito deskami, bezwzględnie zakazano wjazdu. Trzęsienie ziemi, tsunami, eksplozja w elektrowni atomowej. Jeśli można sobie wyobrazić armagedon, to chyba właśnie tak Dział reportażu OKO.press przedstawia audioreportaż na podstawie tekstu Patryka Szymańskiego "W pustych domach najpierw…
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This is the audio only version of the latest TOGS episode. Today, we'll take a look at the 1E AD&D DMG section on The Monster as a Player Character. TOGS Links Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/MarkCMG My Patreon patrons include . . . Tom Tullis - https://www.fatdragongames.com casl Entertainment - https://www.caslentertainment.com Heath Farnden - …
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Dans ce magazine, nous parlons de l’annonce du début des négociations directes entre les rebelles du M23 et le gouvernement de Kinshasa. Selon un communiqué parvenu de la présidence angolaise parvenue à Radio Okapi, ces pourparlers de paix vont commencer le 18 mars, avec pour objectif de mettre un terme au conflit qui ravage l’Est de la RDC.…
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Making friends as an adult can feel like mission impossible. Gone are the days of built-in social circles from school. So... how do you meet new friends? This week, Maddy and Jen dive into the art of making new friends, the importance of putting yourself out there, and why your ideal friendship circle should be less of a one-size-fits-all and more …
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Le gouvernement angolais a fixé au mardi 18 mars le début des négociations directes entre les délégations de Kinshasa et les rebelles du M23, dans la ville de Luanda, capitale de l’Angola. Selon un communiqué parvenu à Radio Okapi, cette décision a été prise avec diligence face au conflit qui affecte l’Est de la RDC.…
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How committing to herself through doing the work has opened up clarity for her divine purpose. Recording LIVE: the newest episode of Awful Okay Awesome with guest Amber Scott-Johnston - how she detached from her victim identity absorbed through abuse, to helping others do the same with her energetic and intuitive interior design practice. This epis…
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La Présidence de l’Angola a annoncé, mardi 11 mars, des négociations directes entre le Gouvernement congolais et les rebelles du M23. Cette nouvelle est contenue dans un communiqué de presse de la Présidence angolaise à l’issue de la brève visite qu’a effectuée, le même mardi, le Président Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi à Luanda, capitale de l’Angola.…
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In this first episode of our limited series "Okay, But Why?", we're taking a deep dive into voting rights. We all want free and fair elections where everyone who’s legally able to vote can make their voice heard. But every time the experts study voter fraud, they find almost zero evidence that undocumented immigrants or anyone else is voting illega…
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Cliff Gray lives the kind of life that makes most outdoorsmen envious, splitting his time between guiding hunters in the mountains and spearfishing in the waters of Puerto Rico. From the reality of selling his outfitting business and navigating the unpredictability of guiding to the obsession of spearfishing and the logistics of making a life in th…
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