Welcome to NABORTalks, the podcast where insightful conversations unfold, shedding light on NABOR’s crucial role in shaping our community, serving their members, and championing private property rights for all. Join us in 2024 as your hosts, NABOR President, PJ Smith and NABOR’s Vice-President of Public Policy, Dani Hudson, lead the way in exploring the impactful initiatives that define NABOR and significantly contribute to the evolution of the Naples area real estate landscape.
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Müzik endüstrisinin her alanındaki dinamikler (Hazırlayan ve sunan: Merve Eryürük)
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Start your day with the NAB Morning Call for the latest overnight key economic and market information straight from our team of expert market economists and strategists. This includes perspective on overnight news and market price action and the forces shaping movements in Australian and global markets in the days ahead. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Der personal Lebensalltags-, Comic-, Krebs-, Star Trek-, Filme & Serien-, Mecker & Rant-, Train-of-thoughts-, Insight-, Unstruktur-, Philosophie-für-fünf-Cent, -, Popkultur-, Tagebuch-, Outdoor/Indoor-, ADHS- Selbstgepräche-Podcast. -------------------------------------- Ich bin Felo: Podcaster, Trickfilmer, Zeichner, Comic-Fan, Trekkie, übergewichtiger Fünfziger, ADHS-ler, Frührentner, Krebs-Patient und schlechtester-Fußball-Podcast-aller-Zeiten (nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge. Aber ...
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NAB Deuterocanonical
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How does it feel like being young living alone in the west ?
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Kisah silisilah keluarga rasulullah Saw
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Radio NABA podkāsti.
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Radio Dakwah Islam
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Tips and Huntin tales from across the country. From Takin Spring Longbeards to mature whitetail bucks, Jim covers the bases with a variety of experinces as the host of The Wildventure vido/television series.
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CeritaNabila akan membawa mu ke cerita “cinta” yang mungkin kalian rasakan 💕
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Welcome to my podcast, you guys will hear from here nice guitar music because I am musician.
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Karanlıkla aydınlığın bütünleştiği evreden sımsıcak yayınlar.
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In de podcast Anders Nabij van audiomaker Eva Droogmans vertellen vijf gezinnen over het verlies van een kind. Over hoe ze hun leven proberen terug richting te geven, zonder hun kind ooit te vergeten.
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Welcome to the Jessie Nabilla podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Education consultant, Teacher trainer, Recruiter
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Welcome to the Nabin Bhusal podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Video Technology, incl VR (Virtual Reality) & 360 cameras
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VR/AR, Drones, & other disruptive Tech in Video Industry
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Podcaster dari Indonesia. Muslim. 34 tahun. Suami dan Ayah
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Welcome to the Nabil El Hady podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Rasool Nabi
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Escucha este podcast y muchos más en www.ivoox.com o en las apps de iVoox para iOS, Android o Windows Phone.
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Sirah Nabawiyah adalah sejarah Nabi Muhammad SAW. Sumber utama dari kajian ini adalah kitab Rakhiqul Makhtum karya Syaikh Shafiyurahman Mubarakfury yang mengkaji dengan mengedepankan proses kehidupan Nabi Muhammad SAW. Semoga dengan ngaji ini bisa menambah ilmu dan kecintaan kepada Kanjeng Nabi yang kita harapkan syafa'atnya di akhirat. Allahummasholli'alaa Muhammad!
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Menyampaikan kepada masyarakat naratif sejarah islam yang sahih berdasarkan Al-Quran, Al-Sunnah dan Manhaj Salaful Ummah.
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Un podcast hecho por fans para fans, en donde hablaremos todo lo relacionado con Star Wars.
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Kajian Sirah Nabawiyah komprehensif oleh Ustadz Elvandi, dengan tiga puluh referensi sirah dan ratusan buku berbagai disiplin ilmu.
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This show is all about controversial topics, debunking topics, discussing undiscussed topics and issues and elaborating on different situations and opinions that affects our society. It's also your one stop for motivation, insight & advice. Come back here every Wednesday for new episodes! Don't forget to follow, like, share, comment & rate this podcast! Socials: Instagram, Facebook & YouTube: @undiscussedwithnabila Twitter: @UWNabila Linktree : https://linktr.ee/UWNabila Host: @beela303 http ...
