Daily audio devotional from Charles Stanley’s In Touch Ministries.
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Transparency and accountability are vital to the renewal of the evangelical church in America. Hosts Warren Smith and Natasha Smith highlight the top stories of the week from the unique MinistryWatch perspective and give you a peek behind the curtain to show why and how we do the investigations we do.
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I Altingets podcast "Ministertid" inviterer forhenværende minister Simon Emil Ammitzbøll-Bille en perlerække af tidligere danske ministre ind til en samtale om deres tid i ministerstolen. Hver episode dykker ned i deres personlige oplevelser og udfordringer, fra de afgørende beslutninger i det politiske maskinrum til de mere ukendte anekdoter, der har præget deres politiske karriere. Podcasten giver et unikt indblik i livet som minister, hvor erfaringer og taktikker deles, og hvor vi kommer ...
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Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord
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Dr. Charles Stanley and In Touch Ministries’ daily radio program.
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Deutschsprachiger Podcast zu Tabletop & Wargaming, Bemalung, 3D Druck, und allem was dazu gehört.
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Ministerio Hispano Middletown Baptist Church
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A nossa missão é contribuir para que a sabedoria transformadora da Bíblia seja compreensível e acessível a todos.
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Doers of the Word
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The digital library of Koinonia Ministries Indy
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Thr love of.God.
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Serier i kortformat för dig som gillar dokumentärer. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Emma Boethius
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Restored Ministries International Podcast
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Short guided meditations to calm your anxiety, overcome negative thinking, increase your confidence, and more. Don’t think you have the time, or mental focus, to meditate? Most of these mind-shifting meditations are 10 minutes or less. Soothe your stress away and feel better fast with this award winning guided meditation podcast by Hypnotherapist Chel Hamilton today. For more information visit: https://meditationminis.com (https://meditationminis.com/) Please Note: The meditations presented ...
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El programa semanal de television de Ministerios En Contacto con el Dr. Charles Stanley, pastor de la Primera Iglesia Bautista de Atlanta
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The newest sermons from Whitcomb Ministries on SermonAudio.
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Pastor Andre Mitchell CEO of Andre Mitchell Ministries @Revandrem andremitchell.com and Pastor of Deliverance Temple Muncie DelivTemp.Org
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Este es el podcast oficial de Ministerios Betania de El Salvador
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Prayer for all people
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ELI5 Explain Like I'm 5: Bite sized answers to stuff you should know about - in a mini podcast
ELI5 Explain Like I'm Five Podcast
Explain Like I'm Five, aka ELI5, is the mini-podcast series where we take the questions you always wanted to ask, and talk about them in a way that is easy to understand. Made possible by the amazing reddit community at r/explainlikeimfive. See episode show notes for user credits.
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Weekly services from Sunrise Ministries in Jenison, Michigan. Transforming the world through God's grace and love. Additional information and resources available at sunrisemin.org.
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Enjoy the newest sermons from Freedom Ministries in Fitzgerald, Georgia via our podcast feed.
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Get your daily dose of Educating, entertaining and empowering mini podcasts. All designed to give you that little nudge on a daily basis to Live Your Life On Purpose and create a healthier, wealthier and happier life.
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KCF Ministries, Accra Ghana online sermon messages
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Enjoy the newest sermons from Alpha and Omega Ministries in Phoenix, Arizona via our podcast feed.
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A collection of homilies from Carroll College Campus Ministry
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Para todos os que gostam, ou querem aprender, entender, saber mais sobre a liturgia e a igreja católica apostólica romana. Site principal: https://taggo.one/cruxsacra
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Humoristische Vlaamse podcast waarbij kemphanen Stef, Jef en Jonas elke aflevering de meest banale nieuwsitems behandelen van de voorbije weken. https://tinyurl.com/Banalezaken
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Podcast by Ministério Verbo da Vida
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Enjoy the newest sermons from Biblical Restoration Ministries in Sioux City, Iowa via our podcast feed.
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Real-life advice for touring Disney parks with littles in tow, from two sisters who've done it and lived to tell the tale.
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Diving into the heart of God
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Sharing the Good News with my friends, family and the world!
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Enjoy the newest sermons from Evangelistic Outreach Ministries in New Boston, Ohio via our podcast feed.
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KMC is about Children’s Ministry, Leadership, Parenting, and other various ministry ideas
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Enseñanzas de la Iglesia de Dios Ministerial de Jesucristo Internacional - IDMJI https://idmji.org Hna María Luisa Piraquive https://marialuisapiraquive.com
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LifeStyle-Teaching people about our Lord Jesus Christ
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Audio podcasts for Zion Impact Ministries. This Ministry is commissioned to establish and manifest the Governing Influence of the Kingdom of God in our generation.
