Hey guys I’m here to help the person who doesn’t think they can! I know you can and I’m gonna tell you how! The only true doubt is self doubt because if you don’t believe in you there is no reason for anyone else to. I also wanna create forward thinking and innovation to your mind they are good words to put on a resume but they are even better if they are true!
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Welcome to the Myia LaShaun podcast, where amazing things happen. Journey with her to her music making process. My every day life. In the struggles of being an up-and-coming artists.
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I strengthen people's abilities to live quality lives.
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How to find your purpose in life 💛
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17:00Have you ever wondered what is your purpose in life? What are you here for? What are you meant to do? Well this small exercise I have could help you get those wheel to turning.
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If you ever wondered why you can’t seem to forgive like the world says you should take a quick listen 💛
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We all navigate the world differently
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11:17Even if we all have the same 24hrs in a day… we will never do the same things with it -Myiah💛
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What does your execution loop look like?
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17:12Feel like you’re stuck in a rut? Everyday day seems to be like the last…. Let’s explore how something new could change your life.
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Understanding your “Time Equity Exchange” rate! ⏱️ ↔️💰
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11:55We often look at jobs as just a thing we should have to pay our bills and be functioning adults. But have you ever really sat back and thought about why your job is willing to pay you top dollar or low dollar? Have you ever went on a job hunt with your value in mind? And not your job skills that are valuable… but how you value yourself and how you …
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Yay we finally made it to the end of the year and I just wanna thank you all for listening and following me along this journey! This episode touches on a few things, being so busy that you don't have a vision for yourself because you are fulfilling someone else's vision(corporation, dead end job, or whatever). Also using proper planning tools to he…
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This episode is about branding yourself and your image and a few interview tips and having your elevator pitch about yourself on standby! Also about my new slack workspace TalkWithMyiah a collective and free space to talk, collaborate, inspire, and be inspired! To join follow the link below https://join.slack.com/t/talkwithmyiah/shared_invite/enQtO…
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If you wanna know what my podcast is about here is a :18 second description 💛
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Don’t ever work so hard that you stop to enjoy the fruits of your labor 💛 my instagram is hi_mynameis_myiah
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Hey guys new episode of #talkwithmyiah and it’s all about distractions how to get rid of them and stop them from hindering your growth!
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If you can’t find a way make a Way!!!
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45:38I’m not gonna make you feel good about not executing! Don’t look to me for pity or conformation that is within you, and you either keep it inside or let it out.... I’d rather you keep it inside and use it as your gas to your internal engine!!!! That’s what’s gonna drive you to your goal🙌🏽 #talkwithmyiah tomorrow first episode of #devingwhileblack m…
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Hey guys so every 3 episodes I’ll do a mini. Which is a 10-15 min rant about a specific topic that I feel needs to be covered and explored on a high level. Mentoring others is so detrimental to growth in human life! Thank you guys so much for following along on this journey with me ❤️
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I just wanna share a few things that I have uncovered in my growth journey over the last couple of years.
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Start of something new! #talkwithmyiah
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25:37Hey guys My name is Myiah and I would like to help give you a extra push to get started on YOU!!!! You are your most important investment and I want to make sure you know it . Also to help you not waste any time! Blaming others for why we aren’t great or waiting on people to hand us things or even being jealous of what others are doing is very comm…
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Don’t be afraid to be you , especially if you’re winning at being you.
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Stop being fake out here y’all.
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What do next ?!
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Intro to my show
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Conflict Resolution: 7 Tips for Having Tough Conversations
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6:24Strategies to score a win-win during conflict resolutionद्वारा Myia Bennett
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