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A podcast channel for the storytellers from a broadcaster and a storyteller. Nabeel Tirmazi has beenworking as a documentary filmmaker, TV producer, broadcasting consultant for nearly two decades. The episodes on this channel will discuss on the latest trends in the field of broadcasting i.e. TV, radio and new media.
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We're back for 2015! Join us LIVE on Monday morning from 9am on the @AFL website and app! Every trade, every rumour, every whisper as it happens!
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Het relaas van de zoektocht van een kleindochter naar een grootmoeder die nooit grootmoeder werd. Een podcast over moeders en dochters en over mensen verborgen in de familiegeschiedenis. Nabij is een project van Selkie, de audiomakerij van Ruben Nachtergaele en Eva De Groote. Met Eva Moeraert als eindredacteur, Ayco Nachtergaele op cello en eindsong door Smilla Nachtergaele. De tekeningen zijn van Steffie Van Cauter. Nabij verscheen als tweeluik met de roman Grond van Eva De Groote. www.selk ...
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A podcast for Lupus Warriors who DO and Desire To Learn how to travel their world safely and enjoyably. • • Lupus Warrior of 20 + years 💜 • Kidney Transplant Recipient of 15 years♻️ • Songwriter 🎹/ Speaker 🎤/ Broadcaster 📻 / Singer 🎶 / Traveler 🌎
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Podcast Singkat tentang cerita nabi Muhammad saw. dari awal kelahiran hingga wafat, dituturkan oleh ust Ahmad Thobroni, Relawan Inspirasi Khusus Dai.
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Examining Spiritual Intelligence from the lens of design and articulating it in a real, relatable, and relevant way. We have various guests from different walks of life, but who all see the world from a unique state of mind. Come on this journey with us as we talk about everything from human design, spirituality, psychology, current events and the intersection of them all.
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Zal er vrede zijn in Oekraine? Is de pandemie dit jaar nu echt ten einde? Gaan we ten onder aan inflatie? Vijf redacteuren werd vorig jaar gevraagd naar hun visie op 2022. Hadden zijn het bij het rechte eind? Waren ze te somber? Of juist veel te optimistisch. Aan de hand van voorspellingen die zij aan het begin van dit jaar deden, blikt de Volkskrant-hoofdredacteur Pieter Klok en columnist Sheila Sitalsing met hen terug op het uitzonderlijke jaar 2021.
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De samenleving is piepend en krakend tot stilstand gekomen door het coronavirus. Is dit de genadeklap? Of juist de noodrem? In ‘Beschaving: De Nabeschouwing’ beschouwt cabaretier en filosoof Tim Fransen de crisis. Hij gaat hierbij in op prangende vragen van luisteraars. Zijn filosofische blik is helder en troostend. En gelukkig valt er ook nog wat te lachen.
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The latest from podcasting experts and discussion about 2015 NAB and New Media Expo events in Las Vegas. Live times were 12-4pm PST on Mon, Tues, Weds. 12-3pm PST on Thurs.
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بودكاست نبات هو أول بودكاست يتحدث عن النباتات المنزلية باللغة العربية.نتحدث في بودكاست نبات عن طرق العناية بالنباتات المنزلية المختلفة ونسرد في كل حلقة تجارب موثقة علمياً وقصص تكشف لنا تأثير النباتات والأشجار على الإنسان.بودكاست نبات موجود لنتعلم سوياً عن عالم النباتات الممتع ونتعرف على أسراره. Podcast Nabat is the first botany-focused Arabic podcast, tailored to be both informative and useful to those who have the interest, but lack the knowledge. Through engaging field experts and enthusia ...
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Get primed for the ultimate event for media, entertainment and technology professionals! Hear from the world’s most inspiring and celebrated thought leaders, get inside this year’s hottest media tech trends, go behind the scenes of the show and discover tips for making the most out of your show visit. The 2019 NAB Show, every story starts here.
