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show episodes
Jasné otázky – priame odpovede. Braňo Závodský a jeho hosť každý pracovný deň 10 minút po 12-tej naživo v Rádiu Expres na aktuálnu tému o veciach, o ktorých sa budete baviť pri obede. Všetky diskusie nájdete aj na YouTube:
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The Laughter for All Podcast is for people who appreciate funny clean comedy. It’s for those who want some Good Medicine, encouragement and inspiration. You will Laugh, be Entertained and Encouraged Each Monday, Join Comedian Nazareth as he welcomes Comedians, Artists, Musicians, Pastors, Leaders and other interesting people to entertain and encourage you.
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The Naz & Wally Sports Hour

Zoomer Podcast Network

The Naz and Wally Sports Hour isn’t just about box-scores, draft picks, playoffs or locker-room jock-talk. It’s about memories and the sports moments that entertain. It’s about the opinions that make up our inner “Real Joe” feelings. And humour. Lots of it. Real humor…not precious, indie nonsense that only appeals to those inside the sound-booth! Naz and Wally is a sports show with a twist. They’re totally interactive and want your input. You can look forward to guests like Russ Jackson, Pin ...
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Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene

Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene

God wants you to live your full potential and we would love to help! This podcast features the weekend messages from Ridgefield Church of the Nazarene. These inspiring talks not only teach Bible truths, but they also help you to apply them to your life at home and at work. For more information about the church, visit
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Litchfield Church of the Nazarene Podcast

Litchfield Church of the Nazarene

Welcome to the Litchfield Church of the Nazarene Podcast! Tune in weekly to listen to our latest messages. As a Protestant Christian church rooted in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition, we’re dedicated to producing fruitful disciples of Jesus Christ. We invite you to join our community where warmth and welcome await you.
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Man van Nazaret

NPO Luister / EO

De Man van Nazaret vertelt je het meeslepende en aangrijpende verhaal van Salomé. Ze is een joodse vrouw die woont in Jeruzalem, in het jaar 70. De stad wordt belegerd door de Romeinen en dreigt vernietigd te worden. In de stad is ook een kleine gemeenschap van volgers van Jezus. Jezus, die 70 jaar daarvoor was geboren. Je hoort ook het verhaal van zijn geboorte. Twee verhalen die op het eerste gezicht los van elkaar lijken te staan. Maar het leven van Jezus kan niet los gezien worden van de ...
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Napoleon Church of the Nazarene

Napoleon Church of the Nazarene

We exist to see people come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The church is so much more than a building. It is a body of believers called by our Lord Jesus Christ to share the Gospel with those who do not yet know who Jesus is. As the church, we gather together regularly through Sunday Morning Worship, activities, groups, and much more. SUNDAY SERVICE TIMES 9:00AM & 10:30 PM 630 Appian Ave Napoleon, OH 43545 419.592.1586
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Hope Church of the Nazarene's Podcast