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The newest sermons from A.T. Stewart and Sons Ministries on SermonAudio.
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Breaking News and Current Events pertaining to Bible Prophecy.
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Bill Rudge Ministries Blog
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The newest sermons from Anchored In Truth Ministries on SermonAudio.
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Season One of ‘The Presidents & Prime Ministers brought to life all 55 of Britain's Prime Ministers through interviews with the authors of all 55 essays in Iain Dale’s book The Prime Ministers: Three Hundred Years of History. From the obscure 18th-century figures like the Earl of Shelburne and Henry Pelham to 20th-century titans like Churchill and Thatcher, these podcasts provide a much-needed reminder about their motivations, failures and achievements. Season Two, gives the same treatment t ...
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Habits can be affected by associations
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3:19Are your associations serving the habits you want to break or make Why not visit www.lylop.com for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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ELI5 Sunrise - why do sunrise and sunset look different?
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7:54What makes sunrises and sunsets visually unique experiences despite being technically the same phenomenon? Why do atmospheric conditions lead to warmer reds during sunsets and cooler blues during sunrises? How do variations in dust, humidity, and pollution change the colors we perceive at sunrise versus sunset? ... we explain like I'm five Thank yo…
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#1698 Going From Evil to Righteous 3/24/25
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10:13द्वारा celebratejesusministry
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Devocional Pão Diário | Reconhecendo A Voz De Deus
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2:25Leitura Bíblica Do Dia: Atos 20:22-32 Plano De Leitura Anual: Josué 16–18; Lucas 2:1-24 Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira: Após anos de pesquisa, os cientistas descobriram que os lobos têm vozes distintas que os ajudam a se comunicar entre si. Usando um código específico de análise sonora, um…
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Teaching of The Word of God with Clarity and Understanding! - Monday, March 24, 2025द्वारा Restored Ministries International
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Can a person say he or she is rich if they have no hope, peace, contentment or assurance?
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When trouble comes, turn your attention from the problem to Almighty God.
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March 23, 2025. Fr. Tyler's homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent. enjoy!
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195. Ferdinand Marcos – The Philippines, (1965-86)
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40:27Iain Dale talks to American journalist Lewis M Simons about the extraordinary life of the Marcos familyद्वारा Global
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"Para que todos tenham vida!"O 3º Domingo da Quaresma nos reuniu para viver um momento profundo de oração, música e esperança.Entre cânticos e reflexões, fomos chamados à conversão e ao cuidado com a criação. A beleza da liturgia e da música nos lembra que a fé é caminho de transformação.Ouça, reze e deixe-se tocar por essa vivência com o Ministéri…
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This is a great meditation for depression, as well as just feeling sad, down or "blue." While meditations are not a substitute for medical help when we are suffering from depression, practices like this one can support your biochemistry in healing. How you think affects how you feel, which affects your biochemistry. Practicing shifting out of the p…
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New Covenant Fire The post New Covenant Fire appeared first on Christian Ministries Church.द्वारा admin
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Using Discernment The post Check Anyway appeared first on Andre Mitchell Ministries.द्वारा admin
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द्वारा Jeff Noblit
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Have you ever wondered why an eleven day journey turned into 40 years in the wilderness for the Israelites? Their open defiance of rebellion was considered as contempt towards God. Tune in and let God minister to your heart. Allow Him to search your ways, to see if you are in contempt towards God in your thoughts, motives, and words.…
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Devocional Pão Diário | Por Que Fazer Isso?
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2:15Leitura Bíblica Do Dia: Salmo 19:7-11 Plano De Leitura Anual: Josué 13–15; Lucas 1:57-80 Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira: Enquanto ajudava meu neto da sexta série, Lucas, com um dever de casa de álgebra, ele me contou sobre seu sonho de se tornar engenheiro. Depois que descobrimos o que faz…
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On autopilot we have sequences during our day(chains)identify a habit that breaks/improve and break the chain Why not visit www.lylop.com for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their L…
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Send us a text Heute mit becko als erfahrenen Hobby-Projektmanager rund um das Thema: "Wie organisiere ich mich, um meine Armeen fertig zu stellen?" Enjoy! Peter Support the show Five Armies Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/…
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Sunday, March 23, 2025द्वारा Restored Ministries International
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Ask God to help you know where He is working—and how you can join Him.