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A Podcast for Muslims as well as Non-Muslims who want to learn about the Life of Prophet in Urdu (Seerah). Seerah helps us to understand the situations and events with respect to every Ayah revealed in the Qur'an. Seerah and the Ayahs of the Qur'an are interrelated with each other. They corroborate the happenings as well as particular situations so as to give a true glimpse of every Ayah. And in times of despair, It raises our hope, lifts our spirits, and blesses us with optimism. This is wh ...
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Read Alfurqan by Hashem Nabil: E-mail: [email protected] Website: https://blog.for-allah.com/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMGex6VI3d_7eR3QL8gieDA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/read.alfurqan/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@read.alfurqan Quran Recitation by Hashem Nabil on Podcast: Google Podcast: https://tinyurl.com/yxsq4kpy Apple: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/id1526025373 /episodes/
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Wednesday 26th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB US markets lost their mojo a little in this session. NAB’s Gavin friend says this was in part due to a weaker than expected consumer confidence report from the Conference Board. It showed the lowest number for forward expectations …
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Remakes und Adaptionen Remakes, Adaptionen, Fortsetzungen: Wie viel Originalität verträgt ein Remake, wie dicht an der Vorlage darf oder soll eine Adaption sein, wie viel Veränderung kann eine Fortsetzung aushalten? Ich beschäftige mich mit diesen und ähnlichen Fragen, an den Beispielen von… "Die 12 Geschworenen" (im Vergleich: das 1997er Remake mi…
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The brief return of exceptionalism
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14:22Tuesday 25th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB The US dollar climbed a little today as US equities rallied, led by the Magnificent Seven. It’s like the good old days of American exceptionalism, but will it last or is it a brief stint of buying the dip? That’s a question Phil puts…
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Monday 24th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB The clock is ticking close to April 2nd when the Trump administration unleashes its comprehensive tariff program. As Liberation Day nears, NAB’s Rodrigo Catril wonders whether claims of the end to American exceptionalism were prematur…
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JACK OF ALL TRADES...master of none for spring longbeards
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22:06In short, learn how to yelp...while all the other turkey vocals are cool...the ability to yelp is just that...the ability to communicate. Join Jim Nabors as he shares a jaunt or two into the spring woods!द्वारा Jim
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Weekend Edition: Bank Hybrids. Just too complex?
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26:31Friday 21st March 2025 Please note this communication is not a research report and has not been prepared by NAB Research analysts. Read the full disclaimer here. APRA plans to phase out bank hybrids (AT1s) by January 2027. So, what exactly are AT1s and why is the regulator so concerned? In short, they are CoCos, contingent convertibles that transfe…
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Digesting the Fed’s Transitory Inflation Assumption
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17:29Friday 21st March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB One of the takeouts from yesterday's FOMC meeting was Jerome Powell's view that the impact of tariffs on inflation is likely to be transitory. NAB’s Rodrigo Catril says markets are still expecting two or more cuts this year as a resul…
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Fed focused on “signal to noise” ratio
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14:26Thursday 20th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB The Fed kept rates on hold as expected and, unsurprisingly, cut their growth projections, increased inflation and increased the unemployment forecast for this year. But the dot plot has changed very little. NAB’s Gavin Friend joins …
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Ceasefires – one ends as another opens up, perhaps
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17:22Wednesday 19th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB There was more market uncertainty today driven largely by geopolitics. Trump and Putin have reached an outline agreement for a 30day ceasefire, but it really hasn’t moved markets. There was more of a concern over the end to the Isr…
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Lachs-Sperma, Arbeitslosengeld und andere Dinge außerhalb der Comfort Zone Kim Kardashian sehen und sterben - möchte man meinen, wenn man unbedarft hört, dass Lachssperma seit neuestem in aller Munde (und Gesicht) ist. Themen wie diese befinden sich normalerweise stark außerhalb meiner eigenen Comfort Zone, aber hin und wieder lohnt es sich, den ei…
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Tuesday 18th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB Equities had a good session overnight on both sides of the Atlantic, perhaps because there wasn’t much in the way of bad news. The headline number of US retails sales was weaker than anticipated, but NAB’s Taylor Nugent says it wasn’…
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Monday 17th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB We know a lot about President Trump’s plan for America First. Today we get to hear China’s plans for growth. NAB’s tapas Strickland says the PBoC and the finance ministry will hold a press conference today about measures being introdu…
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Weekend Edition: Does Australia need to spend big on defence?
