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Nick Peters discusses Christian Apologetics and interviews top scholars in Biblical Studies.
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Ron Campbell joins us to discuss how different worldviews respond to evil.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Justin Bass joins us to talk about the Bedrock of Christianity and what we can be sure of.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Phylicia Masonheimer joins us on how women need to go deeper into Christian studiesद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Lisa Brockman joins us to talk about her book "Out of Zion" and how she left the Mormon Church.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Ready to talk about sex and marriage? Sheila Wray Gregiore of "To Love, Honor, and Vacuum" joins us.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Father Schneider joins us to talk about what it's like to be a Catholic priest and to be autistic.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Tom Hobson joins us to discuss his book, The Historical Jesus and the Historical Joseph Smith.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Gil Sanders joins us to discuss the Thomistic arguments for God.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Robert McIver joins us to discuss Jesus, Memory, and the Synoptic Gospelsद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Douglas Jacoby joins us to talk about Genesis 1-11 in his book with Paul Copan, Originsद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Shane O'Neill joins us to talk about men struggling with pornography and his organization, Proven Menद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Annie Lobert joins us to talk about her book Fallen and sex traffickingद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Tae Shin joins us to give us marriage enrichmentद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Josh Brahm of the Equal Rights Institute joins us to talk about abortion.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Trent Horn joins us to give a Catholic response to abortionद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Craig Keener joins us to talk about his latest book on the Gospels as Greco-Roman biographies.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Phil Tallon joins us to discuss D&D, video games, and beautyद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Mary Demuth joins us to talk about sexual abuse in the Church and MeToo.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Bethany McKinney Fox joins us to discuss the gospel and disabled peopleद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Paul Sullins joins us to talk about the problem of pedophilia in the Catholic Church and if homosexuals are born that way.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Hillary Ferrer joins us to discuss Mama Bear Apologetics and how to roar like a motherद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Tyler McNabb joins us to discuss Religious Epistemologyद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Michael Heiser joins us to talk about Stranger Things and Christianityद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Stephen Parrish joins us to discuss his new book "Atheism: A Critical Analysis."द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Eric Chabot joins us to talk about outreach to Jewish people, his newest book "The Resurrection of the Jewish Messiah" and answers for us the question we all want to know of if he affirms the virgin birth, which I do affirm.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Mary Jo Sharp joins us to discuss her newest book on church hypocrisyद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Brandon Showalter joins me to talk about problems of in-fighting in the LGBT communityद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Fuz Rana joins us to discuss Humans 2.0 co-authored with Ken Samples and the idea of transhumanism.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Lee Strobel joins us to talk about his book "The Case For Miraclesद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Troy Frasier of the Revived Thoughts podcast joins us to talk about old preachers and apologeticsद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Dr. J joins us to talk about the impact of the sexual revolutionद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Ken Samples joins us to discuss his book Classic Christian Thinkersद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Rob Bowman joins us to talk about the apologetics book club and the importance of good readingद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Andrew Bartlett joins us to discuss his book and how the Bible views the relationship of men and women.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Pastor Bruce Baker joins us to talk about his book "For Thou Art With Me" and facing an oncoming death with ALS.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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John Walton joins us to discuss what purpose the Torah served and how it is to be used today.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Jason Jolin joins us to discuss his book on football and Christianityद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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J.P. Holding of Tektonics joins us to talk about how to do good research.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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What's it like to be the man behind the mike with Aspergers? Find out in my own words.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Per Ewert joins me to discuss his book about Sherlock Holmes and the Case of the Empty Tombद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Jonathan Greer joins me to discuss a book he helped co-edit, "Behind the Scenes of the Old Testament."द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Richard Averbeck joins us to discuss Old Testament Slaveryद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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J. Parker joins us to talk about her book "Pillow Talk", devotionals for married couples.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Michael and Sarah Stover join us to discuss marriage when it's rough.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Craig and Medine Keener join us to share their love story in their book "Impossible Love."द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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John Ferrer joins us to discuss abortion and the war on womenद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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George Brahm joins us to talk about abortion and metaphysicsद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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Rebekah Valerius joins us to talk about women and abortionद्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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How is it that evangelicals should approach the person of Mary? In this episode, I talk with Tim Perry about this.द्वारा [email protected] (Nick Peters)
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