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Sunday AM 03-23-2025. Verse-by-Verse through The Gospel of Mark.द्वारा Dr. Charles L. Owens
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Marcos Honório Jr | VerbOnline #31
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35:40No episódio 30 do VerbOnline, Ge Monteiro vai deixar você por dentro de todas as novidades que estão rolando no Ministério Verbo da Vida. O convidado da vez é Marcos Honório Júnior, pastor da Igreja Verbo da Vida em Goiânia, professor da Escola Rhema e autor do livro Soberania ou Livre Arbítrio. Ele compartilha sobre os desafios e aprendizados de l…
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Proverbs 14: 20-35 -- What Makes a Nation Great
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32:29Wednesday 03-19-2025. Verse-by-Verse through Proverbs.द्वारा Dr. Charles L. Owens
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Sunday PM 03-23-2025. Studies in Psalms.द्वारा Dr. Charles L. Owens
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March 16, 2025. Fr. Tyler's homily for the 3rd Sunday of Lent. Enjoy!
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Catastrophism is the Key… To the Present (Part 1)
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25:55Author and theologian Dr. John Whitcomb tells us why the flood of Noah's day was real history, built on real chronology—and constituting a real worldwide catastrophe.That is our emphasis today on "Encounter God's Truth," as we hear the first of a two-part message on how the world we see today was shaped by the flood—not millions of years of evoluti…
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Devocional Pão Diário | Permissão Para Descansar
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2:26Leitura Bíblica Do Dia: Gênesis 1:31–2:2 Plano De Leitura Anual: Josué 10–12; Lucas 1:39-56 Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira: Minha amiga Susy e eu sentamo-nos na praia para ver o mar. Olhando as ondas batendo nas rochas uma após a outra, Susy disse: “Amo o oceano. Ele continua se movendo, a…
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Wake up - some habits are working against you. Identify them and replace them for a better life Why not visit www.lylop.com for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Get encouraged to have a relationship with Christ first, and a relationship with someone else who can keep you accountable, second.
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Be patient—God's timing is always perfect.
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En este mensaje, el Dr. Stanley hace referencia al capítulo 5 de Primera de Pedro para esbozar algunas de las promesas de Dios en relación con la humildad.
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by BJ Rudge To download this Podcast click here.द्वारा Bill Rudge
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Are you facing huge obstacles in your life that are discouraging? Asa was a man who in scripture was not a well-known man, but he trusted God and overcame many unbelievable enemies.द्वारा Russell Kelfer
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Nothing in life is by chance. God has a plan in everything that He does. It was no surprise, then, when God sent Elijah to a sad widow and her son. God hears our prayers. What a great and masterful planner we have in our God.द्वारा Russell Kelfer
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#1697 Our Words Will Decorate Our Life - Pastor Jerry Hagman 3/21/25
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11:36द्वारा celebratejesusministry
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Devocional Pão Diário | Renovação Espiritual
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2:25Leitura Bíblica Do Dia: 2 Coríntios 4:16-18 Plano De Leitura Anual: Josué 7–9; Lucas 1:21-38 Já fez seu devocional hoje? Aproveite e marque um amigo para fazer junto com você! Confira: A medicina oriental pratica a esfoliação com pó de pérola há milhares de anos, usando pérolas moídas para remover células mortas da pele. Na Romênia, uma lama terapê…
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Where do you place yourself in society?
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4:13Do be fooled! Many in our world assume that money rises your position in society. This is a myth. Why not visit www.lylop.com for more super information? These Podcasts are for people who wish to: Engage in Personal Development Grow their business Business Networking Become healthy Become Wealthy Happiness Less Stress Balance in their Lives…
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Friday, March 21, 2025द्वारा Restored Ministries International
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Ep. 449: Robert Morris, USAID and Samaritan’s Purse, Steve Lawson
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30:30On today’s program, Gateway Church founder Robert Morris turns himself into authorities after a grand jury indicted him on child sexual abuse charges. We’ll have details. And, USAID unfreezes $19 million in funds for Samaritan’s Purse. We’ll take a look. Plus, nearly 200 ministries do NOT file a Form 990 with the IRS. We have that list, and many of…
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🔥 ELI5 Flight Delays - how do airports manage major disruptions such as weather cancellations?
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7:53When flights get cancelled because of heavy winds, why is it only a proportion of flights and not 100% that stop? Isn’t it a binary decision of: 'safe' or 'too dangerous'? After weather cancels thousands of flights and lots of people are displaced, how to they all get back on schedule when presumably flights for the next few days are already booked…
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Since even good things can be a distraction, choose to prioritize your relationship with God.
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Discover what we inherit the moment our heavenly Father makes us His children.
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Mickey with Minis - Episode 132 - Fight A Robot About Disney World Rides
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18:40This week Danielle and Hayley ask ChatGPT aka Chad what the best rides at Disney World are and then fight that robot about its choices. Want to form your own very strong Disney opinions? Reach out to Danielle at daniellegriggs@fantasticalvacations.com to plan your own trip today! Mickey with Minis podcast outro music…
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