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31:20Friday 14th March 2025 Please note this communication is not a research report and has not been prepared by NAB Research analysts. Read the full disclaimer here. This week we discovered the extent of Australia’s close relationship with the US. Not that close, it seems with the Trump administration happy to apply a 25 percent tariff on our steel and…
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Friday 14th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB Markets behaved in a classic risk-off fashion this session, with equities falling and safe-haven currencies rising. Even the US dollar came to the party. Why? A day of bad news basically. Phil talks through it with NAB’s Rodrigo Catri…
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Aluminium and steel tariffs, no exceptions. So far.
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17:30Thursday 13th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB The Trump administration applied a worldwide tariff on exports of aluminium and steel to the US effective today. The knee jerk response has varied from country to country. Europe is enacting retaliatory measures, whereas the UK is k…
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Getting to Know Dani Hudson and Her Role as NABOR's Government Affairs Director
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19:29Danielle discusses her role as NABOR’s Government Affairs Director and issues to watch as we head into the 2025 Florida Legislative session.द्वारा nabor
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Wednesday 12th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB Two bits of late breaking news swung markets around towards the Tuesday close in the US. First, a cease fire agreement has been reached with Ukraine in Jeddah, with the US resuming intelligence sharing in the interim. It’s got ot b…
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Is the US heading for a recession?
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15:26Tuesday 11th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB Markets are clearly concerned about the direction of the US economy, as bond yields rise and equities fall sharply again. Phil asks NAB’s Tapas Strickland whether there’s an overreaction happening. Surely, if the economy is seen to b…
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Monday 10th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB The downturn in shares, the weaker dollar and rising bond yields are all part of the detox, according to Scott Bessant, as money shifts from government spending to the private sector. So, it’s a temporary setback, he believes. But the…
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Ein unangenehmes Erlebnis - und wie das mit ADHS zu tun gehabt haben könnte Mir ist gestern etwas sehr Unangenehmes passiert: Ich habe mich mit einer Freundin getroffen, an einem Platz in Köln-Nippes, wo gerade bei dem schönen Wetter viel zu viele Menschen unterwegs waren. Ich war recht schnell vollkommen überfordert von der Situation, so viele Men…
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Selbstbetrachtungen: Generationskonflikt Mir geht es gerade so, seit ich wieder in Köln zurück bin: ich fühle mich alt, und ich habe ganz plötzlich das bedrückende Gefühl, nun (zumindest seit in in Erwerbminderungs-Rente bin) auch zu der Gruppe der Alten zu gehören, und was noch schlimmer ist: genervt von den Jungen zu sein.Kein schönes Gefühl, mir…
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Ich packe Geschenke aus! Ich bin wieder zurück in Köln angekommen, und kaum, dass ich mich wirklich wieder eingelebt habe, packe ich auch schon die vielen, schönen Geschenke aus, die mir liebe Hörer*innen geschenkt haben, und die seit Wochen schon geduldig auf mich warten. Das geht leider nicht ohne jede Menge Neben-Geräusche ab (aber wir tun einfa…
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Weekend Edition: How can women move faster up the corporate ladder?
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27:57Friday 28th February 2025 Please note this communication is not a research report and has not been prepared by NAB Research analysts. Read the full disclaimer here. The theme for International Women’s Day this year is Accelerate Action - to move faster towards gender equality. It seems progress has slowed lately in Australia. Last year 37 percent o…
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Konda Araştırma işbirliğiyle hazırlanan Apaçık Radyo Dinleyici Araştırması: konda.com.tr/apacikradyo -- Sektörde 'çoğunlukla' sadece güvene dayalı kısa vadeli menajerlik mesleğini doğru yere oturtan sanatçılarının sadece müziğini düşündüğü; geri kalan tüm hengameyi, zorluğu, fırsat eşitsizliklerini, kirli ilişkileri, şeffaf olmayan bilgileri, memle…
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Friday 7th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB It’s a difficult high wire act for the ECB right now. They have cut rates as inflation comes down, but they have also forecast less growth. But, Phil suggests, it’s a strange scenario to be cutting rates whilst yields are pushing marke…
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Thursday 6th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB German bund prices have seen the biggest single day fall since the collapse of the Berlin Wall, pushing 10 year yields up30bp. It’s a similar story all over Europe, whilst movement in the US has been relatively tame. NAB’s Taylor Nug…
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Goethe hat sich nie auf dem Rückweg vom Klo verirrt!