Hope Church of the Nazarene

A broadcast ministry of Hope Church of the Nazarene located in Marshfield, Missouri. Pastor Fred Morrison brings scripture-based messages that apply God's Word to everyday life. For more information on the ministries and programs offered here at HCON, please see us on the web at
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show series
In this episode of The Sermon, Pastor Sarah Lowenberg unpacks the challenging words of Jesus from Matthew 5:21-26. Diving into the heart of anger, reconciliation, and how our words reflect our inner condition, she challenges us to go beyond surface-level obedience. How do we navigate conflict with a spirit of humility and seek true reconciliation? …
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In Episode 4 of "The Sermon" series, Pastor Sarah Lowenberg unpacks Matthew 5:17-20, where Jesus declares that He came not to abolish the law, but to fulfill it. With relatable stories and heartfelt insights, Pastor Sarah challenges us to move beyond external rule-following and embrace the transformative righteousness that Jesus calls us to. How ca…
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Napriek tomu, že funkcie nechceli, nakoniec ich dostali. Premiér uzavrel vládnu krízu dohodou so Samuelom Migaľom. Radomír Šalitroš bude jeho štátnym tajomníkom. Vláda koalícia tak má možno 79 poslancov v parlamente a po roku môže skúsiť zvoliť predsedu parlamentu. Ako sa nový minister vysporiada s ministerstvom, ktoré podľa neho preberá v katastro…
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Rozuzlenie koaličnej krízy prinieslo 79 poslancov a dvoch nových ministrov. Prezident vymenoval Samuela Migaľa za nového ministra investícii a Rudolf Huliak je ministrom športu. Obom prezident vysvetlil, že nie sú ministri preto, že to tak malo byť, ale len preto, že si nové fleky vybavili s premiérom výmenou za jeho podporu. Bola celá kríza ten le…
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Vládna kríza sa skončila a koalícia bude mať opäť 79 poslancov. Prezident dnes vymenuje za ministra investícií Samuela Migaľa a jeho štátnym tajomníkom bude ďalší nespokojný exposlanec Hlasu Radomír Šalitroš. Svoje ministerstvo a ďalšie fleky k tomu, už pred tým od premiéra dostali aj Huliakovci. Teraz sa čaká či parlament v tajnom hlasovaní zvolí …
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Očkovaní ľudia ako geneticky modifikované kukurice so zmenenou DNA. Takéto majú byť zistenia vládneho splnomocnenca pre manažovanie pandémie. Sú to bludy? Vedci, Štátny ústav na kontrolu liečiv a prezident splnomocnenca kritizujú a hovoria o šírení poplašnej správy. Ako dopadne súboj konšpirácii s faktami? Stráca verejnosť dôveru vo vakcíny a v mod…
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Poslanci hnutia Slovensko sa vybrali do Chorvátska hľadať údajnú letnú vilu premiéra Roberta Fica. Premiér vyhlásil, že je to obludné klamstvo a že tam vilu nemá. K vlastníctvu dovolenkovej haciendy sa však priznal minister obrany Robert Kaliňák. Opozícia chystá jeho odvolávanie. Vyšetrovateľ pandémie Kotlár hovorí, že z očkovaných bola urobená kuk…
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“Sure Signs of a Maturing Faith” Text: Philippians 3:15-4:1 For the Christian, growth is not optional. Pastor Eric Larsen joins us again this week and talks about what it means to mature in the faith. The mature Christian knows what belongs in their life, and knows what needs to be left behind. The key to maturity is having a dynamic, authentic, an…
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Pastor Ben teaches a very convicting sermon from John 15:18-26. Jesus says we will be hated because the world hated Him first. No one likes to be rejected; yet, as Christians when we stand up for the Gospel, we may very well be rejected. Are you willing to face this to spread the gospel truth?द्वारा Napoleon Church of the Nazarene
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Jesus has the power to light the way and turn off the dark. Key Scriptures: John 8:12 NLT; Isaiah 60:19-20 NLT; John 3:20-21 NLT; Colossians 3:5a,10 NLT; Matthew 5:14-16 NLTConnect with us & let us know you are listening and how we can pray for you...…
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Morning Worship Sermon with Rev. Bud Hance Scripture reference Isaiah 53:5 5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.
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Maplewood is continuing to focus on what it takes to become a better version of ourselves in 2025. When we look around, and when we're honest, our country, our community and our church are not the best version they can be. And we're learning that change doesn't start out there. It starts in me. Click to listen for more.…
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Pastor Jim explores the story of King Jeroboam’s disobedience in 1 Kings 13, highlighting the dangers of self-made religion driven by fear and control. He examines how convenience and self-righteousness distort faith, contrasting them with true obedience to God’s word. Through the story of the two prophets, Jim challenges all to reject consumer-bas…
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.Are you unknowingly treating your partner like a child instead of a man? In this episode, I break down the 5 biggest signs you’re mothering your man—and why this behavior is sabotaging your relationship. Learn how to shift out of the 'mom role' and back into your feminine energy so you can reignite attraction and create a healthier dynamic. See Pr…
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Do you struggle to talk about your faith with others? This Sunday, in both services, we welcome special guest speaker and author, Becky Pippert. Becky draws on decades of conversations about Christianity around the world to inspire and equip ordinary Christians to share Jesus through their ordinary day-to-day conversations. Join us this weekend and…
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Vláda si pýta od ľudí a firiem ďalšie peniaze. Kvôli transakčnej dani sa pred klientskymi centrami teraz v radoch tlačia tisíce živnostníkov. Aby mohli štátu zaplatiť novú daň, potrebujú k tomu nový podnikateľský účet. Alebo si idú živnosť rovno zrušiť, či prerušiť. Čo teda k transakčnej dani vlastne živnostníci a firmy potrebujú? Koľko nám táto da…
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Spojené štáty obnovili vojenskú pomoc pre Ukrajinu a opäť im sprístupnili aj svoje spravodajské informácie. Rusi dostali návrh na 30 dňové prímerie. Také sú výsledky mierových rokovaní USA a Ukrajiny. Mierový návrh víta aj Slovensko, šéf našej diplomacie vyzval Moskvu, aby sa ponukou neodkladne zaoberala. Čo teda dohoda Američanov a Ukrajincov znam…
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