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30:31Passen KI und Karneval zusammen? Warum verirrt man sich auf dem Rückweg vom Klo? Ich stelle mir wichtige Fragen, die einfach mal gestellt werden mussten… Wie z.B.: Warum verirrt man sich auf dem Rückweg vom Klo? Hat Goethe wirklich nie geniest? Passen KI und Karneval zusammen?द्वारा Felix (Felo) Herzog
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The trade war has begun, the battle over Ukraine defences continues.
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19:16Wednesday 5th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB It has been an alarming 24 hours. The US has applied tariffs on Mexico and Canada, added to those already applied to China, and pulled funding for Ukraine’s war effort. Share markets have responded the world over, but not as much in…
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Tuesday 4th March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB Ukraine is behind a world of difference between US and European markets today. European leaders are resigned to the need to spend more to defend Ukraine and Eastern Europe, pushing bond yields higher and equities also rising sharply, …
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Train of thoughts: Krötenwanderung - Rosenmontagszug - Rente Heute ist Rosenmontag, und wir haben beschlossen, uns den Rosenmontagszug im Fernsehen anzuschauen. Was das mit den wandernden Kröten, Reihern, Schnecken und meiner Rente zu tun hat… um das herauszufinden, müsst Ihr meine zusammenhangreiches Selbstgespräch anhören.…
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Monday 3rd March 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB There were two bits of news to drive markets on Friday, First, that press conference that left us wondering whether a peace deal in Ukraine could ever happen, But the gathering of European leaders on Sunday suggests peace could be brok…
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When in doubt...don't move...let the gobbler do his "gobbler thang"
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27:48Sometimes we all have to deal with Gobblers that won't Gobble...Here are a few ways to "make it happen". Join Jim Nabors on a hunt or two...while not the classic, was surely effective!द्वारा Jim
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Ein kurzer Gang durch den frühmorgendlich gefrorenen Garten Es ist früh am Morgen, Raureif bedeckt den Garten, und ich wage mich mit meinem Mikro kurz nach draußen in die Kälte. Gefroren ist mir die Welt gerade am liebsten - schade, dass sie nicht so bleiben kann!द्वारा Felix (Felo) Herzog
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Weekend Edition - Where Australia sits in a Trumpian world
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31:26Friday 28th February 2025 Please note this communication is not a research report and has not been prepared by NAB Research analysts. Read the full disclaimer here. The consequences of President Trump’s policies are being felt far and wide. The US now has a transactional based approach, even with its allies on areas such as defence which were consi…
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Friday 28th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB President Trump has made some more sharp moves on tariffs. The date for Mexico and Canada is now back to the middle of next week, and a further 10 percent is to be imposed on China at the same time. Phil asks NAB’s Gavin Friend abo…
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Tariffs: Mexico and Canada delayed, 25% coming Europe’s way
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17:53Thursday 27th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB President Trump has his first cabinet meeting and announced delays on the introduction of tariffs for Mexico and Canada (now April 2nd) and revealed how much Europe will be paying (25%) although he was a bit nonspecific on some o…
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Wednesday 26th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB This morning the Aussie dollar is down whilst safe haven currencies have risen, as markets start to assess the risk of US tariffs. A lot of f the moves in the last 24 hours relate to Trump’s comments that Canada and Mexico are d…
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Kirchenbetrachtungen aus Unterfranken Wir haben wieder zwei unterfränkische Kirchen besichtigt, eine alte und eine moderne:die eine in Wipfeld, die andere in Waigolshausen. Was das mit dem Umstand zu tun hat, dass es auf bayrischen Höfen immer weniger Hausschweine gibt, das erfahrt Ihr im Podcast!द्वारा Felix (Felo) Herzog
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Markets coast as politics turns to peace talks
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15:21Tuesday 25th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB There’s a bit of buying the dip, says Sally Auld, NAB’s Chief Economist in waiting, on today’s podcast. The S&P tested 6,000 before rising sharply back and finishing well up on the day. Markets seem to be largely ignoring a spate …
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A less confident US, a more divided Germany
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17:19Monday 24th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB Friedrich Merz is likely to be the new Chancellor in Germany, but the exit polls show his CDU/CSU alliance will need to negotiate with other parties to form government and stave off the influence of the far right AfD. NAB’s Rodrigo…
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Fränkische Fastnacht (Tusch!) Manchen Dingen kann man einfach nicht entkommen - wie wenn man z.B. vor dem Kölner Karneval entflieht, und dann auf dem Sofa vor der Übertragung der Fränkischen Fastnacht in Veitshöchheim endet. So kurz vor der Bundestagswahl 2025 war das, wie soll es auch anders, eine reichlich politische Veranstaltung, das war auch m…
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Aus- und Einblicke (Politik und Selbsterkenntnis) Die Politik, besonders Donald Trumps irrige Äußerung über den ukrainischen Präsidenten, lassen mich über ein Phänomen nachdenken, das mir nicht nur an Donald Trump, sondern auch an vielen anderen, nicht zuletzt an mir selbst oft genug aufgefallen ist: Wenn man lange genug im eigenen Saft schmort, ve…
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Weekend Edition: Germany: Not a great time to change government
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24:59Friday 21st February 2025 Please note this communication is not a research report and has not been prepared by NAB Research analysts. Read the full disclaimer here. Germans will head to the polls on Friday. It seems highly likely that the centre-right CDU/CSU will gather the most votes, but over the last few months the right win populist AfD have b…
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Walmart worried, Trump mentions China deal
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17:19Friday 20th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB It’s not all good news from the US. Although Walmart reported strong profit growth yesterday the outlook is less certain, and there are indicators that their customer base is a section of US society that is suffering. The dollar is…
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Zor zamanlar neden artık öfkeli müzik doğurmuyor?
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26:18Konda Araştırma işbirliğiyle hazırlanan Apaçık Radyo Dinleyici Araştırması: konda.com.tr/apacikradyo -- Konuğumuz Ayşe Demir ile 'Zor zamanlar neden artık öfkeli müzik doğurmuyor?' sorusunun cevabını bulmaya çalışıyoruz.द्वारा Apaçık Radyo
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Is ECB rate still restrictive? Aussie employment today’s focus.
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15:02Thursday 20th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB Markets reacted strongly to comments from the ECB’s Isabel Schnabel who questioned whether they have already gone as far as they need to. She wonders whether the policy rate is restrictive anymore. NAB’s Skye Masters talks about …
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Pension Schöller - Kirchen-Kanzeln - Wahlkampf Nuft, Nuft, Cnavigo! …wie schon (fast) der olle Goethe so richtig sagte. Ich schnappe noch mal ein bisschen derselbigen, auch wenn sie kalt ist und lasse ein wenig die letzten ein, zwei Tage Revue passieren: Wir haben eine alte Klamotte gesehen, Pension Schöller. Wir haben Kirchen besichtigt und waren …
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RBA easing slowly. More cuts “no lay-down misère”
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17:28Wednesday 19th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB The RBA cut rates yesterday, but is the first one in this cycle also the last one for a little while? Governor Michele Bullock said successive cuts wasn’t the lay-down misère that markets had been expecting. NAB’s Taylor Nugent …
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ADHS-Probleme beim Schafkopf-Spielen Meine Familie versucht, mir das Schafkopf-Spielen beizubringen, jedoch dank meines ADHS gelingt das nur sehr, sehr unzufriedenstellend (für beide Seiten!) In mir weckt das ganze unangenehme Erinnerungen an meine Schulzeit, z.B. an die frustrierenden Bemühungen, Latein-Vokabeln zu lernen. Keine idealen Voraussetz…
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Tuesday 18th February 2025 NAB Markets Research Disclaimer Financial Services Guide | Information on our services - NAB The whole European defence issue is becoming very complicated. Phil makes sense of it all with NAB’s Tapas Strickland on the day that US and Russian delegations meet in Saudi Arabia to discuss a cease fire deal, without Ukraine pr…
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